u-blox eCall, ERA GLONASS Application note

UBX-13001924 - R10
Implementation in u-blox cellular modules
Application note
eCall / ERA GLONASS - Application note
Implementation in u-blox cellular modules
Document type
Application note
Document number
Revision and date
Disclosure restriction
Product name
LEON-G1 series
LISA-U2 series
u-blox or third parties may hold intellectual property rights in the products, names, logos and designs included in this document. Copying, reproduction, modification or disclosure to third parties of this document or any part thereof is only permitted with the express written permission of u-blox. The information contained herein is provided “as is” and u-blox assumes no liability for its use. No warranty, either express or implied, is given, including but not limited to, with respect to the accuracy, correctness, reliability and fitness for a particular purpose of the information. This document may be revised by u-blox at any time without notice. For the most recent documents, visit www.u-blox.com. Copyright © u-blox AG.

Document information

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eCall / ERA GLONASS - Application note


Document information ................................................................................................................................ 2
Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 About eCall / ERA GLONASS .................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 eCall definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 7
2 IVS system and eCall conformity ..................................................................................................... 8
2.1 eCall AT interface summary ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Table of timings (eCall Release 2 and 3) .............................................................................................. 10
3 eCall control through AT interface ................................................................................................. 11
3.1 AT+UECALLSTAT ......................................................................................................................................12
3.1.1 Read configuration: AT+UECALLSTAT? ......................................................................................12
3.1.2 Force the configuration in cache: AT+UECALLSTAT=0/1/2 .................................................... 13
3.1.3 Restore configuration in cache: AT+UECALLSTAT=3 ............................................................. 13
3.2 AT+UECALLTYPE ..................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1 USIM not inserted / not valid eCall USIM ..................................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Test and reconfiguration eCall types ........................................................................................... 15
3.3 AT+CECALL ............................................................................................................................................... 16
3.4 AT+UDCONF=90 ........................................................................................................................................ 17
3.4.1 eCall test number: AT+UDCONF=90,1[,<ToN>,<number>] ...................................................... 17
3.4.2 eCall reconfiguration number: AT+UDCONF=90,2[,<ToN>,<number>] ................................ 17
3.4.3 eCall T3242 duration: AT+UDCONF=90,11,<timer_duration> .................................................. 17
3.4.4 eCall T3243 duration: AT+UDCONF=90,12,<timer_duration> ................................................. 17
3.5 AT+UECALLDATA .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.5.1 Activation: AT+UECALLDATA=1,<push/pull mode>,<MSD data> ......................................... 18
3.5.2 In-band Modem status events: +UUECALLDATA: <urc_id> ................................................... 18
3.5.3 MSD update: AT+UECALLDATA=2,<update mode>,<MSD data> ........................................ 19
3.5.4 Examples ............................................................................................................................................ 19
3.6 AT+UECALLVOICE ................................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.1 Internal voice control .........................................................................................................................21
3.6.2 Configurable internal HLAP timers (eCall Release 4) ................................................................ 24
4 eCall examples ......................................................................................................................................25
4.1 eCall session dynamic view: end-to-end In-band signaling .............................................................. 25
4.1.1 MSD transfer in push mode ............................................................................................................ 25
4.1.2 MSD update in TX idling mode ....................................................................................................... 26
4.2 eCall control examples ............................................................................................................................. 27
4.2.1 Simple MSD transfer in push mode .............................................................................................. 27
4.2.2 .MSD update on PULL request, with transmitter reset and microphone control ............... 28
4.2.3 Answer to PSAP callback ................................................................................................................ 29
4.3 eCall configuration examples ................................................................................................................. 29
4.3.1 eCall initiation (eCall Release 2 vs 3) .............................................................................................30
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4.3.2 eCall-only mode with an eCall-enabled USIM .............................................................................. 31
4.3.3 Force the eCall-only mode with a not eCall-enabled USIM ....................................................... 31
4.3.4 Force the eCall without registration restrictions with a not eCall-enabled USIM ............... 32
5 ERA-GLONASS additional features and use cases ................................................................. 33
5.1 MSD transfer by SMS .............................................................................................................................. 33
5.1.1 MSD SMS transmission in PDU mode .......................................................................................... 33
5.2 SIM/eUICC profile switch ......................................................................................................................... 35
5.2.1 Example eCall transaction with temporary eUICC swap to emergency profile ................... 35
6 eCall / ERA GLONASS In-band Modem simulation system ................................................... 37
6.1 PSAP simulator.......................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1.1 Software & hardware requirements ............................................................................................. 37
6.2 IVS system.................................................................................................................................................. 38
6.2.1 Software & hardware requirements ............................................................................................. 38
6.3 m-center software .................................................................................................................................... 39
6.3.1 IVS simulator ..................................................................................................................................... 39
6.3.2 PSAP simulator ................................................................................................................................. 44
6.4 eCall / ERA GLONASS system setup .................................................................................................... 45
6.4.1 PSAP simulator connecting with the PSAP GSM modem........................................................ 45
6.4.2 Starting the PSAP simulator .......................................................................................................... 45
6.4.3 IVS simulator connecting with the IVS GSM modem ................................................................ 45
6.4.4 Starting the IVS simulator .............................................................................................................. 46
6.4.5 IVS In-band Modem setup without IVS simulator ..................................................................... 47
6.5 Running the eCall simulation .................................................................................................................. 47
6.5.1 eCall simulation example (without IVS simulator) ..................................................................... 47
6.5.2 Callback example .............................................................................................................................. 49
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................... 50
A Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 50
B PAN European eCall IVS test list .................................................................................................... 51
B.1 NAD Protocol .............................................................................................................................................. 51
B.2 In-band modem conformance ................................................................................................................ 51
B.3 High-level application protocol ............................................................................................................... 52
C ERA-GLONASS IVS test list ............................................................................................................ 54
C.1 IVS functional and data transfer protocols test methods ............................................................... 54
C.1.1 IVS tests in regard to functional requirements .......................................................................... 54
C.1.2 IVS tests in regard to requirements of data exchange protocols .......................................... 54
C.2 IVS tests for compliance with established requirements ................................................................ 55
C.2.1 IVS tests for compliance with established electromagnetic compatibility requirements 55
C.2.2 IVS tests for compliance with established resistance to climatic loads requirements..... 55
C.2.3 IVS tests for compliance with established mechanical load resistance requirements ..... 55
C.3 IVS tests for conformity to quality requirements for in-vehicle loudspeaker communication 56
C.4 IVS tests for conformity to accident detection requirements ........................................................ 56
C.5 IVS tests for wireless communication modules ................................................................................. 56
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C.5.1 IVS tests in regard to implementation of GSM modem functions ......................................... 56
C.5.2 IVS tests in regard to implementation of UMTS modem functions ...................................... 57
C.5.3 IVS tests in regard to implementation of in-band modem functions .................................... 57
C.6 IVS tests for navigation modules .......................................................................................................... 58
D eCall flag ................................................................................................................................................ 59
Related documents ................................................................................................................................... 60
Revision history ........................................................................................................................................... 61
Contact ...........................................................................................................................................................62
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1 Introduction

