Sauna volume and min. installation distances:
Output Sauna volume Min. distance from side wall (in.)
kW min/m axcu.ft. normalinstallation“X” recess installation“Y” in sauna (in.)
2,2-4,5 70-210 4 8 74
5,3 - 7 140 -320 4 8 74
6,3 - 8 175 - 440 4 8 74
10.7 320-640 6 8 74
16 586-1080 6 14 83
Sauna heater – separate control panel combinations
Heater Suitable control panel
type 240 V 1~ 208 V 3~
Deluxe7-8-11 TS30-01, CC/RB 30 TS 30-01, CC/RB 30
Deluxe16 - TS58/1RB, CC/RB 60
SE-U7-U8 CC -
Installationof separate control panels.
A separate control panel is required for the Tylö Deluxe and SE-U heaters. The control
panelmust be assembledoutside the sauna.
TS-type control panels
TS panels are thermally operated and have a patented divided output. They can either
mounted on the wall or recessed for a flush fit (fig. 12). It is essential to fit insulation
behindcontrol panelsrecesse dinto the wall. The standardlength of the capillarytube
is 73 in., but a 197 in. capilla rytube is also ava ila b le .
Installinga sensorfor a TS controlpanel (fig. 13). A=capillary tube. B=sensor
holder. C=plastic holde rfor capillarytube. D=sensor that is installed 59 in. above
floorlevel(fig. 12, not abovethe saunaheater).
Extra equipment for the TS control panel.
Locking cover in transparent plastic to fit over the control panel. Available in designs
to prevent unauthorized interferencewith time and temperaturesettings, or
temperature only.
Figs. 22, 26 Wiring diagrams.
(With sauna heater Sport - U, Supersport and Combi - U with built-in control
1=sauna heater.
Check the heater’s type identification plate to ensure that the heater is connected to
the right voltage.
Don’t forget– The installationmust be earthed!
Figs. 23, 27, 29 Wiring diagrams.
(With sauna heater Deluxe and control panel TS ).
1=sauna heater. 2=control panel. 3=relay box.
Check the heater’s type identification plate to ensure that the heater is connected to
the right voltage.
Don’t forget– The installationmust be earthed!
Remote control operation.
TS control panels use contactors for remote control operation. Please request special
wiring diagram.
CC control panels.
Instructions: included with the control panel.
Can be installed at any distance from the sauna room.
CC panels are electronically operated and are available in the following models:
CC 10-1. Manualand automatic on/off. A maximum of one hours' running time,
10 hours' pre-set time.
CC 50-1. Manualand automatic on/off. A maximum of one hours' running time,
10 hours' pre-set time.
CC 100-1. Manualand automatic on/off. A maximum of one hours' running time,
24 hours' pre-set time.
CC 100-0. Built-in weekly timer. A maximum of 12 hours' continuous running time.
Placement of the thermistor (sensor).
59 in. abovefloor level (not above the sauna heater).
The thermistor wire can be lengthenedoutside of the saunawith a partially enclosed
low-voltage cable (2-core).
The thermometer in the sauna should be placed at a height so that the temperature
correspondsexactly to the numbers displayedon the CC 50/CC 100.
Relay box (RB).
(No relay box is used for SE-U heaters).
Installed outside the sauna at anydistance from it. The relaybox may not be placed
closer than one meter from the CC 10/ CC 50/ CC 100.
Partially enclosed low-voltage cable (6-core, LiYCY).
The control cable between the CC 10/ CC 50/ CC 100 and the relay box or SE-U
heater must be a partially enclosed low-voltage cable (6-core, LiYCY). Connect the
shieldin gcable to plinth 12 in the CC-panel.
(Not CC 10)
Connect the lighting according to the wiring diagram.
Remotecontro lope ra ti on.
CC control panels are already prepared for remote-control operation from one or more
locatio ns .
Option: externalon/off-switch(instan ta n e ous).
Can be placed at any distance from the sauna. Connected with a low-voltage cable to
the CC 10/ CC 50/ CC 100 – see the wiring diagram. If there are several external
on/offswitches, theyshould be parallel-connected.
Connection to a central computer.
The control panel can alsobe connected to a central computer, which givesa brief
impulse (closure)betweenplinths 19 and 20 in the CC 10/ CC 50/ CC 100. The
maximum permitted connection time for the sauna is 12 hours.
An instruction guide is included with the control panel.
Figs. 24, 25, 28, Wiring diagrams.
(With sauna heater Deluxe and SE-U and control panel CC ).
1=sauna heater. 2=thermistor (sensor). 3=control panel. 4=external on/off switch
(if any). 5=relay box.
Check the heater’s type identification plate to ensure that the heater is connected to
the right voltage. Don’t forget – The installatio nmust be earthed!
Unusual voltages or number of phases.
Beforeconnecting the heater to a different voltage or number of phasesthan those
described in the wiring diagram, contact Tylö Customer Service.
Building Instructions
The importance of correct sauna ventilation.
Incorrect sauna ventilation can result in hot floors and benches, scorched walls and
ceilings (the temperature limit control is triggered)! So we do urge you to follow our
instructionsfor saunaventilatio ncarefully.
Adjust the air outlet to evacuate8-10.5 cubic yards. of air per person,per hour, when
the sauna is in operation.
Mechanical saunaventilation is not to be recommended, as the forced air supply can
causea fire haza rdthrough the woode npanellingdrying out.
Fig. 7. Sauna heater and door on the same wall.
The “air circulation” created by the door should work together with the hot air generated by
thehea te r.To facilitatethis, the heate rshould be placedon the same wall as the door(If
ex ce ptio n a lcircumstance srequirethe heaterto be fitted to a side wall, makesure it is
locate din closeproximityto the wall with thedoor).
Fig. 14. Inlet vent always directly below the heater.
The inlet vent should be driven straight through the wall directly below the center of the
heater.The cross-section of the vent for a family sauna is approx. 19 sq.in., forlarger
saunasapprox. 46 sq.in. If possible, it is an advantageto have a shower on the other
side of the wall. A flap valve may be fixed to the outside of the inlet vent to prevent
waterseepinginto thewall.
Fig. 15. The outlet vent should never discharge directly into
the open air.
Position the air inlet and outlet vents as far away from one another as possible
(diagonallyopposite). The outlet vent should be locatedhigh on a wall or in the ceiling,
and should have the same cross-se ction areaas the inlet vent.
Spent air should always be led back into the same room from which it is drawn into
the sauna – it must never be discharged directly into the open air. In this way, the air
flowingfrom the sauna is continuallybeing replenis hed in theroom outside. This
ther ma lventilationmetho dalwaysworks,no matterwhetherthe press u r ein adja cent
rooms is negative or positive.
If there is a gap abovethe saunaceiling, do not seal it. To ventilate a cavity above the
sauna,drill or cut at least oneventilation hole into the cavity through the wall on which
the sauna dooris located.
Alt. A: Outlet vent through the sauna wall (seen from above). The vent is placed high
up, near the ceiling.
Alt. B: Outlet vent throughthe cavity abovethe saunaceiling (seenfrom the side).
Alt. C: Outlet vent through a drum under the ceiling in the sauna (see nfrom the side).
Theoutletduct shouldbe placed at an anglebetweentheceilingand the wall. The
drum can be built of woodenpanellingand have the sameareaas the outlet vent.
Special information for steam saunas
(Combi-U and Tylarium):
Avoid placing the outlet vent so that it is led into a part of the building which is kept
cold. This eliminatesthe risk for condens a tion.