u-blox SARA-G3 Data sheet

UBX-13000993 - R23 C1-Public www.u-blox.com
SARA-G3 series
Dual and quad-band GSM/GPRS modules
Data sheet
Technical data sheet describing SARA-G3 series GSM/GPRS cellular modules. These modules are complete and cost-efficient solutions offering two-band or quad-band GSM/GPRS voice and/or data transmission technology in a compact form factor.
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Document information

SARA-G3 series
Dual and quad-band GSM/GPRS modules
Document type
Data sheet
Document number
Revision and date
Disclosure restriction
Product status
Corresponding content status
Functional sample
For functional testing. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
In development / Prototype
Objective Specification
Target values. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
Engineering sample
Advance Information
Data based on early testing. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
Initial production
Early Production Information
Data from product verification. Revised and supplementary data may be published later.
Mass production / End of life
Production Information
Document contains the final product specification.
This document applies to the following products:
Product name
Type number
Modem version
Application version
PCN reference
Product status
End of life
End of life
Mass production
Mass production
u-blox or third parties may hold intellectual property rights in the products, names, logos and designs included in this document. Copying, reproduction, modification or disclosure to third parties of this document or any part thereof is only permitted with the express written permission of u-blox. The information contained herein is provided “as is” and u-blox assumes no liability for its use. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited to, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability and fitness for a particular purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time without notice. For the most recent documents, visit www.u-blox.com. Copyright © u-blox AG.
SARA-G3 series - Data sheet
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Document information ................................................................................................................................ 2
Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Functional description ......................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Product features ......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Block diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.4 Product description .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 AT command support ................................................................................................................................ 8
1.6 Supported features .................................................................................................................................... 8
2 Interfaces ................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.1 Power management .................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Module supply input (VCC) .............................................................................................................. 11
2.1.2 RTC supply input/output (V_BCKP) ............................................................................................... 11
2.1.3 Digital I/O interfaces supply output (V_INT) ................................................................................ 11
2.2 Antenna ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2.1 Antenna RF interface (ANT) ............................................................................................................ 11
2.2.2 Antenna detection (ANT_DET) ....................................................................................................... 11
2.3 System functions .......................................................................................................................................12
2.3.1 Module power-on (PWR_ON) ...........................................................................................................12
2.3.2 Module power-off ...............................................................................................................................12
2.3.3 Module reset (RESET_N) ..................................................................................................................12
2.3.4 External 32 kHz signal input (EXT32K) .........................................................................................12
2.3.5 Internal 32 kHz signal output (32K_OUT) .................................................................................... 13
2.4 SIM ............................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1 (U)SIM interface ................................................................................................................................ 13
2.4.2 SIM card detection (SIM_DET) ....................................................................................................... 13
2.5 Serial interfaces ........................................................................................................................................ 13
2.5.1 Asynchronous serial interface (UART) ......................................................................................... 14
2.5.2 Auxiliary asynchronous serial interface (AUX UART) ................................................................ 15
2.5.3 DDC (I2C compatible) interface ..................................................................................................... 15
2.6 Audio ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.7 GPIO ............................................................................................................................................................. 16
3 Pin definition ......................................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Pin assignment ........................................................................................................................................... 17
4 Electrical specifications .................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Absolute maximum rating....................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.1 Maximum ESD ................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Operating conditions ................................................................................................................................ 23
4.2.1 Operating temperature range ........................................................................................................ 23
4.2.2 Module thermal resistance ............................................................................................................. 23
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4.2.3 Supply/Power pins ............................................................................................................................ 24
4.2.4 Current consumption ....................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.5 RF performance ................................................................................................................................ 26
4.2.6 ANT_DET pin ...................................................................................................................................... 26
4.2.7 PWR_ON pin ....................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.8 RESET_N pin ...................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.9 EXT32K pin ......................................................................................................................................... 27
4.2.10 SIM pins .............................................................................................................................................. 28
4.2.11 Generic Digital Interfaces pins ....................................................................................................... 28
4.2.12 DDC (I2C) pins .................................................................................................................................... 31
4.2.13 Audio pins ........................................................................................................................................... 31
5 Mechanical specifications ............................................................................................................... 32
6 Qualification and approvals............................................................................................................. 34
6.1 Reliability tests .......................................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Approvals .................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.2.1 SARA-G3 series ................................................................................................................................. 34
6.2.2 SARA-G340 ATEX and SARA-G350 ATEX .................................................................................. 35
7 Product handling .................................................................................................................................. 37
7.1 Packaging ................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.1.1 Reels .................................................................................................................................................... 37
7.1.2 Tapes ................................................................................................................................................... 38
7.2 Moisture sensitivity levels ....................................................................................................................... 38
7.3 Reflow soldering ........................................................................................................................................ 39
7.4 ESD precautions ........................................................................................................................................ 39
8 Default settings .................................................................................................................................. 40
9 Labeling and ordering information ................................................................................................ 41
9.1 Product labeling ......................................................................................................................................... 41
9.2 Explanation of codes ................................................................................................................................ 42
9.3 Ordering information ................................................................................................................................ 43
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................... 44
A Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 44
Related documentation ........................................................................................................................... 45
Revision history .......................................................................................................................................... 46
Contact ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
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1 Functional description