This document applies to the following products:
o LEON-G100 (as IVS) o SARA-G340 / SARA-G350 (as IVS) o SARA-U201 (as IVS and PSAP) o SARA-U270 / LISA-U2xx-xxS (as IVS and PSAP)
TOBY-L4 series specific eCall application note is available on request. The u-blox eCall feature is upgraded occasionally with alignments to the latest releases of
eCall-related standards, resulting in progressive u-blox eCall feature releases:
eCall Release 5 (2018)
o TOBY-L4106
eCall Release 4 (2015)
o LISA-U200-03S, LISA-U201-03S,LISA-U200-83S, LISA-U201-83S o SARA-G340-02S, SARA-G350-02S, SARA-G350-02A o SARA-U201-03B, SARA-U201-03A, SARA-U270-03S, SARA-U270-53S
eCall Release 3 (Q1 2014), supported by:
o LEON-G100-07S-01 o LEON-G100-08S-01 o SARA-U270-00S / SARA-U270-00X
eCall Release 2 (Q1 2013), supported by
o any other previous eCall-featured products
Functionalities highlighted with eCall Release 4 tag are available in eCall Release 4 only.
Functionalities highlighted with eCall Release 3 tag are available in eCall Release 3 only.
Functionalities highlighted with eCall Release 2 tag are available in both releases but not recommended for use in eCall Release 3 products.
This application note explains the eCall / ERA GLONASS solution available in the u-blox cellular modules. The presented eCall / ERA GLONASS solution is suitable for the implementation of In-Vehicle Systems (IVS) conforming to the European eCall Standard.
Additionally, this document describes the testing and simulation environment for the eCall / ERA GLONASS In-band Modem (eIM) service, which is available in u-blox cellular modules. The simulation environment enables u-blox customers to easily test and develop their eCall / ERA GLONASS products. The environment is based on a u-blox developed Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) simulator integrated in m-center.
The following symbols are used to highlight important information within the document:
An index finger points out key information pertaining to integration and performance.
A warning symbol indicates actions that could negatively impact or damage the module.
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1.1 About eCall / ERA GLONASS

