u-blox C102-F9R User Manual

information for
Application board
User guide
This document describes the structure and use of the C102-F9R and provides evaluating and testing u-blox F9 high precision sensor fusion positioning technology.
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C102-F9R - User guide
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Document information

Title C102-F9R
Subtitle Application board
Document type User guide
Document number UBX-20029244
Revision and date R03 29-Oct-2020
Disclosure Restriction
This document applies to the following products:
Product name Type number Firmware version PCN reference
C102-F9R C102-F9R-0-00 HPS 1.00
C100 v1.0 C100-MSG v1.0
-blox or third parties may hold intellectual property rights in the products, names, logos and designs included in this
itten permission of u-blox.
-blox assumes no liability for its use. No warranty, either express or
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-blox AG.
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Document information ................................................................................................................................ 2
Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Highlights ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Kit includes ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 System requirements ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.4 Evaluation steps .......................................................................................................................................... 5
2 Device description ................................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 USB................................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 UART .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Antenna ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.4 14-pin front connector ............................................................................................................................... 6
2.5 10-pin rear connector ................................................................................................................................. 7
2.6 Reset and safe boot buttons .................................................................................................................... 7
2.7 I2C/SPI slide switch .................................................................................................................................... 7
2.8 LED ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3 Setting up ................................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Preparation ................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 Mounting the device and the antenna to the vehicle .................................................................. 8
3.2.2 Connecting the cables ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Configuring the device ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.1 ADR configuration .............................................................................................................................. 9
4 Configurable CAN interface ............................................................................................................ 10
4.1 Valid configurations .................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Configuring the interface ........................................................................................................................10
4.3 C100 MSG ...................................................................................................................................................10
4.3.1 Configuration parameters ..............................................................................................................11
4.4 Configuration process ..............................................................................................................................11
4.4.1 Connections .......................................................................................................................................11
4.4.2 RealTerm ............................................................................................................................................11
4.5 Updating the MCU firmware ...................................................................................................................13
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
A.1 CAN termination ................................................................................................................................. 14
B CAN configuration examples .......................................................................................................... 14
B.1 Wheel tick configurations ................................................................................................................ 14
B.1.1 Two rear-wheel ticks and direction ...................................................................................... 14
B.1.2 Single tick and direction .......................................................................................................... 15
B.2 Speed configurations ........................................................................................................................ 16
B.2.1 Two rear wheels and direction ............................................................................................... 16
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B.2.2 Single speed ................................................................................................................................. 16
B.2.3 Signed speed ............................................................................................................................... 17
B.2.4 Offset speed ................................................................................................................................ 17
C Step-by-step example ...................................................................................................................... 18
D Schematic ............................................................................................................................................. 25
Related documents ................................................................................................................................... 31
Revision history .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Contact .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
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1 Introduction

The C102-F9R application board can be used to evaluate and test the high precision sensor fusion positioning technology of the ZED-F9R module. The built-in USB interface provides both power supply and a high-speed communications interface. The device is compact, and it provides a flexible and user-friendly interface between the GNSS module and test vehicles. Furthermore, it can be used with a notebook or PC running the GUI-driven u-center application, making it the perfect companion through all stages of evaluation and design-in phases of projects.

1.1 Highlights

Multi-band multi-constellation GNSS
• Automotive Dead Reckoning (ADR)
Real-time kinematic (RTK)
• Configurable CAN interface
Dedicated pins for wheel tick and direction inputs
USB, UART, RS-232 connections
A short-term battery-backed RAM (BBR)

1.2 Kit includes

Application board with enclosure
USB cable
Active multi-band GNSS antenna with a 5 m cable
14-pin breakout cable
One-month trial license from correction service provider (available in regions defined by the
service provider)

1.3 System requirements

• A PC with Windows operating system
u-center GNSS evaluation software
• Odometer input from vehicle
Internet connection for correction data

1.4 Evaluation steps

Experience the lane-accurate performance of the u-blox F9R module in four simple steps:
1. Set up
2. Calibrate
3. Test
4. Analyze
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2 Device description

2.1 USB

A USB 2.0-compatible serial port is featured for data communication and power supply. USB drivers are installed automatically through Windows update.

