UEi ACM6000, PAC45 Instruction Manual

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www.ueiautomotive.com • email: info@ueiautomotive.com
• Even moderate amounts of current can cause ventricular fibrillation
• Use insulated tools and gloves to avoid electrical shock
• Disconnect the negative battery terminal when removing and replacing starters, alternators, and other components that have direct connections to the battery
Multimeter Safety Precautions
When making resistance measurements, ensure no voltage is present in the component or wire being tested. When making voltage or current measurements, ensure you don’t exceed the maximum rating of the ACM6000.
International Symbols
C o n t r ols and Indicators
1. Rotary Selector Knob: Switches measurement function.
2. ZERO button: In the DC AMP’s mode, this control zero’s the display,
so the user can get the most accurate DC current reading.
3. Test lead input terminals
• Positive input (red terminal) for:
• Voltage
• Temperature
• R e s i s t a n c e
• Negative input (black terminal) for: used as common, ground or low-side input for all test lead measurements.
4. ON/OFF switch: Slide the switch forward to turn the instrument
on, slide it back to turn the instrument off.
5. HOLD button: Freezes the display.
The ACM6000 DC/AC Clamp Meter instrument allows pocket sized convenience for testing voltage, current flow, resistance, continuity and temperature.
A voltage measurement does not always provide complete information about the behavior of a circuit. A current measurement, in addition to the voltage measurement, provides additional information to help you make a correct diagnosis.
The instructions, recommendations and illustrations in this manual are intended the basic information necessary to get you started on the path to automotive electrical diagnostics.
State-of-the-art electronic test tools are not very effective without under­standing basic automotive electrical diagnostics and basic electrical cir­cuits. Training courses are usually available from local schools. For additional information on domestic field training, contact the UEI Automotive Field Training Center at (770) 476 -1431 (8-5 PM, EST). Custom contract training can be provided in your area.
Safety Notes
Before using this meter, read all safety information carefully. In this manual the word "WARNING" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may pose physical hazards to the user. The word "CAUTION" is used to indicate conditions or actions that may damage this instrument.
Follow appropriate work area safety precautions
Automotive safety
When performing vehicle maintenance, work in a well-ventilated area - route exhaust gases out of work area. Work in a well-lit environment. Use supplemental work lights in service area.
DO NOT wear jewelry (rings, watches, etc.) when
working on vehicles
• Wear approved safety eyewear at all times
• Avoid rotating fan blades, drive-belts and pulleys on running engines
• Beware of electrical shock when working on vehicle wiring and electrical systems
• Keep open flames and sparks away from batteries, engine fuels and oils
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Clamp-on techniques for current testing
Traditional current measurement involves opening a suspect circuit and connecting the meter in series. However, opening a circuit to perform a current flow test creates its own set of problems such as:
• Accessing/removing/replacing a computer, module or other device from a hard-to-get area
• Cutting and then repairing a wire
• Reprogramming data that was lost when a circuit was opened
The ACM6000 Clamp Meter allows the technician to quickly and easily make a non-intrusive current flow measurement by clamping the jaw around a wire.
AC and DC voltage testing
Automotive technicians routinely use a DMM to make voltage checks of the battery and various circuits. The ACM6000 permits the user to make standard AC/DC voltage tests, resistance and continuity tests, tempera t u r e tests and non-intrusive current tests, while enjoying shirt pocket convenience.
• Use the DC Voltage Measurement capability ( V ) to test any circuit or device that is powered by battery or regulated voltage
• Use the AC Voltage Measurement capability ( V ) to test any circuit that generates its own voltage, such as a magnetic type trigger pickup, ABS, or crank-sensor
Resistance measurement (Ohms - Ω) testing
The ACM6000 can be used to measure how much electrical resistance is present in a circuit or across a connector. The meter sends a small current through the circuit being tested to calculate resistance.
Continuity testing
In order to assist the technician who may not be able to see the meter display at the same time he is making test lead connections, the instrument sounds a buzzer when measured resistance is approximately 25 Ohms or less, which indicates there is continuity and not an open circuit.
ZERO adjustment
DC Current Measurement is most accurate when the instrument is zeroed before making the measurement. By pressing the ZERO button for one or two seconds, the display reading is reset to approximately
00.0. Note: Some flicker of the least significant digit – the rightmost digit – is normal due to the presence of electrical and magnetic forces present from shop lighting, wiring, and other live electrical sources near the test area.
