User's Manual
Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet
ISO 9001
#406 Woolim e-Biz Center, 170-5 Guro-dongGuro-gu, Seoul City, Korea.
TEL : +82-2-861-6691/2
Home page: www.servore.com
◆ FAX : +82-2-861-6693
◆ E-mail: servore@servore.com

User's Manual
Auto-Darkening Welding Helmet
ISO 9001
CE 0299 EN379
CE 0397 EN175
#406 Woolim e-Biz Center, 170-5 Guro-dongGuro-gu, Seoul City, Korea.
TEL : +82-2-861-6691/2
Home page: www.servore.com
◆ FAX : +82-2-861-6693
◆ E-mail: servore@servore.com

Instructions for use of SERVO GLAS 4000
Thank you for purchasing a Servo Glas 4000 welding helmet.
For your own protection, safety and to ensure the maximum service life of your
Safety is a personal responsibility. Servore endeavours to produce high quality safety products that meet or
exceed relevant Standards and provide appropriate protection when used properly. Please help yourself and
those around you by using this product carefully and by exercising good judgement. Thank you.
new helmet please read this manual carefully before use. Misuse or abuse
may result in injury or reduced protection and may also void your warranty.
1. Before Use
1-1 Servo Glas 4000
The auto darkening welding filter in the SV4000 has been designed for arc welding and gas
cutting. It is suitable for all normal arc welding processes such as MIG, MAG, TIG, SMAW,
Plasma Arc and Air Carbon welding.
Before use the shade control should be adjusted to the appropriate level based upon EN169
(European Standard specifications or equivalent) or other appropriate safety guidelines. When in
doubt please consult your safety representative or your authorized Servo Glas 4000 distributor.
The Servo Glas
the maximum level indicated on the product and as described in the relevant Standards. This
protection is fail-safe and is not compromised by loss of battery power or other electronic failure.
The Servo Glas
that detect the welding arc and respond accordingly resulting in the appropriate darkened filter
state as set by the user and as indicated on the scaled adjustment. Please note that professional
judgement may be required to achieve the best results. When in doubt consult an authorized
safety representative or your Servo Glas
attitude towards operation.
Two replaceable lithium batteries type CR2032 (3V) are used as major power sources. An
additional solar cell panel extends battery life and ensures efficient operation. When operating
normally the welding helmet will switch on automatically and switch off automatically to save
power a few minutes after the last welding arc has been detected.
To provide a general check of system status you may wish to set the shade control to 11 and
hold the helmet towards a bright incandescent light source. Under normal circumstances the
filter will change from light to dark state and back to light state again as you move the helmet
away. Please note that if you have any questions or there is any doubt about the performance of
your Servore product you should refer to your authorized safety representative or Servo Glas
4000 provides continuous protection from ultraviolet and infrared radiation to
4000 welding filter cartridge is fitted with two independently operated sensors
distributor and always maintain a conservative
1-2 Helmet and Head harness Adjustment
Please make the appropriate adjustment(s) to the head harness to ensure a
comfortable and secure fit. It only takes a minute and helps ensure you are properly
protected. The ServoGlas 4000 harness allows you to adjust the distance and angle
between your eyes and the filter window.You can also adjust the circumference of the
headband to ensure a comfortable but firm fit. Please make these adjustments
before use based on the illustrations in figures shown below.
■ Genuine Servo Glas front and inside cover plates must always be
used with Servo Glas
may result in injury and also void any warranty.
■ Servo Glas 4000 is not designed for use in overhead welding
applications where additional protection may be required.
■ Check for normal operation of the auto-darkening welding filter.
If the welding filter does not darken in use stop welding immediately.
■ Always select the appropriate shade before use according to the
type of welding and current/amperes required. When in doubt refer to
your authorized safety representative.
4000 welding filter and helmet. Failure to do so