UBS Axcera 840A User Manual

10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures Feedforward Drive
Chapter 5
Detaile d Alignment Procedures
This transmitter was aligned at the factory and should not require additional alignments to achieve normal operation. Before beginning the alignment procedures, check that the RF output at J2 of (A18) the output coupler assembly of the transmitter is terminated into a dummy load or is co nnect ed to the antenna. While performing a ny alignments, refer to the Test Data Sheet for the transmitter and compare the final readings from the factory with the readings on each of the trays. They should be very similar. If a reading is off by a substantial amount, the problem is lik e ly t o be in th a t t ra y.
5.1 (A1-A4) UHF Exciter Tray (1063301; Appendix A)
If the (o p tional) 4. 5-MHz com p o s ite in p u t kit has been purchased, the UHF exciter tray is capable of operating using either the 4.5-MH z comp os ite input or the baseband audio and video inputs. The kit adds (A24) the composite 4.5-MHz filter board and (A25) the 4.5-MHz bandpass filter board to the UHF exciter. The 4.5 MHz generated by the aural IF synthesizer board is not used when the
4.5-MHz composite input kit has selected the 4.5-MHz intercarrier signal generated by the 4.5-MHz composite input. The composite 4.5-MHz filter board and the
4.5-MHz bandpass filter board are not used when the 4.5-MHz composite input kit uses the 4.5-MHz intercarrier signal generated by the baseband video and audio inputs with baseband select.
The exciter tray has been factory tuned and should not need to be aligned to achieve normal operation. To align the UHF exciter for 4.5-MHz composite input, apply the 4.5-MHz composite input, with the test signals used as needed, to video input jack J1 on the rear of the tray. Select the 4.5-MHz composite input by removing the baseband select from J7-6
and J7- 7 on the rea r of the tray, if applied.
To align the UHF exciter using baseband video and audio inputs, connect the baseband video, with the test signals used as needed, to video input jack J2 on the remote interface panel. For balanced audio input, connect the baseband audio to TB1-1(+), TB1-2(-), and TB1-3 (GND) on the remote inte rface panel. Fo r composite/stereo audio, connect the stereo source to J6 on the remote interface panel.
5.1.1 (A6) (Optional) Delay Equalizer Board (1227-1204; Appendix B)
This board has been factory tuned and should not be retuned without the proper equipme nt. If it is neces sar y to tune the board:
1. Select a sinX/X test signal as the video source to the delay equalizer board.
2. Monitor the video output of the board at video sample jack J2 with a video meas uring set (VM700) that has been adjusted to meas ure group delay.
3. Tune the four stages of the board using the variable inductors (L1-L4) and potentiometers (R7, R12, R17, and R22) unti l the signa l attai ns the FCC group delay curve. The stages are arranged in order of increasing frequency. Adjust R29 as needed to attain the same level coming out of the board as is going into the board.
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10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures Feedforward Drive
5.1.2 (A24) (Optional) Composite
4.5-MHz Filter Board (1227-1244; Appendix B)
The (A24 ) (optional) composite 4.5-MHz filter board will only function properly with a 4.5-MHz composite input signal and with the 4.5-MHz composite input selected.
Connect the test signal from an envelope delay measurement set to the video input of the tray at J1 or J2.
Connect an oscilloscope to jack J7, video out, between the J7 center pin and pin 1 or 3 ground. Adjust C 21, frequency response, if needed, for the best frequency response. Adjust R32, v ideo gain, for a signal level of 1 Vpk-pk on the oscilloscope.
The output at J6 and J7 of the board should be video only with no 4.5-MHz aural subcarrier.
5.1.4 (A7) IF Carrier Oscillator Board
(1191-1404; Appendix B)
To align (A7) the IF carrier oscillator board:
1. While monitoring J3 with a spectrum analyzer, observe the
45.75-MHz visual IF (typical +5 dBm).
