Thank you for purchasing TwoNav Aventura, the dual (for outdoor and in-car) GPS
navigating system that will help you enjoy the best assistance to orientate you in any
type of environment while carrying out any type of activity.
The TwoNav navigation mode can be changed by pressing on the tab on the top of
the Main Menu:
•Off-Road : Outdoor areas for practising open air activities do not usu-
ally have usable information for the automatic calculation of the route, so
cartography is only useful as a visual reference aid. In order to have available assistance for orientation, positional references must be used (waypoints, routes and tracks). You can create them yourself or obtain them from
different sources, such as friends, web pages or Internet forums.
•On-road : Road information maps (V-maps from CompeGPS) are
used to automatically calculate the road to be followed in order to reach our
destination. This route will take into account the available streets and will
provide detailed orientation through them by using visual and voice indications.
If you wish to begin using TwoNav quickly, read the following pages. To obtain further
information on the functions of this device do not forget to check the complete version
of the user manual, which can be found in the installation CD or by entering the CompeGPS ( or TwoNav ( web pages.
TwoNav uses Contextual Menus to enter the most adequate functions for each
moment and option in an easy and quick manner.
To open the Contextual Menu of any element (track, map, waypoint…), press on it for one second. You may open contextual menus on the following settings of the user
•Navigation window (map): Depending on the element on which you open
the Contextual, you may enter different functions.
•Data elds: When opening the Contextual on the data fields (on the data
bar or the data pages) you will be able to modify the available fields, set
an alarm or enter other functions that may change depending on the field
(reset, countdown, etc.).
•Lists: The Contextual Menu may be opened to see the different actions
to carry out on any given element (waypoints, routes, tracks and maps) by
clicking on its name from the data lists.
2.4 Shifting over lists
TwoNav uses a system of lists on the various situations: data (tracks, waypoints,
routes and maps), data fields, contextual menus, etc.
A scroll system has been developed in order to facilitate the shifting through these
lists, which allows for the movement around the different options by dragging the pen
or finger upwards or downwards.
If you execute a brief shift, the last displayed element will become the first on the list.
If you execute a long shift, the list will keep scrolling down and it will stop at the end or
by pressing on the screen.
If you want to move along the lists in a more accurate way, you may use the side
arrows to achieve a more controlled movement.
2.5 Data lists
By pressing on the DATA key on the main menu, you will be able to manage the available files on your device. This operation is carried out through the waypoints, routes,
tracks and maps lists.
The files to be taken into consideration on this lists will be the ones saved in the
folders ‘TwoNavData/Maps’ (for maps) and ‘TwoNavData/Data’ (tracks, routes and
The general functions of these lists are as follows:
•Available elements open: The available elements on the data folder can
be seen on this list. The open elements will be arranged on the top of the
list with a ticked square.
o Press on the name of any element to open it.
o Press on the left square to close it.
•Sub-elements: By briefly clicking on the name of an element (waypoints,
file or route) the waypoints which it contains will be displayed. Press again
on the name of the element to hide its contents.
•Actions on the elements: You can carry out diverse actions on each ele-
ment. When selecting an element (click briefly on it) the bottom keys of the
list will show the most important functions for this element (see properties,
zoom on the element, add waypoints, etc.).
To enter the list of all the functions keep the pressure on the element for a while
Contextual Menu will open.
2.6 Discover
The main menu option “Discover” will allow you to enter into useful tools to explore the
areas you are going to visit:
•Zoom to…: Choose the element (address, POI, favourite, data or coordi-
nates) that you wish to see on the map and a new window will open.
•Simulate: It will allow you to select two spots (present position, by map,
POI, etc.) In order to simulate a navigation from spot A to spot B.
•Stop Simulation: It stops the ongoing simulation (both from A-B spots, as
from any track being animated).
•3D Panorama: This option shows an aerial view of the surroundings. In
order to do it, Mode 3D must be activated.
3 Start up and maintenance
3.1 ‘Turn on’ and ‘Hold’
Keep the ON key pressed for 2 seconds to start the system. Carry out the same operation for turning it off.
When the device is on, you may use the key ‘hold’ to block the device on two levels:
•Keypad block: With one brief press on the ‘HOLD’ key, the keypad and the
screen are blocked, making the use of the device impossible, but leaving
the screen on. Repeat a brief pressure to unblock.
•Complete blocking: By pressing for 2 seconds on the ‘HOLD’ key, the
keypad will become blocked and the screen won’t just be blocked, but also
will be turned off. Consequently, the information will not be visible, but the
battery energy will be saved. Press longer once more to unblock.
