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P/N : 6063
Version 2.03 Septembre 2007
Presentation........................................................................................ 5
Using TXcom reader ........................................................................... 6
Pairing ................................................................................................ 6
Creating a SPP connection...................................................................... 7
Master mode .................................................................................... 7
Slave mode....................................................................................... 8
Starting / Turning off........................................................................... 9
Starting........................................................................................... 9
Turn off .......................................................................................... 9
Operating ........................................................................................... 9
Charging the Battery .......................................................................... 11
Installing the Hand strap (TINYOM)..................................................... 11
The utilities ...................................................................................... 11
TinyomSet HelyomSet...................................................................... 11
ComclavXP...................................................................................... 12
BDAprint ....................................................................................... 12
TinyomSet HelyomSet Software ....................................................... 13
Installation ....................................................................................... 13
Description ....................................................................................... 14
General Settings ................................................................................ 16
Radio............................................................................................. 16
Transmission mode .......................................................................... 17
Bar code Add-Ons ........................................................................... 18
Power management .......................................................................... 19
Bar code Settings............................................................................... 20
Default bar code ............................................................................. 20
Enabling a bar code.......................................................................... 21
Disabling a bar code......................................................................... 21
Trigger Settings ................................................................................ 22
One shot ........................................................................................ 23
Hold .............................................................................................. 23
Multiscan ....................................................................................... 24
Firmware Upgrade .............................................................................. 26
ComClav Settings ............................................................................... 27
Setting Up the TXcom reader ........................................................... 29
Upgrading TXcom reader firmware................................................... 30
Resetting TXcom reader ................................................................... 32
Default Configuration ........................................................................ 33
Creating a new configuration file ..................................................... 34
Loading a new configuration ............................................................ 35
ComClavXP Software ........................................................................ 36
Installation ....................................................................................... 36
Starting ComClavXP............................................................................ 36
BT Connection.................................................................................... 36
Stopping a BT connection..................................................................... 37
Ending ComClavXP............................................................................... 37
Setting Parameters ............................................................................ 37
ComClavCE Software ........................................................................ 39
Starting ComClavCE ............................................................................ 39
BT Connection.................................................................................... 39
Stopping a BT connection..................................................................... 41
Ending ComClavCE............................................................................... 41
Setting Parameters ............................................................................ 42
ComClavMobile Software .................................................................. 44
Starting ComClavCE ............................................................................ 44
Bluetooth Configuration on Windows Mobile............................................ 45
BT Connection.................................................................................... 47
Stopping a BT connection..................................................................... 48
Ending ComClavCE............................................................................... 49
BDAprint Software ............................................................................ 50
Safety / Regulatory............................................................................ 52
The Tinyom and the HelyomBT are Bluetooth laser scanner, the Tinyom have the distinctive feature of being hand free. They communicate with any device equipped with a Bluetooth module.
The Tinyom and the HelyomBT work in the same manner except for the triggering. In the following documentation, TXcom reader means that the feature applies for both units.
Only SPP profile (Serial Port Profile) is supported. This profile allows you to establish a serial link between two Bluetooth devices.
The Bluetooth device must be a PC (BALADYOM, ....), a tablet PC, a
PDA (PREMIOM, ....), a printer.
Depending on the device Operating System, TXcom reader will operate in master mode or in slave mode.
Tinyom HelyomBT
TinyomSet software is a utility to set up and upgrade the Tinyom, and HelyomSet the equivalent for the HelyomBT. ComClavXP, ComClavCE software are utilities compatible for both units.
TinyomSet and HelyomSet are programming tools of the Tinyom and the HelyomBT and also tools to create initialization files which will be used by Conclav software.
ComClavXP and ComClavCE are keyboard emulation which also make it possible to initialize TXcom reader.
Using TXcom reader
To pair TXcom reader to a Bluetooth device
In master mode
Read the bar code label containing the Bluetooth Device Address
of the remote device with the TXcom reader.
Label Format
code 128 BDA Address {FNC3}aabbccddeeff{FNC3}
aa hexadecimal value of the first byte of the BDA address bb hexadecimal value of the second byte of the BDA address
ff hexadecimal value of the last byte of the BDA address
When the TXcom reader is put on the charger, it switches to slave mode.
You need to pair it before using it.
In slave mode
Read the bar code hereafter with the TXcom reader and activate
the Bluetooth device discovery from the remote device to find the TXcom reader and connect it to the Bluetooth device.
Slave Mode
The Tinyom BDA address is located under the Tinyom, near the
The HelyomBT BDA address is located behind the HelyomBT
laser window.