The European eCall (emergency Call) and Russian ERA GLONASS solutions combine mobile communications and satellite positioning to provide rapid assistance to motorists in the event of a collision.
In particular, eCall standardizes the transfer of a set of 140 bytes of data, called Minimum Set of Data (MSD) during an emergency voice call to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). According to 3GPP specifications, the MSD is transmitted by the eCall In-band Modem (eIM) of the In-Vehicle System (IVS) immediately after the call set-up and is received by the eIM of the PSAP.
After the IVS eIM activation, the eIM receiver starts monitoring messages from the PSAP eIM. Once the link with PSAP eIM is established, the IVS eIM enters data mode: the IVS microphone and loudspeaker are muted and the eIM starts the MSD transfer. After the data transfer completion, either successfully or with an error, the IVS changes from data mode to voice mode: the microphone and loudspeaker are un-muted and the voice call between IVS and PSAP can continue normally. The IVS eIM enters idle mode and monitors new incoming messages from the PSAP eIM.

1.2 eCall definitions

IVS – In-Vehicle System, activates the emergency call PSAP – Public Safety Answering Point, answers the emergency call eIM – eCall In-band Modem, the technology for exchanging data over the voice channel eUICC / eSIM – embedded SIM MSD – Minimum Set of Data, standard data set (140 bytes) that IVS must transmit to PSAP. The
location information (GPS data) is the most relevant part of MSD
MSD transfer – The act of transmitting a single MSD through eIM MSD update – The act of providing new MSD (e.g. with updated GPS position) to the IVS In-band
PULL mode – The IVS MSD transfer mode when the PSAP requests the transfer PUSH mode – The IVS MSD transfer mode when IVS requests PSAP to perform a PULL of the MSD
(in any case, the MSD transfer is ALWAYS controlled by PSAP)
Voice Mode – The emergency call phase in which the vehicle occupant and PSAP operator have a
voice connection, i.e. they can talk and hear each other like during a telephone call
Data Mode – The emergency call phase in which MSD transfer occurs. Vehicle occupant and PSAP
operator CANNOT hear each other
LL-ACK – In-band Low-Level Acknowledge from PSAP to IVS about MSD reception HL-ACK – In-band High-Level Acknowledge from PSAP to IVS about MSD reception, with
additional information on call handling (e.g. PSAP instructs IVS to drop the call)
NAD – Network Access Device, part of IVS system that handles the GSM/UMTS/LTE network
eCall flag – Information about the call type initiated by IVS. It is transmitted by NAD to PSAP
during GSM signaling phase:
o Normal E112 call (eIM not available/enabled on IVS) o Manually triggered eCall (eIM enabled, call triggered by vehicle occupant) o Automatically triggered eCall (eIM enabled, call triggered by e.g. airbag sensor)
eCall-only configuration – IVS configuration for which the NAD performs the network registration
only when commencing an emergency call. This configuration is
o read from USIM or o optionally provided to the NAD through AT interface (AT+UECALLSTAT)
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u-blox cellular
module (NAD)
u-blox GNSS
Processor (AP)
/ m-center
SENSORS interface
(Optional AT interface)

