TWK Elektronik CRD R C2Z01 Series, CRD R C2L01 Series User Manual

CRD encoder as a subscriber in the PROFIBUS-DP
Accompanying data sheet: CRD 10534
User manual no.: CRD 10617 FE Datum: 10.07.2012
User manual
Certificate Certificate
TWK-ELEKTRONIK GmbH D-40041 Düsseldorf Tel. +49 211 96117-0 Heinrichstrasse 85 Postbox 10 50 63 Fax +49 211 637705
COPYRIGHT: The Operating Instructions CRD 10617
is owned by TWK-ELEKTRONIK GMBH and is
protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
POB 10 50 63 ■ 40041 Düsseldorf ■ Germany
Tel. +49/211/63 20 67 ■ Fax +49/211/63 77 05
Date: 10.07.2012 Page 2 of 28 user manual no. CRD 10617 FE
1. Safety instructions ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Scope of validity ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Documentation ............................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Proper use ...................................................................................................................................5
1.4 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................5
2 General ................................................................................................................................. 6
3. Installation instructions for PROFIBUS-DP - RS 485 ...................................................... 7
3.1 Connection of encoder with RS plug ...........................................................................................8
3.2 Connection of encoder with connecting cap ................................................................................8
4. Conguration function (DDLM_Chk_Cfg) ........................................................................ 9
5. Data exchange function (DDLM_Data_Exchange) ........................................................ 10
5.1 Actual position value .................................................................................................................. 10
5.2 Set preset value ......................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Example: Setting the preset value in 32 bit data format ............................................................ 11
6. Programming parameters for class 1/2 encoder (DDLM_Set_Prm) /4/........................ 12
6.1 Denition of the programming parameters ................................................................................12
6.1.1 Operating mode ...................................................................................................................12
6.1.2 Measuring units per revolution (Octet 10-13) ....................................................................... 13
6.1.3 Total measuring range in units (Octet 14-17) ....................................................................... 13
6.2 Examples for parametration (User_Prm_Data) .........................................................................14
7. Diagnosis messages (DDLM_Slave_Diag) ..................................................................... 15
7.1 Standard diagnosis information (Octet 1-6): ..............................................................................15
7.2 Device-related diagnosis ...........................................................................................................15
7.2.1 Extended header byte (Octet 7): ......................................................................................... 15
7.2.2 Alarm messages (Octet 8):...................................................................................................16
7.2.3 Operating mode (Octet 9) ....................................................................................................16
7.2.4 Encoder type (Octet 10) ....................................................................................................... 16
7.2.5 Single turn resolution (Octet 11-14) .....................................................................................16
7.2.6 Measuring range (Octet 15, 16) ...........................................................................................16
7.2.7 Additional alarm messages (Octet 17) ................................................................................16
7.2.8 Supported alarm messages (Octet 18,19) ...........................................................................17
7.2.9 Warning messages (Octet 20,21) ........................................................................................17
7.2.10 Supported warnings (Octet 22,23) .....................................................................................17
7.2.11 Prole version (Octet 24,25) ...............................................................................................17
7.2.12 Software version (Octet 26,27) ..........................................................................................17
7.2.13 Operating time (Octet 28-31) .............................................................................................17
7.2.14 Offset value (Octet 32-35) ..................................................................................................17
7.2.15 Manufacturer offset value (Octet 36-39) ............................................................................17
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7.2.16 Single turn resolution (Octet 40-43) ...................................................................................18
7.2.17 Total measuring steps (Octet 44-47) .................................................................................. 18
7.2.18 Serial number (Octet 48-57) ..............................................................................................18
7.2.19 Reserved for future use (Octet 58,59) ...............................................................................18
7.2.20 Manufacturer-specic diagnosis (Octet 60-63) .................................................................18
7.2.21 Example of diagnosis message .........................................................................................19
8. Simatic Step7 .................................................................................................................... 20
8.1 Integration of the TWK probus encoder ...................................................................................20
8.1.1 Installation of the GSD le ...................................................................................................20
8.1.2 Installation of the TWK encoder symbol ...............................................................................20
8.1.3 Selection of the TWK encoder from the Step7 hardware catalogue ....................................20
8.1.4 Conguration of the encoder ................................................................................................ 20
8.1.5 Allocation of probus address .............................................................................................. 21
8.1.6 Setting the I/O addresses (S7 addresses) ...........................................................................22
8.1.7 Parameterisation of the encoder .......................................................................................... 22
8.1.8 Setting the diagnosis address .............................................................................................. 23
8.2 Setting the subscriber address in the case of the plug-version encoder ...................................23
8.3 Example programmes ................................................................................................................ 24
8.3.1 The TWKDPCL1 project ....................................................................................................... 24
8.3.2 The TWKDPCL2 project ....................................................................................................... 25
8.3.3 Installation of the example programmes ..............................................................................25
8.3.4 Explanations regarding the example programmes ..............................................................27
9. Scope of delivery .............................................................................................................. 28
10. Literature ......................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix A: Encoder terms ................................................................................................ 28
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Safety instructions

