tyco TL880LTB, TL880LEB, TL880LEAT-LAT, TL880LEAT-PE Installation Manual

Digital Security Controls
TL880LTB Dual Path Controller
TL880LEBDual Path Controller
TL880LEAT-LAT Dual Path Controller
TL880LEAT-PE Dual Path Controller
WARNING: This manual contains information on limitations regarding product use and function and information on the limitations as to liability of the manufacturer. The entire manual should be carefully read.
Introduction 5
Features 5
Communicator ratings 6
Communicator compatibility 6
ULInstallation Requirement s 7
Installation 8
Tools and supplies required 8
Step 1: Enable module 9
Step 2: Connecting the module 9
Step 3: Verify installer code t o activate Alarm.com module 10
Step 4: Perform dual-path test (module registration) 10
Step 5: Allow module t o auto-program 11
Panel settings 11
Troubleshooting 14
Module status information 14
Troubleshooting LEDs 14
Various module states (modes) 17
Improving wireless signal strength 17
Walking t he customer through new user set up on the web 18
Interactive Service Menu 19
Interactive menus 19
Installer programming 19
User functions 19
Limited Warranty 21
End User License Agreement 21
Regulatory Information 23
Warning: Installer Please Read Car efully
Note to installers
The wa rnings on this page contain vital inf ormation. As the only individual in conta ct with system user s, it is the installer’s r esponsibility to br ing each item in this wa rning to the attention of all use rs of this system.
System failures
This system has be en ca ref ully designed to be a s e ffe ctive as possible. There ar e cir cumstance s, howe ver, involving fire, burgla ry, or other types of eme rgenc ies w here it may not provide protection. A ny a larm system of any type may be compromised deliber ately or may f ail to oper ate a s expected for a var iety of r ea sons. Some, but not all, of the r easons may be :
Access by intruders
Intruders ma y e nter through an unpr otected a ccess point, circ umvent a sensing devic e, eva de dete ction by moving through an ar ea of insufficient coverage , disconne ct a wa rning device , or interfe re with or prevent the prope r oper ation of the system.
Component failure
Although e very e ffort ha s be en made to make this system a s r eliable a s possible, the system may fa il to f unction a s intende d due to the failure of a component.
Compromise of radio frequency (Wireless)
A device 's signals may not r eac h the re ceive r under a ll circumstance s, whic h c ould include: metal objec ts plac ed on or ne ar the r adio pa th, delibera te jamming or othe r inadver tent r adio signal interfer ence .
Criminal knowledge
This system conta ins sec urity f eature s w hich w ere known to be eff ective a t the time of ma nufac ture. It is possible for persons with cr iminal intent to de velop technique s which re duce the eff ectiveness of these fe ature s. It is important that your secur ity system be re viewed pe riodically to ensure that its fe atures r emain effec tive a nd tha t it is update d or r eplac ed if it is found that it doe s not provide the protec tion expe cted.
Failureof replaceable batteries
This system’s wire less transmitters have been de signed to provide sever al ye ars of ba ttery life under nor mal c onditions. The e xpecte d ba ttery life is a f unction of the device environme nt, usage , a nd type . Ambient conditions suc h a s high humidity, high or low temper atures, or large temperature fluctuations may re duce the expec ted batter y life . W hile e ach tra nsmitting device has a low ba ttery monitor whic h identifie s whe n the batterie s need to be replace d, this monitor ma y f ail to oper ate a s e xpecte d. Regular te sting and maintena nce will kee p the system in good opera ting condition.
Inadequate installation
A sec urity system must be installed pr operly in or der to provide adequa te protec tion. Eve ry installation should be eva luated by a sec urity profe ssional to ensure that all a cc ess points and a rea s a re c overe d. Loc ks a nd latches on windows and door s must be sec ure and ope rate a s intended. Windows, door s, wa lls, ce ilings and other building mater ials must be of suffic ient stre ngth a nd c onstruction to provide the level of protec tion expe cted. A r eeva luation must be done during a nd a fter a ny c onstruction activity. A n e valuation by the fire and/or police de partment is highly re commended if this se rvice is ava ilable.
Inadequate t esting
Most proble ms that would preve nt a n a larm system from oper ating a s intende d can be found by regula r testing a nd maintenance . The complete system should be tested we ekly and immediately a fter a brea k-in, an attempted br eak- in, a fire, a storm, a n e arthqua ke, an a ccident, or a ny kind of construc tion ac tivity inside or outside the pr emises. The testing should include a ll sensing devic es, keypa ds, c onsoles, a larm indicating device s, and any othe r opera tional de vices that ar e par t of the system.
Insufficient time
There may be c ircumstance s w hen the system will oper ate a s intende d, ye t the oc cupants will not be protecte d f rom a n e merge ncy due to their inability to r espond to the warnings in a timely manner . I f the system is re motely monitored, the r esponse may not occ ur in time to prote ct the occupants or their belongings.
Motion detectors
Motion dete ctors ca n only dete ct motion within the de signated ar eas a s shown in their re spective installation instruc tions. They c annot discriminate between intruders a nd intende d oc cupa nts. Motion de tectors do not pr ovide volumetric area protection. They ha ve multiple be ams of detec tion and motion ca n only be de tecte d in unobstructe d a rea s c overe d by these bea ms. They c annot detec t motion w hich occ urs be hind walls, ce ilings, floors, closed doors, glass pa rtitions, glass door s or windows. A ny type of tampering whe ther intentional or unintentional such as masking, painting, or spraying of a ny ma terial on the lenses, mirror s, windows or a ny othe r part of the de tection system w ill impair its prope r operation. Passive infr are d motion detec tors opera te by sensing cha nges in temperature . Howe ver their e ffe ctiveness c an be re duce d when the ambient temper ature rises near or above body te mperatur e or if ther e ar e intentional or unintentional sourc es of he at in or ne ar the detec tion ar ea. Some of these heat source s c ould be he ater s, r adiators, stoves, bar becue s, f ireplac es, sunlight, stea m vents, lighting and so on.