3.2 Battery Recharge
The TwoNav Aventura Li-on battery is recharged via the USB port. It is normally fitted with 3 power sources:
•PC: When connecting the device to a computer, besides allowing you to
manage the data present in the memory from the PC, the battery is also
charged. The charging speed will be considerably lower to the other two
charging systems (about 12 hours for a complete charge).
•Charger for car lighter: Included in the TwoNav Aventura kit. If it is
charged with the device turned off, it will take from 4 to 5 hours for a complete charge. If navigation is being carried out, it will take longer.
•AC/DC charger: Not included in the series. It can be purchased sepa-
rately or use any other USB charger. A 1000mA/h charger will take about 4
or 5 hours for a complete charge.
You can operate normally while the TwoNav is connected to the power source, except
if it is connected to a PC, when the device will only operate as a massive storage unit.
Note: In order to enhance the autonomy of your Aventura, you may purchase the AA
battery accessory with which you can substitute the Li-ion battery by three AA batteries.
Important: When unplugging the device from the power source, TwoNav will inform
you of the disconnection. If you do not answer the message within 30 minutes, the
system will turn off in order to avoid accidental discharges (you may deactivate this
function from ‘Configuration > System > Autonomy)
3.3 Bumps and water
TwoNav Aventura is a device prepared to resist the strain of an intensive use during
the practice of outdoor activities and, therefore, its performance must not be affected
by exposure to small bumps or to rain or splashing water.
However, in order to make the most of the system’s performance it is advised, as far
as possible, to prevent the device from suffering serious bumps and that its permanent
exposure to dust or water.
The resistance to water is based on the correct attachment of the rubber covers
that give access to the slots and ports of the device. It is therefore important to check
that these covers are well sealed prior to beginning our activities.
Never soak the device in water, not even when all the covers are well sealed.
To improve the resistance to bumps, you may fit your Aventura with a Plexiglas screen
to cover one of the most fragile spots of the device: the touch screen. You may find this
attachment on the TwoNav web page or by asking your local dealer.
3.4 Autonomy
TwoNav Aventura may operate around 8 consecutive hours with the screen ON with
no need of recharging the battery and up to 30 hours with the screen OFF and recording the track.
The screen uses an important part of the energy resources, so turning it off may make
the life of the device longer.
The screen of the device will be turned off by default after 1 minute of inactivity.
You may also turn the screen of manually by a sustained pressure on the ‘HOLD’ key.
From “Main Menu > Configuration > System > Autonomy”, you may deactivate or
modify this time, as well as enter other options that may improve the autonomy of the
Note: To enhance the autonomy of your Aventura, you may purchase the AA battery
attachment to substitute the Li-on battery by three AA batteries.
3.5 Connection to PC (storage unit)
When TwoNav Aventura is connected to the PC by means of the USB wire, the TwoNav application is closed and the device becomes a “storage unit”. Two new storage
units will then be shown on your PC:
•Local disk: inner memory of the device
•Extractable disk: SD card that may be inserted into the device.
This way you will be able to transfer data from the PC to the Aventura and vice versa.
Please note that the folders to save data in the TwoNav Aventura in the memory card
•Maps: TwoNavData\Maps
•Data (Waypoints, routes and tracks): TwoNavData\Data
Important: While connected to the PC, TwoNav cannot be operated. If the device is
connected to another external source (car or wall charger) you will be able to do it.
3.6 Using the electronic compass
TwoNav Aventura is fitted with a digital compass so you have accurate information
available on the directions to follow even if you are stopped.
To be able to use the information supplied by the compass you must follow two steps:
1. Adjusting the compass: Go to ‘Main Menu > Configuration > Off-road >
Calibrate Compass’. Once inside the adjusting utility, place the device on a
horizontal position and just turn it slowly for a few seconds.
2. Go to ‘Main Menu > Configuration > Off-road > Bearing’ and select ‘Automatic’. This way, the information coming from the compass will be considered when you are stopped or driving very slowly (in these cases, the GPS
information is less reliable to determine orientation).
Note: Adjustments must be made outdoors and far from sources of alterations of the
magnetic field, such as cars, buildings or electric lines. For further safety, it is recommended to adjust the compass prior to any outings.
3.7 Updating the software
The TwoNav software is continually being improved in order to add new functionalities
and polish possible errors.
