Preliminary! Subject to technical modifications!
Universal embedded WLAN solution for OEM customers
WiBear-SF - Industrial universal WLAN front end module (IEEE 802.11b/g)
The lesswire industrial universal WiBear-SF- WLAN m odule is a reliable, automotive grade WLA N front
end module. The module is developed for use in industrial temperature range from -40°C to +85°C.
The WiBear-SF WLAN module features the following key b en efits:
• Extremely small and efficient footprint which covers 20 x 2 0 mm of size
• Simultaneous use of two different leading wir eless standards, the IEEE 802.11b, g WLAN and a full
featured Bluetooth IEEE802.15.1 class 2 transceiver.
• Micro Access Point feature for building WLAN n etworks with the maximum number of 8 clients
April 2010
The WiBear-SF WLAN module may be integrated in two ways into customer solutions:
• Deploy the processor of the existi ng design as host controller: The WLAN- SF module is conne cted to the customer processor
by SDIO or G-SPI interfaces. The WLAN stack will run on processor of the existing design.
• Add the WiBear-SF WLAN module together with a host controller to an existing d esign. As an example, the host controller may
be a based on ARM9 core. A correspondin g reference design is available on request.
The host controller selection can consider additional needed interfaces like Ethernet, USB, CAN, or UART. The WiBear-SF
WLAN module is designed for industrial solutions in order to connect with already existing WLAN networks on shop floor.
Furthermore, an embedded Linux-based We b Server reference application is available to easily imp lement user-interfaces for
WLAN module configuration. The Bluetooth interface supports Bluetooth 2.1 and Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) operation. The
WiBear-SF complies with Bluetooth stacks that support SDIO or UART HCI protocol.
The WiBear-SF module is a compact one-side assemble d design and can be soldered (SMD) onto a customer boards. The
availability of the module is guaranteed for min imum of 6 years
The universal WLAN module saves time and reduces costs. OEM customers can concentrate on their core competence while
adopting this easy to use WLAN module that can ena ble many w irel ess applicati ons. For larg er quantity orders les swir e can als o
provide module design-ins. Driver porting to other operating systems can be offer ed by lesswire.
Description of technical parameters
• IEEE802.11b Output power: typ. +18 dBm
Sensitivity: @ 1Mbps typ. -96 dBm
Sensitivity: @11Mbps typ. -89dBm
• IEEE802.11g Output power: typ. +15 dBm
Sensitivity: @ 6Mbps typ. -90dBm
Sensitivity: @12Mbps typ. -88dBm
Sensitivity: @54Mbps typ. -73dBm
• IEEE802.15.1 Output power: typ. +8dBm
Sensitivity EDR typ. -75dBm
Sensitivity BDR typ. -86dBm
Bluetooth device class 2: typ. range ~10-20 m
Frequency range 2402MHz to 2480MHz
Number of channels 79
Modulation FHSS
Reference Designs
• SDIO / G-SPI Evaluation Board
• Reference design ARM9, 10 Mbps Ethernet, CAN,
USB, and Linux 2.6.28 including Linux BSP, drivers
Driver Support
• Linux 2.6.x
• Windows CE, Windows XP/Vista
Bluetooth stack support
• Bluetooth 2.1 Basic Data Rate (BDR) and Enhanced
Data Rate (EDR) operation
• Bluetooth stacks that support UART HCI protocol
• Bluetooth coexistence
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lesswire AG│Im Technologiepark 1│15236 Frankfurt (Oder)│Germany│url: www.lesswire.com
Tel.: 0700 L E S S W I R E (53 77 94 73) │Fax +49 (0) 335 56 56 - 999│e-mail: sales@lesswire.com

Description of technical parameters (continuation)
RF properties achieved by
• Integrated additional PA / LNA 2.4GHz
• Integrated reference high precision frequency generator
WLAN/Bluetooth coexistence feature
• Hardware based coexistence support by 2-wire, 3-wire,
or 4-wire interfaces
Two firmware (FW) options
• WLAN STA infrastructure and ad-hoc mode including support
for parallel Bluetooth operation; Bluetooth may be disabled
• WLAN µAP mode supports up to 8 WLAN stations, Bluetooth
may be disabled in µAP mode
• WLAN STA mode
ANT1 - WLAN and Bluetooth, ANT2 - not used
• WLAN µAP mode
ANT1 – WLAN, ANT2 - Bluetooth
User interface
• Embedded Linux based Web Server as configuration interface
on separated ARM9 host as reference application
• Configuration over WLAN or wired interfaces based on the
host controller
• External FW storage on host
• Fast FW download at power-on
Digital interfaces to host controller
• 4-bit SDIO interface (default); Optional SDIO 1-bit and SDIO-
SPI host controller interfaces
• Optional G-SPI in slave mode for synchronous communication
with communication processor
• Bluetooth may be used over SDIO or UART HCI interfaces.
Product options
• WLAN / Bluetooth; commercial operating tem-
perature range (default)
• WLAN / Bluetooth; industrial operating tempera-
ture range
• WLAN; commercial temperature range
• WLAN; industrial temperature range
Profile view
Technical data
WLAN standards: IEEE 802.11b, g
IEEE 802.11i, e, j, h, s
Data transfer rate: IEEE 802.11b: 11, 5.5, 2, 1 Mbps
IEEE802.11g: 54, 48, 36, 24, 18,
12, 9, 6 Mbps
Frequency range: 2.4 – 2.497 GHz (ISM Band)
Protocols: Enables Ethernet NIC on host
Host interfaces: SDIO (default),
G- SPI alternatively
SDIO/UART for Bluetooth
Antenna: QFN antennae pads
Mounting technology: SMD soldering
Management: According to IEEE802.11
Modulation: OFDM, DSSS/CCK
Power supply: Vcc 3.3V and 1.8V
Operating Temperature Industrial temperature option
Storage temperature -55°C to +105°C
Firmware: At system power-on firmware is
Security encryption: WEP 64/128 Bit-Key,
Dimensions (LxBxH): 20mm x 20mm x 2.5mm
Scope of delivery: Embedded WLAN module
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lesswire AG│Im Technologiepark 1│15236 Frankfurt (Oder)│Germany│url: www.lesswire.com
Tel.: 0700 L E S S W I R E (53 77 94 73) │Fax +49 (0) 335 56 56 - 999│e-mail: sales@lesswire.com
-40°C to +85°C
Commercial temperature option
0°C to +70°C
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