1.1 Overview

SARA-G3 series modules are versatile 2.5G GSM/GPRS cellular modules in a miniature LGA (Land Grid Array) form factor. Featuring low power consumption, the SARA-G3 series combines baseband, RF transceiver, power management unit, and power amplifier in a single, easy-to-integrate solution. SARA-G3 modules provide a fully qualified and certified solution, reducing cost and enabling short time to market. These modules are ideally suited for M2M applications such as: Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Remote Monitoring Automation and Control (RMAC), surveillance and security, eCall, road pricing, asset tracking, fleet management, anti-theft systems and Point of Sales (PoS) terminals. SARA-G340 (dual-band) and SARA-G350 (quad-band) are full feature GSM/GPRS cellular modules with a comprehensive feature set including an extensive set of internet protocols. The modules also provide fully integrated access to u-blox GNSS positioning chips and modules, with embedded A-GPS (AssistNow Online and AssistNow Offline) functionality. Any host processor connected to the cellular module through a single serial port can control both the cellular module and the positioning chip / module. SARA-G310 (quad-band) and SARA-G300 (dual-band) are GSM/GPRS cellular modules targeted for high volume cost-sensitive applications, providing GSM/GPRS functionalities with a reduced set of additional features to minimize the customer’s total cost of ownership. The SARA-G3 series’ compact form factor and LGA pads allow fully automated assembly with standard pick & place and reflow soldering equipment for cost-efficient, high-volume production.

1.2 Product features

Data Rate
GPRS multi
-slot class 10
-band 900/1800
GNSS receiver GNSS via modem AssistNow
DDC for u
-blox GNSS receivers
Analog Audio Digital Audio Network indication Antenna supervisor Jamming detection Embedded TCP/UDP stack Embedded FTP, HTTP, SMTP Embedded SSL Dual stack IPv4/IPv6 FW update via
serial interface
eCall / ERA
Low power idle
ATEX certification Standard Professional Automotive
• • 2 • ■ •
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= supported by all product versions = supported by product versions “01” onwards
= 32 kHz signal at EXT32K input is required for low power idle-mode = supported by product versions “02” onwards
Table 1: SARA-G3 series – summary of modules’ main features1
SARA-G340 ATEX and SARA-G350 ATEX modules provide the same feature set as the SARA-G340 and SARA-G350 modules
respectively, with the additional certification for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Unless otherwise specified, SARA­G340 refers to all SARA-G340 ATEX and SARA-G340 modules; in the same way SARA-G350 refers to both SARA-G350 ATEX and SARA-G350 modules.
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1.3 Block diagram

32 kHz
26 MHz
SAW filter
VCC (Supply)
32 kHz
Auxiliary UART
SIM card
Figure 1: SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 block diagram
26 MHz
32.768 kHz
SAW filter
VCC (Supply)
Auxiliary UART
SIM card detection
SIM card
Digital audio
Analog audio
Antenna detection
Figure 2: SARA-G340 and SARA-G350 block diagram
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1.4 Product description