2. Connect a frequency counter to J3 and adjust C17 for 45.750000 MHz.
3. Connect a frequency counter to J1 and check for 50 kHz; th is is the aur al p h as e lo c k lo op (P LL) reference.
5.1.5 (A5) Sync Tip Clamp/
Modul ator Board (1265-1302; Appendix B)
To align (A5) the sync tip clamp/ modulator board:
5.1.3 (A25) (Optional) 4.5-MHz Bandpass Filter Board (1265-1307; Appendix B)
The (A25) (optional) 4.5-MHz bandpass filter board will only function properly with a 4.5-MHz composite input signal and with the 4.5-MHz composite input selected.
Adjust the filter with L2, C3, L4, and C7 for a frequency resp onse of no greater than ±.3 dB from 4.4 to 4.6 MHz.
Adjust C19 for an overall peak-to-peak variation of less t han ±.3 dB from 4.4 MHz to 4.6 MHz.
Recheck the frequency response; it may have changed with the adjustment of the envelope delay. If necessary, retune the board.
1. Determine if jumper W4 on jack J3 is present. Jumper W4 terminates
the video input into 75Ω. Remove jumper W4 if the video loop­through is required on the rear chassis at jacks J1 and J2.
2. Se t the controls R20, the white clip, R24, the sync clip, and R45, the sync stretch cut-in, to their fully counter-clockwise (CCW) position. Set R48, the sync magnitude, fully clockwise (CW).
3. Place the jumper W7 on jack J4 to the clamp off, disable, position.
4. Connect a 5-step staircase video test signal to the input of the transmitter.
5. Monitor TP2 with an oscilloscope. Adjust R12, the video gain pot, for 1 Vpk-pk.
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6. Change the video input test signal to a multib urst test pattern. While
10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures
0 Volt
Feedforward Drive
monitoring TP2, adjust C8 and R32 for a flat-f req u e nc y res p onse. Change the input video test signal back to the 5-step staircase.
7. Monitor TP2 with an oscilloscope. Adjust the pot R41, manual offset,
Figure 5-1. Waveform at TP2.
Note: The waveform in Figure 5-1 repres ent s the theoretical level for proper modulation depth. Step 9 below describes how to set the modulation d epth through the use of a television demodulator or a zero­spanned sp ectrum analyzer t uned to the vis ual IF frequenc y .
8. The following test setup is for the adjustment of the depth of modulation and ICPM at IF:
A. Remove the cable that is now
on J18. Connect the double sideband 45.75-MHz visual IF signal from J18 to a 10-dB splitter/coupler. Connect the coupled port of the splitter/ coupler to the RF inp ut of a television demodulator. Connect the direct port to a spectrum analyzer.
B. Connect the 75- video output
of the demodulator to the video input of a waveform monitor. For incidental carrier phase modulation (ICPM)
for a blanking level of -0.8 VDC. The waveform in Figure 5-1 should be observed at this point. Move jumper W2 on J4 to the clamp enable position. Adjust pot R152, depth of modulation, for a blanking level of -0.8 VDC.
.1 Volts
measurements, also connect the q uadrature output of the demodulator to the horizontal input of the waveform monitor using a 250-kHz low-pass filter. (An oscilloscope can be used in pla ce of a waveform monitor).
C. Set the controls of the
demodulator as follows:
Detector Mode: Cont
Sound Trap: In
Zero Carrier: On
Auto: Sync
Audio Source: Split
De-Emphasis: In
9. Move jumper W7 on J4 to the clamp disable position. Readjust pot R41, manual off set, for the correct depth of modulation by observing the demodulated waveform on the waveform monitor or on the spectrum analyzer set to zero span.
10. Check the demodulated video for the proper sync-to-video ratio (sync is 28.6% of the total white video
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10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures Feedforward Drive
signal). If sync stretch is needed, adjust R45, sync stretch cut-in, until sync stretch occurs. Adjust R48, sync stretc h magnitude, for the proper amount of stretch. Readjust R41, manual offset, if necessary, for the correct depth of modulation.
11. Move jumper W7 on J4 to the clamp enable position. Readjust pot R152, the depth of modulation, for the correct depth of modulation.
12. Set the wavefo rm monitor to display ICPM. Preset R53 fully CCW, adjust C78 for the greatest effect at white on the ICPM display, and adjust R53 for minimum ICPM.
