Tyco Electronics FIST-GCO2 Series, GCO2-BC6 Series, GCO2-BE6 Series, GCO2-BD6 Series, GCO2-BC16 Series Installation Instruction

GCO2-BC6/16-XX GCO2-BD6/16-XX GCO2-BE6/16-XX
1 Introduction
2 General
2.2 Kit Contents
2.3 Elements needed from the FIST
installation kit
2.4 Tools
2.5 Cable preparation table
3 Installation
3.1 Installation of workstand
3.2 Opening the FIST GCO
4 Cable preparation
4.1 Loose buffer tube cable
4.1a Looped cable preparation
4.1b Bracket/strength member
4.1c Loose buffer tube storage
4.1d Fiber storage in trays
4.1e Drop cable preparation
(6 port base)
4.1f Drop cable preparation
(16 port base) single fiber,
ribbon and compact sheet
4.1g Tube preparation
4.2 Central core cable
4.2a Looped cable preparation
4.2b Bracket/strength member
4.2c Mass storage facility and twisted
fibers:(Using Basket)
4.2d Twistfree fibers
4.2e Drop cable preparation (6 port base)
4.2f Drop cable preparation (16 port base)
5 Heatshrink installation
6 Fiber routing
7 Fiber routing on tray
8 Tube holder capacity
9 Cable grounding / shielding
10 Closing the closure
11 Important steps
12 Re-arrangement
1 Introduction
The generic closure FIST-GCO is the environmentally sealed enclosure for the fiber management system that
provides the functions of splicing and passive component integration in the external network. The product can
be tailored to almost any required configuration by adding splicing and/or passive device Sub-Assemblies. The
FIST-GCO has provision for all cable termination and sealing requirements.
To clean FIST components, the use of isopropylalcohol is recommended.
The closure is a single-ended design made of a thermoplastic material.
The base and dome are sealed with a clamp and an O-ring system. One oval entry port for looped (uncut) cable
management and six or sixteen round ports for single cable entry/exit are included in the base. The cable seals
are manufactured from heat-shrinkable material. The Universal Mounting System provides the foundation for
mounting SOSAs and SASAs back to back. The two back to back sides have each a standard capacity of
28, 42 or 58 units. Uncut loose buffer tube storage is available between the two UMS-sides (Universal Mounting
System). Storage of uncut looped ribbons or fibers from central core (or slotted core) cables is available with the
fiber storage basket. Storage of uncut looped ribbons or fibers can be done in individual FIST-trays.
Dimensions (in mm)
Closure Type GCO2-BC6-XX GCO2-BD6-XX GCO2-BE6-XX
L 488 566 700
D with clamp 285 285 285
Closure Type GCO2-BC6-XX GCO2-BD6-XX GCO2-BE6-XX
Primary coated fibers
Single element 336 480 672*
Single circuit 2 112 160 224
Single circuit 4 224 320 448
Ribbon 4
2 ribbons each tray 40 (160 fibercount) 80 (320) 110 (440)
1 ribbon each tray 20 (80 fibercount) 40 (320) 55 (220)
Ribbon 12
1 ribbon each tray 16 (192 fibercount) 28 (336) 36 (432)
* Capacity on FAS can depend on capacity on tubeholder, see for instance the
capacity table for loose tubes later on
According network layout and cable constructions the kit content can
be different from the kit content described in this installation
Base including routing block + cover (universal mounting system),
shield mounting bolt, and strength member termination bracket
100g Silicagel
2 tray covers + fiber guiding pin +tube holder retainers
2 tray wedges
Installation Instruction
2 General
2.1 Abbreviations
Looped Cable Installation Tool LCIT
Universal Mounting System UMS
2.2 Kit contents
Cable diameters in 6 port base
Loose tube loop, 12-25mm drop,(5-30mm)
C.Core loop, 12-25mm drop,(5-25mm)
Cable diameters in 16 port base
Loose tube loop, 12-25mm drop ports 3-10,(5-20mm)
drop ports 11-18,(5-14mm)
C.Core loop, 12-25mm drop ports 3-10,(5-20mm)
drop ports 11-18,(5-14mm)
2.3 Elements possibly needed from the FIST installation kit
Product Name UOM QTY/UOM Product description
FISTV-E7185-3010 1 RL 50 m Cut wire to open the FIST-GCO ports
FISTV-E7100-1005 1 PK 10x100g Silicagel for inside the closure, to be replaced after each re-entry
FISTV-SPLI-COL 1 PK 30 sets Split identifications collet (2-sizes) till 3.5mm
2.4 Tools
FIST-LCIT Looped tube insertion tool for oval outlet To insert loose tubes in oval port
FACC-TUBE-CUTTER-01 Tube cutter To cut spiral tubing
FACC-TUBE-STRIPPER-02 Tube stripper To strip loose tubes
FACC-AXIAL-STRIPPER-01 Tube splitter To split buffer tubes 2.0-3.1mm
FACC-HEAT-GUN-220V Heatgun + Heatgun tip To shrink cable seals
FIST-WORK-STAND To hold the closure in a vertical position during installation
FIST-WORK-STAND-H Hinging workstand To hold the closure in any position during installation
