UBS Axcera 840A Users Manual

10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 2, System Description Feedforward Driver
Chapter 2
System Description
The 840A (1064941) is a complete 10­kW UHF internally diplexed television transmit ter that operates at a nominal visual output power of 10,000 watts peak sync visual and an average aural output power of 1000 watts with a 10 dB aural/vis ual ratio.
2.1 System Overview
The 840A is made up of three cabinet assemblies: the (A1) dual 250-watt driver/amplifier assembly (1064946);
Table 2-1. Driver/Amplifier Assembly Assemblies and Trays
A2 AC distribution assembly 1265-1600 A4 UHF exciter tray 1063301 A9 3-wa tt am p lifi er tra y 10682 03
A6 and A7 250-watt amplifier trays
A14 Bandpass filter assembly --
(A2) the 10-kW ampl ifier assembly (1299-1100); and (A3) the high-voltage power suppl y assembly, 208/240 VAC (1068022).
2.1.1 (A1) Dual 250-Watt Exciter/ Amplifier Asse m bly (1064946; Appendix A)
The dual 250-watt d river/amplifier assembly is made up of the assemblies and trays shown in Table 2-1.
10440 27, low -b a nd ; 1044028, mid-band; 10440 29, h igh-b a nd
The exciter/amplifier assembly (1064946) is connected to the baseband video and aural inputs. The assembly also provides connections for the remote monit oring and operation of the exciter/amplifier assembly. The UHF exciter tray (1063301) takes the baseband aural and video inputs and produces the visual and aural RF signals on the channel frequencies. The combined visual and aural RF output (+7 dBm) of the exciter feeds the 3-watt amplifier tray (1068203). The 3-watt amplifier tray contains an automatic gain control circuit and two 3-watt amplifier boards. The tray generates the output level needed to drive the 250-watt amplifier trays (1044027, low-band; 1044028, mid-band; and 1044029, high­band).
The output from the 3-watt tray is fed to the (A10) RF hyb rid spli tte r SMA connection J1. The RF hybrid splitter
output f eeds the RF signal to one of the 250-watt amplifiers directly and, through (A5) the line stretcher, to the other 250­wa tt amplifier. The line stretcher gives the operator the ability to control the phase of the output signal that is fed to one of the 250-watt trays. Each of the 250-watt amplifier trays contains an amplifier enclosure and feedforward circuits to achieve an output of 250-watts peak visual power and 25 watts of aural power.
In the 250-watt amplifier tray, a forward power samp le from the UHF coupler is connected to the dual peak detector board; this board provides a peak­detected fo rward sample to the amplifier control board for metering purposes. Before exiting the 250-watt amplifier tray, the RF is fed through a circulator for the protection of the tray from high VSWR conditions. The reject port of the circulator is cabled to the reject
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10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 2, System Description Feedforward Driver
load/coupler board; this board supplies the reflected sample to the dual peak detector board, single supply. This signal is then sent to the amplifier control board for metering purposes. The output of the 250-watt visual amplifier trays is combined in a UHF tee combiner, and fed through (A14) a bandpass filter and (A11) a directional coupler, before being connected with1/2" heliax to the RF input jack (A2-A1-J1) of the tube cavity assembly in the 10-kW am plifier assembly cabinet. The combined output of the 250-watt visual amplifier trays (350 watts) is t he level needed to drive the 10-kW amp lifi er to 10,0 00 watts peak sync visual output.
The ma in AC input to t he exciter/amplifier assembly is (A2) the AC distribution panel assembly (1265-1600). The AC distribution panel assembly contains a terminal block (TB1) that connects to the main AC input (208/240 VAC). The terminal block has four metal­oxide varistors (MOVs) connected across the i nput lines for surge and transient protection. The AC distribution panel contains CB1, the 40-amp main AC circuit breaker that distributes the AC through the circuit breakers CB2 to C B7 to the exciter and amplifier trays.
2.1.2 (A2) 10-kW Diacrode Amplifier (1299-1100; Appendix A)
The (A11) metering control panel (1293-
1308) on the amplifier assembly provides the operator with front panel metering for all voltage (M1 using S1) and current (M2 using S3) readings that apply to the tube. The metering control panel also provides the aural, visual, and reflected output power readings for the transmitt er using meter M3 with switch S4. The front panel assembly contains the switches that control the Operate/Standby (S5) and Automatic/Manual (S6) operation of the 10-kW amp lifie r. When sw itch ed to Operate, the panel supplies the driv er enable (Operate command) to the exciter/amplifier assembly. The Automatic/Manual switch selects either
the automatic operation of the transmitter, which uses the video input to control the on/off state of the transmitter, or the Normal front panel control, manual operation, of the transmitter. The metering control panel also provides front panel c ontrol, through switch S8, of the Visual Output Power level. High-Volta ge Enable/Disable switch S7 controls the high-voltage power supply from the front panel of the 10-kW diacrode amplifier. Normal/Exciter Test switch S10, when in the Exciter Test position, gives the o perator the ability to operate the exciter/am plifier assembly without operating the 10-kW amplifier.
