u-blox EVK-VERA-P174 User Manual

Evaluation kit for VERA-P1 host-based V2X transceiver modules
User guide
This document describes how to set up the EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation kit to evaluate the VERA­P1 series host-based 802.11p V2X transceiver modules.
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EVK-VERA-P174 - User guide
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Document information

Title EVK-VERA-P174
Subtitle Evaluation kit for VERA-P1 host-based V2X transceiver modules
Document type User guide
Document number UBX-17048707
Revision and date R08 6-Nov-2020
Disclosure Restriction C1 Public
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Product name Type number Firmware version PCN reference
EVK-VERA-P174 EVK-VERA-P174-00A-00 N/A
ocuments, visit www.u-blox.com.
-blox AG.
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EVK-VERA-P174 - User guide


Document information ............................................................................................................................. 2
Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Evaluation kit description ................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Kit includes ................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Software and documentation ................................................................................................................... 6
1.4 System requirements ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Specifications .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2 Getting started .................................................................................................................................... 8
3 Board description ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1 Block diagram .............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 Main board ......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 USB and power supply board .......................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Connectors ................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.1 Power supply and configuration .................................................................................................... 12
3.3.2 USB interface ..................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.3 Bootstrapping .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.4 SPI interface ...................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.5 SPI chip select ................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.6 1PPS interface ................................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.7 GNSS interface .................................................................................................................................. 13
3.3.8 SMA connectors ............................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.9 Host interface connector ................................................................................................................ 14
3.4 LEDs ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.5 Buttons ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
3.6 Design files ................................................................................................................................................. 15
4 Software ............................................................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Quick start instructions ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Module calibration .................................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 Usage examples ........................................................................................................................................ 22
4.3.1 Transmit and receive counters ...................................................................................................... 23
4.3.2 Channel configuration ..................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.3 Transmitter test ............................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.4 Receiver test ...................................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.5 LLC native IPv6 functionality ......................................................................................................... 26
4.4 Building the software for a different target platform ....................................................................... 27
Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 28
A Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Related documents ................................................................................................................................ 29
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EVK-VERA-P174 - User guide
Revision history ....................................................................................................................................... 30
Contact ....................................................................................................................................................... 31
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EVK-VERA-P174 - User guide

1 Evaluation kit description

1.1 Overview

VERA-P1 is a compact, embedded transceiver module that enables development of electronics for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication systems. The module includes an integrated MAC/LLC/Baseband processor and the required RF front-end components. It connects to a host processor through USB or SPI interface.
The EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation kit provides a simple way to evaluate the VERA-P1 series host­based V2X transceiver modules. The evaluation kit serves as an evaluation and development platform providing full access to the interfaces of the VERA-P1 radio module, and allows integration of the VERA-P1 module with an external PC or host processor development platform.
The main features of the EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation kit are:
Enables host communication via Micro USB connector or SPI pin header
Provides two SMA antenna connectors for the VERA-P1 module
Has an integrated u-blox NEO-M8U GNSS module with SMA antenna connector
Has an on-board SPI flash for evaluating different boot options
Provides an integrated USB 2.0 hub to access VERA-P1, GNSS, and SPI flash via a single
Has 9 – 28 V DC power supply input with the option to provide external supplies separately and measure current consumption
Table 1 lists the available versions of the evaluation kit:
Evaluation kit Description Suitable for evaluation of
EVK-VERA-P174 Evaluation kit for the VERA-P1 module VERA-P173 (with single radio firmware)
VERA-P174 (with dual radio firmware)
Table 1: EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation kit
For further information about the features supported by VERA-P1 series V2X modules, see the
VERA-P1 series data sheet [1] and VERA-P1 series system integration manual [2].
The EVK-VERA-P174 consists of two boards, which are connected by a board-to-board connector. The upper main board contains the VERA-P174 and the NEO-M8U GNSS module. The USB interface and main power supply are included on the lower power supply board. The board-to-board connector allows the main board to be directly connected to a compatible host board.
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EVK-VERA-P174 - User guide
Figure 1: EVK-VERA-P174 main board

1.2 Kit includes

The EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation kit includes the following:
Evaluation board with the VERA-P174 module (main and power supply boards)
Two 5.9 GHz DSRC antennas (Triton TD.10 5 dBi)
• Micro USB cable
Quick Start card

1.3 Software and documentation

The Linux drivers, firmware, and basic evaluation tools for the VERA-P1 series modules are available via u-blox support. Distribution of the software requires signing of the u-blox Limited Use License Agreement (LULA-N).
Contact u-blox support for your area as listed in the Contact section to obtain the software

1.4 System requirements

• Host PC with a USB 2.0 interface
Native Linux OS or virtual machine for building and running the software (for example, Ubuntu
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EVK-VERA-P174 - User guide