3.1.1 The FIST-GCO will be mounted temporary on the work-stand.
The work-stand is wrap-around, so that the FIST-GCO installed with
cables can be taken away from it.
Fix the FIST-GCO base onto the workstand with the four split-pen.
3 Installation
3.1 Installation of workstand
2.5 Cable preparation table
Window cut drop cable
Loose Tube BC6 or 16 3.5 m 2.2 m
BD6 or 16 3.7 m 2.2 m
BE6 or 16 3.9 m 2.2 m
Twisted C.Core BC6 or 16 5.3 m 2.2 m
(Use Basket) BD6 or 16 5.9 m 2.2 m
BE6 or 16 6.1 m 2.2 m
Untwisted C.Core BC6 or 16 3.5 m 2.2 m
BD6 or 16 3.7 m 2.2 m
BE6 or 16 3.9 m 2.2m
3.1.2 The hingable work stand can be used. It is recommended
when he 16 port base is applied.
4.1.7 Insert the strength members of the cable into the universal
strength member connector on the loop bracket (loosen the bolts with
the Allen key if necessary) such that all loose tubes can be routed
without unnecessary crossings. Avoid to twist the loop in the case of a
reversed oscillating cable. Fasten with the Allen key.
4.1b Bracket/ Strength member and cable termination preparation
3.2 Opening the FIST-GCO
4 Single fiber
4.1 Loose buffer tube cable
4.1a Looped cable preparation
4.1.1. S-cable: A window cut of 3m50 is needed for GCO2-BC6-XX,
3m70 for GCO2-BD6-XX and 3m90 for GCO2-BE6-XX.
4.1.2 S-cable: Mark the cable in the middle and mark the cable on
(1.75), (1.85) or (1.95) meters left and right of the first mark. Remove
the cable jacket starting in the middle.
3.2.1 Open and remove the clamp. Remove the dome and the O-ring
Remark: take care with the O-ring and the sealing surfaces on the base
and dome (avoid damaging). Clean only with clear water or with the
cleaning tissue, included in the kit, if needed
4.1.3 Reversed Oscillating cable: Mark the cable in the middle of the
loop and remove cable jacket left and right of the mark over a total
distance of 110cm (little more as the distance between two reversal
points on the cable). Locate the buffer tube reversal point on the cable
and mark the cable on (1.75), (1.85) or (1.95) meters left and right
from this point. Remove further the cable jacket starting from this
Important: make sure that twist position of loose tube is identical in A
and B. This must be done correctly for ease of installation.
4.1.4 Remove the strength member leaving 80mm from the cable
jacket, if shield present leave 15mm of the shield
4.1.5 Clean the loose tubes, remove all grease.
4.1.6 Identify the loose tubes with the split collet rings markers if
necessary. There are different FIST-split-collet-rings depending on
diameter of the loose tube.
4.1.9 Open the oval port; the cutting wire can be used.
4.1.8 If the cable diameter is more than 8mm Fix the cables with the
hose clamp onto the loop bracket. Wrap a few layers of tape around
the hose clamp.
If the cable diameter is less than 8mm fix the cables with tie wraps.
When using cables with a diameter smaller than 12mm,bend the
sharp edges on the bottom of the bracket towards the cable and use
some tape around the bracket to protect the heatshrink.