2 IVS system and eCall conformity

The entire In-Vehicle System (IVS) is subject to eSafety-eCall recommendations. Figure 1 shows the three main blocks of IVS.
1. the IVS Application Processor (AP, main controller)
2. the cellular module
3. the GNSS device
The IVS CPU controls the cellular module (i.e. the Network Access Device and the eCall In-band Modem) through AT commands. Optionally, the u-blox GNSS device can also be controlled through the AT interface. The u-blox cellular modules provide the network access (NAD functionalities), eCall In-band Modem (eIM), and optionally u-blox GNSS control functionalities.
Figure 1: The IVS system
The u-blox eCall solution complies with the following recommendations:
1. NAD (Network Access Device) services and USIM eCall extensions according to ETSI/3GPP
Release 10: 3GPP TS 51.010-1 [13], 3GPP TS 24.008 [14], 3GPP TS 31.102 [15] and ETSI TS
127.007 [16]
2. In-band Modem solution according to 3GPP Release 10: 3GPP TS 26.267 [2], 3GPP TS 26.268 [3]
and 3GPP TS 26.269 [4]
3. eCall application protocol according to EN 16062:2011 [8] or to EN 16062:2015 [9] (eCall Release 4)
The MSD formatting is determined by the Application Processor. The MSD formatting shall follow
for the applicable parts
BS EN 15722:2011 [5] or BS EN 15722:2013 [6] specification.
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2.1 eCall AT interface summary

The IVS AP controls the eCall feature, implemented on the cellular modules, through the following set of dedicated AT commands:
AT+UECALLSTAT: used to check the eCall USIM configuration / force a configuration AT+UECALLTYPE: used to configure the eCall flag, test call, or reconfiguration call (eCall
Release 2)
AT+CECALL: used to trigger a manually initiated eCall, an automatically initiated eCall, a test or
reconfiguration call (eCall Release 3)
o activate the eIM, passing the MSD data o update the MSD during the emergency call o enable the eIM feature, reserving In-band Modem audio resources for eCall o enable unsolicited indications
o configure the internal microphone / speaker switching handling o control and monitor microphone and speaker switching o configure HLAP timers (eCall Release 4)
+UUECALLDATA: eIM status indications +UUECALLVOICE: microphone/loudspeaker status indications AT+UDCONF=90: used for custom eCall configuration (eCall Release 3)
The recently standardized (optional) +CECALL [ETSI TS 127 007 [16]] AT command is
implemented starting from eCall Release 3. The required functionalities in previous releases are covered by AT+UECALLTYPE.
See u-blox AT commands manual [1] for the AT command syntax.
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Timing Description
Handled by
T1 Manually initiated eCall (MIeC) false triggering cancellation period
Vehicle occupants may cancel a false triggering of a manually initiated eCall before call-setup.
Specified by manufacturer
IVS AP T2 IVS Call Clear-down Fallback Timer (CCFT)
If the IVS NAD does not receive a call clear-down indication from the mobile network, or an application layer call clear-down message from the PSAP and the call clear-down timer has reached 60 min, the call shall be cleared down.
60 min
IVS AP T3 IVS INITIATION signal duration
The IVS INITIATION signal shall not persist for longer than 2 s from when the UE receives notification that the call is first answered.
2 s
T4 PSAP wait for INITIATION signal period
If a valid INITIATION message is not received by the PSAP modem within 2 s from when the NAD knows that the call has been answered then the call shall be routed to a PSAP operator.
2 s
T5 IVS wait for SEND MSD period
If the IVS eCall modem, whilst sending the INITIATION message, does not receive or recognize a valid "SEND MSD" message from the PSAP eCall modem within 2 s, from the time that the IVS receives an indication that the PSAP has answered the call, it shall reconnect the IVS loudspeaker and microphone in the vehicle.
2 s
NAD (eIM) T6 IVS wait for AL-ACK period
If an AL-ACK is not received within 5 s from the receipt of the link layer ACK, the loudspeaker and microphone in the vehicle shall be reconnected to the line in order to enable the call to revert to an E112 voice call.
5 s
IVS AP T7 IVS MSD maximum transmission time
If the IVS does not receive a link layer ACK (LL_ACK) within 20 s from the start of MSD transmission, it shall cease transmission and the IVS audio system shall be re-connected.
20 s
T8 PSAP MSD maximum reception time
If the PSAP eCall modem does not send a link layer ACK (LL-ACK) within 20s after having sent the "SEND MSD" message to the IVSeCall modem, it shall route the voice call to the PSAP operator.
20 s
T9 IVS NAD (eCall-only configuration) minimum network registration period
Following call clear-down by the PSAP the IVS NAD shall remain registered on the serving network and available to receive calls from the PSAP and rescue workers for a minimum period of one hour as defined in EN 16072.
1 hour
T10 IVS NAD (eCall-only configuration) network De­registration Fallback Timer (DFT)
An IVS NAD configured to make eCalls and test calls only shall, following call clear-down and maximum expiration period of the De-registration Fallback Timer (DFT) 12 h period, de-register from the serving network.
12 hours

