Two Brothers Racing 005-7-1CF-KIT User Manual

Carbon end Cap
Part # 005-7-1CF-KIT
Qty. Description Part Number
1 M-2 Vertical CF End Cap 005-7-1CF 1 Race Tip Restraint for Carbon 005-P1C-RE 1 Race Pipe Power Tip for CF End 005-P1C-SS 6 Stainless Steel Head Cap Screw 005-SHA616SS 1 T20 Torx Hex Key 005-9-15820
Care & Cleaning
Care & Cleaning
Keep system free of dirt and mo isture. Store in a coo l, dry p lace. Make sure vehic le is completely cool bef ore mainte nance.
Stainless Header System: Polished stainle ss steel p ipes will turn a ligh t golden h ue after a few heat cycles , this is a nor mal char acteristic of high qualit y stai nless ste el. Clea n using a mil d water bas ed spray cl eaner. Alw ays appl y cleaner or polish with a sof t, cle an cloth .
Titanium Header System: Polished ti tanium p ipes will experie nce col or shift r anging f rom deep blue/purple t hrough am ber after a few heat cy cles. T his is a normal char acteristic of hig h qualit y titaniu m. Clean u sing a mild w ater base d spray cleaner. Al ways app ly clean er or poli sh with a so ft, clean cloth.
Polished Aluminum Canisters: Use an aluminu m or mag whe el polis h to restore the bright  nish to
factory spec.
Brushed Aluminum Canisters: Clean usin g a mild water b ased spray clea ner. Alway s apply cleaner or polish with a sof t, clean cloth.
Carbon Fiber Canisters: Clean usi ng a mild wat er based s pray cle aner. Alwa ys appl y cleaner or
polish w ith a soft, clean c loth. A lways ma ke sure the b erglas s packing inside is in good c onditi on and not burne d out, as ex haust he at inside a n empty c anister w ill deter iorate th e carbon ber sl eeve.
TBR sell s repack k its (Ro ad - #0 05 -100 38, O ff roa d - #0 05 -1003 8M X) that includ e every thing yo u need to eas ily do it yo urself.
Tita nium M uf ers : For cleaning use a mi ld water based spr ay cleaner. Always apply cle aner or polish
with a sof t, clean cloth. A lways m ake sure the  bergla ss pack ing insid e is in good condit ion and not burned o ut, as exhaust heat i nside an em pty ca nister will deterio rate the c arbon  ber slee ve.
TBR sell s repack k its (Ro ad - #0 05 -100 38, O ff roa d - #0 05 -1003 8M X) that includ e every thing yo u need to eas ily do it yo urself.
Repack all road canis ters at the rst si gns of packi ng materia l deterior ation. Part #0 05 -100 38
Repack a ll offro ad canisters af ter ever y 10 hours of us e. Part # 00 5-10 03 8MX
NEVER dyno test you r bike with c arbo n ber or t itanium caniste rs inst alled - the intense he at and lac k
of cooling air can q uickly b urn throu gh the ca nister material. Two Brothers Ra cing doe s not provi de a warranty for burned canisters.
Installation Instructions
1. Make sure motorcycle is completely cool before starting the installation. Make sure the motorcycle is secure on a rear stand or ideally a service lift.
Note: Mufer does not need to be removed for install.
2. Remove the original magnesium TBR mufer cap by loosening and removing the six stainless steel torx drive screws.
3. Install supplied TBR P1C mufer tip.
Two Brothers Racing products are intended for closed course competition purposes only.
We recommend that this performance part be installed by a qualied
motorcycle technician. If you have any doubts as to your ability to install this performance part, please consult with your local motorcycle
dealer. Read all instructions rst before starting installation. Make sure
the motorcycle and exhaust system are completely cool before starting
the installation. Also, make sure the bike is secure on a center stand or ideally a service lift during installation. Be sure to save all stock
components for possible use later.
4. Install retaining ring using two of the supplied stainless steel torx screws.
Align tallest point on the powertip with the top of mufer. After alignment is conrmed proceed to tighten torx screws.
5. Place new carbon ber cap onto mufer assembly. Attach by evenly tightening the remaining four torx screws.
6. Before you run the bike, clean off all ngerprints and dirt using a non abrasive towel or shop rag.
Warranty Information
Two Brothers Racing products are intended for closed course competition purposes
only, and therefore are sold “as is” without warranty. Two Brothers Racing specically disclaims any warranties of merchantability or tness for a particular purpose and
disclaims all responsibility for consequential and incidental damages or any other losses arising from the use of these products or parts. Not tested for use with OEM or aftermarket accessories.