Product summary
u-blox A-GNSS services
Real-time online A-GNSS service with assured global availability
• Backed by our support and Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee
• Easy to integrate, even for products without SUPL compliance
• Data privacy protected from service to the enterprise
• Fast Time‑To‑First‑Fix
• Improved accuracy and position availability
• Lower power consumption
The challenges of stand-alone GNSS
GNSS users expect instant position information. With
standard positioning this is often not possible because at least
four satellites must be identied, and their complete orbital
position data (called Ephemeris)
received. Under adverse signal
conditions, data downloads from
the satellites to the receiver can
take minutes, hours or even fail
altogether. To cost‑eectively
fulll their mission, energy
constrained applications such as
battery operated IoT devices need
to last months or even years in the
eld. Lengthy or repeated attempts at data download can
quickly drain power and aect operations.
Assisted GNSS (A‑GNSS) accelerates calculation of position
by delivering satellite data such as Ephemeris, Almanac,
accurate time and satellite status to the GNSS receiver via
wireless networks or the Internet. This aiding data enables
a GNSS receiver to compute a position within seconds, even
under poor signal conditions. A‑GNSS provides faster Time‑
To‑First‑Fix and improved accuracy and position availability,
benets that directly translate to lower power consumption
and larger power autonomy.
AssistNow A-GNSS service description
AssistNow is u‑blox’s end‑to‑end A‑GNSS location service
that provides data in real time via AssistNow Online, as well as
predicted data via AssistNow Oine, and the two can either
be used alone or in combination. AssistNow boosts GNSS
acquisition performance and lowers power consumption for
devices with or without network connectivity.
AssistNow Online is a guaranteed globally-available realtime online A-GNSS service, an important distinction
that oers tremendous advantages to users in terms of
performance, availability, and reliability. The service works on
all standard mobile communication networks that support
Internet access, including GPRS, UMTS and Wireless LAN.
No special arrangements with mobile network operators are
needed, making this solution network‑operator independent
and globally available.
Guaranteed Quality of Service
AssistNow and all u‑blox services are delivered by the
Thingstream IoT service delivery platform. Thingstream is a
cloud‑based delivery platform and administration interface
for enterprise IoT services. The Thingstream platform
comprises IoT connectivity, security, enterprise‑grade MQTT
broker, visual programming, simple enterprise integration,
and support for u‑blox global positioning hardware.
At u‑blox we stand behind our services with the highest levels
of availability and delivery quality by providing full warranty,
support, and a Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee. The
technology building blocks are developed in‑house where we
have full ownership without the external dependencies that
can be barriers to responsiveness.
Easy to integrate, even without SUPL compliance
AssistNow A‑GNSS services require no additional hardware
and generate virtually no CPU load. The system is very easy
to implement and can be installed and operational within
a day. The advantage of easy integration extends also to
modems that lack SUPL compliance. With other solutions,
such modems have no access to assisted data. Adding to
the simplicity, u‑blox cellular modules feature an embedded
AssistNow client.
Data privacy protected from service to the enterprise
For select customers, AssistNow is also exclusively available
as a service‑to‑service (S2S) variant. With AssistNow S2S,
the privacy and condentiality of your data is safeguarded as
it proceeds directly from service to the enterprise. With IoT
data scenarios involving thousands if not millions of devices,
this protection has become a security imperative.
UBX‑13003352 ‑ R05

AssistNow Oine
Supports GPS and GLONASS
With AssistNow Oine, users download u‑blox’s Dierential
Almanac Correction Data from the Internet at their
convenience. The correction data is then transferred to the
mobile terminal via TCP/IP, serial port, memory card, etc, and
can either be stored in the GNSS receiver’s Flash EPROM
(if available) or in the memory of the application processor.
Therefore, the service requires no connectivity at system
start‑up and enables a position x within seconds, even
when no network is available.
u‑blox provides correction data valid from 1 to 35 days. The
size of these les increases with the length of the prediction
period, from as little as 3 kB to 125 kB. Positioning accuracy
decreases with the length of the correction data duration,
with 1–3 day data providing relatively high accuracy and 10–
35 day data progressively less accuracy. Regular updates
help to ensure a high level of position accuracy.
AssistNow Online
Supports GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, and BeiDou
With AssistNow Online, an internet‑connected GNSS device
downloads assistance data from u‑blox’s AssistNow Online
Service at system start‑up. The service works on all standard
mobile communication networks that support Internet
access, including GPRS, UMTS and Wireless LAN. No special
arrangements with mobile network operators are needed
to enable AssistNow Online, making this solution network
operator independent and globally available. u‑blox only
sends ephemeris data for those satellites currently visible to
the mobile device requesting the data, thus minimizing the
amount of data transferred.
u-blox products supporting AssistNow
All u‑blox GNSS receiver modules and chips
ALEX‑R5 series LTE‑M/NB‑IoT cellular SiP modules
SARA‑R5 series multi‑band LTE‑M/NB‑IoT cellular modules
SARA‑R4 series LTE‑M/NB‑IoT/EGPRS cellular modules
LARA‑R2 series LTE Cat 1 cellular modules
TOBY R2 series LTE Cat 1 cellular modules
SARA‑U2 series UMTS/HSPA cellular modules
LISA‑U2 series UMTS/HSPA cellular modules
SARA‑G4 series GSM/GPRS cellular modules
SARA‑G3 series GSM/GPRS cellular modules
AssistNow Online AssistNow Oine
Data download frequency At every startup Once every X days
Data retrieval at start‑up Data downloaded from server Pre‑downloaded from local memory
Aiding data type Ephemeris, almanac, time, health Dierential almanac correction
Data validity period 2 ‑ 4 hours 35 days
Size of downloaded data 1 ‑ 3 kB 10 kB (1 day) ... 125 kB (35 days)
Acquisition (TTFF) performance As low as 1 second As low as 5 seconds
Satellite systems supported
Further information
For contact information, see www.u-blox.com/contact-us.
For more product details and ordering information, see the product
data sheet.
UBX‑13003352 ‑ R05
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property rights. Reproduction, use, modication or disclosure to third parties of this doc‑
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The information contained herein is provided “as is”. No warranty of any kind, either
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purpose or content of this document. This document may be revised by u‑blox at any
time. For most recent documents, please visit www.u‑blox.com.
Copyright © 2021, u‑blox AG