GSM/GPRS Protocol Stack
3GPP Release 99
3GPP Release 99
3GPP Release 99
3GPP Release 99 Mobile Station Class
Class B 2
Class B 2
Class B 2
Class B 2
E-GSM 900 MHz DCS 1800 MHz
GSM 850 MHz E-GSM 900 MHz DCS 1800 MHz PCS 1900 MHz
E-GSM 900 MHz DCS 1800 MHz
GSM 850 MHz E-GSM 900 MHz DCS 1800 MHz PCS 1900 MHz
GSM/GPRS Power Class
Class 4 (33 dBm) for 900 band
Class 1 (30 dBm) for 1800 band
Class 4 (33 dBm) for 850/900 bands
Class 1 (30 dBm) for 1800/1900 bands
Class 4 (33 dBm) for 900 band
Class 1 (30 dBm) for 1800 band
Class 4 (33 dBm) for 850/900 bands
Class 1 (30 dBm) for 1800/1900 bands
Packet Switched Data Rate
GPRS multi-slot class 10 3 Coding scheme CS1-CS4 Up to 85.6 kb/s DL 4 Up to 42.8 kb/s UL 4
GPRS multi-slot class 10 3 Coding scheme CS1-CS4 Up to 85.6 kb/s DL 4 Up to 42.8 kb/s UL 4
GPRS multi-slot class 10 3 Coding scheme CS1-CS4 Up to 85.6 kb/s DL 4 Up to 42.8 kb/s UL 4
GPRS multi-slot class 10 3 Coding scheme CS1-CS 4 Up to 85.6 kb/s DL 4 Up to 42.8 kb/s UL 4
Circuit Switched Data Rate
Up to 9.6 kb/s DL/UL 4 Transparent mode Non-transparent mode
Up to 9.6 kb/s DL/UL 4 Transparent mode Non-transparent mode
Up to 9.6 kb/s DL/UL 4 Transparent mode Non-transparent mode
Up to 9.6 kb/s DL/UL 4 Transparent mode Non-transparent mode
Network Operation Modes
I to III
I to III
I to III
I to III
Table 2: SARA-G3 series GSM/GPRS characteristics summary
The network automatically configures the channel encoding used by the module, depending on conditions and the quality of the radio link between cell phone and base station. If the channel is very noisy, the network may use the most robust coding scheme (CS-1) to ensure higher reliability. If the channel provides good conditions, the network can use the least robust but fastest coding scheme (CS-4) to obtain optimum speed.
Basic features
Supplementary services
Short Message Service (SMS)
Display of Called Number 5
Call Hold/Resume (HOLD) 5
Text and PDU mode supported
Indication of Call Progress Signals 5
Call Waiting (CW) 5
Mobile-Originating SMS (MO SMS)
Country/PLMN Indication
Call Forwarding (CFU, CFB, CFNRy, CFNRc) 5
Mobile-Terminating SMS (MT SMS)
Country/PLMN Selection
Call Barring (BAOC, BOIC, BOIC-exHC, BAIC, BIC_Roam) 5
SMS indication and acknowledgement International Access Function 5
Call Deflection (CD) 5
SMS Cell Broadcast (CBS)
Service Indicator
Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) 5
SMS during circuit-switched calls 5
Emergency Calls Capabilities 5
Multi-Party (MTPY) 5
SMS over CSD
Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF)
Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) 5
SMS over PSD Subscription Identity Management
Calling Line Identification Restriction (CLIR) 5
SMS storage on SIM
Service Provider Indication
Connected Line Identification Presentation (CoLP) 5
SMS storage on module memory 5
Abbreviated Dialing 5
Connected Line Identification Restriction (CoLR) 5
Concatenated SMS
Device can be attached to both GPRS and GSM services (i.e. Packet Switch and Circuit Switch mode) using one service at a
GPRS multi-slot class 10 implies a maximum of 4 slots in DL (reception) and 2 slots in UL (transmission) with 5 slots in total.
The maximum bit rate of the module depends on the current network settings.
Supported only by SARA-G340 and SARA-G350 modules
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Basic features
Supplementary services
Short Message Service (SMS)
Fixed Number Dialing 5
Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD)
Barring of Dialed Numbers 5
Advice of Charge Charging (AoCC, AoCI) 5
SIM Application Toolkit 5
Calling Name Presentation (CNAP) 5
ME-SIM lock
Network Identify and Time Zone (NITZ)
Table 3: SARA-G3 series mobile stations: basic features, supplementary services, and SMS service summary6

1.5 AT command support

The module supports AT commands according to 3GPP standards: TS 27.007 [9], 27.005 [10],
27.010 [11], and the u-blox AT command extension.
For the complete list of the supported AT commands and their syntax, see the u-blox AT
commands manual [1].
RIL (Radio Interface Layer) software for Android and Embedded Windows is available for SARA-G3 modules free of charge; see the Android RIL Production delivery [6] application note for more information.

