TWT TWT-POUS-300, TWT-POUE-400 Owner's Manual

TWT-POUS-300 Point-of-Use (P.O.U)
Integrated Water Softening, Treatment and Conditioning System
Filtration • Water Softening • Patented Deposit Control Technology
Ideal for the Beverage (Coffee) Dispensing Industry
System 2.
TWT-POUE-400 Point-of-Use (P.O.U) Point-of-Entry (POE)
Integrated Water Treatment and Conditioning System
Ideal for Cottages, Mobile Homes, RV ’s, Boats & More .
System Design and Installation Guidelines
Please take the time and read the following suggestions before installation
You have now purchased a technologically advanced water treatment system that with proper mainte­nance, will insure cleaner water for decades to come. Providing end-to-end treatment and condi­tioning with consistent results.
1. TWT-POUS-300 Application
The TWT Integrated system should be installed at point-of-use, on or near the beve rage dispensing machines requiring treatment (for water-fed lines 3/4" in
d i a m e t e r or less) . Select a location near water fe e d
line in an area allowing enough room on all sides of system for filter(s) replacement, visual inspection, keeping it out of harm’s way (i.e., appropriate service clearances).depending upon model purchased.This will allow most maintenance procedures to be accom­plished without removing the unit and filters from its mounting bracket.
2. TWT-POUE-400 Application
The TWT Integrated system should be installed at P.O.U./P.O.E., near water-fed line (for water-fed lines 3/4" in diameter or less). Select a location near water feed line in an area allowing enough room on all sides of system for filter(s) replacement, visual inspection, keeping it out of harm’s way (i.e., appropriate ser­vice clearances). This will allow most maintenance procedures to be accom­plished without removing the unit and filters from its mounting bracket.
Traps & Removes Harmful Pollutants, prevents restriction and keeps water in the plumbing system flowing
Filters are designed to trap various kinds of debris, dirt and organic particles that will otherwise enter your equipment and/or plumbing system, restrict your water flow and create a breeding ground for bacteria. The first step in achieving clean water is to install a filtration
matter and similar debris.
Filters used in TWT-POUS-300 system
1. Sediment 5-10 Micron: Pl e a t e d Washable and reusable for sediment r e d u c t i on/r e m o v a l
2. Resin Filter: Water softening resin filter
3. GAC: Granulated activated carbon for taste, odor, organic chemicals and chlo-
rine reduction/removal.
Filters used in TWT-POUE-400 system
1. Sediment 5-10 Micron: Pleated Washable and reusable for sediment
r e d u c t i on/r e m o v a l
2. GAC: Granulated activated carbon for taste, odor, organic chemicals and
chlorinereduction / removal
3. GAC/KDF-55:
copper/zinc alloy media designed to remove chlorine, lead, volatile organic chemicals,hydrogen sulfide, sulfur, herbicides, pesticides, chemical fertilizer residues and trihalomethanes
Note: See maintenance calender
Granulated activated carbon with KDF-55, specially formulated
device that effectively removes particulate
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All though simular in design, the TWT-POUS-300 (above) uses a Sediment, Resin and Carbon filter. The TWT-POUE-400 uses a Sediment, Carbon and GAC-KDF-55 Filter (1-2 GPM System)
TWT®Patented Deposit Control Technology
The basic component in the TWT systems is the deposit contr o l l e r.It is comprised of a m i c r o p r o c e s s o r, solenoid coil fa c t o ry wrapped reaction chamber. The microprocessor is a patented controller that functions like a comput­e r to relay a continuous electrical power sup­ply to the solenoid coil reaction chamber. The reaction chamber is part of the system, and provides a factory wrapped wire coil forming a solenoid. The solenoid conveys the triangular wave signal at the appropriate power level (as allowed by the model chosen) to the water
passing through the chamber. This signal con­stantly changes the polari t y, freq u e n c y, and amplitude of the current entering the water.
al benefits.It increases the capability of the water to hy d rate scale ions and other c o lloidal particles. In effect, the s u r face charge of the hydrogen molecules is enhanced and the water is made “ we t t er”. T h i s “ hy d ra te d ” water can dissolve unw a n t e d p a rt i c l e s, s u s pend them in solution, and allow them to be easily filtered out or flushed from the s y s t e m .A c c o r d i n g l y, the mineral and b i o l o g i c a l p a rticles that cause scale, deposits, and corro­sion are d i s s o l ved and washed away.
This means that the breeding environments fo r b a c t e ri a , such as bio-film and corrosion, are e l i m i n a t e d .The agitation created in the reaction chamber also disrupts the conditions essential for the normal reproduction of bacteria and they die, thus allowing them to be harmlessly flushed out of the sy s t e m .
This triangular wave treatment produces seve r-
TWT Deposit Controller
Battery operated digital flow meter with ability to reset so users may track total flow in gal­lons. Offers ability to monitor multiple functions, with capacity settings 100 to 19,900 gallons. Audible alarm indicates cartridge/ media replacement.
When the TWT systems are properly installed and maintained, the effects of the Triangular Wave Technology Treatment Last Downstream. In effect, a clean, corrosion-free delivery systems restored and maintained in a safe manner. The result is clean tanks, pipes and tubing with no bio-film and reduced bacterial contamination.