Note: The exciter/amplifier assembly output must be terminated into a dummy load prior to using this function
The metering control panel also has LEDs on the f ront panel for a visual indication of the operating status of the transmitter: Operate/Standby, Auto/Manual, High Voltage Enable/Disable, Driver Mode Norma l/Test, 3-Fau lt wit h Fault Rese t Switch (S9), Fault Status Overtemp, and VSWR Cutback. The front panel has command status LEDs that indicate, when they are lit, tha t the comm and has been given. I n addition, the front panel has Operate status LEDs that indicate, when they are lit, tha t the comm and has been carried out.
The metering control panel of the (A10) remote control and cabinet interface assembly provides intercabinet control and mo nitoring for the exciter and high­voltage cabinets. The remote control and cabinet interface assembly also provides remote access to the transmitter for monit oring and control purposes.
The (A6) screen power supply assembly, 60 Hz (1293-1321), in the rear compartment of the amplifier cabinet, produces the 500 VDC at 60 mA for the tube. The (A5) control and bias power supply assembly (1181-1402) contains
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10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 2, System Description Feedforward Driver
two separate power supplies: the control power supply and the bias power supply. The control power supply produces the ±12 VDC to the metering circui ts (peak detectors) in the 10-kW amplifier as well as the fault sensing boards, differential buffer boards, and control logic boards in the metering control panel. The bias power supply produces the -80 VDC bias voltage to the tube. R1, the bias voltage adjustment, is located behind the metering control panel. It sets up the idling current (1.5 amps), no RF drive, by adjusting the bias voltag e. The (A3) filament power supply assembly (1299-
1107) produces the 5.2 VDC to the filament of the tube. The 10-kW assembly also has (A16) a blower assembly (1293-1325) that provides the coolant air flow to the tube mounted in the cavity assembly.
The RF output of the 10-kW amplifier at (A2- A1-J2) is fed th rough a 3-1/ 8" hardline to (A2) an output coupler (1020-
1043) that provides a reflected power sample for fault and VSWR cutback protection. The output at (A2-A2-J2) connects to two UHF trap filters. The trap filters screen out the -3.58-MHz, -4.5­MHz, +8.08-MHz, and +9.00-MHz intermodulation products as well as the second visual harmonic frequency. The output of the trap filter is fed through (A1 8 ) the output coupler (1020-1002) that provides a reflected and forward power sample to (A19) the visual/aural mete ring assembly (1162-1402) for metering purposes. The output of the couple r is then fed to the ante nna.
2.1.3 (A3) High-Voltage Power Supply Assembly, 208/240 VAC (1068022; Appendix A)
The (A3) high-voltage power supply assembly, 208/240 VAC (1068022), provides the 10-kW amplifier, through TB4, with the AC voltage that the assembly needs to operate. It also supplies the AC needed to operate the blower assembly, through TB6, and the hig h-voltage, usi ng 18 AW G 29- k V rubb er insu la te d wi res , need e d to operate the tube in the 10-kW amplifier. The high-voltage power supply produces the 50 00 VDC a t 4.00 a mp s , ma ximum current (black picture), or 1.5 amps idling current (no RF drive applied) for the plate (anode) of the tube. The assembly contains (A1) the high-voltage transformer (1293-6103), (A5, A6, and A7) the thre e high -voltage rectifier boards (1293-1101), (A8, A19, A22, and A23) filter capacitors, and (A16) the choke tha t genera te the high vol tag e. The high-voltage power supply assembly also contains the power supply metering boards, the isolation relay boards, the circuit breakers needed to supply high­voltage metering, high voltage-on sense, the power-on sequence, the switching on and off, and the protection of the high voltage. The high-voltage power supply, at TB2, is connected to the 10-kW assembly that provides the +12 VDC for metering, switching, and the Enable to the high-voltage power supply.
2.1.4 (A19) Visual/Aural Metering Assembly (1162-1402; Appendix A)
The visual/aural metering assembly consists of (A1) a single peak detector board (1162-1403) for the reflected output metering. It also contains (A2) a visual/ aural metering board (1161-1103 or 1161-1115) for aural output and visual output power levels and reflected power level for VSWR protection.
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The visual/aural metering assembly takes the forward and reflected power samples from the (A2-A2) and the (A18) output couplers. The assembly provides the metering control panel on the front panel meters with visual, aural, and refle cted levels for remote monitoring and VSWR protection.
The visual/aural metering assembly consists of (A1) a single peak detector board (1162-1403) for the reflected
10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 2, System Description Feedforward Driver
output metering. It also contains (A2) a visual/ aural metering board (1161-1103 or 1161-1115) for aural output and visual output power levels and reflected power levels for VSWR protection.