Visit regularly the TwoNav ( and CompeGPS (
web pages to be regularly informed about the latest available version for your device
and get to know the steps to follow for installing it.
4 Conguration
4.1 Record the track
You may choose if you want to keep saving your present trip in a track or not.
Go to the ‘Status‘ window and press the ‘record’ key so your movements are added to
the currently recorded track.
By pressing the Pause key, the positions stop being recorded until you press ‘record’
once more.
The track being currently recorded will go first place on the track list and its name will
be the present date.
4.2 Vehicle
“Main menu > Configuration > Vehicle”
Choose your mean of transport in order to adapt factors like the permitted types of
ways, one way streets or expected mean speed.
Icon marking your current position will change its color depending on the vehicle you
4.3 Auto-route
“Main menu > Configuration > On-road > Auto-route”
The ‘On-road’ navigation mode can be adjusted so the automatic calculation of your
routes is done according to your preferences:
•Time/Distance: The first option will calculate the estimated time of
arrival, bearing in mind the speed of each road and will suggest the
navigation which takes shorter. The second option will suggest a navigation based on distance, choosing the shortest way, although it may
not be the fastest.
When the option ‘by time’ is activated, a chronometer will be displayed
as a key icon. If a rule is displayed, the shortest route in distance will
be calculated.
•Tolls/Motorways/Unpaved: Select to choose any of these types of
A tick on the icon means that this type of route won’t be used for the
automatic calculation of the route.
•Re-calculation: Although TwoNav is configured with the most suitable
relation for most cases, you may select the time or distance from the
programmed route before it is considered that you are not following it
and it is recalculated, adapting it to the present position.
4.4 Maps
TwoNav lets you manage a great variety of maps in an easy way.
From the maps list (Main menu > Data> Maps), you will be able to see all the maps
available in the ‘TwoNavData/Maps’ folder for your present position.
If you wish to see the complete list of maps (not only the present position ones), acti-
vate the ‘see all’ key .
You may also get more maps to use with TwoNav in various ways, from just buying
them directly from our web page, to calibrate paper maps with CompeGPS Land.
For further information go to and
*If there is no road map in the TwoNav memory, the On-road mode cannot be acti-
5 Select destination
The most widely used function to select destination is the ‘navigate…’ key which is
found in the main menu and contains the following options:
•Home: You can go home directly if you have determined your position from
the favourites management.
•Address: Enter any address (country/city/street/number) as destination.
•POI: The V-maps contain an enormous data base of Points of interest (gas
stations, hospitals, cash dispensers…). You may search POIs according to
various criteria:
o Place: The device will consider POIs close to:
Your present position
Your present destination
To the address introduced
The location you choose on the map.
To a waypoint
o Name: Select the category that you are searching for, introduce
the wished POI name and it will be searched in all the available
ones from the loaded cartography.
•Favourites: You may create your own list of favourite places to be able to
enter them quickly. To manage this list, press the ‘edit’ key.
•History: The recently selected destinations are stored here.
•By map: Select the exact spot and press OK.
•Waypoint: Select a waypoint among the ones loaded or created.
•Route: The chosen route will be activated and it will guide consecutively to
the waypoints it contains.
•Track: The reference of the loaded track will be available and its direction
indicated. If you go too far from the track (>50m), the perpendicular direction to the trace of the track will be indicated so you can go back to it.
•Coordinates: Introduce the exact coordinates for your destination.
To stop any type of navigation (On-road or Off-road) running, you must press on the
‘Stop Navigation’ option.
You may enter it from the main menu or by opening the contextual menu on map.
6 Following indications
Once your destination is chosen, TwoNav will assist you until you reach it.
TwoNav offers you two navigation modes to allow you to adapt to each environment
in the best possible way:
On Road: Door to door navigation on the CompeGPS V-maps cartographic
basis, enjoying the characteristic assistance type of the urban navigators. The route
will be automatically calculated through the streets and along the itinerary accurate
visual and aural indications will be given on the manoeuvres to carry out.
Off Road: It can be used on any type of map (topographic, orthophoto, vec-
tored graph) and it is based on the use of previously created references (waypoints,
routes and tracks). The route won’t be calculated automatically and a straight line will
link our present position to our destination.
7 Support
If you have any kind of doubt or problem with the system, you may check the support sections of the compegps ( or TwoNav (
To make personalized enquiries you may use the ‘on-line’ CompeGPS support system
by entering the space.