1.6 Supported features

Table 4 describes the main features supported by SARA-G3 modules. For more details, see the SARA-
G3 / SARA-U2 series system integration manual [2] and the u-blox AT commands manual [1].
Network Indication
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
GPIO configured to indicate the network status: registered home network, registered roaming, voice or data call enabled, no service.
The network indication feature can be enabled through a custom AT command (see the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +UGPIOC AT command).
Antenna Detection
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
The ANT_DET pin provides antenna presence detection capability, evaluating the resistance from the ANT pin to GND by means of an external antenna detection circuit implemented on the application board. The antenna detection feature can be enabled through a custom AT command (see the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +UANTR AT command).
Jamming detection
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Detects “artificial” interference that obscures the operator’s carriers providing
access to the GSM service and reports the start and stop of such conditions to the application processor (AP). The AP can react appropriately, e.g. by switching off the radio transceiver to reduce power consumption and monitoring the environment at constant periods.
The jamming detection feature can be enabled and configured through a custom AT command (see the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +UCD AT command).
Jamming condition indication over GPIO 7
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
The jamming condition can be reported by a GPIO of the module as enabled and configured through a custom AT commands (see the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +UCD and +UGPIOC AT commands).
Second AT interface 7
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
AT command mode available on both the UART and the Auxiliary UART interfaces.
See the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +USIO AT command for further details regarding serial interfaces configuration selection.
Embedded TCP/IP and UDP/IP
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Embedded TCP/IP and UDP/IP stack including direct link mode for TCP and UDP sockets.
These functionalities are supported via AT commands (for more details see the u-blox AT commands manual [1]).
Supported by “02” product versions onwards
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The sockets can be configured in Direct Link mode to establish a transparent end-to-end communication with an already connected TCP or UDP socket via serial interface.
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
File Transfer Protocol as well as Secure File Transfer Protocol (SSL encryption of FTP control channel) functionalities are supported via AT commands.
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol as well as Secure Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (SSL encryption) functionalities are supported via AT commands. HEAD, GET, POST, DELETE and PUT operations are available. Up to 4 client contexts can be simultaneously used.
Embedded TLS 1.2 7
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
With the support of X.509 certificates, Embedded TLS 1.2 provides server and client authentication, data encryption, data signature and enables TCP/IP applications like HTTPS and FTPS to communicate over a secured and trusted connection.
The feature can be configured and enabled by +USECMNG and +USECPRF AT commands.
IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack 9
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Capability to move between IPv4 and dual stack network infrastructures. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be used.
GPS/GNSS via Modem
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Full access to u-blox positioning chips and modules is available through a dedicated DDC (I2C) interface. A single serial port from any host processor can control both the cellular module and the positioning chips / modules. For more details, see the GNSS implementation application note [3].
AssistNow Software
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Embedded AssistNow Online and AssistNow Offline clients to provide full developed to provide better GNSS performance and faster Time-to-First-Fix. The clients can be enabled / disabled with an AT command.
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Enables the estimation of device position based on the parameters of the mobile network cells visible to the specific device based on the CellLocate® database:
Normal scan: parameters of the visible home network cells are only sent
Deep scan: parameters of all surrounding cells of all mobile operators are sent
CellLocate® is implemented using a set of AT commands for CellLocate® service configuration and position request.
Hybrid Positioning
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Provides the module’s current position using a u-blox positioning chip or module or the estimated position from CellLocate®, depending on which positioning method provides the best and fastest solution according to the user configuration.
Hybrid positioning is implemented through a set of AT commands that allow the configuration and the position request.
Firmware update Over AT commands (FOAT)
Firmware module upgrade over the UART interface using AT command.
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Bearer Independent Protocol for Over-the-Air SIM provisioning. The data transfer to/from the SIM uses either an already active PDP context or a new PDP context established with the APN provided by the SIM card.
In-Band modem
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
In-Band modem solution for eCall and ERA-GLONASS emergency call applications over cellular networks implemented according to the 3GPP TS
26.267 specification [12]. When activated, the in-vehicle eCall / ERA-GLONASS system (IVS) creates an emergency call carrying both voice and data (including vehicle position data)
directly to the nearest Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) to determine whether rescue services should be dispatched to the known position.
DTMF decoder
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
During a voice call, the Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency detector analyses the RX speech (coming from remote party). The detected DTMF symbols can be output via related URC. For more details, see the +UDTMFD AT command.
FTPS and HTTPS supported by “01” product versions onwards
Supported by “02” product versions onwards
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Automatic selection of authentication type 9
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Automatic selection of authentication type during PDP context activation. The module will sequentially try different authentication protocols (none/CHAP/PAP) until the authentication succeeds.
The feature can be enabled through the +UPSD and +UAUTHREQ AT commands.
Signal quality report for PS calls 9
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
The quality of the GPRS UL and/or DL connection is returned by the AT+CSQ command.
Network Friendly Mode 9
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
When the Network Friendly Mode is enabled, the module reacts to service request denials by using time-spaced, randomized or delayed retry schemes according to GSMA IoT Device Connection Efficiency Guidelines [13].
The feature can be enabled through the +UNFM, +UNFMCONF, +URPM AT commands.
Smart Temperature Supervisor
SARA-G340 / SARA-G350
Constant monitoring of the module board temperature:
Warning notification when the temperature approaches an upper or lower
predefined threshold
Shutdown notified and forced when the temperature value is outside the
specified range (shutdown suspended in case of an emergency call in progress)
The Smart Temperature Supervisor feature can be enabled or disabled through an AT command (see the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +USTS AT command)
The sensor measures board temperature inside the shields, which can differ from ambient temperature.
Power saving
The power saving configuration is by default disabled, but it can be configured using an AT command. When power saving is enabled, the module automatically enters the low power idle-mode whenever possible, reducing current consumption. During idle-mode, the module processor core runs with the RTC 32 kHz reference clock, which is generated by:
The internal 32 kHz oscillator, in case of SARA-G340 and SARA-G350
The 32 kHz signal provided at the EXT32K input pin, in case of SARA-G300
and SARA-G310 modules
For more details, see the SARA-G3 / SARA-U2 series system integration manual [2] and the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +UPSV AT command.
Table 4: SARA-G3 series’ main supported features
u-blox is extremely mindful of user privacy. When a position is sent to the CellLocate
server, u-blox
is unable to track the SIM used or the specific device.
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2 Interfaces