Power failure
Control units, intrusion detec tors, smoke detec tors a nd many other se curity device s r equire a n adequate powe r supply for proper opera tion. If a device opera tes from batteries, it is possible f or the batter ies to fa il. Eve n if the ba tteries ha ve not f ailed, they must be char ged, in good condition and installed cor rec tly. If a device operates only by AC power, a ny interruption, howeve r brie f, will re nder tha t devic e inopera tive while it doe s not ha ve power. Powe r interruptions of any length are ofte n a ccompa nied by voltage fluctua tions which may da mage ele ctronic e quipment such as a se curity system. Af ter a pow er inter ruption ha s occurre d, immediately conduct a c omplete system te st to e nsure tha t the system oper ates as intended.
Security and insurance
Regardless of its ca pabilities, an a larm system is not a substitute f or prope rty or life insuranc e. An ala rm system a lso is not a substitute for pr operty owner s, re nters, or othe r occ upants to ac t pr udently to pre vent or minimize the har mful e ffe cts of an eme rgenc y situation.
Smoke de tectors that ar e a pa rt of this system may not properly a lert occ upants of a fire for a number of r easons, some of w hich f ollow. The smoke detec tors ma y ha ve bee n imprope rly installed or positioned. Smoke may not be able to re ac h the smoke de tectors, such a s whe n the fire is in a chimney, wa lls or roof s, or on the othe r side of closed doors. Smoke dete ctors may not detec t smoke f rom f ires on another le vel of the residence or building. Ever y fire is diff ere nt in the amount of smoke produc ed and the r ate of bur ning. Smoke dete ctors ca nnot sense all type s of fires equa lly we ll. Smoke detec tors ma y not provide timely warning of f ires ca used by ca rele ssness or safe ty haz ards suc h a s smoking in be d, violent e xplosions, esca ping ga s, imprope r storage of flammable ma terials, over loaded electrica l c ircuits, c hildren playing with ma tches, or a rson. Even if the smoke de tector ope rate s a s intende d, ther e may be c ircumstanc es when the re is insufficient wa rning to a llow a ll occ upants to e scape in time to avoid injury or dea th.
Telephone lines
If tele phone lines are used to transmit a larms, they may be out of se rvice or busy f or ce rtain periods of time. Also a n intruder may c ut the telephone line or defe at its oper ation by more sophisticated mea ns which may be difficult to de tect.
Warning d evices
Warning de vices such a s sire ns, be lls, horns, or strobe s may not wa rn people or wake n someone sleeping if there is a n inter vening w all or door. If war ning devic es ar e locate d on a differ ent level of the residenc e or pr emise, then it is less likely tha t the oc cupants will be aler ted or awa kened. Audible war ning de vices may be inter fer ed with by othe r noise source s suc h a s ster eos, ra dios, televisions, air c onditioners, other a ppliance s, or passing tr affic . A udible wa rning device s, how ever loud, may not be he ard by a hear ing-impaired pe rson.
This installation manual shall be used in conjunction with the control panel installation manual available online from the DSC website at www.dsc.com. All the safety instructions specified within that manual shall be observed. The control panel is referenced as the “panel” throughout this document. This installation guide provides the basic wiring, programming and troubleshooting information.
The alar m communicator is a f ixed, wall-mounted unit, and shall be installed in the location specified in these instructions. The equipment enclosure must be fully assembled and closed, with all the necessary screws/tabs, and secured to a wall before operation. Internal wiring must be routed in a manner that prevents:
l Excessive strain on wire and on terminal connections. l Interf erence between power limited and non power limited wiring. l Loosening of terminal connections. l Damage to the conductor insulation.
Safety information
The installer must instruct the system user on each of the following:
l Do not attempt to service this product. Opening or removing covers may expose the user to dangerous
voltages or other risks.
l Any servicing shall be referred to skilled persons only. l Use authorized accessories only with this equipment. l Do not stay close to the equipment during device operation. l Do not touch the external antenna.
Safety instructions for skilled workers
When using equipment connected to the telephone network, always f ollow the basic safety instructions provided with this product. Save these instructions for future r eference.
Follow all WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS specif ied within the manual of the alarm controller.
Do NOT connect this equipment to electrical outlets controlled by wall switches or automatic timers.
AVOID installing equipment near heaters, air conditioners, ventilators, and refrigerators.
AVOID locating equipment close to or on top of lar ge metal objects, for example wall studs.
Safety precautions required during installation
NEVER install this equipment during a lightning storm.
Position cables so that accidents cannot occur.
This equipment must be installed and used within an environment that provides the pollution degree max 2 and over-voltages category II NONHAZARDOUS LOCATIONS, indoor only. The equipment is designed to be installed, serviced and/or repaired by Skilled Persons only; (skilled person is defined as a person having the appropriate technical training and experience necessary to be aware of hazards to which that person may be exposed in performing a task and of measures to minimize the risks to that person or other persons).
Before installing/servicing, DISCONNECT the power and the telephone line of the alarm controller.
These safety instructions should not prevent you from contacting the distributor and/or the manufacturer to obtain any further clarification and/or answers to your concerns.