1. Safety instructions

1.1 Scope of validity

This user manual applies exclusively to the following rotary encoders with PROFIsafe interface:
- CRDxx-xxxxRxxxxC2Z01
- CRDxx-xxxxRxxxxC2L01

1.2 Documentation

The following documents must be noted:
- The owner's system-specic operating instructions
- This user manual
- Data sheet number CRD 10534
- The pin assignment enclosed with the device
- Installation instruction TZY 10206 enclosed with the device

1.3 Proper use

TWK-ELEKTRONIK GmbH's rotary encoders and linear transducers are used to record rotary and linear positions,
and make their measured values available as an electric output signal. As part of a system, they must be connected to the downstream electronics and must only be used for this purpose.

1.4 Commissioning

• The relevant device must only be set up and operated using this document and the documentation specied in point 1.2.
• Protect the device against mechanical damage during installation and operation.
• The device must only be commissioned and set up by a specialist electrician.
• Do not operate the device outside of the limit values which are specied in the data sheet.
• Check all electrical connections before commissioning the system.
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DP slaves
DP master (class 1)

2 General

The PROFIBUS is a eld bus standard according to EN 50170. The technical and functional characteristics of the eld bus system are dened in this standard. The protocol architecture is based on the OSI reference model, in accordance with the international ISO 7498 standard. Layer 1 (Physical Layer) denes the transmission physics, layer 2 (Data Link Layer) the bus access protocol, and layer 7 (Application Layer) the application functions. This document is based on the Prol description for encoders which can be obtained from the PNO /1/. The Probus protocol chip SPC 3 from Siemens is used as the interface module between the encoder electronics and the bus system.
For PROFIBUS-DP, data exchange between SPS/PC and the decentralised periphery (e.g. encoder) is carried out in
a predominantly cyclical manner. For parameterisation, diagnosis and alarm handling purposes, acyclical communi-
cation functions are also required for intelligent eld devices. In this case, reference must be made to the DIN 19245
Part 1 and 3 or to the EN 50170 standards.
In the case of PROFIBUS-DP, communication in the data back-up layer (layer 2) is carried out via the SRD (Send and Request Data with Reply) and SDN (Send Data with no Acknowledge) functions.
Mono or multi-master systems may be implemented with PROFIBUS-DP. A maximum of 126 devices (master or slaves) may be connected to one bus. The denition of the system conguration contains the number of stations, the allocation of the station address to the I/O addresses, data consistency of the I/O data, format of the diagnosis
messages and the bus parameters which are used.
The parameters of the PROFIBUS subscribers are described in a GSD le (device data sheet). The specications are executed in accordance with DIN 19245 Part 3 /4/.
Differentiation of the services, and an exact knowledge of these, are especially important for understanding the PROFIBUS-DP philosophy. A distinction is made between the following in the manual:
Check_Conguration: Conguration of the encoder
Integration of the encoder into the network with various data formats,
or as a programmable or non-programmable slave, is possible.
(Example: F1: programmable (32 bit input/output data) multitour encoder
Data_Exchange: Position data of the encoder Cyclical enquiry regarding the encoder position. The position value is
depicted as a 16 bit or 32 bit value depending on the conguration.
Setting the preset value
Set_Parameter: Programming parameters
Denition of the operating mode of the encoder and denition of the values for single turn resolution and total measuring range in units.
Slave_Diagnosis: Diagnosis of the slave subscriber (encoder)
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Installation instructions
Station 1 Station 2
RxD/TxD-P (3)
DGND (5)
VP (6)
RxD/TxD-N (8) (8) RxD/TxD-N
(5) DGND
(3) RxD/TxD-P
(6) VP
erde erde
Datenleitung B
Datenleitung A
VP (6)
RxD/TxD-N (8)
DGND (5)
RxD/TxD-P (3)

