u-blox ODIN-W260, ODIN-W262, ODIN-W260-00B-00, ODIN-W262-00B-00 System Integration Manual

ODIN-W2 series
Stand-alone multiradio modules with Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
System Integration Manual
This document describes the system integration of ODIN-W2 series multiradio module. The ODIN-W2 module is a compact, stand­alone, Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11-2012 (a/b/g/n), dual-
band 2x2 MIMO,
Bluetooth v2.1+EDR, Bluetooth Low Energy v4.
0, multiradio
solution in the compact ODIN form factor.
UBX-14040040 - R03
ODIN-W2 series - System Integration Manual
UBX-14040040 - R03 Advance Information Contents
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Document Information
Title ODIN-W2 series
Subtitle Stand-alone multiradio modules with Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
Document type System Integration Manual
Document number UBX-14040040
Revision and date R03 23-Sept-2015
Document status Advance Information
Document status explanation
Objective Specification Document contains target values. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
Advance Information Document contains data based on early testing. Revised and supplementary data will be published later.
Early Production Information Document contains data from product verification. Revised and supplementary data may be published later.
Production Information Document contains the final product specification.
This document applies to the following products:
Product name Type number Firmware version PCN / IN reference
ODIN-W260 ODIN-W260-00B-00 1.0.0 TBD
ODIN-W262 ODIN-W262-00B-00 1.0.0 TBD
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Copyright © 2015, u-blox AG.
u-blox® is a registered trademark of u-blox Holding AG in the EU and other countries. ARM® is the registered trademark of ARM Limited in the EU and other countries.
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Contents .............................................................................................................................. 3
1 System description ....................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Product features ................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Architecture .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 RF section ...................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.2 Host processor............................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Pin description ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Operating modes .................................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.1 Radio modes ................................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.2 Power modes ................................................................................................................................ 9
1.5 Power management ............................................................................................................................. 9
1.5.1 Module supply requirements (VCC) ............................................................................................... 9
1.5.2 Generic digital interfaces supply output (V_INT) ............................................................................. 9
1.5.3 VCC application circuits ................................................................................................................. 9
1.6 System function interfaces .................................................................................................................. 10
1.6.1 Module reset ............................................................................................................................... 10
1.6.2 External low power clock for power saving modes ...................................................................... 10
1.6.3 System input and output signals .................................................................................................. 10
1.6.4 Restoring default configuration ................................................................................................... 10
1.6.5 Firmware update ......................................................................................................................... 11
1.7 Antenna interfaces ............................................................................................................................. 11
1.7.1 Antenna connectors .................................................................................................................... 11
1.7.2 Internal antenna .......................................................................................................................... 11
1.8 Data communication interfaces .......................................................................................................... 11
1.8.1 Universal asynchronous serial interface (UART) ............................................................................ 11
1.8.2 Ethernet (RMII+SMI) .................................................................................................................... 12
1.9 Reserved pins (RSVD) .......................................................................................................................... 12
1.10 GND pins ........................................................................................................................................ 12
2 Design-in ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Design guidelines................................................................................................................................ 14
2.1.1 Module supply (VCC) design ....................................................................................................... 14
2.1.2 Generic digital interfaces supply output (V_INT) design................................................................ 14
2.1.3 Low power clock (LPO_CLK) design ............................................................................................. 14
2.1.4 Asynchronous serial interface (UART) design ............................................................................... 14
2.2 Antenna interface design .................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Antenna connectors .................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.2 Internal antenna design ............................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Module placement.............................................................................................................................. 16
2.4 Module footprint and paste mask ....................................................................................................... 16
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2.5 Thermal guidelines.............................................................................................................................. 17
2.5.1 Thermal protection ...................................................................................................................... 17
2.5.2 Heat dissipation ........................................................................................................................... 17
2.6 ESD guidelines .................................................................................................................................... 18
2.7 Schematic for ODIN-W2 ..................................................................................................................... 18
3 Handling and soldering ............................................................................................. 20
3.1 Packaging, shipping, storage and moisture preconditioning ............................................................... 20
