u-blox EVK-JODY-W2 User Manual

Evaluation kit for JODY-W2 host-based modules
User guide
This document describes how to set up the EVK-JODY-W2 evaluation kit to evaluate JODY-W2 series multiradio modules with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
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EVK-JODY-W2 - User guide
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Document information

Subtitle Evaluation kit for JODY-W2 host-based modules
Document type User guide
Document number UBX-19027118
Revision and date R04 19-Feb-2021
Disclosure restriction C1 - Public
This document applies to the following products:
Product name Type number Firmware version PCN reference
EVK-JODY-W263 EVK-JODY-W263-01A-00 N/A N/A Initial Production
Production status
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EVK-JODY-W2 - User guide


Document information ............................................................................................................................. 2
Contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Kit description ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Kit includes ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Software ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 System requirements ................................................................................................................................ 6
2 Specifications ...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Operating conditions .................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 SDIO operating voltage .............................................................................................................................. 7
3 Getting started .................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Jumpers and connectors .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 EVK setup procedure .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.3 Host interface for Wi-Fi (1.8 V UHS) ....................................................................................................... 9
3.4 Host interface for Wi-Fi (3.3 V HS) ........................................................................................................ 10
3.5 Host interface for Bluetooth ................................................................................................................... 11
4 Board description ............................................................................................................................. 12
4.1 Block diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 12
4.2 Jumper conventions ................................................................................................................................. 13
4.3 Power supply configuration .................................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Input voltage levels ................................................................................................................................... 16
4.5 SDIO Interface ............................................................................................................................................ 17
4.6 Bluetooth UART interface ....................................................................................................................... 18
4.7 Bluetooth audio interface ........................................................................................................................ 18
4.8 Control lines ............................................................................................................................................... 19
4.9 Bootstrapping ............................................................................................................................................ 19
4.9.1 General settings ................................................................................................................................ 20
4.9.2 Bluetooth over UART ....................................................................................................................... 21
4.9.3 Bluetooth over SDIO ......................................................................................................................... 21
4.10 Antenna connectors ................................................................................................................................. 21
4.11 LEDs ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
4.12 Schematics ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 23
A Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 23
Related documents ................................................................................................................................ 24
Revision history ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Contact ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
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EVK-JODY-W2 - User guide

1 Kit description

The JODY-W2 series are compact modules based on the NXP 88W8987 chipset family. The chipsets used in the automotive grade JODY-W2 modules are AEC-Q100 compliant. They enable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) communication, and are ideal for automotive and industrial applications.
EVK-JODY-W2 allows an external host processor to access several practical features for testing and evaluating the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity supported in JODY-W2 series modules, including:
An external connector to all host interfaces (SDIO and UART)
PCM interface through an on-board accessible connector
GPIO pins that are accessible through an on-board connector
Internal dual-band 2.4/5 GHz antennas for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
SMA connectors for external antennas.
Module interfaces that are all externally available via the pin headers
For more information about JODY-W2 modules, see the JODY-W2 series data sheet [1] and system integration manual [2].

1.1 Overview

Table 1 lists the different evaluation kit versions:
Evaluation kit Ordering code Description Suitable for evaluation of
EVK-JODY-W263 EVK-JODY-W263-01A Evaluation kit for JODY-W263
Antennas:1 Wi-Fi dual-band,1 Bluetooth. Host-based NXP 88W8987 chipset family.
Table 1: Available EVK-JODY-W2 evaluation kits
JODY-W263-00A JODY-W263-01A JODY-W263-00B
Figure 1 shows the attached peripherals and connectors of the EVK-JODY-W2.
PCM and I2S
Internal 2.4/5GHz
Wi-Fi antenna
UFL connector 2.4/5GHz
Wi-Fi antenna
SMA connectors for
external antenna
USB connector
through FTDI
Internal 2.4GHz
Bluetooth antenna
Figure 1: EVK-JODY-W2 outline showing peripherals and connectors
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UFL connector 2.4GHz
Bluetooth antenna
EVK-JODY-W2 - User guide
C USB cable for Bluetooth host

1.2 Kit includes

Connectors for the use of different interfaces of the module are included in the evaluation kit. Table 2 shows the various components included in the EVK-JODY-W2.
Part Description Outline
Evaluation board (EVB) Evaluation board for JODY-W263
series modules. The board includes SMA antenna connectors that connect to external antennas for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It has two internal dual-band Wi-Fi/Bluetooth antennas.
Level shifter with micro SDIO ZIF adapter and flat cable
Micro SDIO ZIF adapter and flat cable.
Full-size SDIO adapter SDIO adapter for Wi-Fi (optionally
Type-C USB cable Type-
SDIO level shifter to be used if the host only supports a 3.3 V interface voltage (High Speed Mode).
Micro SDIO adapter for Wi-Fi and/or Bluetooth host communication. The adapter is compatible with host sockets designed for micro-SD memory cards.
Bluetooth) host communication. adapter is compatible with host sockets designed for full-size SD memory cards.
communication over UART connected through FTDI.
External Antennas (2) Dual band Wi-Fi/Bluetooth antenna,
Linx Technologies ANT-DB1-RAF-SMA
Table 2: EVK-JODY-W2 component list
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1.3 Software

The reference driver developed by NXP is only distributed to customers that have signed a Limited Use License Agreement (LULA-M) with u-blox. Contact your local u-blox support office for information about how to obtain the driver package.
A Yocto/OpenEmbedded meta layer, which includes recipes for integrating the drivers into Yocto­based projects, is available from u-blox on request.
Refer to the JODY-W2 system integration manual [2] for a description of how to build and install the drivers and basic usage examples.

1.4 System requirements

The evaluation kit has the following system requirements:
Host (PC or embedded system) with Micro SDIO slot and USB 2.0 interface for access to the Bluetooth UART interface through USB-to-UART bridge
Operating System: Linux (3.x/4.x/5.x), Android Pie (9.0.0_2.3.4), Q (10.0.0_2.3.0), and 11.0.0_1.0.0
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2 Specifications

This section describes the different operating parameters for the EVK-JODY-W2.

2.1 Operating conditions

Table 3 describes the absolute range for key EVK operating parameters.
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
VBAT Power supply voltage 2.8 3.3 5.5 V
1V8 Analog power supply voltage 1.8 V 1.71 1.8 1.89 V
TA Ambient operating temperature -40 - +85* ºC
Ripple Noise Peak-to-peak voltage ripple on all supply lines. - - 10 mV
Table 3: EVK-JODY-W2 operating conditions

2.2 SDIO operating voltage

I/O supply voltage 1.8 V 1.67 1.8 1.92 V
I/O supply voltage 3.3 V 3.07 3.3 3.53 V
The signal voltage for the SDIO interface of the JODY-W2 series module is powered from the 1V8 supply. A level shifter is required to operate the module in default Speed and High-Speed modes at
3.3 V signal voltage.
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SW503: Bootstrapping
J400: USB-
Bluetooth (bottom)
J405, J409

3 Getting started

Different jumpers and connectors are needed to set-up the EVK-JODY-W2. The various configurations and setup procedures are explained in this chapter.
J104, J105, J106:
Power supply configuration
SW500, SW501:
Reset module.
UART enable.
J205: USB type C
connector for
J204: SDIO
Base for module
J300, J302,
J303: Control
Internal Antenna –
Bluetooth 2.4GHz
Wi-Fi dual band
Figure 2: EVK-JODY-W2 connectors
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u.FL connectors
J406, J410:
SMA connectors
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