UBS Axcera 835A-6 Specifications

UHF Solid State Transmitters
835A-3, 835A-4, 835A-5, 835A-6
The 835A represents the state of the art in solid state UHF transmitters. High performance, redundancy, and simplicity are combined in a very reliable unit.
Using parallel high gain amplifiers, the 835A can be configured for 3kW, 4kW, 5kW, or 6kW operation. Combined aural/visual amplification is achieved with very good intermodulation performance, thanks to highly linear amplifiers and extensive correction capability.
Front panel samples, status, and metering, most of which are remote controllable, allow for convenient system monitoring. As with all Axcera products, servicing is made easy with slide out assemblies that require no extender cards. This allows the circuits to be accessed for maintenance or adjustments even while on the air.
UHF Solid State Transmitters
High Performance Exciter
The exciter, designed and built by Axcera, contains the circuitry to convert the input video and audio signals to a combined, modulated RF signal which drives two very linear phase and gain modules. An optional second exciter with automatic exciter switcher is available for added redundancy.
Video/Visual Modulation
The video signal is processed in several ways prior to modulation. Sync tip clamping is provided to restore proper DC level. Sync and white clipping are also included to limit transient faults. Back porch clamping is also available for some scrambling systems.
UHF Solid State Transmitters
The video signal is then applied to a double balanced diode modulator, providing modulation
capability to 1% at standard intermediate frequency (IF). A SAW filter is employed for precise sideband filtering with minimal group delay error.
Audio/Aural Modulation
The audio signal is applied to a very wideband, linear FM modulator which operates at intercarrier frequency (4.5 MHz for system M). The high performance modulator accepts a full range of multichannel audio including stereo, mono, and second audio programming (SAP). Standard aural IF is achieved by heterodyne conversion of the modulated intercarrier signal with the visual IF.
IF Processing
The visual and aural modulated IF signals are combined and applied to IF processing stages. These stages provide outstanding signal precorrection to yield a very linear transmitter output. Amplitude linearity, incidental carrier phase modulation (ICPM), and frequency response correction are all adjustable.
The IF signal is upconverted to final channel frequency through heterodyning with a very stable local oscillator. The oscillator is crystal and oven temperature controlled for excellent frequency stability. The exciter is controlled with an Automatic Level Control (ALC) loop which ensures stable signal
levels. After upconversion the signal is amplified to provide the exciter output.
Power Amplifiers
The parallel 600 watt power amplifiers are high gain units (45-50 dB), which provide redundant paths from the exciter to the output. Redundancy is enhanced with independent power supplies and cooling for each amplifier assembly. The output stage of each amplifier module utilizes eight transistors in parallel for added redundancy and on-air reliability.
A high degree of protection is provided with each amplifier. Individual circulators, overdrive protection, VSWR cutback, and overtemperature protection are all Automatic Gain Control around each amplifier ensures that the transmitter output remains stable.
The output of each RF cabinet is fed into a low loss hybrid combiner. Output bandpass and trap filtering is included to provide superior out of band rejection.
included. • 724-873 -1500
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