1 Introducción
Gracias por adquirir TwoNav Aventura, el sistema de navegación GPS dual (para
carretera y montaña) que le permitirá gozar de la mejor asistencia a la orientación en
cualquier tipo de entorno y realizando cualquier tipo de actividad.
Puede cambiar el modo de navegación de TwoNav pulsando sobre las pestañas de la
parte superior del Menú Principal:
•Off-Road (fuera de carretera): Las zonas de práctica de actividades
al aire libre habitualmente no disponen de información utilizable para el
cálculo automático de la ruta, de modo que la cartografía sólo servirá de
referencia visual. Para disponer de asistencia a la orientación deberá utilizar referencias posicionales (waypoints, rutas y tracks) que puede crear
usted mismo u obtener de diversas fuentes como amigos, páginas web o
foros de Internet.
•On-road (en carretera): Se aprovecha la información de los mapas de
carreteras (V-maps de CompeGPS) para calcular automáticamente la ruta
que deberemos seguir para llegar a nuestro destino. Esta ruta tendrá en
cuenta las calles disponibles y ofrecerá una orientación detallada a través
de ellas utilizando indicaciones visuales y de voz.
Si desea empezar a utilizar TwoNav rápidamente, lea las páginas que siguen. Para
obtener información más detallada sobre el funcionamiento del dispositivo no olvide
consultar el manual del usuario completo, que puede encontrar en el CD de insta-
lación o en la página web de CompeGPS ( o TwoNav (www.
2 Descripción general
2.1 El dispositivo
1. Pantalla táctil
2. Botón encendido
3. Botón espera (hold)
4. Botón menú
5. Botón página (page)
6. Botón marca (mark)
7. Botón salir (Esc)
8. Zoom +
9. Zoom –
10. Joystick (OK / Activar modo cursor) (Esc para desactivar cursor)
11. Puerto mini-USB
12. Puerto serie
13. Lector tarjetas memoria SD HC
(hasta 32GB)
14. Salida audio
15. Botón actualización Sistema
16. Botón reset
17. Lápiz
18. Orificio de sujeción
19. Puerto antena GPS externa
20. Anilla de apertura
2.2 En pantalla
1. Distancia a próximo evento
2. Próxima maniobra
3. Barra de Herramientas
4. Mostrar/Ocultar herramientas
5. Desplazar/Rotar mapa
6. Orientar mapa (norte/rumbo)
7. 2D/3D/3D+
8. Páginas de datos
9. Barra de Datos
10. Mostrar/Ocultar Barra de Datos
11. Hora
12. Distancia parcial
13. Tiempo estimado a destino
14. Altura
15. Botón Menú
16. Iconos de Estado (acceso ventana estado)
17. Límite de velocidad de la vía
18. Recentrar (después de mover el
19. POI (Punto de interés)
20. Posición Actual
21. Indicación de maniobra
22. Ruta Calculada
23. Zoom +
24. Zoom -
25. Regla de Escala
26. Próxima calle
27. Calle actual
Especícos Off-road
28. Brújula
29. Track Actual Grabado
30. Línea guía (dirección waypoint/
31. Próximo waypoint
32. Track cargado
33. Flecha GOTO (dirección a
34. Nombre Track / Próximo Waypoint
35. Ruta Cargada
2.3 Menús Contextuales
TwoNav utiliza Menús Contextuales para acceder de manera fácil y rápida a las funciones más adecuadas en cada momento y para cada opción.
Para abrir el menú contextual de cualquier elemento (track, mapa, waypoint…), man-tenga la presión sobre él durante un segundo. Puede abrir menús contextuales en
los siguientes entornos de la interfaz de usuario:
•Ventana de navegación (mapa): Dependiendo del elemento sobre el que
abra el Contextual (waypoints, rutas, tracks o mapas) dispondrá de unas u
otras funciones.
•Campos de datos: Al abrir el Contextual sobre los campos (en la barra de
datos o las páginas de datos), podrá modificar los campos disponibles, programar una alarma o acceder a otras funciones que pueden variar dependiendo del campo (resetear, cuenta atrás, etc.).
•Listas: Es posible abrir el Menú Contextual y ver las distintas acciones a
realizar sobre un elemento (waypoint, ruta, track) clicando sobre el nombre
del mismo desde las listas de datos.
2.4 Desplazamiento en listas
TwoNav utiliza un sistema de listas en diferentes situaciones: datos (tracks, waypoints, rutas y mapas), selector de campos de datos, menús contextuales, etc.
