SG-System 5
Installation Guide
For the full Installation Manual visit www.dsc.com
NOTE: This manual contains information regarding product use and function, in addition to manufacturer liability and
restrictions pertaining to it. The entire manual should be read carefully.

SG-System 5
SG-System 5 Overview
The SG-System 5 is a multi-platform receiver intended for remote monitoring of commercial fire and burglary systems. The SG-System 5 can monitor
up to 24 communication line cards (SG-DRL5-IP or SG-DRL5/DRL5E/DRL5-2L) to receive and process alarm data in up to 64 pre-programmed profiles per line card. The SG-System 5's real-time clock date stamps all received alarm signals which are then transmitted to a central station computer via
TCP/IP or RS-232 port; transmitted directly to a printer using the serial printer port and/or TCP/IP; and viewed on the LCD of the front panel while the
receiver is in the manual state. Options can be programmed using a PC with SG-System 5 Console or locally using the touchscreen LCD.
Use this guide in conjunction with the SG-System 5 v1.1 Operating Manual, which you can access from the dsc.com web site.
CPM redundancy
The SG-System 5 can be used in a redundant configuration using two SG-CPM5s, where the primary SG-CPM5 backs up to the secondary SG-CPM5
and vice versa. Under normal conditions, the primary SG-CPM5 is active and outputs all signals to the printer and automation, while the secondary SGCPM5 is in standby. If the primary fails, the secondary SG-CPM5 automatically switches to active within 30 seconds and starts outputting signals to
the printer and automation. During the switchover from standby to active, signal reception is not affected since the line cards are still able to receive signals. The output to printer and automation is delayed by the length of time required to switch from standby to active.
FIGURE 1-1: SG-System 5 front with door closed
1. Thumb screws to hold faceplate closed
2. Line card status indicators (top LED is watchdog, middle LED is status and
bottom LED is network)
3. SG-CPM5 Status LEDs (from left to right: Console, Trouble, Network,
Watchdog, Automation)
4. Quick HOME button
5. 7-inch resistive touch LCD screen
FIGURE 1-2: SG-System 5 front with door open FIGURE 1-3: SG-System 5 back
NOTE: Use only 26 AWG wires for the Telco connections.
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The basic configuration consists of one 19-inch rack mounted chassis comprising the following:
l SG-MLRF5 - Metal rack of the SG-System 5 with SG-MP5
l SG-PSU5-600 - 600W power supply unit provides power to all system modules
l SG-PSU5-250 - 250W power supply unit provides power to all system modules
l SG-CPM5 - Central processing module controls all communication to and from receiver modules and printers
l SG-UIB5 - Touch screen user interface
l SG-DRL5-IP - Internet protocol line card
l SG-DRL5-IP PAD - Paddle card for SG-DRL5-IP provides network connection
l SG-MLRF5-RM - Rack mount rails
l SG-S5LFANTR - Line card fan tray
l SG-S5CFANTR - SG-CPM5 fan tray
l SG-S5SERCAB - Y cable for serial connection to the SG-CPM5 for automation/printer
l SG-SYS5MEM4 - Removable EMMC memory
l SG-CPM5BATT - SG-CPM5 real time clock battery
l SG-DRL5 - Single line PSTN card
l SG-DRL5E - Single line PSTN card with backup channel and 2-way audio bridge
l SG-DRL5-2L - Dual line PSTN card
l SG-DRL5PAD - Paddle card for SG-DRL5/DRL5E/DRL5-2L PSTN cards
l SG-ADPT5 - Adapter card for SG-DRL5/DRL5E/DRL5-2L PSTN cards
Depth: 27.5 in. (69.85 cm)
Width: 19 in. (48.26 cm)
Height: 7 in. (17.78 cm)
Required rack space: 4U
SG-System 5 UL Electrical:
Input voltage: 100-240 VAC, 50/60Hz.
Input current 600W: 8A max (RMS) @ 100VAC
Input current 250W: 3A max (RMS) @ 100VAC
Backup power supply: External UPS (not supplied)
In a two SG-CPM5 configuration, a redundant SG-PSU5 can be inserted in the second slot. In the event of a SG-PSU5 failure, the redundant SGPSU5 automatically assumes operation. These modules are hot swappable (can be removed and replaced while the system is in operation) if a working,
redundant SG-PSU5 is installed. Both PSU units used in the system must have the same power rating.
