u-blox MQTT User Manual

describes how to connect and configure Message Queuing Telemetry
Application note
This application note Transport (MQTT) using u-connectXpress software.
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u-connectXpress MQTT - Application note
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Title u-connectXpress
Subtitle MQTT
Document type Application note
Document number UBX-19005066
Revision and date R03 22-Feb-2021
Disclosure restriction C1-Public
This document applies to the following products:
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NINA-W131 2.1.x onwards
NINA-W132 2.1.x onwards
NINA-W151 1.0.x onwards
NINA-W152 1.0.x onwards
NINA-W156 3.1.x onwards
ODIN-W260 7.0.x onwards
ODIN-W262 7.0.x onwards
ODIN-W263 7.0.x onwards
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u-connectXpress MQTT - Application note


1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 4
2 MQTT-SN gateway ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Connect MQTT-SN gateway to broker ................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 URL format (for AT+UDCP and AT+UDDRP) ................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Example Mosquitto test broker ....................................................................................................... 7
2.2 MQTT-SN client connect/disconnect ..................................................................................................... 8
2.3 MQTT-SN client publish ............................................................................................................................ 9
2.4 MQTT-SN client subscribe ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.5 MQTT-SN client PING ............................................................................................................................... 11
2.6 MQTT-SN sleeping clients ...................................................................................................................... 12
3 MQTT client gateway ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Connect MQTT client gateway to broker ............................................................................................. 14
A Publish packet size limitations .................................................................................................... 15
B Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 16
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u-connectXpress MQTT - Application note

1 Overview

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a publish/subscribe, simple messaging protocol, designed for communication between multiple devices. This application note describes how to connect and configure MQTT using u-connectXpress software.
It is possible to configure the gateway as an MQTT-SN gateway. This is intended for end devices that do not support TCP/TLS directly; instead, an end device connects to the gateway using a serial connection such as Bluetooth SPS or SPP and communicates with the gateway using the MQTT-SN protocol, as described in Figure 1.
It is also possible to configure the gateway as an MQTT client gateway. The host of the gateway can then transmit or receive transparent MQTT data directly over the UART.
Figure 1: Gateway using a serial connection such as Bluetooth SPS or SPP with gateway communication using MQTT-SN
MQTT-SN gateway
End device
End device
MQTT client gateway
End device
Different combinations of the configurations described in Figure 1 can also be achieved. Hence, it is possible for the host, and the end devices to communicate with the MQTT broker via the same gateway simultaneously.
For information about how to get started with a module, see the corresponding EVK user guides (EVK­ODIN-W2 user guide [1] and EVK-NINA-W1 and EVK-NINA-B2 user guide [4].
See the u-connect AT commands manual [3] for details of the AT commands that can be used with u­blox short range stand-alone modules and the u-connectXpress user guide [2] for more information on the u-connectXpress software.
Refer to the MQTT-SN v1.2 protocol specification available at http://mqtt.org/documentation for information about the MQTT-SN protocol.
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u-connectXpress MQTT - Application note
Streams bound

2 MQTT-SN gateway

An MQTT-SN (SN=Sensor Network) gateway enables end devices with no TCP/TLS support to communicate with an MQTT broker (which requires TCP/TLS). The end device connects to the gateway using a serial connection, such as Bluetooth SPS or SPP, and communicates using the MQTT-SN protocol. The gateway then converts the MQTT-SN packets, from the end device, to MQTT packets and sends to the broker and vice versa.
End Device
ANNA-B112 or NINA-B1/B2/B3
Figure 2: End device connects to the gateway using serial connection
ODIN-W2 or
MQTT broker
The MQTT-SN gateway is an aggregating gateway, which means that there is only one TCP or TLS connection to the MQTT broker. Hence, multiple end devices do not require one connection each as in the case of a transparent gateway. This is good since many brokers limit the number of connections and it is then better for many end nodes to share one TCP/TLS connection.
The end device will act as an MQTT-SN client (or client from here on) and it can publish or subscribe to data identified by a unique topic string. The MQTT broker is data agnostic meaning it considers all data to be a byte array. Hence, a publish data packet consists of:
A topic string that uniquely identifies the data
Data as a byte array.
The steps to get the MQTT-SN gateway configured and running typically are:
1. Create one or more MQTT streams by using the AT commands,
AT+UDCP or AT+UDDRP. The first
created stream will setup the actual TCP/TLS connection to the MQTT broker.
2. Create one or more end device streams, Bluetooth SPS or SPP, by using the AT commands,
AT+UDCP, AT+UDDRP or by enabling one of the associated services, AT+UDSC, for the end device to
connect to the gateway.
3. Bind the MQTT stream with the end device stream using one of the following:
o Dynamic bind, AT command o Static bind configured using
AT+UDBIND (requires host to execute the command)
sys.sid” key in stream URL (automatic bind once both the
connections are active)
End device
MQTT broker
Figure 3: End device acts as MQTT-SN client with agnostic MQTT broker
The end device must transmit and receive MQTT-SN packets on the Bluetooth SPS or SPP link.
Hence, some basic MQTT-SN packet parsing is required by the end device.
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u-connectXpress MQTT - Application note
The gateway does not support the full MQTT-SN specification. Only the following packet types are supported:
CONNECT / CONNACK (client connects to the gateway)
DISCONNECT (client disconnects from the gateway or enter sleep mode)
REGISTER / REGACK (client register topic to the gateway)
PUBLISH / PUBACK (client or gateway forwards data)
SUBSCRIBE / SUBACK (client subscribes to data identified with topic)
PINGREQ / PINGRESP (client checks connection to the gateway or polls for data when in sleep
To ease implementation of a propriety MQTT-SN end device, it is recommended to use the MQTT-
SN packet parser code available at https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt-sn.embedded-c.

2.1 Connect MQTT-SN gateway to broker

The MQTT-SN gateway is configured using either the connect peer AT command, AT+UDCP, or the default remote peer AT command,
Figure 4: MQTT-SN gateway connect to broker
MQTT broker
One MQTT stream must be setup for every connected MQTT-SN end device. For example, if the
gateway must handle 5 parallel Bluetooth LE connected end devices, then five MQTT streams must be activated. However, for sleeping clients, it is possible to have more clients than the MQTT streams if they do not need to be connected simultaneously.

2.1.1 URL format (for AT+UDCP and AT+UDDRP)

mqtt://<host address>:<port>/?<keys>
<host address>: Host name or IP address, e.g., test.mosquitto.org or
<port>: IP address port number, e.g., 1883
<keys>: key=value (with separating and character) for gateway to broker connection
MQTT related keys:
o client: Client name, e.g.,
o user: User name, e.g.,
The end devices must ensure that data is transmitted to the broker within the keep-alive timeout.
o passwd: User password, e.g.,
o keepAlive: Keep alive timeout in seconds, e.g., keepAlive=60
o qos: Quality of Service level (0,1,2). Refer to the MQTT specification [5] for details.
If not, the broker may disconnect.
maxSnClients: Number of MQTT-SN clients supported, e.g., maxSnClients=24
Default is 16.
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