This guide provides installation and operating instructions for the Alarm.com communicator module. The following sections offer you a brief overview of its capabilities. Some capabilities and features vary based on the Alarm.com service plan selected. Visit www.alarm.com/Dealer or contact Alarm.com for more information.
Note: The Dual Path IP/L TE module is available in the model TL880LTB/TL880LEB/TL880LEAT­LAT /TL880LEAT-PE.
The module contains the IP/Radio subassembly model ADC-620T and the PC-Link to RS422 conversion interface. The module is compatible with PowerSeries Neo Alarm Control Unit models HS2128, HS2064, HS2032 and HS2016 software versions 1.1 and above and PowerSeries Pro Alarm Control Unit models HS3032, HS3128, and HS3248 software versions 1.0 and above.
The module enables wireless reporting of all alarms and other system events from the PowerSeries Neo and PowerSeries Pro control panel using an all-digital, LTE wireless (cellular) network or an Ethernet network. The module can be used as the primary communication path for all alarm signaling, or as a backup to a telephone connection to the central monitoring station. The wireless alarm signaling and routing service is operated by Alarm.com. The module also features integrated support for Alarm.com’s home automation solution with built-in Z-Wave capabilities.
Note: Alarm.com's home automation solution with built-in Z-Wave capabilities is not UL evaluated.
Contact information
For additional information and support on Alarm.com modules, initial account setup, home automation, and all other Alarm.com products and services, please visit: www.Alarm.com/dealer or contact Alarm.com technical support at: 1-866-834-0470.


