500-Watt VHF Low Band Transmitter Chapter 1, Introduction
Chapter 1
This manual explains the installation,
setup, alignment, and maintenance
procedures for the 325A 500-watt solid
state VHF Low Band trans mitter. It is
important that you read all of the
instructions, especially the safety
information in this chapter, before you
begin to install or operate the unit.
1.1 Manual Overview
This inst ruction manual is divided into
five chapters and supporting appendices.
Chapter 1, Introduction, contains
information on the assembly numbering
system used in the manual, safety,
maintenance, return procedures, and
warranties. The second chapter describes
the transmitter and includes discussions
on system control and status indicators
and remote control connections. Chapter
3 contains a detailed discussion of the
circuits and boards that make up the
325A transmitter. Chapter 4 explains
how to unpack, install, setup, and
operate the transmitter. Chapter 5,
Detailed Alignment Procedures, provides
information on adjusting the system to
achieve peak operation of the
assemblies. The appendices contain a
samp le log sheet, assembly and
subassembly drawings and parts list, and
system specifications.
1.2 Assembly Designation Procedure
Axcera has assigned assembly numbers,
such as Ax (x=1,2,3…), to all assemblies,
trays, and boards that are referenced in
the text of this manual and shown on the
block diagrams and interconnect
drawings provided in the appendices.
These supporting documents are
arranged in increasing numerical order in
the appendic es. Sec t ion tit les in the text
for assembly or tray descriptions or
alignment procedures also indicate the
associated drawing(s) and the relevant
appendix that contains the drawing.
Sections describing vendor-supplied
items, such as meters and power
supplies, do not contain this information.
1.3 Safety
The VHF transmitters manufactured by
Axcera are designed to be easy to use
and repair while providing protection
from electrical and mechanical hazards.
Listed throughout the manual are notes,
cautions, and warnings concerning
possible safety hazards that may be
encountered while operating or servicing
the transmitter. Please review these
warnings and familiarize yourself with the
operation and servicing procedures
before working on the transmitter.
Read All Instructions
operating and safety instructions should
be read and understood before operating
this equipment.
Retain Manuals
transmitter should be retained at the
transmitter site for future reference. We
provide two sets of manuals for this
purpose; one set can be left at the office
while one set can be kept at the site.
Heed al l Notes , Warn ings, and
and cautions listed in this safety section
and throughout t he manual mus t be
Follow Instructions
operating and use instructions for the
transmitter s hould be followed.
disconnect all power from the equipment
bef ore c lea n ing . Do not us e liquid o r
aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for
– All of the notes, warnings,
– Unplug or otherwise
– The manuals for the
– All of the
– All of the
325A, Rev. 0 1-1
500-Watt VHF Low Band Transmitter Chapter 1, Introduction
and tray front panels are provided for
ventilation. To ensure reliable operation
of the transmitter, a nd to protect the unit
from overheating, these ope nings must
not be blocked.
this product yourself until becoming
familiar with the equipment. If in doubt,
refer all servicing questions to qualified
Axcera service personnel.
Repl acement Parts
replacement parts are used, be sure that
the parts have the same functional and
performance characteristics as the
original part. Unauthorized substitutions
may result in fire, electric shock, or other
hazards. Please contact the Axcera
Technical Service Department if you have
any questions regarding service or
replacement parts.
1.4 Maintenance
The 325A is designed with components
that require little or no periodic
mainten ance exc ept fo r the rout ine
cleaning of the fans and the front panels
of the trays.
The amount of time between cleanings
depends on the condi tions within the
transmitter room. While the electronics
have been designed to function even if
covered with dust, a heavy buildup of
dust, dirt, or insects will affect the
cooling of the components. This could
lead to a thermal shutdown or premature
failure of the affected trays.
When the front panels of the trays
become dust covered, the top covers
should be removed and any accumulated
foreign material should be removed. A
vacuum cleaner, utilizing a small wandtype attachment, is an excellent way to
suction out the dirt. Alcohol and other
cleaning agents should not be used
unless you are certain that the solvents
will not damage compo nents or the silkscreened markings on the trays and
– Op en ing s in th e ca b i net s
– Do not attempt to service
– When
boards. Water-based cleaners can be
used, but do not saturate the
components. The f ans and heatsinks
should be cleaned of all dust or dirt to
permit the free flow of air for cooling
It is recommended that the operating
parameters of the transmitter b e
recorded from the met ers on the trays
and the system metering control panel at
least once a month. It is suggested that
this data be retained in a rugged folder
or envelope. A sample format for a log
sheet is provided in Appendix B.
Photocopies of the log sheet should be
made to allow you to make continued
data entries.
1.5 Material Return Pr ocedure
To insure the efficient handling of
equ ipment or components that have been
returned for repair, Axcera requests that
each returned item be accompanied by a
Material Return Authorization Number
An MRA# can be obtained from any
Axcera Field Service Engineer by
cont act ing t h e Axc e ra Fi eld Ser v ice
Department at (724) 873-8100 or by fax
at (724) 873-8105. This procedure
ap p l ies to al l item s se nt to th e F ie ld
Service Department regard less of
whethe r t he item was or ig inal l y
manufactured by Axcera.
Note: To prevent damage to the
product during shipping, Axcera
supplies a shipping container to the
customer at no cost.
When equipment is sent to the field on
loa n, a n MRA# is incl ud ed w it h t h e u n it.
The MRA# is inte nded to be used whe n
the unit is returned to Axcera. In
addition, all shipping material should be
retained for the return of the unit to
325A, Rev. 0 1-2