TWIG discovery Quick Manual

Discovery Quick GuideDiscovery
TWIG Discovery
Benefon® is a registered trademark of Benefon Oyj. Copyright© 2000 Benefon Oyj, Finland. All rights reserved.
Benefon OYJ
Tel: +358 277 400 Fax: +358 2733 2633
Emergency key
Arrow key (4 dimensional)
Middle key
Right function key
Hook-down key
Hash key
TWIG key
Star key
keys (0 - 9)
Left function
Volume down
Volume up
Power on/off
Indicator LED
Main menu/
switch button
Bottom connector
Guide to screen icons
A TWIG Alert call is in progress.
All voice calls (both lines if ALS, i.e. Alternate Line Service, is in use) are diverted to voice mailbox or some other phone number. The type of service depends on your network operator.
All voice calls of line1 are diverted to voice mailbox or some other phone number. This symbol is used only if the SIM card has ALS.
All voice calls on line2 are diverted to voice mailbox or some other phone number. This symbol is used only if the SIM card has ALS.
Roaming. The phone is using a different network operator.
Normally most networks cipher calls. However, some networks may not support ciphering. If the network connection becomes unciphered during the call, this symbol will be shown.
Home zone. Note that the home zone feature is only available for supported network operators and it also requires a suitable SIM card.
Active line1. Shown when the SIM card has ALS and the line1 is active.
Active line2. Shown when the SIM card has ALS and the line2 is active. Note that only one line can be active at the time.
Bluetooth connection is switched on.
Bluetooth is active. Note: If no Bluetooth symbol is shown, Bluetooth is switched off.
Carkit. Carkit is connected to the phone.
Headset. Headset is connected to the phone.
You have received a new message or messages. The messages are waiting in the Inbox. Also shown if ALS (Alternate Line Service) is in use and you have unread messages from both lines. Flashing envelope indicates that there is no space for receiving new messages, until some stored ones have been deleted. Messages may be waiting at the SMS centre.
Alarm clock is activated.
Keypad is locked. When phone lock is on, a large version of the icon is displayed.
Soft key area
Select. You can select or activate an option by pressing .
Options. A list of options is available and accessible by pressing .
Screen Navigation
Note that the display symbols may vary depending on, for example, the colour theme in use.
Guide to Display Icons
GPS indicator. As satellite signal strength increases, smaller circles are shown.
In the left corner of GPS area you can see an icon indicating your currently selected GPS profile. You can change the icon for each profile in GPS profiles.
GPS connection is off.
GPS connection is on but the device is not currently trying to calculate position or update data.
GPS uses other than user defined parameter in calculating a position.
GPS has encountered an error.
Title area
GSM network indicator. Located on the left corner of the title area. The more bars, the better the signal.
GPRS indicator. If SIM card and network support GPRS, the indicator is shown instead of the GSM indicator.
GPRS connection is attached and data transfer is in process. Shows blinking with GPRS indicator.
GPRS is temporarily suspended. Shows blinking with GPRS indicator.
Battery indicator. The level of charge in the battery is indicated by the degree of dark shading on the battery indicator. Located in the right corner of the title area.
Arrows left/right indicate that scrolling in horizontal direction is possible. You can, for example, select pictures one after another in normal screen.
Body area
Main menu symbol. Press to enter the main menu.
Incoming call.
A call is in progress.
There is a call on hold.
A data call is in progress.
GPS Area:
GPS symbols
Title Area:
Signal strength information
Body Area:
Information on cellular status and wallpapers
Soft Key Area:
Options and functionality
Guide to keys
Menu key. Press to access the main menu where all the applications are located. You can also press and hold the menu key to swap between open applications.
Power on/off. Press to turn the phone on/off.
Volume up. Press to increase the volume.
Volume down. Press to decrease the volume.
Emergency key. Rescue button, located on the top of the phone. Press to make an alert call to pre-defined numbers, or launch telematics application.
Hook-up key. Press to make a call/answer an incoming call.
Hook-down key. Press to end the call.
Arrow keys. Press to scroll lists and views and select options. Moving up/down/right/left depends on the edge pressed.
Middle key. Press to execute commands/ go forward/access options.
Left function key. Quick action key for most common operations, such as opening or saving applications or items.
Right function key. Press to clear/quit/cancel/go backwards.
Alphanumeric keys (0 - 9). Press to key in phone numbers/input text.
TWIG Key. Press and hold to start the TWIG Navigation application. The navigation key works when the phone is in stand-by mode. A short press on this key in TWIG Navigation application, allows quick access to TWIG Navigation base menu.
Hash key. Press to access special functions.
Star key. Press to access special functions.
Display LED. Shows blinking when the display light is off. The LED indicates the status of the phone:
RED LED: Blinks once every 2
seconds when the battery is low. If there are missed events, and the battery is low it blinks once a second.
GREEN LED: Blinks once every 2
seconds when power is on and the phone is in stand-by mode. If there are missed events, it will blink once a second.
Display LED indicator can be turned off in Settings.
Battery. Power source of the phone.
Bottom connector. Socket for connecting the phone to a charger/computer.
Getting started
Set up ..............................................4
Turning on the TWIG Discovery ..........5
Setting time and date ........................5
Copying SIM records to
phone memory ..................................6
Volume control ..................................6
GPS Navigation ................................7
Settings ............................................7
Entering a location ............................8
Setting your home location ................8
TWIG Finder and Alert ......................8
Making a call whilst navigating ..........9
Sending location to a non-TWIG
phone ............................................10
Establishing GPS position ................10
Changing the scale ..........................10
What TWIG displays ........................10
Saving power ..................................10
Additional maps for going abroad......11
Kilometers or miles display ..............11
Favourites v History ........................11
Setting Hot/Quick keys ....................12
Menu manager ................................12
Scroll keys ......................................12
Application switch button ................12
Battery management ........................13
Using your TWIG safely in car ..........13
Bluetooth setup ..............................13
WAP set up ....................................14
Messaging ......................................14
Extras ............................................14
Making a call ..................................15
Sending and receiving SMS
and MMS messages ........................15
+ 6 hidden pages