u-blox IT530M, UC530M, IT530, UC530, UP501 Series Manual

locate, communicate, accelerate
NMEA Manual based on MediaTek chipset
For u-blox, Fastrax IT500 series GPS/GNSS modules
This document provides NMEA command manual for u-blox, Fastrax IT500 series GPS/GNSS modules based on MediaTek chipset. This NMEA command manual serves as a reference tool.
NMEA Manual based on MediaTek chipset - Manual
Document Information
Title NMEA Manual based on MediaTek chipset
Subtitle For u-blox, Fastrax IT500 series GPS/GNSS modules
Document type Manual
Document number FTX-HW-13002-A
Document status Preliminary
Document status information
Objective Specification
Advance Information
This document contains target values. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
This document contains data based on early testing. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
This document contains data from product verification. Revised and supplementary data may be published later.
Released This document contains the final product specification.
This document applies to the following products:
Name ROM/FLASH version PCN reference
IT530M Flash N/A IT530 Flash N/A UC530M Flash N/A UC530 Flash N/A UP501 Flash N/A UP501B Flash N/A UP501D Flash N/A UP501R Flash N/A IT520 Flash N/A IT500 Flash N/A
This document and the use of any information contained therein, is subject to the acceptance of the u-blox terms and conditions. They can be downloaded from www.u-blox.com. u-blox makes no warranties based on the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. u-blox reserves all rights to this document and the information contained herein. Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright © 2013, u-blox AG.
is a registered trademark of u-blox Holding AG in the EU and other countries.
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Contents .............................................................................................................................. 3
1 NMEA default output messages.................................................................................. 5
1.1 GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data ............................................................................................ 5
1.2 GLL – Geographic Position – Latitude/Longitude ................................................................................... 5
1.5 RMC - Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data. ........................................................................... 6
1.6 GSV - Satellites in view ......................................................................................................................... 6
1.7 GSA - DOP and Active Satellites ............................................................................................................ 7
1.8 VTG – Course Over Ground and Ground Speed .................................................................................... 8
1.9 ZDA – Time and Date............................................................................................................................ 8
2 NMEA commands ......................................................................................................... 9
2.1 PMTK000 TEST ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 PMTK001 ACK ................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 PMTK010 Startup message ................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 PMTK011 Output System Text ............................................................................................................ 11
2.5 PMTK101 CMD HOT START ................................................................................................................ 11
2.6 PMTK102 CMD WARM START ........................................................................................................... 11
2.7 PMTK103 CMD COLD START ............................................................................................................. 12
2.8 PMTK104 CMD FULL COLD START ..................................................................................................... 12
2.9 PMTK120 CLEAR FLASH AID ............................................................................................................... 12
2.10 PMTK127 CLEAR EPO FILE .................................................................................................................. 12
2.11 PMTK161 ENTER STANDBY MODE ..................................................................................................... 13
2.12 PMTK183 LOCUS QUERY LOGGING STATUS ...................................................................................... 13
2.13 PMTK184 LOCUS ERASE FLASH .......................................................................................................... 14
2.14 PMTK185 LOCUS START/STOP LOGGER ............................................................................................. 14
2.15 PMTK186 LOCUS LOG NOW .............................................................................................................. 14
2.16 PMTK622 LOCUS QUERY DATA ......................................................................................................... 15
2.17 PMTK869 ENABLE EASY ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.18 PMTK220 SET POS FIX ........................................................................................................................ 16
2.19 PMTK223 SET ALWAYS LOCATE DEFAULT CONFIGURATION ............................................................. 17
2.20 PMTK225 SET PERIODIC MODE .......................................................................................................... 17
2.21 PMTK251 SET NMEA BAUD RATE ....................................................................................................... 18
2.21.1 Setting 5 Hz navigation ............................................................................................................... 19
2.21.2 Setting 10 Hz navigation ............................................................................................................. 19
2.22 PMTK286 ENABLE AIC ........................................................................................................................ 19
2.23 PMTK300 Set Fix Interval .................................................................................................................... 20
2.24 PMTK301 API SET DGPS MODE .......................................................................................................... 20
2.25 PMTK313 API SET SBAS ENABLED ...................................................................................................... 20
2.26 PMTK314 API SET NMEA OUTPUT ...................................................................................................... 21
2.27 PMTK330 API SET DATUM .................................................................................................................. 22
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2.28 PMTK331 API SET DATUM ADVANCE................................................................................................. 22
2.29 PMTK335 API SET RTC TIME ............................................................................................................... 23
2.30 PMTK351 SET QZSS NMEA FORMAT .................................................................................................. 23
2.31 PMTK352 SET QZSS SUPPORT ............................................................................................................. 23
2.32 PMTK353 API SET GNSS SEARCH MODE ............................................................................................ 24
2.33 PMTK386 API SET STATIC NAV THD MT333X ..................................................................................... 24
2.34 PMTK397 API SET STATIC NAV THD MT332X ..................................................................................... 25
2.35 PMTK390 API SET USER OPTION ......................................................................................................... 25
2.35.1 Setting 4800 baud rate permanently ........................................................................................... 26
2.36 PMTK740 SET UTC TIME ..................................................................................................................... 26
2.37 PMTK741 SET INITIAL POSITION AND TIME ......................................................................................... 26
3 Query commands ....................................................................................................... 28
3.1 PMTK400 API Q FIX CTL ..................................................................................................................... 28
3.2 PMTK401 API Q DGPS MODE ............................................................................................................. 28
3.3 PMTK413 API Q SBAS ENABLED ......................................................................................................... 28
3.4 PMTK414 API Q NMEA OUTPUT ......................................................................................................... 28
3.5 PMTK430 API Q DATUM .................................................................................................................... 29
3.6 PMTK431 API Q DATUM ADVANCE ................................................................................................... 29
3.7 PMTK490 API GET USER OPTION ........................................................................................................ 29
4 Firmware STATUS ....................................................................................................... 30
4.1 PMTK605 QUERY FIRMWARE INFO ..................................................................................................... 30
4.2 PMTK607 QUERY EPO STATUS ........................................................................................................... 30
4.3 PMTK660 Q AVAILABLE SV EPH ......................................................................................................... 30
4.4 PMTK661 Q AVAILABLE SV ALM ........................................................................................................ 31
5 FIX Valid Flag .............................................................................................................. 32
6 Appendix A ................................................................................................................. 33
Table 1: Map datums........................................................................................................ 37
Related documents........................................................................................................... 37
Revision history ................................................................................................................ 38
Contact .............................................................................................................................. 39
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xx=degrees; mm=minutes; dddd=decimal part of minutes