2.2 Table of timings (eCall Release 2 and 3)

Table 1 illustrates the timing requirements to be handled according to BS EN 16062:2011 [8],
emphasizing the split of responsibilities between the IVS application processor (AP) and the u-blox cellular module.
Table 1: eCall table of timings according to EN 16062:2011 [8]
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3 eCall control through AT interface

The eCall service is made up of two parts that are functionally independent:
eCall configuration and call control, represented by:
o AT+UECALLSTAT o AT+UECALLTYPE (eCall Release 2) o AT+CECALL (eCall Release 3) o AT+UDCONF=90 (eCall Release 3)
eIM (In-band Modem) configuration and control, represented by:
o AT+UECALLDATA o AT+UECALLVOICE (extended in eCall Release 4)
The eCall configuration is partially read from the eCall-enabled USIM (e.g. eCall-only mode) and partially done through the AT commands (e.g. eCall flag). Any configuration applied through AT commands is volatile, i.e. lost at next power cycle.
The eCall configuration is read from the USIM at boot time only and stored in local cache (eCall configuration cache). Following boot, the NAD is configured and functional according to the information in cache.
The USIM/cache content includes:
eCall mode configuration (eCall-only, eCall without registration restrictions modes) Test and reconfiguration numbers
The cache content can be changed (“forced”) during run-time via the AT+UECALLSTAT or AT+UDCONF=90 commands, with some limitations and following specific procedures described later in this document.
The +UECALLSTAT and +UDCONF=90 commands, by writing to the cache, allow eCalls with invalid eCall USIMs. In general, the usage of these commands with invalid eCall USIMs shall be limited to testing purposes. The configuration achieved through those commands is deliberately volatile to prevent the creation of fake eCall USIMs.
Due to the caching mechanism, if the USIM card is removed or becomes non-functional, e.g. because of the crash impact, the eCall service is carried out according to the cached configuration.
The eIM configuration is fully volatile: the feature must be enabled and eIM configured at each power cycle.
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+CME ERROR: SIM not inserted
USIM was not present at boot time. The eCall is not functional.


Reports the eCall configuration read from USIM, forces the eCall mode, or restores the USIM values.

3.1.1 Read configuration: AT+UECALLSTAT?

After the boot and the USIM reading, the USIM configuration is cached and one of the following states can be returned:
0: no valid eCall USIM is present. It can be either a normal USIM or an eCall USIM that has been
disabled e.g. by the operator
1: a valid eCall USIM is present, configured as eCall-only with registration restrictions 2: a valid eCall USIM is present, configured to provision eCalls without registration restrictions
If the value is “0”:
Issuing AT+COPS=0, the NAD performs normal registration procedures In eCall Release 2: during emergency call set-up the eCall flag, although configured through
+UECALLTYPE, will not be signalled to the network
In eCall Release 3: any attempt to initiate an eCall through AT+CECALL or to setup the eCall flag
though AT+UECALLTYPE returns with error
Only speech only emergency calls are possible (ATD112;)
If the value is “1”:
Issuing AT+COPS=0, the NAD performs the restricted registration (performs PLMN selection) The MS class is set to CS only (i.e. the GPRS service is not available) At eCall initiation, the CS registration procedure is performed, then the eCall is started (including
T3242 or T3243 timers), the eCall flag signalled to the network, and the emergency call set up
If the value is “2”:
Issuing AT+COPS=0, the NAD performs normal registration procedures At the eCall initiation, the eCall flag signalled to the network and the emergency call set up
The values are always read from the cache.
In the rest of this document, the eCall configuration will be referred as eCall mode “0”, “1” or “2”. USIM not inserted/ not functional
If the USIM was not inserted or not functional at boot time, the command returns an error result code:
This also means that eCalls will not be possible (speech only emergency calls will be still possible).
If the USIM card stops functioning sometime after the boot (e.g. at the car crash time), the read command will return the cached value until the USIM status has been refreshed and notified to the system (USIM status is refreshed after several seconds). Nevertheless, the eCall will still function according to the cached configuration (e.g. “1” or “2”) and the eCall flag will be transmitted to the network.
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eCall USIM in eCall-only mode USIM removed/not functional
USIM status not refreshed yet time elapses (~10 s)
+CME ERROR: SIM not inserted
USIM not present
eCall is still functional using cached values
eCall USIM in eCall-only mode USIM removed/not functional
+CRSM: 111,0 OK
Check the USIM status (which triggers a refresh)
+CME ERROR: SIM not inserted
USIM not present
The USIM status refresh can be forced through any command accessing the SIM card, e.g.