1.5 Specifications

Table 2 and Table 3 list the absolute maximum ratings and operating conditions for the EVK-VERA-P174:
Symbol Description Min. Max. Unit
V_Sys Main power supply 9 – 28 V -0.3 28.0 V
5V0_A1, 5V0_A2
3V3 Power supply voltage 3.3 V -0.3 3.9 V
VIO I/O supply voltage 1.8 V/3.3 V -0.3 3.9 V
Table 2: Absolute maximum ratings
Symbol Description Min. Typ Max. Unit
V_Sys Main power supply voltage 9 12 28 V
5V0_A1, 5V0_A2
3V3 Power supply voltage 3.3 V 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
VIO I/O supply voltage 1.8 V/3.3 V 1.65 1.8 1.95 V
3.0 3.3 3.6 V
TA Ambient operating temperature - 40 - + 95 ºC
Ripple Noise Peak-to-peak voltage ripple on 3V3 supply lines - - 175 mV
Peak-to-peak voltage ripple on 5V0 supply lines. 125 mV
Table 3: Operating conditions
Storage temperature -40 +95 ºC
Power supply voltage 5 V -0.3 6.0 V
Power supply voltage 5.0 V 4.5 5.0 5.5 V
Symbol Description Conditions Typ Max. Unit
VIH Input high voltage 0.7*VIO1 VIO1 V
VIL Input low voltage -0.3 0.62 V
Input hysteresis 0.18 - V
VOH Output high voltage IOmax = 5 mA VIO - 0.4 - V
VOL Output low voltage IOmax = -5 mA - 0.4 V
Table 4: Digital pad ratings
1PPS pad always uses 1.8 V internally generated IO supply regardless of the VIO pad voltage.
RSTn pad is internally pulled high to VIO voltage by 100k. During reset, it should be below 0.2 V.
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EVK-VERA-P174 - User guide
5V 3V3
Boot mode

2 Getting started

The basic steps to evaluate the VERA-P1 series modules using the EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation kit are provided below:
1. Make sure that jumpers are placed on the current measurement pin headers on the main board as shown in Figure 2. The jumpers for 5 V, 3.3 V, and 1.8 V supply must be placed on the power supply board to use the on-board voltage regulators. The jumper for VIO voltage selection on the power supply board is set to 3.3 V by default. See the description on the back of the board for the jumper locations.
Figure 2: Jumper locations on the main board
2. Place jumpers on Boot_0 and Boot_1 to select the USB DFU boot mode.
3. Connect two external 5.9 GHz antennas to the SMA antenna connectors of the VERA-P1 series module.
Always make sure that the RF ports are properly terminated to a 50 Ω load such as an antenna,
spectrum analyzer or 802.11p receiver. If you directly connect the RF ports of the two EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation kits, include a minimum attenuation of 50 dB, to avoid damage to the modules.
4. Connect a 9 – 28 V, 12 W power adapter to the 2.5 x 5.5 mm barrel power connector ( ) on the power supply board. The power and reset LEDs will be on.
5. Connect the micro USB connector on the power supply board to a host processor or a PC. The USB LED will be on.
6. Follow the quick start instructions in section 4.1 to build the Linux driver and applications for the VERA-P1 series modules and download the firmware to the VERA-P1 series module.
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8 MBit Flash
Power Supply
9V ... 28V
USB & Power Board
VERA-P1 Main Board
Host Connector
& Pin Header

3 Board description

This section describes the EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation board, the available connectors, and configuration settings.

3.1 Block diagram

Figure 3 shows a general block diagram of the evaluation board.
Figure 3: Block diagram of the EVK-VERA-P174 evaluation board

3.2 Overview

Table 5 lists the available connectors on the upper main board of the EVK-VERA-P174 and their functions. Table 6 lists the available connectors on the lower power supply board of the EVK-VERA-P174 and their functions.
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3.2.1 Main board

Bootstrapping (J112)
1PPS (J108)
Reset button
VERA-P1 ANT 1 (J102)
VERA (J103)
GNSS antenna connector
GNSS (J106)
Reset LED
Firmware LED
5V (J111)
3V3 (J109)
SPI CS (J113)
SPI (J105)
VIO (J110)
EVK-VERA-P174 - User guide
-P1 ANT 2
Figure 4: EVK-VERA-P1 Main board assembly overview
Designator Connector Description
J112 Bootstrapping Jumpers to select the VERA-P1 boot mode
J105 SPI SPI interface connector
J108 1PPS Jumper and connector for the internal or external 1PPS signal
J109 3V3 current measure Pin header to measure current on 3V3 rail
J110 VIO current measure Pin header to measure current on VIO rail
J111 5V current measure Pin header to measure current on 5V rail
J102 ANT1 SMA connector for antenna 1 of VERA-P1
J103 ANT2 SMA connector for antenna 2 of VERA-P1
J113 SPI CS Jumper to configure SPI chip select routing between VERA-P1, SPI flash, and host
J104 GNSS antenna SMA connector for the GNSS antenna
J106 GNSS connector Connector for GNSS UART/1PPS signals
J101 Host interface
Table 5: EVK-VERA-P174 Main board connector description
Board-to-board connector to the power supply board
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