2.2 UART

The unit includes an RS-232 port which can be dynamically connected to the UARTs of the ZED-F9R module or the MCU. Selection of the UART connection is controlled by the NEO_UART_SEL and MCU_UART _SEL pins on the front connector.
NEO_UART_SEL MCU_UART_SEL Connected component
LOW OPEN Reserved
The selected UART interface is also available via the RxD and TxD pins on the front connector.
RxD and TxD pins on the front connector are at TTL voltage levels.
Flow control should not be used with the RS-232 port.

2.3 Antenna

The kit includes u-blox ANN-MB L1/L2 active multi-band GNSS antenna with a 5-meter cable. There is a female SMA connector (RF IN) available on the front side of the unit for connecting the antenna.
Do not use the SMA connector in the back. It is reserved for future use.

2.4 14-pin front connector

The connector and its signals are described in the table below.
Pin no. Pin name I/O Level Description
14 VIN 5-24V I 5 - 24 V Power input – can be used in place of USB
13 GND Common ground pin for case-work, power and serial interface connections
12 CAN_H I Connect to the vehicle CAN high wire (ISO 11898-2)
11 CAN_L I Connect to the vehicle CAN low wire (ISO 11898-2)
10 NEO_UART_SEL I - Reserved
9 MCU_UART_SEL I - Pull-down signal for enabling UART communication with the MCU
8 TIME_MARK I Time mark input
7 WHEELTICK I 5 - 24 V Wheel tick pulse input
6 DIRECTION I 5 - 24 V Direction of travel input
5 SDA Reserved
4 SCL Reserved
3 TxD I/O 3.3 V UART TxD
2 RxD I/O 3.3 V UART RxD
1 GND_A Ground for wheel tick and direction signals
Leave the reserved pins open.
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2.5 10-pin rear connector

This connector is used for updating the MCU firmware. See section 4.5 for more information.

2.6 Reset and safe boot buttons

The reset button on the front panel resets the unit.
The safe boot button is used to set the unit in safe boot mode. In this mode the receiver executes only the minimal functionality, such as updating new firmware into the SQI flash. USB communication is disabled while in safe boot mode.
To set the receiver in safe boot mode:
Press and hold the BOOT button.
• Press the RST button.
• Release the RST button.
• Release the BOOT button.
To use UART in safe boot mode, a training sequence needs to be sent to the receiver. The training sequence is a transmission of two bytes (0x55 0x55) at the baud rate of 9600. Wait for at least 100 milliseconds before the interface is ready to accept commands.

2.7 I2C/SPI slide switch

The switch must be kept at the I2C position to ensure correct operation of the device!
Contact u-blox technical support for assistance if required.

2.8 LED

On the front panel of the unit, a single blue LED may be configured to follow the receiver time pulse signal. If there is no GNSS fix, the LED will be lit without flashing.
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3 Setting up

3.1 Preparation

ADR requires odometer sensor input from the vehicle reference point (VRP), that is, wheel ticks or speed, and direction. The following options are available:
2. UBX-ESF-MEAS messages
3. CAN_H and CAN_L pins
See the ZED-F9R documentation ([1], [2]) for more information about options 1 and 2. For option 3, refer to chapter 4.
By default, the CAN bus is terminated by the unit. See appendix A.1 for how to change the
Take care when connecting to the vehicle to avoid blocking the CAN bus traffic, potentially
creating serious malfunction of the vehicle.
High-precision positioning uses RTK, which can be easily configured with the u-center NTRIP client. Refer to the ZED-F9R documentation ([1], [2]) and u-center User guide [3] for more information.
The provided correction service provider credentials are valid only in certain regions. Check the
validity of the license in your region from the correction service provider webpage.

