u-blox EVK-R41Z User Manual

to evaluate R41Z series
modules. It also describes the different options for debugging and the development capabilities
Evaluation kit for R41Z modules
User guide
This document describes how to set up the EVK-R41Z evaluation kit
included in the evaluation board.
UBX-19033357 - R04
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EVK-R41Z - User guide
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Document information

Title EVK-R41Z
Subtitle Evaluation kit for R41Z modules
Document type User guide
Document number UBX-19033357
Revision and date R04 26-Aug-2020
Disclosure restriction C1-Public
This document applies to the following products:
Product name Type number
R41Z-Eval R41Z-Eval-00
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EVK-R41Z - User guide


Document information ................................................................................................................................ 2
Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Product description .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Key features ................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Kit includes ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Development tools ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Hardware description ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Power ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 R41Z power modes ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Power configuration switch .............................................................................................................. 8
DC-DC mode selection ....................................................................................................................... 8
Measuring power consumption ....................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Debug interface ......................................................................................................................................... 10
OpenSDA interface ........................................................................................................................... 10
Reset button ...................................................................................................................................... 10
External debug header ..................................................................................................................... 11
2.4 Peripherals .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Expansion headers ........................................................................................................................... 12
IR LED provision ................................................................................................................................ 12
User LEDs ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Thermistor ......................................................................................................................................... 13
User buttons ...................................................................................................................................... 13
SPI flash .............................................................................................................................................. 14
I2C acceleration/magnetometer sensor ...................................................................................... 14
2.5 R41Z module .............................................................................................................................................. 15
32.768 kHz oscillator ....................................................................................................................... 15
Setting up the evaluation board .................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Set up the tool chain ................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Try an example ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Related documents ................................................................................................................................... 22
Revision history .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Contact .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
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EVK-R41Z - User guide

Product description

The R41Z evaluation kit allows for stand-alone use of the R41Z module featuring the NXP MKW41Z RF System on Chip (SoC).
This guide provides setup instructions for starting development and describes the hardware functionality of the R41Z evaluation kit that can facilitate development of your project.
The R41Z evaluation kit provides a great starting point for almost any Bluetooth low energy, Thread, or Zigbee project. All the features of the R41Z module are easily accessed from the evaluation board. A simple USB connection provides power and OpenSDA V2.1 based debugging. Four user buttons (two conventional and two capacitive) are available, as well as an RGB LED, reset button, combination acceleration/magnetometer sensor, and an external 4 Mbit flash module. Arduino form factor headers provide access to 16 GPIO and 6 analog inputs. This allows for easy use of the many existing Arduino shields. Current sense resistors allow for measuring current into the R41Z module and into the shield.

1.1 Key features

• R41Z Bluetooth low energy and IEEE 802.15.4 module
On-board programming and debug (OpenSDA v2.1)
• Virtual COM port over USB
Pin-for-pin compatible with projects created for the NXP FRDM-KW41Z board
Buttons and LEDs for user interaction
3-axis combination accelerometer and magnetometer, I2C interface
• 4 Mbit Flash, SPI interface
• Provision for IR LED
• 32.768 kHz crystal
• CR2032 battery holder
Supports all DC-DC modes of the R41Z module
Adjustable output regulator simplifies development
Figure 1: EVK-R41Z evaluation board (Top view)
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EVK-R41Z - User guide

1.2 Kit includes

R41Z evaluation kit includes:
R41Z evaluation board
Micro-USB cable
• Quick start guide

1.3 Development tools

The tools listed below will aid in development with the R41Z modules. Not all tools will be required depending on which software suite is used.
Tool Description
MCUXpresso IDE An easy-to-use integrated development environment (IDE) for creating, building,
debugging, and optimizing your application.
MCUXpresso SDK An open source software development kit (SDK) built specifically for your processor
and evaluation board selections.
MCUXpresso Config Tools A comprehensive suite of system configuration tools, including pins, clocks,
Peripherals, and more.
NXP IoT Toolbox IoT Toolbox is an all-in-one application capable of demonstrating NXP’s Bluetooth®
LE, Zigbee and Thread capabilities through the implementation of Bluetooth® LE and custom proprietary profiles, allowing the interaction with different smartphones.
Table 1: Useful tools
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EVK-R41Z - User guide
Accelerometer /
R41Z Module
User Button2
User Button5
User Button3
User Button4
Reset Button
Ext. Power
Board Current
32.768 kHz

Hardware description

Design files for the R41Z evaluation kit can be obtained from your u-blox sales representative.
for Power
and Debug
Magnetometer Sensor
SPI Flash
RGB and Blue
User LEDs
USB Power
2: Evaluation board layout

2.1 Power

The R41Z evaluation board has three possible power sources: USB, a CR2032 coin cell, and a
2.54 mm through-hole connector. These sources are connected through protection diodes to prevent reverse voltage to any supply. These allows for more than one source to be connected at a time. For example, a coil cell battery may remain connected to the board while the board is being debugged with the USB source connected. However, since the diodes do cause approximately a 0.3 V drop in source voltage, there is the option to bypass the diodes via solder jumpers.
Care should be taken to not damage the supplies or evaluation board when the protection
is by-passed.
If necessary, the LDO regulator can be disabled in order to allow for USB based debugging while powering the R41Z from either an external source or a coil cell. Since the R41Z can accept a wide range of power options, the LDO regulator can be adjusted to simulate some sources. For details on these options, see the power configuration switch, section 2.2.1.
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EVK-R41Z - User guide
Figure 3: Schematic: Power supply

2.2 R41Z power modes

The R41Z module contains a DC-DC converter that allows it to operate in a variety of power environments. The R41Z evaluation board supports all these operating modes, which are summarized in Table 2:
Mode Input voltage Output voltage Usage notes
Bypass 1.71 V – 3.6 V N/A DC-DC Converter is bypassed: Input voltage directly supplies all
internal module power rails. Suitable for larger or non-battery powered applications that have steady, regulated 3.3 V or 1.8 V power rails that power multiple devices. Since the DC-DC converter is bypassed in this mode, the R41Z cannot provide regulated power to other devices.
Buck 1.8 V – 4.2 V 1.8 V – 3.0 V 1 DC-DC Converter operates in buck mode. Internal power rails are
sourced and regulated by the R41Z module. An externally available power rail (V1P8) allows the R41Z to supply regulated power to other peripheral devices. Suitable for small applications powered directly from a lithium ion battery module can provide a regulated power rail to supply other devices.
Boost 0.9 V – 1.8 V 1.8 V – 3.0 V 1 DC-DC Converter operates if boost mode. Internal power rails are
sourced and regulated by the R41Z module. An externally available power rail (V1P8) allows the R41Z to supply regulated power to other peripheral devices. Suitable for small applications powered directly from a low voltage battery power consumption is low, the R41Z module can provide a regulated power rail to supply other devices.
Note 1: Output voltage is user adjustable in Buck and Boost mode. Defaults to 1.8 V at Power On Reset. In Buck mode, output voltage cannot be greater than input voltage.
Note 2: The R41Z does not include automatic battery management. Applications powered from batteries must include battery management and protection features implemented with additional hardware and/or software.
Table 2: R41Z DC-DC converter power modes
. If total power consumption is low, the R41Z
(For example, alkaline or NiMH). If total
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