Host-based multiradio modules with Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth 5
Data sheet
This technical data sheet describes the JODY-W2 series modules with 1x1 802.11n/ac and dualmode Bluetooth 5. JODY-W2 is ideal for in-vehicle infotainment and
simultaneous use cases requiring high data rates, such as in-car hotspots, Wi-Fi display applications
such as Apple CarPlay, or video streaming across multiple clients. Connection to a host processor is
through SDIO, or High-Speed UART interfaces (Bluetooth only).
1.4 Product features ......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Wi-Fi features ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3 Bluetooth features ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.4 General product features .................................................................................................................. 8
1.4.5 Reserved MAC addresses ................................................................................................................. 8
4.3 Wi-Fi power consumption ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.4 Bluetooth power consumption ............................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Digital pad ratings ..................................................................................................................................... 22
4.6 Radio specifications ................................................................................................................................. 22
4.6.1 Bluetooth ............................................................................................................................................ 22
5 Host drivers and firmware ............................................................................................................. 25
5.1 General principle ........................................................................................................................................ 25
5.2 Supported operating systems ............................................................................................................... 25
5.2.1 Linux .................................................................................................................................................... 25
7.1 European Union regulatory compliance ............................................................................................... 27
7.1.1 Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU .......................................................................... 27
7.1.2 Compliance with the RoHS directive ............................................................................................ 27
7.2 United States (FCC) ................................................................................................................................. 27
7.5.1 Wi-Fi / Bluetooth dual band antennas .......................................................................................... 30
7.5.2 Bluetooth antenna ............................................................................................................................ 30
A Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Related documents ................................................................................................................................ 37
Revision history ....................................................................................................................................... 38
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1 Functional description
1.1 Overview
The JODY-W2 series are compact modules based on the NXP 88W8987 chipset family. The chipsets
used in the automotive grade JODY-W2 modules are AEC-Q100 compliant. They enable Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) communication, and are ideal for automotive and industrial
The JODY-W2 modules can be operated in the following modes:
• Wi-Fi 1x1 802.11a/b/g/n/ac in 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz
• Dual-mode Bluetooth 5, including audio, can be operated fully simultaneous with Wi-Fi
JODY-W2 undergoes extended automotive qualification according to ISO 16750-4 and is
manufactured in line with ISO/TS 16949. Connection to a host processor is through SDIO, or
High-Speed UART interfaces.
1.2 Applications
Automotive applications
• In-car Access Point for internet access
• In the car applications such as Apple Car-Play, Miracast, and so on.
• Rear-seat display
• Rapid sync-n-go applications and fast content download to the vehicle.
• Hands-free equipment (Bluetooth)
Industrial applications
• Manufacturing floor automation, wireless control terminals and point-to-point backhaul
• Machine control
• Medical in-hospital applications
• Security and surveillance
• Outdoor content distribution
• Robust wireless connectivity in a broad range of industrial applications
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1.3 Block diagram
Figure 1 shows the various components and interfaces supported in JODY-W2 series modules.
Figure 1: JODY-W263-A block diagram
☞ JODY-W2 variants with a dedicated LTE Coexistence Filter (2.4 GHz BPF) are available on
request. Coexistence filters are only needed if LTE bands 7, 38, 40, and 41 are used.
The type numbers and corresponding configuration options for JODY-W2 series modules are shown
in Table 2.
• WPA/WPA2 and WAPI encryption is supported by hardware
• SDIO 3.0 host interface for Wi-Fi (and optionally Bluetooth)
• WPA3-SAE is supported in station and AP mode
802.11k/r/u/v in STA mode only
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1.4.2 Wi-Fi Simultaneous operation modes
• AP Simultaneous operation
o AP + AP - Multi-BSS support (MAX_UAP_BSS = 2)
o AP + AP + STA
o AP + STA
• P2P Simultaneous operation
o P2P + STA
o P2P + AP
o P2P + STA + AP
☞ Please note that two or more Wi-Fi interfaces should operate in the same channel.