2.1 Power management

2.1.1 Module supply input (VCC)

SARA-G3 modules must be supplied through the three VCC pins by a DC power supply. Voltages must be stable: during operation, the current drawn from VCC can vary by some order of magnitude, especially due to the surging consumption profile of the GSM system (described in the SARA-G3 / SARA-U2 series system integration manual [2]). It is important that the system power supply circuit is able to support peak power.
SARA-G3 modules product versions “02” onwards provide separate supply inputs over the three VCC pins:
VCC pins #52 and #53 represent the supply input for the internal RF power amplifier, demanding
most of the total current drawn of the module when RF transmission is enabled during a voice/data call
VCC pin #51 represents the supply input for the internal baseband Power Management Unit and
the internal transceiver, demanding minor part of the total current drawn of the module when RF transmission is enabled during a voice/data call

2.1.2 RTC supply input/output (V_BCKP)

V_BCKP is the Real Time Clock (RTC) supply of SARA-G3 modules. When VCC voltage is within the
valid operating range, the internal Power Management Unit (PMU) supplies the RTC and the same supply voltage is available on V_BCKP pin. If the VCC voltage is under the minimum operating limit (e.g. during not powered mode), the V_BCKP pin can externally supply the RTC.

2.1.3 Digital I/O interfaces supply output (V_INT)

SARA-G3 modules provide an internally generated supply rail output for digital interfaces (V_INT). This can be used in place of an external discrete regulator to supply pull-up resistors on the DDC interface. This optimizes the bill of material for various applications, e.g. with u-blox positioning modules operating at 1.8 V.

2.2 Antenna

2.2.1 Antenna RF interface (ANT)

The ANT pin has an impedance of 50 and provides the RF antenna interface of SARA-G3 modules.

2.2.2 Antenna detection (ANT_DET)

The ANT_DET pin is an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) input provided only by SARA-G340 and SARA-G350 modules to sense the antenna presence (as optional feature), evaluating the resistance from the ANT pin to GND by means of an external antenna detection circuit implemented on the application board. For more details, see the SARA-G3 / SARA-U2 series system integration manual [2] and the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +UANTR.
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2.3 System functions

2.3.1 Module power-on (PWR_ON)

SARA-G3 modules can be switched on in one of the following ways:
Rising edge on the VCC pin to a valid voltage for module supply, i.e. applying module supply
Low level on the PWR_ON input pin, i.e. forcing the pin (normally high with external pull-up) to a
low level for a valid time period (see section 4.2.7). The PWR_ON pin requires an external pull-up resistor to set its value to logic high and may not be left floating
RTC alarm, i.e., pre-programmed scheduled time (see the u-blox AT commands manual [1],
SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 cannot be switched on with RTC alarm.