13. Recheck the depth of modulation and, if necessary, adjust R152, depth of modulation.
14. Adjust pot R70 for a level of approximately -10 dBm on the spectrum analyzer at J18.
15. Remove the video input. Place the front panel meter in the video pos ition and, while monitoring the meter, adjust pot R144, zero adjust, for a reading of zero.
16. Replace the video inp ut test signal (the 5-step staircase). Turn the front panel meter to the Video position and adjust R20 on the transmitter control board for a reading of 100 (10 on the 0-to-10 scale). This board does not have sync metering.
17. Reconnect the plug to J18 and move the spectrum analyzer test cable to 41.25 IF output jack J16. Tune C59 and L17-L20 to maximize the 41.25-MHz aural IF signal and minimize the out-of-band products. Adjust pot R97 for -20 dBm at J16.
18. Reconnect the plug to J16 and move the spectrum analyzer test cable to IF output jack J20. Preset R62, the visual IF gain pot, to the middle. Insert a multiburst test signal into the transmitter and observe the visual frequency response with the spectrum analyzer set at 1 dB/division. Tune R63 and C 30, th e IF freq ue nc y response adjustments, for a flat­frequency response (±0.5 dB).
19. While still monitoring J20 with a spectrum analyzer, readjust R62, visual IF gain, for a visual output level of 0 dBm. Adjust R85, A/V ratio, for a -10 dB aural-to-visual ratio or to the needed A/V ratio. Reconnect the plug to J20.
Using an input video test signal (the
5-step staircase) with a 100 IRE white level, monitor TP2 with an oscilloscope. Set the control R24, the sync clip, just below the point where sync clipping begins to occur. Also, set R20, the white clip, to the point just below where the white video begins to clip.
Note: This procedure should be performed after the system setup or if linearity problems occur.
5.1.6 (A26) Diacrode VSBF Bypass
Board (1293-1230; Appendix B)
The (A26) diacrode VSBF bypass board is used to bypass the clamp board saw filter when S1 and S2 are in the enable position. This double sideband signal can be used to sweep the tube cavity with a double sideband and no aural present. C2 is us ed to flatten the double sideband response. S1 and S2 are normally in the bypass position.
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10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures Feedforward Drive
5.1.7 (A4) Aural IF Synthesizer Board, 4.5 MHz (1265-1303, Appendix B)
1. The test equipment setup f or (A4) the aural IF synthesizer board, 4.5 MHz, is as follows:
A. Connect a 600- balanced
audio output from an audio oscillator to the balanced audio input te rminals of the tray at TB1-1 (+), TB1-2 (-), a nd TB1­3 (ground) on the rear chassis.
B. Connect the combined IF
output at J21, the IF sample on the clamp modulator board, to the input of a n IF splitter. Connect one output of the split ter to the video demodulator and the other output to the spectrum analyze r.
C. Connect a short cable at the
front of the demodulator from the RF-out jack to the IF-in jack.
D. Connect a cable from the 600-
audio output jack of the demodulator to the input of an
audio distortion analyzer.
2. Set the output frequency of the audio oscillator to 400 Hz and the output level to +10 dBm.
3. Center the aural carrier on the spectrum analyzer with the spectrum analyzer set to the following:
Frequency/ Division: 10 kHz
Resolution Bandwidth: 3 kHz
Time/Division: 50 msec
Trig g e r: Fr ee run
B. The green LED DS1 should be
illuminated, indicating a locked condition. If not, retune L5 for a locked condition.
4. Adjust R13, balanced audio gain, on the aural IF synthesizer board for ±25 kHz deviation.
5. Check the distortion on the aural distortion analyzer (< 0.5%).
6. Disconne ct t he 600- balanced audio input to the tra y. Conn ect a 75-Ω stereo audio input (400 Hz at 1 Vpk-pk) to composite audio input jack J3 on the rear of the tray. Follow the procedure in the stereo generator instruction manual for matching the level of the generator to the exciter. R17 is used to adjust the composite audio gain.
