Rigado LLC
2601 25th ST SE Suite 200
Salem, Oregon 97302
866-6-RIGADO (f) 971-208-9869
Blumod BMD-200 Module for Bluetooth 4.0 LE
The blumod BMD-200 from Rigado is a powerful, highly flexible Bluetooth Smart module based on the
nRF51822 SoC from Nordic Semiconductor. With a ARM® Cortex™ M0 CPU, embedded 2.4GHz transceiver,
and on-module chip antenna, the BMD-200 provides a complete RF solution with no additional RF design,
allowing faster time to market. The BMD-200 provides full use of the nRF51822’s on-chip peripherals,
allowing for a wide range of applications without the need for an external host microcontroller; simplifying
designs and reducing BOM costs. With an internal DC-DC converter and a voltage supply range of 2.1V to 3.6V,
the BMD-200 can be powered directly from a coin cell or two AAA batteries with ultra-low power
Based on the Nordic nRF51822 SoC
Complete RF solution with integrated chip
Integrated DC-DC converter
No external components required
ARM® Cortex™-M0 32 bit processor
Serial Wire Debug (SWD)
S100 series SoftDevice ready
256 kB embedded flash program memory
16 kB RAM
8/9/10 bit ADC - 8 configurable channels
15 General Purpose I/O Pins
Low-Power Sensors
Connected Appliances
Lighting Products
Health/Fitness devices
One 32 bit and two 16 bit timers with counter
SPI Master/Slave (4 Mbps)
Low power comparator
Temperature sensor
Two-wire Master (I2C compatible)
CPU independent Programmable Peripheral
Interconnect (PPI)
Quadrature Decoder (QDEC)
AES HW encryption
Real Timer Counter (RTC)
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GFSK at 250 kbps, 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps data rates
Typical line-of-sight range
TX only @ +4 dBm, 0 dBm, -4 dBm
RX only @ 2 Mbps, 1 Mbps, 250 kbps
CPU @ 16MHz from flash, from RAM
System Off , w/ 16K RAM, 8K RAM, no RAM retention
SPI Master/Slave, UART, Two-Wire Master, GPIO
FCC part 15 modular qualification
Quick Specifications
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Storage Temperature Range
Supply rise time (0V to 1.8V)
Operating Ambient Temperature Range
Absolution Maximum Ratings
Operating Conditions
GPIO Specifications
Note: GPIO have a standard drive strength of 0.5 mA, and a high drive strength of 5 mA. Maximum number of
high drive strength pins is 3.
The BMD-200 module requires two clocks, a high frequency clock and a low frequency clock.
The high frequency clock is provided internally by a high-accuracy 16-MHz crystal as required by the nRF51822
for radio operation.
The low frequency clock can be provided internally by an RC oscillator or synthesized from the fast clock; or
externally by a 32.768 kHz crystal. An external crystal provides the lowest power consumption.
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