Release note
u-connectXpress v3.0.0 for NINA-B31 series
UBX- 20031086 C1-Public
Joakim Ryden
15 February 2021
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Copyright© u-blox AG.
1 General Information 1
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Supported hardware 1
1.3 Released software package 2
1.4 Updated documentation 2
1.5 References 2
1.6 Released software tools 2
2 New features 2
2.1 Multiple central support 2
2.2 Bluetooth Mesh 2
2.3 Connection status information 2
2.4 Improved PHY handling 3
2.5 Changeable MAC address 3
2.6 Secondary UART 3
3 Notes and limitations 3
3.1 Solved limitations 3
3.2 Known limitations 4
1 General Information
1.1 Scope
This release note describes the u-connectXpress v3.0.0 for NINA-B31 series.
1.2 Supported hardware
Ordering codes for the modules upgradeable to u-connectXpress v3.0.0
Product name Ordering code Type number Software version
NINA-B311 NINA-B311-00B NINA-B311-00B-00 V1.0.0
NINA-B312 NINA-B312-00B NINA-B312-00B-00 V1.0.0
NINA-B311 NINA-B311-01B NINA-B311-01B-00 V2.0.0
NINA-B312 NINA-B312-01B NINA-B312-01B-00 V2.0.0
NINA-B316 NINA-B316-01B NINA-B316-01B-00 V2.0.0
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It is possible to update all NINA-B3 series modules to u-connectXpress v3.0.0. See the
NINA-B3 System Integration manual [5] for information about the software update procedure.
☞ Updating to v3.0.0 restores all settings to their default configuration.
1.3 Released software package
File Description
NINA-B3_3.0.0.zip u-connectXpress v3.0.0 software package
The software package is available for download from NINA-B31 u-connectXpress software.
1.4 Updated documentation
[1] NINA-B3 data sheet, UBX-17052099
[2] u-connectXpress AT commands manual, UBX-14044127
[3] u-connectXpress user guide, UBX-16024251
1.5 References
[4] Implementing Bluetooth mesh with u-connectXpress software, UBX-19025268
[5] NINA-B3 system integration manual, UBX-17056748
1.6 Released software tools
The s-center version 5.0.0 or later is recommended for evaluation of u-connectXpress v3.0.0.
The s-center application is available for download from s-center evaluation software
2 New features
u-connectXpress v3.0.0 for NINA-B3 series has all the features of previous software releases
plus several improvements and new features – the most significant of which are described in
this chapter. For information describing how to use these features, see the u-connectXpress
software user guide [3] and the u-connectXpress AT commands manual [2].
2.1 Multiple central support
Incoming connections from up to six centrals (for example mobile phones) can be accepted
and handled simultaneously in peripheral role. Four centrals can be handled in combined
central/peripheral roles.
For more information and example of configuration, see the u-connectXpress user guide [3].
2.2 Bluetooth Mesh
For more information about detailed support, see reference [4].
2.3 Connection status information
It is now possible to read out all active connections and access detailed information about each
connection, such as the connection interval, slave latency, supervision timeout, MTU size, PDU
payload length, role, and more. For further details, see the AT command
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