locate, communicate, accelerate
ELLA-W1 Antenna trace designs
ELLA-W1 Antenna trace designs
We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden. © 2016 u-blox AG
1 Scope
This document defines the essential specifications necessary to implement the ELLA-W1 antenna reference
designs. The information contained herein and its references should be sufficient to guide a skilled person in an
attempt to implement the design on a host carrier. It will provide the designer with PCB layout details and
expected performance specifications.
The document supports the four different PCB designs:
Two connector-based designs for the use of external antennas (one for each antenna pin of the module)
Two designs based on SMD antennas (one for each antenna pin of the module)
2 FCC/IC ID reference
Table 1: FCC and IC IDs for different models of ELLA-W1 series
The FCC and IC IDs are the same for professional and automotive grade variants of each ELLA-W1 model.
ELLA-W1 Antenna trace designs
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locate, communicate, accelerate
Host carrier PCB (light green)
Antenna reference design (dark green)
3 General description
When using the ELLA-W1 together with this antenna reference design, the circuit trace layout must be made in
strict compliance with the instructions below.
All the components placed on each RF trace must be kept as indicated in the reference design, even if not used.
The PCB areas of unused reference designs must be flooded with ground.
Figure 1: Antenna Reference design embedded in a host carrier PCB
ELLA-W1 Antenna trace designs
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locate, communicate, accelerate
Antenna impedance matching network
Connectors for external antenna
Antenna coplanar microstrip, matched to 50 Ω
Antenna impedance matching network
3.1 Floor plan and PCB stack-up
This section describes where the critical components are positioned on the reference design. It also presents the
stack-up of the four layers of the PCB.
Figure 2: ELLA-W1 antenna reference design
ELLA-W1 Antenna trace designs
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