TYREDOG TD-1300A-X5 Programming Instructions

TD-1000A-X / TD1300A-X Learnable Sensor Programming Guide
TD-1000A-X Learn Mode
1) Press and Hold the Mute Button, then Switch the Monitor On .
(Some earlier models, you will need to Press an d Hold the Tempe rature
This will activate the LEARNING mode and the LCD Monitor will display ‘LEN’ like shown below.
Note: The unit will remain in LEARNING MODE for 20 seconds before automatically exiting.
2) Once the system is in LEARNING mode you ca n stop holding the Butt on down and procee d with programmi ng your
new LEARNABLE sensors. Simply insert the battery into the LEARNABLE sensor and this will program it to the Monitor. When the code is learnt, the monitor will beep once, and the new code will be displ ayed in the corresponding wheel location on the display.
Button, then Switch the Monitor On .
Note: If you attempt to program a NON LEARNABLE SENSOR, the unit will beep 3 times. You can only program LEARNABLE Sensors.
Enter LEARN mode Insert Batter
Sensor Programmed
TD-1300A-X Learn Mode
3) The TD-1300A-X units do not have and ON/OFF Switch. To ent er LEARNING m ode, you will need to re move the
Batteries from the Monitor (Or DC Power Cord). Once removed, Press and Hold the Light insert the batteries into the monitor or con nect the DC Power Cord and this will activate the LEARNING Mode.
4) Once in LEARNING Mode, refer to Step #2 above.
Button, then either
Replacement LEARNABLE Sensor Part Numbers
Model: SN-1000A-X-FL (Front Left / Wheel 1) Model: SN-1000A-X-FR (Front Right / Wheel 2) Model: SN-1000A-X-RL (Rear Left / Wheel 3) Model: SN-1000A-X-RR (Rear Right / Wheel 4) Model: SN-1300A-X-5 (Spare Tyre / Wheel 5)