1.4.3 Bluetooth features
• Bluetooth 5 with Bluetooth Low Energy
• BDR and EDR packet types – 1 Mbit/s, 2 Mbit/s, and 3 Mbit/s
• LE 2 Mbit/s PHY
• LE Data Length Extension
• LE Advertising Extension
• Bluetooth Class 1 and 2
• Standard SDIO and UART HCI transport layer
• PCM interface for voice applications
1.4.4 General product features
• Driver support for Linux, Android
• Coexistence with cellular and other on-chip radios
• Small footprint (19.8 mm x 13.8 mm), LGA package
• Automotive qualification tests (climatic, mechanical, and operating life tests) in accordance with
ISO 16750-4 planned
1.4.5 Reserved MAC addresses
JODY-W2 series modules have four consecutive MAC addresses that are unique for each module
variant. The first two of these four addresses are configured during production.
The first address is used for the Bluetooth communication, while the second address is configured for
Wi-Fi communication. The Data Matrix Code shown on the product label includes the Bluetooth MAC
address, as shown in section 9. The remaining two MAC addresses are not used in the manufacturing
configuration but are reserved for module usage.
MAC addressAssignmentLast two bits of MAC addressExample
Module1, address 1 Bluetooth 0b00
Module1, address 2 Wi-Fi 0b01 D4:CA:6E:44:00:05
Module1, address 3 (free for use) 0b10 D4:CA:6E:44:00:06
Module1, address 4 (free for use) 0b11 D4:CA:6E:44:00:07
Module2, address 1 Bluetooth 0b00
Module2, address 2 Wi-Fi 0b01 D4:CA:6E:44:00:09
Module2, address 3 (free for use) 0b10 D4:CA:6E:44:00:0A
Module2, address 4 (free for use) 0b11 D4:CA:6E:44:00:0B
Table 3: MAC address assignment
For further details about using the MAC address for secondary Wi-Fi interfaces, refer to section 3.8.1
in the JODY-W2 system integration manual [2].
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2 Interfaces
2.1 Host interface configuration
The JODY-W2 series provides two configuration pins, CONFIG[0] and CONFIG[1], for selecting the
host interface configuration and additional configuration pins are used to set parameters following a
reset. To set a configuration bit to 0, attach a 100 kΩ resistor to GND. No external pull-up resistor is
required to set a configuration bit to 1. Table 4 Table 5 show all strapping options.
CONFIG[1] CONFIG[0] Wi-Fi Bluetooth Firmware download Number of SDIO functions
Additional configuration pins are listed in Table 5.
Name Pin Description
PCM_OUT 17 Set high during reset.
BT_UART_RTS 38 Set high during reset.
LTE_COEX_TX 13 Set high during reset.
BT_UART_TX 36 Set low during reset. A 51 kΩ pull down resistor is implemented on the module.
Table 5: Additional configuration pins
2.2 SDIO interface
The SDIO device interface conforms to the industry standard SDIO 3.0 specification (UHS-I, up to
104 MByte/s). The interface allows host controllers to access the Wi-Fi, and optionally Bluetooth,
functions of JODY-W2 series modules using the SDIO bus protocol. The interface supports 4-bit SDIO
transfer mode at the full clock range up to 208 MHz. For SDIO 2.0 running at 25 MHz and 50 MHz
clock frequencies. Only a signal voltage of 1.8 V is supported for all bus speed modes.
Bus speed mode Max clock frequency [MHz] Signal voltage [V] Max. bus speed [MB/s]
DS: Default Speed 25 1.8 12.5
HS: High Speed 50 1.8 25
SDR12 25 1.8 12.5
SDR25 50 1.8 25
SDR50 100 1.8 50
SDR104 208 1.8 104
DDR50 50 1.8 50
Table 6: Supported SDIO bus speed modes
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