Creating a SPP connection
Install on your PC a Bluetooth Software, before plug-in Bluetooth device.
When the installation is completed, proceed as follows:
Master mode
1. Check your Bluetooth device address
Start / Settings / Control Panel / Bluetooth Configuration / Hardware Tab
2. Print a bar code containing the BDA address of the device.
See Label format on page 6 and see BDAprint software on page 50
3. In Bluetooth properties, unitck Secure Connection
Start / Settings / Control Panel / Bluetooth Configuration / Client application / Proprieties button
4. Scan the BDA label with TXcom reader.
Slave mode
1. Open the Bluetooth serial port.
2. Search for Bluetooth device.
Start / Programs / My Bluetooth Places / Bluetooth Menu / Search for device Option
3. Connect the Bluetooth device to TXcom reader.
Starting / Turning off
For the Tinyom, press lightly on the touch sensor during one second.
For the HelyomBT, press the trigger button during 1 second.
Turn off
The TXcom reader turns off:
Automatically after a configurable delay without activity,
this delay is set to 1 hour by default,
By a long touch of roughly 2 seconds on the sensor when the
long touch triggering mode is set to ON/OFF (See Trigger setting on page 21),
For the Tinyom, by a long touch greater then 7 seconds and
after that the 3 LED green, red, blue flash briefly.
The laser reading is triggered by the activation of the touch sensor or the motion sensor for the Tinyom, by the trigger button for the HelyomBT or by radio for both.
Read could be one-shot mode or burst mode.
1. Start the laser scanner.
2. Aim the laser window on the bar code label to read.
Hold the laser scanner at a slight angle to the bar code, other than perpendicular.
3. Start scanning by one of the following modes:
One shot mode
Default mode.
By the touch sensor or the trigger button
By the motion sensor
This one detects a preset movement (wrist in stable position,
then movement from left to right or vice versa, then return in stable position, then the laser beam starts).
In this mode, once the beam is on, it remains on without any user action until that the TXcom reader reads a bar code. To make the next read, it is necessary to start the laser once again.
Hold mode
Default mode.
By a long press until a bar code read.
In this mode, to keep the beam on, the user should press the touch sensor or the button until that the TXcom reader reads a bar code. To make the next read, it is necessary to start the laser once again.
Burst mode
Default mode. By a long press of roughly one second on the touch sensor or the
trigger button.
In this mode, once the beam is on, it remains on without any user action until that the TXcom reader reads a bar code and starts automatically the beam for the next read after a configurable delay.
Charging the Battery
The battery must be charged between -20°C and +45°C. Please refer to the Quick Guide provided with the reader.
Installing the Hand strap (TINYOM)
Please refer to the Quick Guide provided with the reader.
The utilities
On the CDROM ship with the TXcom reader, you can find the ParamXP Setup for Windows XP which installs the following utilities:
TinyomSet HelyomSet
This software is used to set up and upgrade the firmware of respectively the Tinyom and the HelyomBT.
This software is used to send bar codes read in keyboard emulation.
This software is used to print the pairing label of the TXcom reader.
TinyomSet HelyomSet Software
TinyomSet and HelyomSet software allow modifying parameters and upgrading the firmware of respectively the Tinyom and the HelyomBT.
Install ParamXP Setup on your PC under Windows XP.
In the upper part of the screen, you will find:
The Menu bar
Message window, where messages are displayed
Virtual port used by the Bluetooth connection
Connect / Disconnect button to establish the connection
from the Bluetooth device to the TXcom reader
Send button to send edited data to the TXcom reader.
On the lower part of the screen, you will find different tabs:
General settings
Bar code settings
Trigger settings
Firmware upgrade
ComClav settings.
Settings are accessible when the TXcom reader is connected to a Bluetooth device or when editing a ComClav.ini file.
Message window
Once the TXcom reader paired to the Bluetooth device, select the virtual port used by the Bluetooth connection then click on Connect button to establish connection. Data will be displayed after a while in Summary tab.
In Summary tab, basic data are displayed (BDA address, TXcom reader name, Bar code enabled, firmware version, and statistics since first use).
General Settings
TXcom reader is compatible with Bluetooth Class I and Class II. By default, it is set to Class I but it is possible to change it through Max Transmission parameter.
When At exit of the charger switch on slave mode parameter is ticked, if the TXcom reader is used in master mode, the user should scan the pairing label after each charge, this protect from undesired connection if the TXcom reader change frequently from a Bluetooth device to another. On the other hand, if the TXcom reader is paired with a fix Bluetooth device, it is possible to untick this
Max Transmission
Open field
20 dBm I 100 m 5 dBm II 15 m
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