2.3.2 Module power-off

SARA-G3 modules can be properly switched off, with storage of current settings and network detach, by:
AT+CPWROFF command
An abrupt under-voltage shutdown occurs on SARA-G3 modules when the VCC supply drops below the extended operating range minimum limit, but in this case it is not possible to perform the storing of the current parameter settings in the module’s non-volatile memory as well as the proper network detach.
An over-temperature or an under-temperature shutdown occurs on SARA-G3 modules when the temperature measured within the cellular module reaches the dangerous area, if the optional Smart Temperature Supervisor feature is enabled and configured by the dedicated AT command. For more details, see the SARA-G3 / SARA-U2 series system integration manual [2] and the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +USTS AT command.

2.3.3 Module reset (RESET_N)

SARA-G3 modules can be properly reset (rebooted), with storage of current parameter settings in the module’s non-volatile memory and proper network detach, in this way:
AT+CFUN command (see the u-blox AT commands manual [1]). This causes an “internal” or
“software” reset of the module.
An abrupt “external” or “hardware” reset occurs when a low level is applied to the RESET_N pin, which is normally set high by an internal pull-up, for a valid time period (see section 4.2.8), but in this case it is not possible to perform the storing of the current parameter settings as well as the proper network detach.

2.3.4 External 32 kHz signal input (EXT32K)

SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 provide the EXT32K input pin that must be fed by a proper 32 kHz signal to furnish the reference clock for the RTC, allowing very low power idle-mode and RTC functions support. See section 4.2.9 for detailed electrical specifications for the 32 kHz signal.
SARA-G340 and SARA-G350 do not provide the EXT32K input pin. An internal 32 kHz oscillator automatically generates the reference clock for the RTC, allowing very low power idle-mode and RTC functions support.
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2.3.5 Internal 32 kHz signal output (32K_OUT)

SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 provide the 32K_OUT output pin which gives a 32 kHz reference signal suitable only to feed the EXT32K input pin of SARA-G300 / SARA-G310 modules, furnishing the reference clock for the RTC, allowing low power idle-mode and RTC functions support with modules switched on.
SARA-G340 and SARA-G350 do not provide the 32K_OUT output; there is no EXT32K input on these modules.

2.4 SIM

2.4.1 (U)SIM interface

A (U)SIM card interface is available via the VSIM, SIM_IO, SIM_CLK, SIM_RST pins of SARA-G3 series modules: the high-speed SIM/ME interface is implemented as well as the automatic detection of the required SIM supporting voltage.
Both 1.8 V and 3 V SIM types are supported: activation and deactivation with automatic voltage switch from 1.8 V to 3 V are implemented, according to ISO-IEC 7816-3 Specifications. The SIM driver supports the PPS procedure for baud-rate selection, according to the values proposed by the SIM Card.

2.4.2 SIM card detection (SIM_DET)

Not supported by SARA-G300-00S and SARA-G310-00S modules.
The SIM_DET pin of SARA-G3 modules is a digital input provided to sense the SIM card presence (as an optional feature), when it is properly connected to the mechanical switch of the SIM card holder (for more details, see the SARA-G3 / SARA-U2 series system integration manual [2]).

2.5 Serial interfaces

SARA-G3 modules provide the following serial communication interfaces:
UART interface: 9-wire unbalanced 1.8 V asynchronous serial interface supporting
o AT command mode o Data mode and Online command mode
o MUX functionality, including dedicated GNSS tunneling virtual channel
o FW upgrades by means of the FOAT feature
Auxiliary UART interface: 3-wire unbalanced 1.8 V asynchronous serial interface supporting o AT command mode
o GNSS tunneling
o FW upgrades by means of the u-blox EasyFlash tool o Trace log capture (diagnostic purpose)
DDC interface
: I2C-bus compatible interface supporting
o Communication with u-blox GPS/GNSS positioning chips / modules
See the u-blox AT commands manual [1] for the definition of the interface data mode and online command mode.
GNSS tunneling is not supported by SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 modules.
AT command mode and GNSS tunneling are not supported over the Auxiliary UART of SARA-G3 modules product versions
“00” and “01”.
DDC I2C-bus compatible interface is not supported by SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 modules.
SARA-G3 series - Data sheet
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2.5.1 Asynchronous serial interface (UART)