3.1.2 Force the configuration in cache: AT+UECALLSTAT=0/1/2

The set command can be used to force the module with an invalid eCall USIM (eCall mode “0”) to eCall only (eCall mode “1”) or eCall without registration (eCall mode “2”) configuration, for example for
testing purposes. The eCall mode is set in cache and lost at next boot.
For reconfigurations to “1” (eCall only mode), the NAD must be unregistered. If the NAD is registered,
then the deregistration must be done first (see the example in section 4.3.3).
The command should not be used with eCall-enabled USIMs (both commercial or test USIMs). The
behavior is unpredictable.
If the USIM is removed, the set command is still functional. See section 4.3 for NAD reconfiguration examples.

3.1.3 Restore configuration in cache: AT+UECALLSTAT=3

This command restores the original USIM configuration to the cache. The command returns with an error result code in the reconfiguration cases described in section 3.1.2 when the NAD is in registered state (AT+COPS=0).
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+CME ERROR: SIM not inserted
USIM was not present at boot time.
+CME ERROR: operation not allowed
USIM was not present at boot time. eCall is not functional
Not valid eCall USIM present
+CME ERROR: operation not allowed
eCall is not enabled
eCall USIM in eCall-only mode USIM removed/not functional
+CME ERROR: SIM not inserted
USIM not present, but eCall is functional from cached values
eCall flag can be set


This command is used in the products with eCall Release 2 to select the eCall type (e.g. configure the
“eCall flag” to set the emergency call service category) for next ATD112 or to redirect the ATD112 call
to test or reconfiguration numbers.
The set options for the eCall type are:
0: speech only TS12 (factory-programmed value) 1: MIeC: Emergency Service Category Value (octet 3) Bit 6=1 2 :AIeC: Emergency Service Category Value (octet 3) Bit 7=1 3: Test eCall: use eCall Test number 4: Reconfiguration eCall: use eCall Reconfiguration number
In eCall Release 2, after the ATD112 call-setup and successive call completion, the value is not cleared.
In eCall Release 3, after the ATD112 call completion, the value is cleared to “0”. In that way AT+UECALLTYPE followed by ATD112 is functionally equivalent to AT+CECALL.
If “0” (speech only value) is set, at call set-up the eCall flag will not be transmitted to the network and thus the call will possibly not be routed to an eCall-capable PSAP.
Values “1” and “2” are used in normal eCall operation mode to provide to the network the information
whether the emergency call has been initiated manually (MIeC) by the vehicle occupant or automatically (AIeC), triggered by a crash sensor (e.g. Airbag sensor).
With “3” and “4” eCall type options, when issuing ATD112, test or reconfiguration numbers will be
dialed instead of an emergency number. The numbers, read at boot time from the USIM, are taken from the eCall configuration cache.

3.2.1 USIM not inserted / not valid eCall USIM

If the USIM was not present at boot time, or the USIM is not a valid eCall USIM, the command answers with an error result code:
If an eCall-enabled USIM card becomes non-functional at a certain time after the boot (e.g. at the car crash time), setting the eCall flag is still possible:
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+UDCONF: 90,1,129,"02338456" OK
Test number is the national coded number 02338456
eCall USIM in eCall-only mode
Test call configured
Test eCall initiated to 02338456 national number
+UDCONF: 90,1,129,"" OK
Test number not configured (e.g. not eCall USIM present)
eCall USIM in eCall-only mode (previously forced)
+CME ERROR: ECALL invalid dial number
Test number is invalid. Error code 1806 if +CMEE=1