4.1.10 Take the oval sleeve and place the packing bag that has been
opened on both sides in the oval sleeve to prevent the hotmelt inside
the sleeve from dirt and grease. Take the LCIT and bend the loose
tubes gently over it. Push the loose tubes in the sleeve. The non-coated
edge of the sleeve and the arrows should be pointed to the base of the
4.1.11 Now push the loose tubes (looped around the LCIT) in the oval
port up to the bottom of the bottom bracket.
4.1.12 Remove the LCIT and pull the cable gently in the closure.
4.1.13 Position the loop bracket in the bottom bracket and lock with
the split pin.
4.1.14 Install heatshrink.
4.1c Loose buffer tube storage
4.1d Fiber storage in trays
4.1.15 Select the loose tube(s) with the fibers that have to be spliced.
4.1.15 Make some loops with the uncut loose tubes, and put these in
the plastic bag (Be careful not to damage the loose tubes!).Two sizes of
bags are available. Use the correct size according the volume of the
loose tubes.
Slide the bag between the UMS. If the capacity of the looped loose
tubes is too much, one puts the loops at one side; in this case fix the
plastic bag with the tubes on the UMS-profiles with tie-wraps. In case
of S-cable cut the loose tube(s) in the middle of the loop for routing
them to the tube holder.
Remark: Loose tubes routed up to the tube holder should be
routed in such a way that one still has complete access of the
stored tubes between UMS profile. This is needed for later
routing of loose tubes from the loops to the tube holders,
without creating crossings and without creating disturbances
on the loose tubes already routed up to the tube holders.
4.1.16 In case of reversed oscillating cable: separate the loose tube(s).
Match the loose tube(s) on the tubeholder and mark both sides
between the two marks. Shave between the two marks with the
appropriate tooling. Clean the fibers and wind some Teflon around the
ends of the tubes and fibers ,to protect the transition from tube to
In case of S-cable: cut the loose tube(s) (with fibers that have to be
spliced) in the middle of the loop. Separate the cut loose tube(s) from
the others. Match the loose tube(s) on the tubeholder and mark both
sides. Strip the loose tube(s). Clean the fibers.
- Separate the fibers till the tubeholder and route to single circuit or
single element tray(s).
4.1.18 In case of Reversed oscillating cable Identify exchange and
customer-side using some Teflon tape around the fibers. One can also
use the FIST-split-collets-rings markers to identify the loose tubes.
4.1.17 Different loops can be put together beneath the same tube
holder retainer. Position one or more loose tubes in the tubeholder and
slide the tube holder retainer with the snap forward in the lowest
possible cavities of the tubeholder above the loose tube(s). The tube
holder retainer must snap.
4.1.19 - If the fibers are ‘twist free’ one can route the fibers separate
to single circuit trays or single element trays. Separate all fiber loops
first till the tubeholder.
If the fibers are not ‘twist free’ select first the fiber(s) that have to be
spliced and cut these fibers in the middle of the loop. Remove these out
of the bundle till the tubeholder. These fibers can be routed to single
circuit trays, others uncut will be routed to a single element tray (never
in dark fiber storage) (See at fiber routing).
4.1.22 Remove the strength member leaving 90mm from the cable
jacket, if shield present leave 15mm of the shield.
4.1.23 Fix the strength member connector in the closure (on the
bottom bracket )
4.1.24 Take the sleeve and place the packing bag that has been
opened on both sides in the sleeve to prevent the hot melt inside the
sleeve from dirt and grease.. Push the loose tubes in the sleeves. The
non-coated edge of the sleeve and the arrows should be pointed to the
base of the closure (see installation heatshrink).
4.1e Drop cable preparation (6 port base)
4.1.20 Open the round port; the cutting wire can be used
4.1.21 Remove the cable jacket for 2.2m.
4.1.28 Fix the strength member connector in the closure.
4.1.27 If ports 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 are used, cut strength member at 75
mm length. If ports 11-12-13-14-15-16-17 and 18 are used, cut
strength member at 90mm length.
4.1.25 Push the loose tubes in the port and fix the strength member in
the strength member connector. Be sure that all loose tubes are routed
without crossing around the strength member.
4.1f Drop cable preparation (16 port base)
4.1.26 Remove the cable jacket for 2.2m.
4.1.29 Fix the cable in it.
4.1.30 Install the heat shrink.
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