l 128-bit AES encryption via cellular and I nternet.
l Models TL880LTB and TL880LEAT-LAT have NI ST validation certificate number 4684.
l Models TL880LEB and TL880LEAT-PE have NISTvalidation certificate number 5100. l Back up or primary cellular alarm communication and Ethernet. l Remote firmwar e upgrade via cellular or Internet using Alarm.com management portal. l Full event reporting to central station. l Cellular periodic test transmission. l Integrated call r outing. l Panel remote uploading/downloading support via cellular or Internet. l PC-LINK connection. l Programmable labels. l SIA and Contact ID (CID) formats supported. l Signal strength and trouble display LE Ds. l Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card included with communicator.
l Supervision heartbeats over Ethernet path or over the Cellular path, when the E thernet path is known to be
in a trouble condition.
l 2-way audio capable when used with audio module HSM2955(R) - Refer to HSM2955(R) manual.

Communicator ratings

TL880LTB and
Power supply ratings
11.3V - 12.5V DC
Input Voltage
(provided by c ompatible DSC control panel)
Current consumptio n
Standby Current (Average Value) 150mA
Alarm (Transmitting) Current (Peak Value) 400mA
Cellular Network
TL880LTB: LTE Verizon
TL880LTB: 700 / AWS1700MHz
Operating Frequency
TL880LEAT-LAT: LTE bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 28
Environmental specifications
Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
Storage Temperature -34°C t o 60°C
Humidity 93%RH non-condensing
Mechanical specifications
Dimensions 6" x 8.9" x 1.3"
Weight 365g

Communicator compatibility

l Sur-Gard System I-IP Receiver, version 1.13+ l Sur-Gard System II Receiver, version 2.10+ l Sur-Gard SG-DRL3-IP, version 2.30+(for Sur-Gard System I II Receiver) l Sur-Gard SG-DRL4-IP version 1.20+ (for Sur-GardSystem IV Receiver) l Sur-Gard SG-DRL5-IP version 1.00+ (for Sur-GardSystem 5 Receiver)
l HS2016, version 1.1+ l HS2032, version 1.1+ l HS2064, version 1.1+ l HS2128, version 1.1+
TL880LEB and
TL880LEB: LTE AT&T/T elus
TL880LEB: 1700/1900 AWS700/850MHz
TL880LEAT-PE: LTE bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 28
l HS3032, version 1.0+ l HS3128, version 1.0+ l HS3248, version 1.0+
Note: Enter [*][8][Installer Code][900][000] at keypad to view the panel version number.
Products or components of products, which perform communications functions only shall comply with the requirements applicable to communications equipment as specified in UL60950-1, Information Technology Equipment - Safety - Part 1: General Requirements. Such components include, but are not limited to: hubs; routers; NIDs; third-party communications ser vice providers; DSL modems; and cable modems.
ULInstallation Requirements
Note: For equipment used at the protected premises and intended to facilitate IPcommunications (hubs, routers, NI Ds, Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable models), 24-hour back-up power is r equired. Where such cannot be facilitated, a secondary (back-up) communication channel is required.
Domain Name Servic e (DNS) programming i s not permitted i n UL1610 and ULC-S304 listed sy stems.


Alarm controller PCB
Alarm Controller Cabinet
T-LAT/TL880LEAT-PE controller
Follow these guidelines during installation.
l Before affixing the communicator to a wall, verify the LT E signal level at the installation location. On a
keypad, press and hold the 5 key for 2 seconds to view the LTE signal level. An installation location with a sustained signal level of two or more bars is recommended.
l When using panel power for the module, do not exceed the panel's maximum rated total output power.
Refer to the specific panel installation instructions for details. Only one module can be used per panel.
l Do not mount the module inside of the metal alarm panel enclosure.

Tools and supplies required

You will need the following tools and supplies:
l Small flat-head and Phillips screwdrivers l Screws (included) l Antenna (included) l 16 pin ribbon cable (included)
+ 17 hidden pages