3.2 Installation

Follow these steps to complete the installation.

3.2.1 Mounting the device and the antenna to the vehicle

Attach the device to the vehicle firmly to avoid any movement or vibration. For testing purposes, a good location is near the VRP, that is, the center of the rear axle.
Dead reckoning performance can be seriously impaired by changes in the orientation of the device.
Place the provided GNSS antenna in a location with an unobstructed view of the sky, for example, the roof of the vehicle. For best performance, ensure that the antenna has contact to a ground plane with a minimum of 100–150 mm diameter.
To achieve the best possible performance, the GNSS antenna should be positioned on the vehicle
roof over the EVK. If the antenna is placed at a significant distance from the EVK, a position offset can be introduced which might affect the accuracy of the navigation solution. To compensate for the position offset, advanced configurations can be applied. Contact u-blox support for more information on advanced configurations.

3.2.2 Connecting the cables

1. Connect the GNSS antenna to the RF connector on the front panel.
2. Connect the ADR signals to the related pins on the front connector:
a. Analog wheel tick and direction signals to pins WHEELTICK and DIRECTION, or
b. CAN high to CAN_H, CAN low to CAN_L.
3. Connect the device to a PC via USB for host interface and to power the device.
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Alternatively, host interface can be established via UART pins on the front connector or the RS-232 connector. In this case, power must be provided via USB or the VIN and GND pins on the front connector.
Use the provided 14-pin breakout cable to securely connect the front connector pins. The unused
wires must be isolated.

3.3 Configuring the device

With u-center connected to the COM port assigned to the ZED-F9R module, verify that the host interface to the ZED-F9R is established. This can be verified with u-center “Messages” view by polling the UBX-MON-VER message. A valid response proves that the host interface is connected correctly.

3.3.1 ADR configuration

The receiver can be configured with UBX-CFG-VALSET messages. Consult the ZED-F9R documentation ([1], [2]) for more information about the configuration.
1. Enable automatic alignment of the IMU with key ID CFG-SFIMU-AUTO_MNTALG_ENA. Set the value to 1.
2. Configure the odometer sensor input depending on the used sensor:
a. If the wheel tick and direction pins on the front connector are used, enable the use of the wheel
tick pin by setting the value for key ID CFG-SFODO-USE_WT_PIN to 1.
b. If using the CAN interface or the software interface, the wheel tick pin must be disabled. Set
the value for key ID CFG-SFODO-USE_WT_PIN to 0. See chapter 4 for instructions on how to configure the CAN interface.
It is highly recommended to verify that the configuration is correct and to perform system sanity
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4 Configurable CAN interface

The device has a configurable high-speed CAN (ISO 11898-2) interface. The on-board MCU converts the configured CAN messages into UBX-ESF-MEAS messages which are sent to the receiver via I2C.

4.1 Valid configurations

The CAN interface supports the following configurations:
Single tick from VRP + direction
Wheel ticks from both rear wheels + direction
Speed from VRP + direction
Speed from both rear wheels + direction
See appendix B for example configurations.

4.2 Configuring the interface

Communication with the MCU can be established via UART. Connect the front connector pin MCU_UART_SEL to ground to enable the MCU communication.
The MCU UART runs at baud rate 115200.
The following messages are supported:
CONFIG GET – Reports the current CAN configuration.
o Hex string: 0x43 0xa2 0x10 0x00 0x10 0x20
CONFIG CLEAR – Deletes the current CAN configuration.
o Hex string: 0x43 0xa2 0x12 0x00 0x12 0x24
CONFIG SET – Sends a configuration for one data field.
o Hex string: generate with the tool
Sending the commands to the MCU can be done through a terminal program. We recommend using RealTerm. For more information, see [4].

4.3 C100 MSG

C100 MSG is a browser-based tool for generating C100 MCU configuration messages for the configurable CAN feature. It can be run entirely locally, without an internet connection. Figure 1 shows a screenshot of the tool.
Figure 1: C100 MSG tool
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