IE Network Connection
N etwor k Cab le N etwor k Cab le
N etwor k Cab le
Swi tch
Rou ter
Com puter
Com puter
● Access t he ca mer a through IP- Tool
Her e we take a ccess ing IP camera v ia LA N for ex amp le. In L AN,
the re are tw o ways to a ccess . 1. Access t hro ugh IP -Tool;
2. Di rectl y Access th rou gh IE Br ows er
① Make sure that the camer a and the PC are well connected via LAN.
② Fin d the IP- Tool f rom the C D and the n insta ll it in th e com pute r.
Afte r that, r un th e IP-To ol as shown b elow.
Devi ce Netw ork Sea rch
Imme diate R efres h
unkno wn
unkno wn
unkno wn
192.1 68.22 6.201
192.1 68.1. 2
192.1 68.1. 3
255.2 55.
255.2 55.
255.2 55.
Modif y Netwo rk Para meter
Mac Addr ess
IP Addre ss
Modif y
CE :98 :2 3 :75 :35 : 22
192 .16 8 . 226 . 201
255 . 255 . 2 55 . 0
192 .16 8 . 226 . 1
Tip: Ent er the ad minis trato r passw ord, and
then mo dify th e netwo rk para meter s.
Total Dev ice: 3
Local I P Addres s:192 .168. 1.4
Subne t Mask: 255.2 55.25 5.0 Gatew ay: 192 .168. 1.1 DN S:210.2 1.196 .6
Devic e Name Devic e Type IP Addre ss Http Po rt Data Po rt
Subne t
Produ ct Mode l
Abou t
Subne t Mask
Gatew ay
Restore IPC Default Configuration
③ Mod ify the I P add ress. The d efau lt IP ad dress of th is camera i s
192 .168. 226.2 01. Cli ck the in forma tion of t he came ra list ed in the
abo ve tabl e to show t he netw ork inf ormat ion on th e right h and.
Mod ify the I P add ress and ga teway of th e cam era an d mak e sure i ts
net work ad dress i s in the sa me loca l netwo rk segm ent as th at of the
com puter. P lea se mod ify the I P add ress o f your de vice ac cordi ng
to th e pract ical si tuati on.
Mac Add ress
IP Addr ess
Modi fy Netw ork Par amete r
Modi fy
CE :98 : 23 :75 :3 5 :22
192 . 168 . 1 . 201
255 . 25 5 . 255 . 0
192 . 168 . 1 . 1
Subn et Mask
Gate way
For e xampl e, the IP addre ss of y our co mpu ter is 1 92.16 8.1.4 . So the
IP address of the camera shall be changed to 192.168. 1.X. After
modif ication , pleas e input th e passw ord of the admini strat or and cli ck
“Mod ify” bu tton t o modi fy th e sett ing.
The d efault pa ssword of t he ad mini str ator i s “1234 56” .
④ Double-cl ick the IP address and then the system will pop up the IE
browser to connect IP-CAM. After downl oading Act ive X co ntrol , a
login window will pop up. Input the user name and password to login.
● Direct ly Acc ess Th rou gh IE
The d efaul t netwo rk sett ings ar e as show n below :
IP addres s: 19 2.16 8.2 26.2 01 HTTP :80
Sub net Mas k: 255. 255.2 55.0 Da ta Port :9008
Gat eway: 1 92.16 8.226 .1
You may use th e above de fault s ettin gs when yo u log in the ca mera
for th e firs t time.
① Set t he IP address o f the P C and ma ke su re the n etwor k segme nt
should be as the sa me as the de fault se ttin gs of IP-C AM. Open the
network an d share c enter. C lick “L ocal Are a Con nect ion ” to pop u p
the f ollow ing win dow. Sel ect “Prop ert ies” a nd th en sel ect Int ernet
pro tocol a ccord ing to th e actua l situa tion (f or exam ple: IP v4).
Nex t, clic k “Prop ertie s” butt on to set t he netw ork of th e PC.
② Ope n the IE br owser a nd inpu t the def ault ad dress o f IP-CA M
and c onfir m. The IE b rowser wi ll downlo ad Active X co ntr ol
aut omati cally.
③ Aft er down loadi ng Active X c ont rol, t he lo gin di alog bo x will
pop u p.
④ Inp ut the de fault u serna me and pa sswor d and the n enter t o view.
450 04300 0480 A0
The d efault us ername is a dmi n; the d efa ult pa sswor d is 1234 56.
⑤ The installation is complete as shown below.
base to the ceiling or wall with screws.
then secure the mounting Route the cables and connect the cables. And
④ Adjust the camera to obtain an optimum angle. Then secure the camera
to the mounting base.
Ceiling or Wall