Temperature: 0-49°C (32 - 120°F)
Humidity: 93% RH, non-condensing
ULC Line Security Levels: A1-A4 (active channels) or P1-P3 (passive channels)
Printers (UL/ULC Listed Installations):
Serial: Seiko DPU-414
DACT Compatible communication formats (ULC Passive channels): SIA, CID
Encryption: AES 128 bit
Industry approvals
l UL 1610 Central Station Burglar Alarm Units
l UL 864 10th Edition Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems
l CAN/ULC-S304-2016-REV1 Control Units, Accessories and Receiving Equipment for Intrusion Alarm Systems
l CAN/ULC-S559-13 Equipment for Fire Signal Receiving Centres and Systems
l EN60950-1:2006 Standard for Information Technology Equipment.
l AS/NZS 60950.1:2003 Information Technology Equipment - Safety
l CISPR22 Class B Information Technology Equipment - Radio Disturbance Characteristics - Limits and Methods of Measurements
l EN50130-4 Immunity requirements for components of fire, intruder and social alarm systems
l NIST validation certificate number 2913 for AES 128 bit encryption.
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3.0 Approvals
For UL listed installations, the equipment must be installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA72, NFPA70, UL827 and the authority having
SG-System 5 with SG-DRL5-IP Line Card is ULC listed for active communication channel security level A1 - A4 when used in conjunction with TLink TL250 andT-LinkTL300(CF), TL260(R), TL280LE(R), LE2080(R), TL280(R)E, TL880LT, TL880LE, LE9080, 3G9080, HS3128/032/248,
LE4010(CF), LE4020(CF), and 3G4010(CF) Internet/Intranet and/or GSM-GPRS alarm communicators. For this type of application the supervision
and encryption features have to be enabled. The receiver can be used also in conjunction with ULC listed passive communication systems based on the
configuration of the systems at the protected premises.
For ULC Installations the equipment must be installed in accordance with the requirements of ULC-S561 and ULC-S301 Standards and the authority
having jurisdiction. SG-System 5 with SG-DRL5/DRL5E/DRL5-2L PSTN line cards is ULC listed for passive communication channel security levels
P1-P3 when used in conjunction with compatible alarm systems using Industry Open SIA standard communication formats Contact ID or SIA.
This product has been approved by the California State Fire Marshal (CSFM) pursuant to section 13144.1 of the California Health and Safety Code.
See CSFM Listing No. 7300-1273:0157 for allowable values and/or conditions for use concerning material presented in this document. The approval is
subject to reexamination, revision and possible cancellation.
For ULC-S304 applications, the heartbeat timer (option [411]) shall be set to 30 seconds.
For UL864 Commercial Fire applications the following compatible communicators can be used with receiver model SG-System 5 SW Ver. 1.1x:
LE4010/LE4010CF SW Ver. 5.x
LE4020/LE4020CF SWVer. 4.x
3G2010CF SWVer. 4.x
TL300/TL300CFSWVer. 1.5
The transmitter supervision (option [221] in SG-DLR5-IP line card) shall be set to 60 min for single path and to 6 h for multiple path performance
based technologies.
UL864 programming requirements
NOTE: Users, Installers, Authorities having Jurisdiction and other involved parties; this product incorporates field programmable soft-
ware. In order for the product to comply with the requirements in the Standard for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarms
Systems, UL 864, certain programming features or options must be limited to specific values or not used at all as indicated below.
SG-CPM5 - UL864 programming requirements
Opt # Program option Permitted in UL864? (Y/N) Possible settings Settings permitted (UL 864)
202 Buzzer N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
411 Heartbeat Timer Y 00-FF Not Allowed 00
601 CPM5 1 Fan Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
602 CPM5 2 Fan Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
603 PSU 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
604 PSU 2 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
609 UPS AC 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
610 UPS AC 2 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
611 UPS Battery 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
612 UPS Battery 2 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
615 SG-Serial Automation Sec 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
617 Serial CPM 1 Printer 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
618 Serial CPM 2 Printer 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
619 Serial CPM 1 Printer 2 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
620 Serial CPM 2 Printer 2 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
621 SG-TCP Automation Pri - Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
631 SG-TCP Automation Sec - 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
665 TCP Printer Pri - 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
675 TCP Printer Sec - 1 Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
Opt # Program option Permitted in UL 864 (Y/N)
221 Transmitter Absent Debounce Time Y 5-65535 3600 sec (1 h)/ 21600 sec (6 h)
222 Transmitter Restoral Debounce Time Y 5-65535 200
301 Transmitter Unencrypted Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
302 Unknown Account Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
303 Supervised Accounts Exceeded Trouble N Enabled/Disabled Enabled
Settings permitted (UL 864)
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