2.2.1 Exciter/Driver Cabi net UHF Exciter Tray Table 2-2. UHF Exciter Tray Meters
Reads power in terms of a percentage of the calibrated output power level on the upper scale. The voltage level or frequency level is read on one of the two bottom scales. A full-scale reading on the top scale is 120%; 100% is equivalent to the full-rated 350 watts peak of sync visual. This meter also reads % Aural Power, % Exciter Power, audio levels, video levels, and ALC le v e ls .
With Sw itch S3 in
Switch (S3), Meter
Meter (A4-A18)
(0 to 10 V)
% Exciter
(0 to 120)
% Aural Power
(0 to 120)
% Visual Power
2.2 Control and Status
Information on the control and status of this system is provided by control, status, and LED indicators and meters on the front panel of the trays. The functions of these control and status indicators are de sc rib e d in the fo llo wing ta b l es .
Selects the desired ALC voltage reading, % Excit er Pow er, % Visual Power, % Aural Power, video levels, or aud io leve ls. Reads the audio level, ±25 kHz balanced or ±75 kHz composite, on the 0 to10 (0 t o1 00 kHz ) scal e. Indicates baseband audio if it is connected to the transmitter and even with the video + 4.5 MHz SCA input selected. Reads th e ALC voltage l evel, .85 VDC, on the 0 to10 scale Reads the % Exciter Output Power level needed to attain 100% output of the transmitter on the top scale
Reads the % Aural Output Power of the excite r/dr iver as sem bly (100%=45 watts at 10 dB A/V ratio) on the top scale Reads the % Output Power of the exciter/driver assembly (100%=450 watts peak sync) on the top scale Reads the video level, 1V at white, on the 0-10 scale
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10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 2, System Description Feedforward Driver
Table 2-3. UHF Exciter Tray Control Switches
The momentary switch (S1) applies a ground to K1, a latching relay on the transmitter control board. K1 will switch
Transmitter (S1)
Mode Select (S2)
Power Adjust (R1)
either to Operate or to Standby, depending on which direction S1 is pushed. When switched to Operate, the low Enable commands are applied to the four UHF amplifier trays. The opposite occurs when S1 is switched to Standby. The momentary switch (S2) applies a ground to K2, a latching relay on the transmitter control board. K2 will switch the transmitter to Automatic or Manual, depending on which direction S2 is pushed. In Automatic, the Video Fault command from the ALC board will control the operation of the transmi tter. The transmitter will switch to Standby, a fter a slig h t de lay , if the vide o input is los t and will switch back to Operate, quickly, when the video is restored. In Manual, the transmitter is controlled by the operator using the front panel Operate/Standby switch or by remote control.
The 5 k pot, A20, sets the ALC level on the ALC board. This sets the output power for the transmitter.
Table 2-4. UHF Exciter Tray Fault Indicators
Indicates that the video input to the
Video L os s (DS9 Red )
VSWR Cutback (DS7 Amber)
transmitter has been lost. The fault is generated on the ALC board in the UHF exciter tray. Indicates that the reflected power level of the 10-kW transmitter has increased above 15%. This will automatically cut back the output power level to 15%. T he fault is generated on the transmitter contro l board in the UHF exciter tray and is derived from a peak-detected voltage in the am plifier cabinet.
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10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 2, System Description Feedforward Driver
Table 2-5. UHF Exciter Tray Samples
A sample o f the visual IF that is taken from
Exciter O/P
2.2.2 3-Watt Amplifier Tray
Table 2-6. 3-Wa tt Amplifier Tray Meter
the sample jack on the IF carrier ove n oscillator board A sample of the intercarrier signal that is taken from the sample jack on the aural IF synthesizer board A sample of the channel oscillator output that is taken from the sample jack of the channel oscillator assembly An output power sample of the exciter that is taken from the UHF upconverter board
Power Meter, Switch
Tab l e 2-7. 3-Wa t t Amp l i fi er Tray Fault Indi c ato rs
Overtemp (DS1)
AGC Override (DS2)
Selects whether the % Reflected Power, % Input Power, % Forward Power, power supply voltage, or AGC voltage is to be viewed on the meter
With Switch S1 in position Display
Reads the % Reflected O utput
% Refl (Reflected)
% Input
% Forw a rd Pow e r
P.S. Vo lt age
AGC Voltage
Indicates that the temperature of the heatsink, where the Q1 and Q2 current­pass transistors for the +24 VDC power supply are mounted, is above 175° F as sensed by the thermal switch (S2) mounted to the heatsink. When this fault occurs, the Enable to t he is o l at io n relay is re m ov e d immediately.
Indicates tha t the leve l out of the 3-watt amplifier board has requested the AGC circuit to exceed the A GC limits. The fault is generated on the AGC board in the 3-watt amplifier tray.
Power (<10%) Reads the % Input Power to the tray (10%) Reads the % Forward Power (100%=3 watts CW) Reads the power supply voltage (+24 VDC) Reads the AGC voltage (2 VDC)
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