3. Installation instructions for PROFIBUS-DP - RS 485

Basic characteristics of RS-485 transmission technology /2/:
Network topology: Linear bus, terminating resistors for bus termination
Stub lines are only permissible in the case of baudrates < 1.5 MBit/s
Lead: Sheathed, twisted pair cable
Number of stations: 32 stations in each segment without repeaters
Can be extended up to 126 with repeaters.
Plug-type connector: Variants implemented in the case of the CRD model series:
Connecting cap, Round plug RS 25, 12-pin DESINA (LWL and Cu-version) (pin assignment according to /1/)
Wiring and bus termination for PROFIBUS-DP /2/, (Note: 9-pin Sub-D plug)
Transmission length depending on transmission speed for cable type A
Baud rate (kBit/s) 9,6 19,2 93,75 187,5 500 1.500 12.000
Transmission length in (m) 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 100
Cable type A specications: Characteristic impedance: 135...165 Ohm Capacitance per unit length coating: < 30 pF/m Loop resistance: 110 Ohm /km
Core diameter: 0.64 mm Core cross-section: > 0.34 mm²
Data line B
Data line A
Terminating resistance of the bus
also see: Installation guideline for PROFIBUS -FMS/DP (PNO No. 2.111/2)
Implementation guide DIN 19245 Part 3 (PNO No. 2.001/2)
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Installation instructions
2 : 1

3.1 Connection of encoder with RS plug

The-pin assignment for the 12-pin RS plug (Note: Numeration of the-pins in clockwise direction (view facing contact side of the bushing), encoder: Bushing) conforms to the prole denition for encoders /1/. The terminating resistors
must be implemented in the counterplug or in the subsequent electronics. For this connection type attention should
be paid to the length of the branch lines in the bus system and the total bus length.
When delivered, each encoder with RS plug has the default address 123. Via the DP master, it is possible to change the address of a DP slave. The slave address which is to be newly assigned must lie within the range 1-126 (DDLM_ Set_Slave_Add).

3.2 Connection of encoder with connecting cap

Terminal 1
Anschlußklemme 1
Sub-D - Connector
Sub D Stecker
15 poles / sockets
15 polig/Buchse
+ UB -
Terminal 2
Anschlußklemme 2
The connecting cap for triple connection technology is a T-coupler, which is installed in the PROFIBUS. It is equipped with three PG connections, which are subdivided as follows:
PG 7: Voltage supply for the encoder (24 VDC +/-)
PG 9: Bus in (Receive/transmit data A,B)
PG 9: Bus out (Receive/transmit data A’,B’)
The encoder is connected via the 15-pin SUB-D plug. In the event of an error, the encoder can be replaced without time-consuming installation. The connecting cap is disconnected from the encoder by undoing 2 fastening screws
(Note: O-ring seal)
Setting the station/subscriber address is carried out via the DIP switches in the connecting cap.The address range lies
between 1 and 126 (Default address: 123). The address cannot be changed via the DDLM_Set_Slave_Add service. (Note: GSD le in accordance with encoder version).
Setting the terminating resistors is carried out via the 10-fold DIP switch (9,10) in the connecting cap, which ay be
activated as lead termination as required.
DIP switch – address setting/terminating resistors
Switch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 21
ON = 1 2
... 2
OFF = 0 Address 1 - 126 can be set
(123: Default address)
Termination resistors on
Termination resistors off
DIP switch
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Befestigungs- schrauben M4
C Err
Status LED (connecting cap)
Status LED
Incorrect conguration x x x
Impermissible parameter x x x
Code error
(see diagnosis bytes 62 - 63)
x x
Screw M4
Class 1 Gerätekonguration i.O. x x
Class 2 Gerätekonguration i.O. x x x
VS - power supply, Err - error, C - class, SRD - data trafc
4. Conguration function (DDLM_Chk_Cfg)
The absolute encoders with PROFIBUS-DP are classied as follows:
Encoder with Class 1 functionality
Class 1 devices are characterised by the fact that only the position value (16 bit or 32 bit) of the encoder is transmitted via the bus. No parameterisation of encoder parameters is carried out. In this case, a distinction is made between the D0 and D1 congurations. The D0 conguration contains the data format: 1 word input data, consistency and D1
contains 2 word input data, consistency.
Encoder with Class 2 functionality
Class 2 devices are characterised by the fact that they can be parameterised via the bus. In this case, a distinction is made between the F0 and F1 congurations. The F0 conguration has the data format 1 word input data, 1 word
output data, consistency and F1 contains 2 word input data, 2 word output data, consistency .
Possible conguratons of the encoder:
Conguration function (DDLM_Chk_Cfg)
Selection Class Data
Class 2 32
Bit In/ Out
Class 2 16
Bit In/ Out
Class 1 32
Bit In
Class 1 16
Bit In
32 Bit In/
Output data
16 Bit In/
Output data
32 Bit Input
16 Bit Input
Assignment Octet-
No. and MSB/LSB
Octet 1/Bit 7: MSB
Octet 4/Bit 0: LSB
Octet 1/Bit 7: MSB
Octet 2/Bit 0: LSB
Octet 1/Bit 7: MSB
Octet 4/Bit 0: LSB
Octet 1/Bit 7: MSB
Octet 2/Bit 0: LSB
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