7. Check the distortion level on the distortion analyzer (< 0.5%).
5.1.8 (A8) ALC Board (1265-1305;
Appendix B) (Part 1 of 2)
The following details the meaning of each LED of (A8) the ALC board when it is illuminated:
DS1 - Red LED: Indicates that an
ab norm ally lo w IF sign a l le v e l is present at IF input connector J1
DS2 - Red LED: Indicates that the
ALC circuit is unable to maintain the signal level requested by the ALC reference; this is usually due to excessive attenuation in the linearity or the IF phase corrector signal path, or becaus e the jumper W3 on J6 is in manual gain
DS3 - Red LED: Indicates a video loss
A. Adjust L5 for approximately
+3.5 VDC at TP2.
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DS4 - Red LED: Indicates that a Mute
command is present (not used in this configuration)
10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures Feedforward Drive
DS5 - Green LED: Indicates that the outpu t from the modulator is selected as the input to the ALC board
1. To align the ALC board, preset the
following controls in the UHF exciter tray:
ALC board – Move jumper W1 on J4 to disable, between pins 2 and 3 (to disable linearity correctors); move jumper W3 on J6 to manual, between pins 2 and 3 (for manual gain control); adjust R87, the manual gain pot, to mid-rang e
IF phase corrector board – Move jumper W2 on J9 to the phase correction enable position; move the jumper W3 on J10 to the amplitude correction disable position.
2. The combined IF output of the sync
tip clamp modulator board is cabled to jack J32 of the ALC board. Remove J32 from the board and check to see that DS1, Input Fault, is illuminated. Reconnect J32 and check to see that DS1 is extinguished.
3. Jumper W3 on J6 should be in the
manual position; monit or jack J3 with a spectrum analyzer.
into the board should be approximately the same as the output of the board.
The IF input jack of the IF phase corrector board is fed from J3, the IF output jack of (A8) the ALC board.
The IF output jack of the IF phase corrector board is fed to J7, the IF input jack of (A8) the ALC board.
5.1.10 (A8) ALC Board, NTSC (1265­1305; Appendix B) (Part 2 of 2)
Input a multiburst video test signal at the baseband video input. Connect a spectrum analyzer to J11. Tune C63 for a flat-frequency response of ±0.5 dB.
Move the Operate/Standby switch on the front panel of the transmitter to the Operate posi tion.
Place jumper W3 on jack J6 in the Manual mode and adjust R87 for 0.8 volts at TP 4.
Place jumper W3 on J6 in the Auto mode and adjust the front panel power adjust control A20 fully CW. If the optional rem ote power raise/lower kit is present, adjust switch S1 on the board to maximum voltage at TP4. Adjust R74, the range adjust, for 1 volt at TP4.
4. With a multiburst video signal
present, tune C4 for a flat­frequency resp onse of ±0.5 dB.
5. Before proceeding with part 2 of the
ALC board alignment (described in section 5.1.10), check the IF phase corrector board to make sure that it is functioning properly.
5.1.9 (A9) IF Phase Corrector Board
(1227-1250; Appendix B)
Refer to the system alignme nt procedures at the end of this chapter for the set up of (A9) the IF phase corrector board in the exciter tray. The signal level
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Adjust the front panel power adjust cont rol (A20) for 0.8 VDC at TP4. If the optional remote power raise/lower kit is present, adjust switch S1 on the board to the mid-range of its travel and then adjust the front panel Power Adjust cont rol (A20) for 0.8 VDC at TP4.
Dis connect the plug that is now on J12 (IF ou tput) and monitor the output with a spectrum analyzer. The output should be approximately 0 dBm. Adjust R99, if necessary, to increase the output level. If a smaller o utput level is needed, move the jumpers J27 and J28 to pins 2 and 3 and adjust R99 as needed. Reconnect J12.
10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures Feedforward Drive
Move W2 on J5 to the cutback enable position. Remove the input video signal and verify that the output of the transmitter drops to 25%. Adjust R71, the cutback level, if necessary. Restore the video input signal.
Note: This step affects the response of the entire transmitter. Connect a video sweep signal to the input of the tray. Monitor the output of the system with a spectrum analyzer. Adjus t C71 with R103 and C72 with R106, as needed, to flatten the response. C71 and C72 can b e adjusted for the frequency of the correction notch being applied to the visual response of the tran smitte r. R103 and R106 are used to adjust the depth and width of the correction notch.