Data hold
• Press the HOLD button to freeze the display reading
• Press the HOLD button again to resume real time readings
Wire to be tested must pass through the opening when clamp-jaw is shut.
Press there to open clamp-jaw.
1. Battery Low Indicator: If the letters “BAT” are displayed, turn
off the meter and replace the battery.
2. Minus Sign (-): Indicates negative polarity.
3. Measurement Display: This meter can display numbers up
to 199.9 on the LCD. The units (ohms, volts, etc.) are displayed as symbols to the right of the digital value.
NOTE: A 1 on the left side of the display indicates that the input has exceeded the selected range.
AC and DC current testing
Frayed wiring, corroded or degraded connections, failing switches, etc. may test OK for voltage but may not allow sufficient current for the circuit to function properly. Technicians can make better informed diagnostic decisions when circuit current (amperage) is also tested.
The ACM6000 can be used to test for both AC and DC current. The user selectable range switch allows for measurement up to 200 Amps.
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Low battery indicator
The LOW BATTERY i n d i c ator displayed in the upper left hand corner of the display screen alerts the operator to replace the ACM6000 battery.
• See “Battery Replacement” for detailed instructions
Temperature measurement
Automotive repair and maintenance often involves checking the temperature of A/C and heating duct air as well as engine coolant temperature. The operator may read temperature by connecting any standard K type thermocouple to the input jacks, through the supplied temperature probe adapter.
Hand strap
A Hand Strap is provided to avoid accidentally dropping the ACM6000 Clamp Meter.
A pouch is provided for storage of the ACM6000 Clamp Meter, the accessories and the operator’s manual.
Operating Instructions
AC/DC current testing
The procedure for measuring current using the ACM6000 is different from measuring voltage.
• To measure VOLTAGE, the meter leads are connected to the points in the circuit being tested
• To measure CURRENT, the jaws of the Clamp Meter are placed around a wire or cable to make the measurement (Ensure test leads are not connected to the meter)
1. To measure high AC CURRENT: Turn the rotary
function switch to the 200 Amps AC setting (200A ). To measure high DC CURRENT: Turn the rotary function switch to the 200 Amps DC setting (200A ).
2. Slide the ACM6000 power switch to the ON position.
3. Press the ZERO button (DC current measurements, only).
This will zero the instrument for the most accurate reading.
4. Place the jaws of the ACM6000 around the conductor being tested.
• Verify that the instrument and its strap do not touch moving pulleys or belts
• Failure to obey the current flow polarity indicator arrow located on the inner jaw face will result in a minus sign to the left of the amps readout
• Be sure the jaws are closed, leaving no air gap between the two jaws.
A. Remove the instrument from the conductor B. Turn the rotary switch to the 20A scale C. Follow steps 3 and 4
5. When testing is completed move the instrument power switch to OFF.
Measuring AC voltage
NOTE: Observe safety rules.
• Be certain that wires and leads, as well as clothing and hands are clear of moving parts
• When checking ABS wheel speed sensors be sure the wheels
are free to rotate and will not move the vehicle or cause damage
1. Slide the ACM6000 power switch to the ON position.
2. Turn the rotary function switch to V.
3. Connect the test leads to the meter. A. Plug the black lead into the COM input B. Plug the red lead into the VΩ˚F input
4. Connect the probe tips to the circuit under test. For automotive
AC voltage measurements using a multimeter not necessary to observe polarity.
NOTE: If the voltage readout is not stable, further evaluation of the c i r cuit using a labscope is re c o m m e n d e d .
5. When testing is completed move the instrument power switch
to OFF.
Measuring DC voltage
1. Slide the ACM6000 power switch to the ON position.
2. Turn the rotary function switch to V.
3. Connect the test leads to the meter.
A. Plug the black lead into the COM input B. Plug the red lead into the VΩ˚F input
4. Connect the black COM probe tip to the ground (-) side of the circuit under test.
5. Connect the red prove tip to the positive (+) side of the circuit.
• The voltage present in the circuit is shown on the display panel readout
• Instrument will indicate the polarity of the red lead connection displayed on the left side of the voltage readout
NOTE: If the voltage reading is not stable, further evaluation of the circuit using a labscope, model ADL7000 or ADL7100, is recommended.
6. When testing is completed move the instrument power switch
to OFF.
Resistance measurement
• The ACM6000 supplies a small current to the circuit under test which is used to determine the circuit’s resistance
• Displays circuit resistance in Ohms (W)
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