lithium polymer battery Safety
Before Charging Li-Po Batteries
Before charging your battery, check for any
visible damage e.g. check if the battery has
expanded or swollen in size or if the cells
have been punctured.
If any of the above is true: DO NOT CHARGE
Charging Li-Po Batteries
ONLY use a charger designed to charge
Lithium Polymer batteries. NEVER use any
other type of charger.
Never charge a hot battery.
Always allow battery to cool after flying
before recharging.
Never attempt to charge at a faster rate than
recommended in the instructions.
Check the battery cell count matches the
charger cell count switch (if fitted)
Never charge unattended. Always stay
with the battery whilst charging in case of
overheating and risk of fire.
Only charge on non-flammable surfaces e.g.
concrete floor (outside) or pyrex or ceramic
container. NEVER charge inside a car!
Stop charging immediately should battery
become hot to touch during charging.
In the event of a fire, use sand to extinguish
the flames. DO NOT USE WATER
Using Li-Po Batteries
Do not modify or change any part of the
battery or lead.
Do not remove the heat shrink covering
Any modification may damage the battery
and invalidate any warranty claim.
Do not place battery near fires or any high
temperature object or device.
Do not charge batteries whilst driving.
Do not store batteries in a motor vehicle.
Do not allow batteries to get wet or
submerged in any liquid.
Do not short circuit batteries.
Should skin or eyes come in contact with the
electrolyte, rinse thoroughly with water and
seek medical assistance.
final flight preparation
4. inStalling the battery
Secure the battery to the mounting tray with
the Velcro strap provided. See below:
5. rotor blaDeS check
Unfold the main rotor blades to the flying
position as shown below.
Check the rotor blade bolt tension. Blades
should move with slight pressure applied.
6. linkage check
Check that all linkages and connectors
are attached and that rotating parts rotate
Make sure that all linkages move freely with
no binding or tightness. Free up any linkages
that feel too tight.
7. Switch on tranSmitter
If you have purchased the Twister Storm 3DX with 6
channel radio included please follow the instruction
below, if you are using your own radio, please
follow the instruction for that radio.
The Twister Storm 3DX is changeable
between Mode 1 or Mode 2 transmitter. The
Twister RC Radio Instruction manual shows
the layout of both transmitter types.
Move the throttle stick and throttle trim to
the lowest (low throttle position) position.
Centre the trim levers on the other 3
Make sure that the ‘3D’ (idle up) switch and
the ‘throttle hold’ switch are pushed fully
back (towards the back of the transmitter).
Switch on the transmitter.
Turn on the helicopter by connecting the
connector from the speed controller to