3.2.2 Test and reconfiguration eCall types

Test and reconfiguration eCall types are non-emergency calls to test and terminal reconfiguration services.
Tests and reconfiguration numbers are read from a valid, eCall-enabled USIM at the boot time and cached. When configuring the eCall type to be a test or reconfiguration call, the call is redirected to that number and the eCall flag is not sent to the network. Since eCall Release 3, the test number can be read for information through AT+UDCONF=90,1 command (see u-blox AT command manual [1]):
If the test or reconfiguration numbers read from the USIM are wrongly encoded, or not properly configured when an invalid eCall USIM is used, the set command returns with an error result code:
The AT+UECALLTYPE command is supported in products with eCall Release 3 for backward
compatibility, but its use is not recommended: use AT+CECALL instead.
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eCall USIM in eCall-only mode
After car crash, USIM not functional
+CME ERROR: SIM not inserted
USIM not present report...
(manual eCall is triggered)
...but eCall is functional
+UDCONF: 90,1,129,"" OK
Test number not configured (e.g. not eCall USIM present)
eCall USIM in eCall-only mode (previously forced)
+CME ERROR: ECALL invalid dial number
Test number is invalid. Error code 1806 if +CMEE=1


According to ETSI TS 127 007 [16], the set command triggers an eCall to the network of a specific type.
The set options for the eCall type are:
0 (Test eCall): use eCall test number 1 (Reconfiguration eCall): use eCall reconfiguration number 2 (MIeC): Emergency Service Category Value (octet 3) Bit 6=1 3: (AIeC): Emergency Service Category Value (octet 3) Bit 7=1
The command is supported only when an eCall-enabled USIM is present, otherwise it returns with an error result code. The eCall configuration caching mechanism allows performing eCalls if a USIM becomes non-functional, for example because of a crash:
Without a functional USIM, the NAD will not be able to register to the network and thus will be unreachable by the PSAP for call back.
Test and reconfiguration eCall types are non-emergency calls to test and terminal reconfiguration services.
Test and reconfiguration numbers must be properly encoded in the eCall USIM, or configured through +UDCONF=90 for not eCall-enabled USIMs (see section 3.2.2 for +UDCONF=90 examples), otherwise the command returns with an error result code:
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AT+UDCONF=90,1,129,"0233845 6"
Set the national test number 02338456
Test eCall to 0233456 initiated, T3243 timer started

3.4 AT+UDCONF=90

The AT+UDCONF=90 command is dedicated to the configuration or reconfiguration of some eCall parameters. It is available in eCall Release 3 and implements the following services.

3.4.1 eCall test number: AT+UDCONF=90,1[,<ToN>,<number>]

With this command it is possible to set or get the eCall test number, i.e. the number of the eCall test service. Set and get operations are performed in cache. If an eCall-enabled USIM is present, the cache is filled with values retrieved at boot time. Otherwise, the cache is empty. Afterwards, it is always possible to modify the parameters in cache with the set method:
See also examples in section 3.2 and 3.3 for the get method.
3.4.2 eCall reconfiguration number:
Similar to the previous command, it allows setting or getting the eCall reconfiguration number i.e. the number of the reconfiguration service.

3.4.3 eCall T3242 duration: AT+UDCONF=90,11,<timer_duration>

This command overwrites/gets the factory-programmed T3242 timer duration. T3242 is adopted by NAD in eCall-only mode to control the switch back to eCall inactivity state after the emergency call of AIeC or MIeC type, according to ETSI TS 124 008 [14].
This command affects the timing of the NAD mobility management procedures when performing
eCalls (not test or reconfiguration eCalls).

3.4.4 eCall T3243 duration: AT+UDCONF=90,12,<timer_duration>

This command overwrites/gets the factory-programmed T3243 timer duration. Adopted by NAD in eCall-only mode to control the switch back to eCall inactivity state after a test or terminal reconfiguration call has been performed, according to ETSI TS 124 008 [14].
The reconfigured parameter values are retained till next power cycle.
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Configures and activates the eIM for a single emergency call.
AT+UECALLDATA=<op>,[…..], where <op> can assume these values:
0: abort; it terminates the In-band Modem 1: arm/activate the In-band Modem 2: update the MSD 3: enable/disable the URCs 4: enable/disable the eCall feature

3.5.1 Activation: AT+UECALLDATA=1,<push/pull mode>,<MSD data>

This command initiates the eIM before each eCall session. The eIM can be armed before the emergency number is called. The provided MSD is immediately prepared, while the In-band signaling and the data transmission will initiate as soon as the emergency call is set up.
It is up to the application processor (IVS AP) to format the MSD (i.e. “c5e165….”) according to specifications BS EN 15722 [5], [6], [7]. The MSD is provided in ASCII hexadecimal format (a consistent MSD, e.g. “c5e165….” is a string of 140x2 characters).
The eIM does not perform any consistency check of the provided MSD. Thus, any hexadecimal string of length up to 140x2 characters is allowed. Zero-padding is performed on need e.g. AT+UECALLDATA=1,1,"ABBA" transmits 140 bytes: 0xAB 0xBA 0x00 0x00 ….. 0x00).

