Installation Instructions
V-Strom 1000
Slip-on Exhaust System
Part# 005-4130405-S1
1. Make sur e the bike i s completely cool be fore starting the
installation. Make sure the bike is sec ure on a center stand
or ideally a ser vice lift.
2. Remove OEM right side saddlebag if e quipped.
3. Remove OEM exhaust by removing moun ting bolt and
loosening mufer joint clamp. Keep OEM washer and nut
for use w ith TBR system.
5. Slide barrel clamp over TBR slip tub e and install onto
OEM mid -pipe. OEM gasket will not be re-used.
6. Slide rubber lined muffler clamp over S1R muffler and
att ach to mount usin g supplied 8x60mm bolt and 18mm
spacer. Then use OEM washer and nut.
7. Make sure muff ler is properly aligned. Then tighten
muffler mount bolt and slip -tube barrel clamp.
Two Brother s Racing product s are intended for closed course competition
pur po ses only.
We recommend that this per formance par t be installed by a qualied motorcycle
technician. If you have any doubts as to your abilit y to install this performance
part , please consult with your local motorcycle dealer. Read all instructions rst
before starting installation. Make sure the motorcycle and exhaust system are
completely cool before starting the installation. Also, make sure the bike is secure
on a center stand or ideally a service lift during installation. Be sure to save all
stock components for possible use later.
**This product has not been tested with all available accessories and some ite ms
may cause excessive heat. Excessive heat may cause damage to your vehicle. Two
Brothers Racing will not be responsible for damage d part s.
Two Brothers Racing products are intended for closed course competition purposes only, and therefore are sold “as is”
without warranty. Two Brothers Racing specifically disclaims any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose and disclaims all responsibility for consequential and incidental damages or any other losses arising from the use
of these products or parts.
8. If equipp ed, re -ins tall OEM saddlebag.
4. Apply a thin layer of anti -seize to muf fler inlet. Attach
S1R muffler to slip tube using supplied hook springs.
V-Strom 1000
Slip-on Exhaust System
Part# 005-4130405-S1
Installation Instructions
9. Before you run the bike, clean off all fingerprints and dirt, as any oily residue will etch the metal and become somewhat
pe r ma nen t w he n the sy s tem ge ts ho t . Als o, re m ov e any prot e cti ve pl ast ic fro m the name ba dg e s on th e muffl er can is t er (s)
or th e mu f f ler clam p(s) . Run the bi ke an d e nj oy. I t is no rma l for so me wh it e smok e to ap p ea r t he fi r st ti me yo u s tar t the bi ke.
Th is is pa cki ng/ man uf a ctu rin g oil from insi de th e p ip e burn in g o f f. Af ter 50 to 100 mile s, rec hec k all fa s te ner s for ti ght ne s s.
Qty. Description Part Number
1 Exhaust Canister 15” S1R
1 Mufer Canister Clamp S1R Vertical Clamp
1 Stainless Steel Slip Tube 005-41304S
1 Barrel Clamp 005-27-66MSH
2 45mm Hook Spring 005-S45
1 8x60mm Socket Head Cap Screw 005-SH860
1 18mm Spacer 005-S-18
1 Anti-Seize 031-P09175
Care & Cleaning
Care & Cleaning
Kee p sy stem free of dirt a nd mois tur e. S tor e in a cool, dr y plac e. F or cleaning use a mil d spray c leaner. Always app ly c lea ner
or polish with a sof t, clean cloth.
Stainless Header System: Polished stainless steel pipes will turn a light golden hue af ter a few heat cycles, this is a normal
characteristic of high quality stainle ss steel.
Carbon Fiber Mufers: Always make sure the berglass packing inside is in good condition and not burned out, as
exhaus t heat inside an empty canis ter will deteriorate the Carbon Fiber sleeve. TBR sells repac k kits (TBR par t # 005-
10038) that include new r ivets and repack material as well as a drill bit (#30), making it easy to do yourself. Also, NEVER
dyno test your bike with carbon ber muf ers installed - the intense heat and lack of cooling air can quickly cause the CF
material to burn. Two Brothers Racing does not provide a warranty for burned carbon ber.
Alumi num Mu fe rs: Use an aluminum or mag wheel polish suc h as Mother’s to res tore the bright nish to factor y spec.