1 NMEA default output messages

IT500 series receivers support standard NMEA0183 messages. In the default configuration, output messages are GGA, RMC, GSV and GSA messages. The receiver can be
configured to have a user defined set of output messages, by command PMTK314 as described in chapter 2.12. Output messages are utilized in Fastrax Workbench 5 to visualize the GPS/GNSS data. Default output messages
cover most of the applications.

1.1 GGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data

Time, position and fix related data for a GPS receiver.
$GPGGA,114353.000,6016.3245,N,02458.3270,E,1,10,0.81,35.2,M,19.5,M,,*50 Format:
Type Description
hhmmss.dd UTC time of the fix.
xxmm.dddd Latitude coordinate.
hh=hours; mm=minutes; ss=seconds; dd=decimal part of seconds
<N/S> Character denoting either N=North or S=South. yyymm.dddd Longitude coordinate.
<E/W> Character denoting either E=East or W=West. v Fix valid indicator
ss Number of satellites used in position fix, 00-12. Notice: Fixed length field of two letters. d.d HDOP - Horizontal Dilution Of Precision. h.h Altitude (mean-sea-level, geoid) M Letter M. g.g Difference between the WGS-84 reference ellipsoid surface and the mean-sea-level altitude. M Letter M. a.a ­xxxx -
yyy=degrees; mm=minutes; dddd=decimal part of minutes
1 = GPS fix (SPS) 2 = DGPS fix 3 = PPS fix 4 = Real Time Kinematic 5 = Float RTK 6 = estimated (dead reckoning) (2.3 feature) 7 = Manual input mode 8 = Simulation mode