Se ha desarrollado un sistema de scroll (desplazamiento) para facilitar el desplazamiento por estas listas, que le permite moverse por las distintas opciones arrastrando
el lápiz o dedo hacia arriba o hacia abajo.
Si realiza un deslazamiento breve, el último elemento visualizable pasará a ser el
Si realiza un deslazamiento prolongado, empezará un movimiento continuo por la
lista que sólo se detendrá al final de ésta o cuando pulsemos sobre la pantalla.
Si desea desplazarse por las listas de manera más precisa, puede utilizar las flechas
laterales para conseguir un movimiento más controlado.
2.5 Listas de datos
Pulsando sobre el botón ‘Datos’ del menú principal podrá gestionar los ficheros disponibles en su dispositivo. Esta gestión se hace a través de listas de waypoints, rutas,
tracks y mapas.
Los ficheros que se tendrán en consideración en estas listas serán los que tenga
guardados en la carpeta ‘TwoNavData/Maps’ (para mapas) y ‘TwoNavData/Data’
(tracks, rutas y waypoints).
A continuación se describe el funcionamiento general de estas listas:
•Elementos disponibles/abiertos: En la lista aparecerán los elementos
disponibles en la carpeta de datos. Los elementos abiertos se situarán en
la parte superior de la lista con su casilla marcada.
o Pulse sobre el nombre de un elemento para abrirlo.
o Pulse sobre la casilla de la izquierda para cerrarlo.
•Subelementos: Realizando un clic breve sobre el nombre de un elemento
(ruta o archivo de waypoints) se mostrarán los waypoints que lo componen.
Vuelva a pulsar sobre el nombre del elemento para esconder su contenido.
•Acciones sobre los elementos: Se pueden realizar diversas acciones
sobre cada elemento. Al seleccionar un elemento (clic simple sobre él) los
botones de la parte inferior de la lista mostrarán las funciones más importantes para ese elemento (ver propiedades, zoom al elemento, añadir waypoints, etc.).
Para acceder al listado de todas las funciones pulse prolongadamente sobre el elemento y se abrirá su Menú Contextual.
2.6 Descubrir
La opción del menú principal ‘Descubrir’ le permite acceder a herramientas útiles para
explorar las zonas que va a visitar:
•Zoom a…: Elija el elemento (dirección, POI, favorito, datos o coordenada)
que desee visualizar en el mapa y se mostrará en una ventana nueva.
•Simular: Le permite seleccionar dos puntos (posición actual, por dirección,
por mapa, POI, etc.) para realizar una simulación de una navegación de
punto A a punto B.
•Parar Simulación: Detiene la simulación en curso (tanto de punto A-B
como la de cualquier track que se esté animando).
•Panorama 3D: Esta opción le permite realizar una vista aérea envolvente.
Para ello deberá tener activado el modo 3D.
3 Puesta en marcha y mantenimiento
3.1 Encendido y espera
Mantenga pulsado el botón ‘encendido’ durante 2 segundos para arrancar el sistema. Realice la misma operación para apagarlo.
Con el aparato encendido, puede utilizar el botón ‘espera’ (hold) para bloquear el
aparato a dos niveles:
•Bloqueo teclado: Con una pulsación corta sobre el botón ‘HOLD’ se blo-
queará el teclado y la pantalla, imposibilitando el manejo del aparato pero
manteniendo encendida la pantalla. Repita la pulsación breve para desbloquear.
•Bloqueo total: Con una pulsación larga sobre el botón ‘HOLD’, el teclado
se bloqueará y la pantalla no sólo se bloqueará sino que se apagará, de
modo que no podrá visualizar información pero se ahorrará batería. Repita
la pulsación prolongada para desbloquear.
3.2 Recarga batería
La batería Li-ion de TwoNav Aventura se recarga a través del ‘puerto USB’. Típicamente puede disponer de 3 fuentes de alimentación:
•PC: Al conectar el aparato a un ordenador, además de permitirle gestionar
los datos presentes en su memoria desde el PC, se recargará la batería.
La velocidad de recarga será muy inferior a la de los otros dos métodos de
carga (unas 12 horas para una recarga completa).
•Cargador para ‘mechero’ de coche: Incluido en el paquete de TwoNav
Aventura. Si se recarga con el aparato apagado tardará 4 o 5 horas para
una recarga completa. Si se está navegando este tiempo se ampliará.
•Cargador AC/DC: No incluido de serie. Se puede adquirir por separado o
utilizar cualquier cargador USB. Un cargador de 1000mA/h tardará unas 4
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