Controls R13, R18, and R23, the magnitude controls, should be set fully CW. Controls R34, R37, and R40 are the linearity cut-in adjustments.
5.1.11 (A11) UHF Upconverter Board
(1265-1310; Appendix B)
To alig n (A11) the UHF upconverter board, place W1 on J10 in the Manual position. R10 is a gain control that is adjusted to give an output of approximately +17 dBm at J5 of the board with an input of 0 dBm of IF.
5.1.12 (A14-A1) Channel Oscillato r
Board (1145-1201; Appendix B)
The (A14 -A1) channel oscillator board is mounted in (A14) the channel oscillator assembly. To align this board:
1. Connect J1, the main output of the
channe l oscillator, to a spectrum analyzer tuned to the crystal frequency. Peak the tuning capacitors C6 and C18 for maximum output. Tune L2 and L4 for maximum output. The output level should be about +5 dBm. The
channel oscillator should maintain an oven temperature of 50° C.
If a sp ectrum analyzer is not available, connect a digital voltmeter (DVM) to TP1 on the x8 multiplier board. Tune capacitors C6 and C18 for maximum voltage and tune L2 and L4 for maximum voltage output at TP1.
2. Connect J2, the sample output of the channel oscillator, to a suit able counter and tune C11, coarse adjust, to the crystal frequency. Tune C9 for the fine-frequency adjustment.
Caution: Do not repeak C6, C18, L2, or L4. This can change the output level.
Note: While adjusting C9 an d C11 to the crystal frequency, the peak vol t age monitored at TP1 of the x8 multiplier board should not decrease. If a decr ease does oc cur, there may be a problem with the crystal. Contact the ADC Field Service Department for further instructio ns.
Note: If the channel oscillator in the channel oscillator assembly is used, the C9 fine-frequency adjust is not on the channel oscillator board. It can be found on the FSK w/EEPROM board by using R9.
3. Reconnect J1, the main output of
the channel oscillator, to J1, the input of the x8 multiplier.
5.1.13 (A15-A 1) x8 Multiplier Board
(1227-1002; Appendix B)
The (A15 -A1) x8 multiplier board is mounted in an x8 multiplier enclosure assembly. During no rmal operation, the green LED DS1, which can be seen through the access hole in the enclosure assembly, will be lit to indicate that the LO is present at the output of the x8 multiplier boa r d.
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10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures Feedforward Drive
Connect a spectrum analyzer to output jack J2 of the board.
Tune C4, C6, C10, C12, C18, and C20 for maximum output.
Readjust all of the capacitors to minimize the seventh and the ninth harmonics of the channel oscillator frequency. They should be at least -30 dB down without affecting the x8 multiplier output.
If a spectrum analyzer is not available, a DC voltmeter can be used. When a voltmeter is used, the harmonic frequencies must be minimized to prevent interference with other channels.
While monitoring each test point with a DC voltmeter, maximize each test point by tuning the broadband multipliers in the following sequence:
Monitor TP1 with a DVM and tune C4 for maximum (typical 0.6 VDC).
Monitor TP2 and tune C6 and C10 for maximum (typical 1.2 VDC).
Monitor TP3 and tune C12 and C18 for maximum (typical 2.0 VDC).
Monitor TP4 and tune C20 for maximum.
Repeak C12 and C10 while monitoring TP4 (typical 3.5 VDC).
The typical output level is +15 dBm.
5.1.14 (A19) Visual/Aural Metering
Board (1265-1309; Appendix B)
5.1.15 (A3) +12 VDC (4A)/-12 VDC (1A) Power Supply Board (1265­1312; Appendix B)
There are no adjustments that need to be made to (A3) the +12 VDC (4A)/-12 VDC (1A) power supply board. DS1 will be lit if a +12 VDC output is c onnected to J6. DS2 will be lit if a +12 VDC output is connected to J3. DS3 will be lit if a +12 VDC output is connected to J4. DS4 will be lit if a +12 VDC output is c onnected to J5. DS5 will be lit if a -12 VDC output is connected to J7 and J8.