3.2 Handling ............................................................................................................................................. 20
3.3 Soldering ............................................................................................................................................ 20
3.3.1 Solder paste ................................................................................................................................ 20
3.3.2 Reflow soldering ......................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.3 Optical inspection ........................................................................................................................ 22
3.3.4 Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................... 22
3.3.5 Repeated reflow soldering ........................................................................................................... 22
3.3.6 Wave soldering............................................................................................................................ 22
3.3.7 Hand soldering ............................................................................................................................ 22
3.3.8 Rework ........................................................................................................................................ 23
3.3.9 Conformal coating ...................................................................................................................... 23
3.3.10 Casting ........................................................................................................................................ 23
3.3.11 Grounding metal covers .............................................................................................................. 23
3.3.12 Use of ultrasonic processes .......................................................................................................... 23
4 Qualifications and Approvals .................................................................................... 24
4.1 Safety Compliance .............................................................................................................................. 24
4.2 FCC and IC compliance - Labeling Requirements for End Product ....................................................... 24
4.3 UL listing information ......................................................................................................................... 25
4.4 Japan Radio Equipment Compliance - Labeling Requirements for End Product.................................... 25
4.5 Compliance with RoHS directive ......................................................................................................... 25
Appendix A - Glossary ..................................................................................................... 26
Appendix B - Antennas .................................................................................................... 27
Antenna accessories................................................................................................................................... 27
Approved antennas.................................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix C – Design-in checklist .................................................................................... 31
Schematic checklist .................................................................................................................................... 31
Layout checklist ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Related documents........................................................................................................... 32
Revision history ................................................................................................................ 32
Contact .............................................................................................................................. 33
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UBX-14040040 - R03 Advance Information System description
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1 System description
The ODIN-W2 series is a highly integrated multiradio module developed by u-blox for integration in demanding, reliable devices such as those needed for industrial and medical applications. The module is built around a multiradio chip, which includes Wi-Fi, Classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (Dual Mode / Bluetooth Smart Ready). The Wi-Fi support conforms to IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n, and has support for dual-band 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz operation and 2.4 GHz 2×2 MIMO.
The high performance ODIN-W2 series module is available in different versions (see Product features). The module has a small form factor and the interface layout is the same as previous Bluetooth and Wi-Fi modules from u-blox in the 15x22 mm ODIN form factor.
The module is complete with embedded driver, stack and application for wireless data transfer and AT-command configuration. The upcoming extensions of the module firmware include micro Access Point
and high speed
interfaces such as RMII for Ethernet applications. The ODIN-W2 series modules support IEEE 802.11d. IEEE 802.11d is an amendment to the IEEE 802.11
specification that adds support for "additional regulatory domains". IEEE 802.11d allows ODIN-W2 based devices to self-configure and operate according to the regulations of the country in which they operate. Its parameters include country name, channel quantity and maximum transmission level. The country information feature simplifies the creation of 802.11 wireless access points and client devices that meet the different regulations enforced in various parts of the world. For more information about 802.11d see the ODIN-W2 Series Datasheet [2].
1.1 Product features
Table 1: Key features of ODIN-W2 series
Planned for version 01B
Planned for version 02B
Planned feature
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1.2 Architecture
Figure 1: Block diagram of ODIN-W2 series
1.2.1 RF section
The radio frequency (RF) section contains an RF transceiver, RF switches, RF filters, RF diplexer and a high tolerance crystal oscillator. The transceiver has the following five RF ports:
Bluetooth 2.4 GHz in/out, classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth low energy
Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz band main port in/out
Wi-Fi 5 GHz band In
Wi-Fi 5 GHz band out
Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz band MIMO port in/out
The Bluetooth and Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz main ports are switched together to a common RF path, which is filtered with a 2.4 GHz band pass filter. The in and out ports of Wi-Fi 5 GHz are switched together to a common in and out path. The 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz RF paths are combined together with a 2.4 and 5 GHz diplexer (the diplexer also have band pass characteristics) into a dual-band Wi-Fi and Bluetooth dual-mode in and out antenna port (main antenna port). The switches are controlled by the radio transceiver, which guarantees only one port is active at any given point of time.
The Wi-Fi MIMO port is separate from the other ports and connected directly to a coaxial U.FL. connector through a band pass filter. The U.FL. connector should be connected to an external antenna through a coaxial cable. See Approved antennas
section for more information about how to select the antennas.
The MIMO port/functionality is available only in the ODIN-W260 module.
Different antenna options are available depending on the chosen ODIN-W2 series model:
ODIN-W260: A standard coaxial U.FL. connector that must be connected to an external antenna
through a coaxial cable. See Antenna connectors section for more information about the antenna connectors.