TWT systems make sense from operational, economic, and safety points of v i e w. Ownership of the TWT System will afford you and/or your customers significant savings over a short period of time and even greater savings over the life cycle of the equipment.
• Securely mount system using pre-drilled holes on beverage dispensing machine(s) or near water feed line (POU/POE) in an area a l l owing enough room on all sides of system for filter replacement, visual inspection, keeping it out of harms way (i.e., appropriate service c l e a r a n c e s ) .
• Shut off water before you start installation at Point-of-Use
• Plumb system into to water feed line
• Test System
• Do not plug in system
• Close drain ports
• Open shut-off valves, test for leaks
• Tighten all connectors
• System should now be ready for operation
• Plug into VAC outlet, make sure manual shut off valves and drain ports are in proper position for water flow
• Allow system to operate for several minutes before using or drinking water
One- factory assembled and mounted system One- spanner filter wrench for filter replacement One- owner’s installation and maintenance manual (read before installation )
4. Press down pressure release valve on top of filter assembly, allowing additional drainage
5. Allow enough time for system to drain fully– It is now safe to perform mainten-
ance, after performing maintenance, take these necessary and important steps:
6. Close drain port
7.Open inflow and outflow valves
8. Plug in Power Cord
TWT Deposit Controller
TWT Reaction Chamber
1/2" In & Out
Piping Manual Shut-Off Valves
Pressure Release
Flow Meter
THINGS TO DO PERIODICALLY Not less than weekly
1. TWT-POUS-300 Unplug AC power cord(s) before any repairs and/or replace ments are performed
• Visually inspect deposit controller to ensure continuous operation
• Deposit control system LED lights should be on
• Make sure the filters are free flowing, if they become clogged you must clean or
replace them
• Replace sediment and/or carbon filters when needed, generally 2 to 3 times a year,
depending on water use, quality, and conditions.*
• Replace resin filter and reset meter every 150 to 200 gallons of processed fluid (up
to 20 grains), above 20 grains hardness to be determined* (will vary based on equipment operating conditions, water quality in different areas of country. Manufactures suggest equipment owners replace resin filters more frequently until they have established appropriate usage and time tables). See flow meter next page
• Water Source (municipal/well), condition and GPM determines need (hard water
areas of the country may require more frequent filter replacements).
• Use filter wrench (shipped with system) when replacing filters
2. TW T-POUE-400 Unplug AC power cord(s) before any repairs and/or
replacements are performed:
• Visually inspect deposit controller to ensure continuous operation
• Deposit control system LED lights should be on
• Make sure the filters are free flowing, if they become clogged you must clean or
replace them
• Replace filters when needed, generally 2 to 3 times a year, depending on water
use, quality, and conditions.*
Meter Setting Guidelines POUE-400 (Non-Resin Filter Use):
• Set meter to max 19,900 gallons of processed water, based on a family of 4 or
less, you should be able to reset meter to 19,900 again before filter replacement is needed. It is estimated the average person uses between 60 to 100 gallons of water per day (will vary based on equipment operating conditions, water quality in different areas of country. Manufactures suggest equipment owners replace filters more frequently until they have established appropriate usage and time tables).
• Water Source (municipal/well), condition and GPM determines need (hard water
areas of the country may require more frequent filter replacements).
• Use filter wrench (shipped with system) when replacing filters
*TWT Inc. recommends that owners periodically test their water and that an initial supply of replacement
products e.g., replacement filters, be stored at owners facility at all times, that will insure uninterrupted service and treatment.
Before any maintenance and/or replacement of filters
is performed, follow these necessary and important steps:
1. Unplug Power Cord
2. Close inflow & outflow shut-off valves
3. Open drain port, allowing water to drain
Staged Filtration
TW T-POUS-300 & POUE-400 Integrated Treatment System Ap p r ox Size 26"L X 20"H X 10"D • Approx weight 40 lbs.(will va ry based on filtrs used)
Systems engineering design, weight, size and system component assembly may vary based on TWT engineering review.
1. Replace filters when needed
2. Replace sediment, carbon and/or GAC/KDF-55 filters when needed, generally 2 to 3
times a year, depending on water use, quality, and conditions.*
3. Replace resin filter every 150 to 200 gallons of processed fluid (up to 20 grains), above 20 grains hardness to be determined (will vary based on equipment operating conditions, water quality in different areas of country. Manufactures suggest
equipment owners replace resin filters more frequently until they have established
appropriate usage and time tables).
4. Shut down system before performing any maintenance. READ CAUTION LABEL
5. Turn off water supply to system.
6. Depress pressure release button to relieve pressure in filter housing.
7. Unscrew filter housings using spanner wrench (shipped with system). N OT E : When opening filter housing (see diagram below)to change cartridge, it is common for O-ring/Gasket to lift out of housing and stick to cap (remove carefully.)
Mounting Bracket
Pressure Release
Filter Head
O-Ring Gasket
Filter systems, sizes and cartridges will vary based on capacity and application needs.
Basic procedures for replacement of cartridges are the same as illustrated
Filter Housing
Continue Filters
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