TV2 Room Pressure Monitor Quick Start Guide
The Care and Use guide for your TV2 Room Pressure Monitor can be downloaded here:
Please print out the Users Guide.
Although you should use the Users Guide to familiarize yourself with the TV2 installation
and use, you can use the quick-start instructions below, if you are in a hurry.
Your TV2 room pressure monitor comes with free software to copy the logged data from your TV2
to your computer. To download the free TView software go to the download page under support at and click on TView 6.3 link Room Pressure Monitor Software, copy the software to
your desktop, unzip it and click on 'Setup' to install.
Temperature/RH Sensor TV2 sensor sockets Pressure Sensor
P O Box 159 • Crestwood, KY 40014 • (502) 243-0042 • (502) 243-0039 fax •
Your TV2 can be installed and operating in just a few minutes by following these simple steps.
1. Connect the USB cable to a PC or wall plug and the System Parameter display will appear.
2. Touch ‘Up’ or 'Down' to select C° or F° and touch ‘Enter’.
3. Touch ‘Up’ to select the date format (MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YY or YY/MM/DD) and then
'Enter'. The date format defaults to the US style (MM/DD/YY).
4. Set the day, month, year, hour and minute in the appropriate field by scrolling through the
possible values with 'Up' or 'Down' after moving to the appropriate field with 'Enter'.
(Note: It is possible to move to another field with the ‘Right’ button but your entries will
not be recorded).
5. Touch ‘Escape’. You will be asked to verify that you want to erase all data. Use ‘Right’ to
highlight YES and touch 'Enter'.
6. Touch 'Escape' to return to the previous menu.
The TV2 Room Pressure Monitor is now operational
P O Box 159 • Crestwood, KY 40014 • (502) 243-0042 • (502) 243-0039 fax •