5.1.16 Transmitter Control Board (1293-1221; Appendix B)
To align the VSWR cutback, adjust the 3­watt amplifier tray for a 12.5% Visual Power reading on the metering control panel. Reverse the J6 and J3 cables on (A2-A2) the coupler on the output of the diacrode cavity. Adjust R22 unto the VSWR light sta rts to ill umi nate on the exciter front panel. Place the J3 and J6 cables back in their original positions.
To align the video metering, insert a composite or some other 100-IRE test signal into the exciter tray. Adjust R20 for a full-scale reading (1 volt) on the bottom scale of the front panel meter of the exciter tray in the video metering position.
To align the audio meter ing, adjust the audio input level for a ±25 kHz deviation using a spectrum analyzer. Adjust R19 on the board for a 25-kHz reading on the bottom scale of the front panel meter of the excite r tray.
The (A19) visual/aural metering board is adjusted to give a peak-detected output indication to the front panel meter for the visual output and aural output of the driver cabinet. The board should not need to be adjusted to achieve normal operation.
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This completes the detailed alignment procedures for the UHF exciter tray.
10-kW UHF Transmitter with Chapter 5, Detailed Alignment Procedures Feedforward Drive
5.2 (A9) 3-Watt Amplifier Tray
(1068203; Appendix A)
The 3-watt amplif ier tray has been aligned at the factory and should not require any further adjustments. If an alignment is nece ssary, terminate the 3 ­watt tray into a dummy load before performing any adjustments.
5.2.1 (A1) UHF Filter (1007-1101;
Appendix B)
The (A1) UHF filter (1007-1101) has been factory swept and should not be tuned without the proper equipment. The filtered output is sent to (A2) the AGC board input jack J1.
5.2.2 (A2) AGC Board (1007-1201;
Appendix B)
Perform the following steps to align (A2) the AGC board (1007-1201):
1. With S1 on the AGC board in the Manual position, adjust R32 for about a -2 dBm output at J2.
2. The RF output of the AGC board is fed to (A27) the UHF phase shifter board input jack J1.
5.2.4 (A3) UHF Amplifier/Regulato r Board (1007-1204; Appendix B)
The (A3) UHF amplifier/regulator board (10 07- 12 04) ha s no tun i ng ad just ments and has a gain of about +17 dB. The outpu t is fed to (A5) the 3-watt amplifi er board #1 input jack J1.
5.2.5 (A5) 3-Watt Amplifier # 1 (1007-1211; Appendix B)
The (A5) 3-watt amplifier #1 (1007-
1211) has a gain of about 9 dB and is tuned with C2, C4, and C8 for maximum output.
The operating current, static current with no drive applied, of the amplifier is set to 800 milliamps with R7 on (A6) the opto­bias board. The current is determined by measuring the voltage drop across R3, the 3.3-ohm resistor in the collector circuit of Q1 on the amplifier board, and adjusting R7 for a voltage drop of 2.64 volts.
The RF output is fed to (A7) the 3-watt amplifier board #2.
5.2.6 (A7) 3-Watt Amplifier # 2 (1007-1211; Appendix B)
5.2.3 (A27) UHF Phase Shifter Board
(1142-1315; Appendix B)
The (A27) UHF phase shifter board (1142-1315) adjusts the phase of the signal to produce the maximum output of the transmitter when the two parallel amplifiers are added together.
Adjust R7 on the front panel of the tray for maximum output power. Monitor the com bined % Output power on the front panel meter of the transmitter.
The phase-corrected RF output is fed to (A3) the UHF amplifier/regulator board input jack J1.
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The (A7) 3-watt amplifier #2 (1007-
1211) has a gain of about 9 dB and is tuned with C2, C4, and C8 for maximum output.
The op erating current of the amplif ier is set to 850 mA with R7 on (A 8) the opto­bias board. The current is determined by measuring the voltage drop across R3, the 3.3-ohm resistor in the collector circuit of Q1 on the amplifier board, and adjusting R7 for a voltage drop of 2.8 volts.
The output of the amplifier is fed through (A9) the UHF dual coupler assembly to RF output jack J2 of the tray. A forward and reflected power sample is taken from the UHF dual coupler assembly and fed to (A10) the dual peak detector board.
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