Two Brothers Racing S1R User Manual

Two Brothers Racing
s1R/taRmac Repack kit
Part # 005-10038S1
Repack a ll road c anister s every 5 ,00 0 miles. Part # 00 5-10 038 Repack a ll off ro ad canis ters af ter ever y 10 hours of us e. Part # 0051003 8MX
Qty. Description Part Number
1 Packing Material 005-PACKING 7 Marson RIvet 005-H-51-54SSPG 1 O-Ring 005-7-7 1 6mm Drill Bit 005-9-DBTIN
Installation Instructions
1. Make sure the bike is completely c ool befo re star ting the install ation and is secured to a center stand o r ideall y a serv ice lif t. The n, remove the muf er asse mbly fro m the bike.
Note: The follo wing steps p erta in to both the Tarmac and S1R mufe rs.
2. Using the provided dri ll bit, c arefull y drill ri vets on th e outlet si de of the muffle r to remove ri vet head s. Then w ith a punc h and hamm er, drive the rivet b ody thr ough the mu ffler s leeve and o utlet.
3. Separate th e outlet flange an d inner core from the mu ffler s leeve.
6. Wrap the new pa cking ma terial ar ound the p erfor ated core tightl y and wrap as mu ch of this ma terial around the c ore as will fit into the s leeve. Use maski ng tape to secure it .
7. Ins ert the n ewly wr apped p erfor ated core into muff ler sleev e. Repla ce o- ring on ou tlet flan ge and the n instal l into the sle eve. Make su re the perforated co re seats fully into b oth inlet an d outlet f lange completely.
8. Use a hole punch to align ri vet holes.
We recommend that this performance par t be installed by a qualied technician.
please consult with your local motorcycle dealer. Read all instructions rst before star ting installation. Make sure the motorcycle and exhaust system are completely cool bef ore starting the installation. Also, make sure the bike is secure on a center stand or ideally a service lif t during installation. Be sure to save all stock components for po ssible use later.
Two Bro thers Ra cing produc ts are in tended for c losed cour se compe tition p urposes o nly, and the refore ar e
sold “a s is” with out warra nty. Two Br others R acing speci cally d isclaims an y warrant ies of mer chantabi lity or t ness for a pa rticul ar purpose a nd disclai ms all respo nsibili ty for co nsequent ial and inci dental da mages or
any ot her loss es arising f rom the us e of these pr oducts o r parts .
Care & Cleaning
Care & Cleaning
Keep system free of di rt and mo isture. S tore in a co ol, dr y place. M ake sure vehicle is co mpletel y cool before maintenance. Repack a ll road c anister s every 3 ,00 0 miles . Part # 00 5 -1003 8 Repack a ll off ro ad canis ters af ter ever y 10 hours of us e. Part # 005-100 38 MX
NEVER dyno test you r bike with c arbon  ber or ti tanium c anister s installed - the in tense heat and lack
of cooling air can q uickly burn thro ugh the c anister m aterial . Two Brothers R acing does not pro vide a warranty for burned canisters.
4. Remove all existing pac king material fro m the per forate d core, if yo ur caniste r came wi th a stain less steel wool wr ap aroun d the core l eave this in pla ce.
5. Measure the core and cut n ew packing one inc h longer.
9. Using a rivet tool and the provided stainless steel r ivets, r ivet the outlet flange b ack onto th e muffl er end. Re -u se origi nal rivet bands. M ake sure all the hol es line up the same way as they did o rigina lly or you r muffler may end up p ointing i n a differ ent direc tion wh en installed.
10. Check for p roper c anister/ collector alig nment and r einstall the canister(s) to the motorcycle.
11. Double c heck to ma ke sure that all hardw are is tightened befo re you run
the bike, clean off all nge rprint s and dirt , as any oily residue will etc h the
metal and b ecome s omewha t perma nent when t he system g ets hot. R un
the bike and enj oy. It is n ormal for some white smoke to appe ar the rst
time you st art the bike. This i s packi ng/m anufac turing o il from ins ide the
pipe bu rning off. Che ck for gaps o r leaks . If yo u nd a leak , a lit tle hi gh tempera ture sil icon s ealant should x it . Afte r 50 t o 100 m iles, r echeck all
fasteners for tightness.