1.2 GLL – Geographic Position – Latitude/Longitude

Latitude and Longitude, UTC time of fix and status.
$GPGLL,6012.5674,N,02449.6545,E,072022.000,A,A*50 Format:
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hh=hours; mm=minutes; ss=seconds; ddd=decimal part of seconds
A=valid; V=invalid
A=autonomous; N=data not valid
hh=hours; mm=minutes; ss=seconds; dd=decimal part of seconds
A=valid; V=invalid
Speed in knots.
dd=day of month; mm=month; yy=year
Magnetic variation in degrees, not supported
Letter denoting direction of magnetic variation. Either E=East or W=West. Not supported
A=autonomous; N=data not valid
Type Description
xxmm.dddd Latitude coordinate.
<N|S> Character denoting either N=North or S=South. yyymm.dddd Longitude coordinate.
<E|W> Character denoting either E=East or W=West.
xx=degrees; mm=minutes; dddd=decimal part of minutes
yyy=degrees; mm=minutes; dddd=decimal part of minutes
UTC time of the fix.
Status indicator.
Mode indicator.

1.5 RMC - Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data.

Time, date, position, course and speed data.
Message start as “$GNRMC” in IT530M default mode both GPS and Glonass constellation.
Example IT530M hybrid mode:
$GPRMC,hhmmss.dd,S,xxmm.dddd,<N|S>,yyymm.dddd,<E|W>,s.s,h.h,ddmmyy,d.d, <E|W>,M*hh<CR><LF>
Type Description
xxmm.dddd Latitude coordinate.
<N|S> Character denoting either N=North or S=South. yyymm.dddd Longitude coordinate.
<E|W> Character denoting either E=East or W=West.
UTC time of the fix.
Status indicator.
xx=degrees; mm=minutes; dddd=decimal part of minutes
yyy=degrees; mm=minutes; dddd=decimal part of minutes
UTC Date of the fix.
Mode indicator

1.6 GSV - Satellites in view

Number of satellites in view, satellite ID (PRN) numbers, elevation, azimuth and SNR value. The information for four satellites is a maximum per one message, additional messages up to maximum of eight are sent if needed. The satellites are in PRN number order.
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Total number of messages, 1 to 9
Message number, 1 to 9
Total number of satellites in view
Satellite ID (PRN) number
Satellite elevation, degrees 90 max
Satellite azimuth, degrees True, 000 to 359
be on the visible sky but it isn't being tracked.
A = Automatic, allowed to automatically switch 2D/3D.
3 = 3D
ID (PRN) numbers of GPS satellites used in solution
Message starting with “$GNGSV” will be output in IT530M default mode, including both GPS and
Glonass constellation satellite data.
$GPGSV,n,m,ss,xx,ee,aaa,cn,…………. ,xx,ee,aaa,cn*hh<CR><LF>
Type Description
Signal-to-noise ration (C/No) 00-99 dB-Hz. Value of zero means that the satellite is predicted to

