u-blox C101-D9S User manual

Application board (rev. C)
User guide
This document explains the use of C101-D9S application board. The C101-D9S board customers to evaluate L-band GNSS correction services with the NEO-D9S correction data receiver
UBX-20031865 - R01 www.u-blox.com

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Title C101-D9S
C101-D9S - User guide
Document type
Application board (rev. C)
User guide
Document number UBX-20031865
Revision and date
R01 30-Jul-2020
Disclosure restriction C1-Public
This document applies to the following products:
Product name Type number Firmware version PCN reference
C101-D9S C101-D9S-0-00 FW V1.04 PMP 1.04 N/A
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C101-D9S - User guide


Document information ................................................................................................................................ 2
Contents .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Package contents ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2 C101-D9S product overview .............................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Components ................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Jumpers ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
3 C101-D9S standalone operation ...................................................................................................... 7
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
A Glossary .................................................................................................................................................... 9
B NEO-D9S L-band configurations ...................................................................................................... 9
C L-band antenna specification ............................................................................................................ 9
D NEO-D9S UART2 to Arduino pins .................................................................................................. 10
E C101-D9S schematics ...................................................................................................................... 11
Related documentation ........................................................................................................................... 14
Revision history .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Contact .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
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C101-D9S - User guide

1 Introduction

The C101-D9S board is a convenient tool that allows customers to become familiar with the u-blox NEO-D9S L-band correction data receiver. The board provides facilities for evaluating the product and demonstrating its key features.
NEO-D9S is a satellite data receiver for L-band correction broadcasts and can be configured for use with a variety of correction services. Using such correction services enables high precision navigation globally in multiple regions, as well as coverage across continents.
The C101-D9S application board offers:
NEO-D9S module for use as L-band correction data receiver
USB connection for communication and power supply
L-band antenna connection for receiving the satellite data stream
Arduino shield connection

1.1 Package contents

The delivered package contains:
C101-D9S board
L-band antenna
Antenna ground plane (12 cm circular)
USB interconnect cable
Jumper connectors
Prior to using the board, it is useful to download the appropriate evaluation software and keep handy the documents listed in the Related documents section.
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C101-D9S - User guide

2 C101-D9S product overview

2.1 Components

C101-D9S houses the NEO-D9S L-band correction data receiver. The board is powered from the USB cable connection or via Arduino shield. The main components of the board are listed below and shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2:
Native USB port
FTDI USB bridge
SMA RF connector and antenna supply capability (L-band)
UART2 interface through Arduino shield
NEO-D9S RESET button
Figure 1: C101-D9S block diagram
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