ODIN-W262: An internal dual-band PIFA antenna. See Internal antenna subsection for more information
about the internal antenna.
Three internal DC/DC regulators generate 1.1 V, 1.8 V and 2.7 V to the RF parts.
1.2.2 Host processor
The host processor is composed of a high-performance ARM® Cortex™-M4 Microcontroller (MCU). The MCU operates at a system frequency of up to 168 MHz and has 2 MB of Flash and 256 KB of RAM memory. A 24 MHz crystal supplies the host for accurate interface timing. The host enables communication with the ODIN-W2 module over both UART and RMII.
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The power management is handled by a 1.8 V DC regulator that supplies the host core and IOs. The 1.8 V IO voltage is also available on the solder pads for use on an external interface logic. The 1.8 V is always available if the VCC supply to the module is stable.
1.3 Pin description
Figure 2: ODIN-W2 series pin assignment
The signals are available on castellation pads on the edge of the PCB. The unfilled circular pads are GND pads. Black circular pads are test and production points and are not used in customer applications.
Function No Name
Power A2 V_INT O Regulated output voltage
for external interface supply.
1.8 V, max output current 100mA. The maximum output current can be limited by the internal current consumption of the V_INT rail.
A4 VCC I Module power supply. 3.0 - 3.6 V power supply.
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Function No Name
GND N/A Ground All GND pads must be
connected to ground.
System IO
A1 RESET_N I External reset input. Internal active pull-up to V_INT.
A7 RED O Logic Red LED Signal. Active low.
A8 GREEN/SWITCH_1 O/I Logic Green LED Signal.
System Input Signal
Active low. The GREEN signal is not valid until 500ms after
startup. If the level on this pin is pulled-down during start-up
the unit goes back to default serial settings. The SWITCH_1 input is only active during the first 500ms after startup.
The module will revert to factory settings if both the SWITCH_1 and SWITCH_0 signals are low during start up.
A9 BLUE O Logic Blue LED Signal. Active low.
A6 SWITCH_0 I System Input Signal Active low. The module will revert to factory settings
if both the SWITCH_1 and SWITCH_0 signals are low during startup.
Clock C16 LPO_CLK I Low Power Oscillator clock
The modules require an external 32.768 kHz clock for low power modes. Should be left unconnected if not used.
A11 UART_TXD O UART Transmit.
A12 UART_RTS O UART Request To Send,
Hardware flow control.
Active low.
A10 UART_CTS I UART Clear To Send,
Hardware flow control.
Active low.
A5 UART_DTR O UART Data Terminal Ready
System Output Signal
Active low. Is used as a System IO
A18 UART_DSR I UART Data Set Ready. Active low. Can also be used as a System IO.
RMII C14 RMII_MDC O Management data clock
C15 RMII_MDIO I/O Management data I/O line
D1 RMII_TXD0 O RMII Transmit 0
D2 RMII_TXD1 O RMII Transmit 1
D3 RMII_TX-EN O RMII Transmit enable Active high.
D4 RMII_CRS-DV I Carrier Sense/Receive Data
Valid input
Carrier Sense and Receive Data Valid signals are multiplexed together, multiplexing scheme varies with implementation.
D5 RMII_RXD0 I RMII Receive 0
D6 RMII_RXD1 I RMII Receive 1
I RMII Reference clock input Continuous 50 MHz reference clock input.
N/A Reserved pin. All RSVD should be left unconnected
Table 2: ODIN-W2 pin description
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1.4 Operating modes
1.4.1 Radio modes
The ODIN-W2 series is a stand-alone multiradio module that supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth classic, and Bluetooth low energy. It can run as a single radio module with only one radio-mode enabled or as a true multiradio module with both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi enabled concurrently.
When the ODIN-W2 series module runs as a multiradio module, coexistence is handled internally. In other words, the ODIN-W2 series module will swap between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when needed and ensures that no transmissions occur simultaneously.
1.4.2 Power modes
Different modes will be available to optimize power consumption. This will be implemented in future software releases.
To enable any power saving mode, an external low power oscillator clock (LPO) is required. See the Low
power clock (LPO_CLK) design section for more information about the external LPO design.