1.7 GSA - DOP and Active Satellites

GPS receiver operating mode, satellites used in the navigation solution reported by the GGA sentence, and DOP values.
Message starting with “$GNGSA” will be output in IT530M default mode including both GPS and
Glonass constellation satellite data.
Example IT530M hybrid mode:
M = Manual, forced to operate in 2D or 3D mode.
Mode: 1 = Fix not available, 2 = 2D,
v.v VDOP
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Heading in degrees.
Letter 'T' denoting True heading in degrees.
Magnetic heading in degrees.
Letter 'M' denoting Magnetic heading in degrees.
Speed in knots.
Letter 'N' denoting speed in knots.
Speed, km/h.
Letter 'K' denoting speed in km/h.
A=autonomous; N=data not valid
UTC time in hours, minutes, seconds and fractions of a second.
UTC day of month
UTC month
UTC year
Local zone hours. Not implemented
Local zone minutes. Not implemented

1.8 VTG – Course Over Ground and Ground Speed

Course and speed.
Type Description
Mode indicator.

1.9 ZDA – Time and Date

Current UTC time and date.
Type Description
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2 NMEA commands

NMEA commands are used to change or query settings of the module. Command Length: The maximum length of each packet is restricted to 255 bytes.
Command Contents: Preamble: One byte character. ‘$’ NMEA ID: This will identify for the NMEA parser that it will receive commands for MediaTek. Four bytes character string. “PMTK” Command Number: Three-byte character string. An identifier, from “000” to “999”, is used to tell the decoder how to decode the command. DataField:
The DataField has a variable length depending on the command type. A comma symbol ‘,’ must be inserted before each data field to help the decoder process the DataField. *: 1 byte character. The star symbol is used to mark the end of DataField. CHK1, CHK2: Two-byte character string.
CHK1 and CHK2 are the checksum of the data between Preamble and ‘*’.
CR, LF: Two bytes binary data.
The two bytes are used to identify the end of a command.
Sample Command:
You can use your preferred terminal emulator to enter commands. For example, you can use TeraTerm, whichcan be downloaded from here:
Remember to set the CR+LF for sending the command from the terminal program.
Figure 1: Tera Term terminal setup
Other possible terminal emulators to use include Putty and HyperTerminal.
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Figure 2: HyperTerminal setup
NMEA Manual based on MediaTek chipset - Manual

2.1 PMTK000 TEST

Command purpose:
Test the communication between the receiver and host.
Command number: 000 DataField: None Example:
Reply: see next chapter.

2.2 PMTK001 ACK

Command purpose:
Acknowledge a PMTK000 command.
Command number: 001 DataField:
PMTK001,Cmd,Flag Cmd: The command / packet type to be acknowledged. Flag: 0 = Invalid command / packet.
1 = Unsupported command / packet type 2 = Valid command / packet, but action failed 3 = Valid command / packet, and action succeeded
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2.3 PMTK010 Startup message

Command purpose:
Output system message.
Command number: 010 DataField:
Msg: The system message.
2’: Notification for the host aiding EPO
‘3’: Notification for the transition to Normal mode is successfully done
Message ‘2’ and ‘3’ apply only for MT333X based receivers IT530, IT530M, UC530 and UC530M.

2.4 PMTK011 Output System Text

Command purpose:
Output system text message.
Command number: 011 DataField:
Message of this is MTK GPS


Command purpose:
Hot restart: Use all available data in the NV Store.
Command number: 101 DataField: None Example:


Command purpose:
Warm restart: Don't use ephemeris at re-start.
Command number: 102 DataField: None Example:
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Command purpose:
Cold restart: Don't use time, position, almanacs and ephemeris data at re-start.
Command number: 103 DataField: None Example:


Command purpose:
Full cold restart: It’s essentially a cold restart, but additionally it clears system/user configurations at re-start. That is, reset the receiver to the factory status.
Command number: 104 DataField: None Example:


Command purpose:
Erase aiding data stored in the flash memory.
Command number: 120 DataField: none Example:
This message applies only for MT333X based receivers IT530, IT530M, UC530 and UC530M.


Command purpose:
Clear predicted ephemeris file (EPO) from flash memory.
Command number: 127 DataField: ‘0’ Clear Example:
This message applies only for MT333X based receivers IT530, IT530M, UC530 and UC530M.
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