Summary of FV300 FlameVision features and benefits:
The FV300 provides high sensitivity flame detection with high false alarm immunity,
undiminished throughout a wide field of view.
An infra-red array combined with 2 other optical sensors provides 3 sensitive optical
channels. Signals are analysed by powerful algorithms running on a DSP to give reliable
flame detection. The algorithms have been extensively proven with real fir es.
Operational range 50m (0.1m
heptane pan fire) with no reduction in range across the
90° horizontal and 80° vertical field of view.
Consistent detection of different sizes of flames from a wide range of hydrocarbon fuels
from alcohol to aviation fuel (JP4 and JP5).
Excellent false alarm immunity. Proven to be immune to common radiation sources
(continuous or modulated) such as halogen lamps, welding, heaters, etc.
Solar blind.
By using an array, the FV300 can locate the flame within the field of vie w and displays th e
information on the video overlay to pinpoint the location of the fire enabling more ef fectiv e
counter measures to be taken. The location information is also available on the network
interface for use in external systems.
Software Field of View Masking: The array can locate and track active known permanent
sources, such as a flare stack, within the field of vie w. The detector can be configured to
ignore such sources, including flames, in a certain area of the field of view. External,
physical blinkers and shutters are not required.
Fire and fault relays, 4-20mA output and a field network (RS485) interface are standard
on all models to connect to monitoring equipment.
Modbus protocol is supported on the field network interface to connect to PLCs.
Internal wide angle CCTV camera (optional) cov ering detection f ield of view. With a video
output (balanced line) to connect to on-site video monitoring (CCTV) system. Detector
overlays identification information on the video image to show alarm location and details.
W i ndow heater standard on all models to reduce misting.
Flexible configuration: Primary options on DIP switches such as alarm delay timings, fire/
fault latching, etc. Advanced options set using PC configuration tool such as mask area,
network parameters etc.
Regular self-testing of critical electronic circuits and regular monitoring of the detector
window cleanliness and optical path (OPM) which reduces the frequency of regular
maintenance visits.
Integral flame simulation for verification of detection path enabling either easy walk-
testing of the installation or testing by remote control to ensure continued reliability of th e
detector operation.
Diagnostic logs: The detec tor keeps a log of all e v ents, alarms e tc. This information can be
read remotely using the configuration tool for maintenance purposes.
Hand-held walk test tool available to initiate alarm and window tests and reset detector on
demand. Tool can activate detectors from up to 6m away so can be used without poles or
other access methods. Walk-test tool is ATEX approved by Baseefa and can be used in
hazardous areas.