The UART interface is a 9-wire unbalanced 1.8 V asynchronous serial interface provided on all SARA-G3 modules for communication with an application processor, supporting:
AT command mode
Data mode and Online command mode
MUX functionality, including dedicated GNSS tunneling virtual channel
FW upgrades by means of the FOAT feature
UART characteristics are:
Complete serial port with RS-232 functionality conforming to the ITU-T V.24 Recommendation [8], with CMOS compatible signal levels (0 V for low data bit or ON state and 1.8 V for high data bit or OFF state)
Data lines (RXD as output, TXD as input), hardware flow control lines (CTS as output, RTS as input), modem status and control lines (DTR as input, DSR as output, DCD as output, RI as output) are provided
Hardware flow control (default value), software flow control, or none flow control are supported
Power saving indication available on the hardware flow control output (CTS line): the line is driven
to the OFF state when the module is not ready to accept data signals
2'400, 4'800, 9'600, 19'200, 38'400, 57'600, 115'200 b/s baud rates are supported
Auto baud rate detection (autobauding) is the default configuration
Frame format can be: 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit), or 8N2 (8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop
bits), or 8E1 (8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit), or 8O1 (8 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit), or 7E1 (7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit), or 7O1 (7 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit)
Automatic frame recognition is supported: this feature is the default configuration and it is enabled in conjunction with the auto baud rate detection only
Default frame configuration with fixed baud is 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit), Multiplexer protocol
SARA-G3 module has a software layer with MUX functionality, 3GPP TS 27.010 [11], available on the UART physical link.
This is a data link protocol (layer 2 of OSI model) which uses HDLC-like framing and operates between the module (DCE) and the application processor (DTE), and allows a number of simultaneous sessions over the physical link (UART): the user can concurrently use AT command interface on one MUX channel and data communication on another MUX channel.
SARA-G340 and SARA-G350 modules define the following virtual channels:
Channel 0: control channel
Channel 1 – 5: AT commands / data connection
Channel 6: GNSS tunneling
SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 modules define the following virtual channels:
Channel 0: control channel
Channel 1 – 2: AT commands / data connection
For more details, see the Mux implementation application note [4].
See the u-blox AT commands manual [1] for the definition of the interface data mode and online command mode.
GNSS tunneling is not supported by SARA-G300 and SARA-G310 modules.
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2.5.2 Auxiliary asynchronous serial interface (AUX UART)

The auxiliary UART interface is a 3-wire unbalanced 1.8 V asynchronous serial interface available on all SARA-G3 modules, supporting 16
AT command mode
GNSS tunneling mode
FW upgrades by means of the u-blox EasyFlash tool
Trace log capture (diagnostic purpose)
Auxiliary UART characteristics are:
Only the RXD_AUX data output and the TXD_AUX data input are provided, with CMOS compatible signal levels (0 V for low data bit or ON state and 1.8 V for high data bit or OFF state)
Characteristics in AT command mode
o Baud rate can be: 2'400, 4'800, 9'600, 19'200, 38'400, 57'600, 115'200 b/s, with default value
115'200 b/s
o Frame format can be: 8N1, or 8N2, or 8E1, or 8O1, or 7E1, or 7O1, with default value 8N1 o Automatic baud rate detection (autobauding) and automatic frame recognition are not
o Software flow control, or None flow control (default value) are supported
Characteristics in GNSS tunneling mode
o Baud rate is 115'200 b/s o Frame format is 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) o None flow control is supported
Characteristics for FW upgrade and diagnostic trace modes:
o 115'200, 230'400, 460'800, 921'600 b/s baud rates are supported o Frame format is 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) o None flow control is supported

2.5.3 DDC (I2C compatible) interface

SARA-G340 and SARA-G350 modules provide an I2C compatible DDC interface on the SCL and SDA pins exclusively for the communication with u-blox GNSS positioning chips / modules.
See the u-blox AT commands manual [1], +USIO AT command for further details regarding serial interfaces configuration
AT command mode and GNSS tunneling are not supported over the Auxiliary UART of SARA-G3 modules product versions
“00” and “01”.
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