Information note
u-blox M8 receiver description – documentation update
UBX-21004937 C1-Public
JunJun Lu
9 March 2021
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Copyright© u-blox A G.
1 Affected products
Product Firmware versions
u-blox M8 chips and modules supporting Galileo Based on SPG 3.01, SPG 3.51 or EXT CORE 3.01
2 Type of change
☐ Hardware modification: PCB supplier change
☐ Firmware update
☒ Documentation update
☐ Others
3 Description of change
To avoid discrepancy and potential issues from occurring when enabling Galileo operation in
u-blox M8 chips and modules, some relevant notes have been added to the u-blox 8 and u-blox
M8 receiver description and protocol specification as explained below:
• Section UBX-CFG-GNSS, GNSS system configuration
After issuing UBX-CFG-GNSS, wait first for the acknowledgement from the receiver
and then 0.5 seconds before sending the next command.
If Galileo is enabled, UBX-CFG-GNSS must be followed by UBX-CFG-RST with
resetMode set to Hardware reset.
• Section UBX-CFG-RST, Reset receiver / Clear backup data structures
If Galileo is enabled, UBX-CFG-RST Controlled GNSS start must be followed by UBX-
CFG-RST with resetMode set to Hardware reset. Use resetMode Hardware reset
instead of Controlled software reset or Controlled software reset (GNSS only).
4 Customer impact and recommended action
If using Galileo in the u-blox M8 receivers, customers must follow the instructions given in the
updated u-blox 8 and M8 receiver description to avoid potential issues. Each affected document
([1], [2]) contains a revision history with information about the content changes.
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5 Reference documents
[1] u-blox 8 and u-blox M8 receiver description including protocol specification,
[2] u-blox 8 and u-blox M8 receiver description including protocol specification,
UBX-13002887 (Confidential, NDA required)
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