1.5 Power management
1.5.1 Module supply requirements (VCC)
The ODIN-W2 series modules must be supplied with a DC power through VCC pins. Voltage must be stable, as during operation, the current drawn from the VCC can vary significantly depending on the power consumption profile of the Bluetooth (BT) and Wi-Fi technologies.
See Module supply requirements (VCC) section for power supply design information and the ODIN-W2 series Data Sheet [2] for information about voltage supply requirement.
1.5.2 Generic digital interfaces supply output (V_INT)
The ODIN-W2 series modules provide a 1.8 V supply rail output through the V_INT pin, which is internally generated when the module has VCC supplied. The same voltage domain is used internally to supply the generic digital interfaces of the modules. The V_INT supply output can be used instead of an external discrete regulator.
1.5.3 VCC application circuits
The ODIN-W2 series modules must be supplied with a proper DC power supply through the VCC pins, which can be one of the following:
Switching regulator
Low Drop Out (LDO) regulator
The switching step-down regulator is the right choice when the available primary supply source has a nominal voltage much higher (for example, greater than 5 V) than the operating supply voltage of the ODIN-W2 series. The use of switching step-down provides the best power efficiency for the overall application and minimizes current drawn from the main supply source. While selecting the switching step-down regulator, ensure that the output voltage is clean and does not inject noise to the module. Appropriate filtering might be needed.
The use of an LDO linear regulator is convenient for a primary supply with a relatively low voltage (for example, less than 5 V). In this case, the typical 90% efficiency of the switching regulator will diminish the benefit of voltage step-down and no true advantage will be gained in input current savings. On the other side, linear regulators are not recommended for high voltage step-down as they will dissipate a considerable amount of energy in thermal power.
Independent of the selected DC power supply, it is crucial that the ODIN-W2 series can handle the high peak currents generated by the RF transceiver and front end. It is recommended to use a supply that can deliver 1A. It is considered as best practice to have decoupling capacitors on the supply rails close to the ODIN-W2 series module, although depending on the design of the power routing on the host system, capacitance might not be needed.
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1.6 System function interfaces
1.6.1 Module reset
You can reset (reboot) the ODIN-W2 series modules using one of the following methods:
Hardware reset: Low level on the RESET_N pin, which is normally set high by an internal pull-up, for a
valid time period (see ODIN-W2 series Data Sheet [2]). This causes an “external” or “hardware” reset of the module. The RESET_N line should be driven by open drain, open collector or contact switch.
Software reset with an AT command: This causes an “internal” or “software” reset of the module.
See ODIN-W2 AT Commands Manual [1] for more information.
1.6.2 External low power clock for power saving modes
An external 32.768 kHz Low Power Clock (LPO) is required for using the power saving modes. See the ODIN-W2 AT Commands Manual [1] for more information about the different power saving modes. The clock must be available during start-up (after power on or while leaving the reset-state).
See the Low power clock (LPO_CLK) design section for more information about external LPO clock design. The LPO clock should be left unconnected if not needed in the design. See ODIN-W2 series Data Sheet [2] for electrical requirements.
1.6.3 System input and output signals
The module can be in Command mode, Data mode, and Extended Data mode and the RED, GREEN, BLUE and UART DTR signals are used to detect or indicate the status. See ODIN-W2 AT Commands Manual [1] for more information about the modes.
Table 4 describes the default setup of the System IOs - RED, GREEN and BLUE. For more information on the pins see Pin description section.
Command mode IDLE Orange LOW HIGH LOW
Data mode, Command mode, EDM
Data mode, Command mode, EDM
Table 3: LED Signal states in different module modes
The UART_DTR pin can be set to indicate if the module is in Data mode (Low) or Command mode (High) or indicate if there are any modules connected to the module (Low if at least one module is connected). It can also be set to always low.
The UART_DSR pin can be set put the module in Command mode (Low to High transition will set the module in Command mode if not already there) or it can be used to disconnect all remote pears.
For more information, see the ODIN-W2 AT Commands Manual [1].
1.6.4 Restoring default configuration
In some situations, it is necessary to restore the settings to their default values. The following two levels of restore to default configuration can be activated through hardware:
Serial Settings: The serial settings are restored to default serial settings if the level on the SWITCH_1
pin is low during start-up. See the table in the Universal asynchronous serial interface (UART) section for more information about the default serial settings.
On data activity, the active LED flashes.
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