3.5.2 In-band Modem status events: +UUECALLDATA: <urc_id>

The eIM pair activity is reported through dedicated URCs. Two level of details can be configured through AT+UECALLDATA=3,<urc_state>.
At first level, a single URC provides the transmission report.
If the call is still on, the +UUECALDATA URC may report:
0: MSD is received by the PSAP and the high-level acknowledge is received from the PSAP. The
HL-ACK bits are returned. According to BS EN 16062 [8] the bits are used to instruct the IVS to drop the call or not
1: the link with the PSAP is lost during the MSD transmission. The eIM transmitter enter idle state
and the receiver in the listening state, waiting for PSAP synchronization signals
5, 6, 8: eIM internal errors. The eIM cannot work properly
After any of those indications, the eIM is terminated or it releases the control of the voice channel so that the call may continue in voice mode.
If the call is dropped, the eIM is terminated, which is acknowledged by +UUECALDATA: 7.
At second level, the full eIM pair activity is reported. The events are aligned to the 3GPP TS 26.268 reference software [3].
The most relevant events are:
11: eIM is sending the 2 s INITIATION signal. This signal is immediately generated after the call set-
up if the MSD has been transmitted in PUSH mode
12: PULL request from PSAP. The IVS eIM decoded the “SEND MSD” signal and immediately starts
the MSD transmission
16: Link layer ACK received. The MSD is received successfully by the PSAP, thus IVS eIM stops the
MSD transmission
17: Higher-layer ACK received (HL-ACK). This event is concurrent with event “0”
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Feature enable
The In-band Modem engine is reserved to eCall (e.g. DTMF cannot be enabled).
eIM activation
AT+UECALLDATA=1,<push/pull mode>,<data>
Send MSD in PUSH mode
The IVS prepares the “c5e165…” MSD and sends a 2 s signal to PSAP, to request a PULL from it.
Send MSD in PULL mode
The IVS prepares the “c5e165…” MSD and waits for
the PSAP to PULL the MSD.
MSD update
AT+UECALLDATA=2,<update mode>,<data>
Request the MSD update
The IVS updates the MSD buffer with “BEBA” as soon
as the eIM transmitter is in idle. The PSAP gets the new MSD at next PULL request.
Force the immediate MSD update
The IVS resets the eIM transmitter and immediately
updates the MSD buffer with “BEBA”. If the eIM transmitter was not in idle (PSAP “pulling” an MSD),
the link with PSAP is lost and possibly restored (not conformant behavior).
This command, combined with a proper voice resource control allows implementation of a synchronous MSD update (at PULL request).

3.5.3 MSD update: AT+UECALLDATA=2,<update mode>,<MSD data>

This command serves to update the MSD during the emergency call.
In the normal update mode (<update_mode>=1), the MSD update is immediately done only if the eIM transmitter is idling. If the transmission of the previously provided MSD is still in progress, the update is deferred to allow the completion of the transmission.
In the forced update mode, the IVS eIM transmitter is updated with the new MSD regardless of its state, which may cause a link break with the PSAP eIM if an MSD transmission is in progress. Note in fact that (according to 3GPP TS 26.267 [2]) the MSD transmission is initiated by the link layer upon the reception of a PULL request from the PSAP (see for instance Figure 3 in the section 4.1.2). That means the application processor, implementing the higher level protocol, cannot in principle synchronously update the MSD upon reception of PULL event “12”.
The forced update, combined with a proper control of the voice path resources, can be used to perform synchronized MSD updates with PULL requests without causing a link break. The procedure is described in section 4.2.2.
The update procedure result is returned through the URCs:
+UUECALDATA: 20 – The MSD update request is received. The MSD update deferred since the IVS
is currently transmitting (normal update mode only)
+UUECALDATA: 21 – The MSD update is done. The IVS transmitter is ready to send the new MSD
at next PULL request
+UUECALDATA: 22 – MSD update request cannot be processed: MSD update pending. This error
occurs when an update request is issued and the notification of the previous update (20 or 21) has not yet been received

3.5.4 Examples

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