TVT Digital TD-9524S1, TD-9534S1, TD-9514S1L Quick Start Manual

Connec tin g Net wor k Cab le
* 1 It is recomm ended to ins tall the wat er-proo f cap for netwo rk cable con nectio n.
* 2 If the PoE net work swit ch is used t o conne ct the ca mera th at supp orts th e PoE
Loo sen the n ut from t he main e lemen t.Run t he netw ork cab le (wit hout RJ 4 5 conne ctor) t hroug h the
bot h eleme nts. Th en crimp th e cable wit h RJ 45 c onne cto r.
Con nect th e cable t o the her metic c onnec tor. Th en ti ghte n the
nut a nd the ma in cove r.
Tha nk you fo r purch asing o ur prod uct. Th ere may be se veral
tec hnica lly inc orrec t place s or prin ting er rors in t his man ual.
The u pdate s will be a dded in to the ne w versi on of thi s manua l.
We wil l read ily imp rove or u pdate t he prod ucts or p roc edur es
des cribe d in the ma nual. T he conten t is subjec t to ch ange
wit hout no tice.
Warning and Caution
If th e produ ct does n ot work p roper ly, plea se contac t you r deal er
or th e neare st serv ice cen ter. Nev er at temp t to disa ssemb le the
cam era you rself . (We shal l not be r espon sible f or any pr oblem s
cau sed by un autho rized r epair o r maint enanc e.)
Kee p away fr om liqu id whil e in use.
In th e use of th e produ ct, you m ust be st rict co mplia nce wit h the
ele ctric al safe ty regu latio ns of the n ation a nd regi on. Whe n the
pro duct is m ounte d on wall o r ceili ng, the d evice s hall be f irmly
fix ed.
Do no t use cam era bey ond spe cifie d volta ge rang e.
Do no t drop th e camer a or subj ect it to p hysic al shoc k.
Avoid t ouch ing the c amera l ens.
If cl eanin g is nece ssary, p lease use c lea n clot h to wi pe it ge ntly.
If th e devic e will no t be used f or a long t ime, pl ease co ver the l ens
cap t o prote ct the de vice fr om dirt .
Do no t aim the c amera a t the sun o r extra b right p lace.
Do not place the camera in extremely hot, cold (the opera ting
temper ature shall be -20˚ C~50˚C) , dusty or damp locatio ns, and do
not expos e it to high elect romagne tism radiat ion.
To avo id heat acc umulati on, good ve nti lati on is r equi red for
ope ratin g envir onmen t.
A few pa rts o f the de vice sh all be re place d regul arly ac cordi ng
to th eir ave rage en durin g time. R egula r check ing is re comme nded
for a ll user s.
Quick Star t Guide
Network Camera
Cam era
Qui ck star t guide
Water -pro of cap
Pla stic pl ug ×4
Dri ll temp late
4 tap ping sc rews PA 4×25
Ple ase mak e sure th at the wa ll or cei ling is s trong e nough t o
wit hstan d 3 times t he weig ht of the c amera .
disas semble the came ra from the mountin g base.
Rotate the fix ed ring of the camera in anti-c lockwis e direction to
Attach the drill template to the place where you want to fix the camera
and then drill 4 screw holes and 1 cable hole ( if you want to route the
cables through the mounting base ) according to the drill template.
68 .2
48. 1mm
48. 1mm
Dom e
Enc losur e
Fix ed Ring
Mou nting B ase
twor k C
Net work Ca ble
Mou nting B ase
Pow er Cabl e
IE Network Connection
N etwor k Cab le N etwor k Cab le
N etwor k Cab le
Swi tch
Rou ter
Com puter
Com puter
Access t he ca mer a through IP- Tool
Her e we take a ccess ing IP camera v ia LA N for ex amp le. In L AN,
the re are tw o ways to a ccess . 1. Access t hro ugh IP -Tool;
2. Di rectl y Access th rou gh IE Br ows er
Make sure that the camer a and the PC are well connected via LAN. Fin d the IP- Tool f rom the C D and the n insta ll it in th e com pute r.
Afte r that, r un th e IP-To ol as shown b elow.
Devi ce Netw ork Sea rch
Imme diate R efres h
unkno wn
unkno wn
unkno wn
192.1 68.22 6.201
192.1 68.1. 2
192.1 68.1. 3
255.2 55.
255.2 55.
255.2 55.
Modif y Netwo rk Para meter
Mac Addr ess
IP Addre ss
Modif y
CE :98 :2 3 :75 :35 : 22
192 .16 8 . 226 . 201
255 . 255 . 2 55 . 0
192 .16 8 . 226 . 1
Tip: Ent er the ad minis trato r passw ord, and then mo dify th e netwo rk para meter s.
Total Dev ice: 3
Local I P Addres s:192 .168. 1.4
Subne t Mask: 255.2 55.25 5.0 Gatew ay: 192 .168. 1.1 DN S:210.2 1.196 .6
Devic e Name Devic e Type IP Addre ss Http Po rt Data Po rt
Subne t
Produ ct Mode l
Abou t
Subne t Mask
Gatew ay
Restore IPC Default Configuration
Mod ify the I P add ress. The d efau lt IP ad dress of th is camera i s
192 .168. 226.2 01. Cli ck the in forma tion of t he came ra list ed in the
abo ve tabl e to show t he netw ork inf ormat ion on th e right h and.
Mod ify the I P add ress and ga teway of th e cam era an d mak e sure i ts
net work ad dress i s in the sa me loca l netwo rk segm ent as th at of the
com puter. P lea se mod ify the I P add ress o f your de vice ac cordi ng
to th e pract ical si tuati on.
Mac Add ress
IP Addr ess
Modi fy Netw ork Par amete r
Modi fy
CE :98 : 23 :75 :3 5 :22
192 . 168 . 1 . 201
255 . 25 5 . 255 . 0
192 . 168 . 1 . 1
Subn et Mask
Gate way
For e xampl e, the IP addre ss of y our co mpu ter is 1 92.16 8.1.4 . So the
IP address of the camera shall be changed to 192.168. 1.X. After
modif ication , pleas e input th e passw ord of the admini strat or and cli ck
“Mod ify” bu tton t o modi fy th e sett ing.
The d efault pa ssword of t he ad mini str ator i s “1234 56” .
Double-cl ick the IP address and then the system will pop up the IE
browser to connect IP-CAM. After downl oading Act ive X co ntrol , a
login window will pop up. Input the user name and password to login.
Direct ly Acc ess Th rou gh IE
The d efaul t netwo rk sett ings ar e as show n below :
IP addres s: 19 2.16 8.2 26.2 01 HTTP :80
Sub net Mas k: 255. 255.2 55.0 Da ta Port :9008
Gat eway: 1 92.16 8.226 .1
You may use th e above de fault s ettin gs when yo u log in the ca mera
for th e firs t time. Set t he IP address o f the P C and ma ke su re the n etwor k segme nt
should be as the sa me as the de fault se ttin gs of IP-C AM. Open the
network an d share c enter. C lick “L ocal Are a Con nect ion ” to pop u p
the f ollow ing win dow. Sel ect “Prop ert ies” a nd th en sel ect Int ernet
pro tocol a ccord ing to th e actua l situa tion (f or exam ple: IP v4).
Nex t, clic k “Prop ertie s” butt on to set t he netw ork of th e PC.
Ope n the IE br owser a nd inpu t the def ault ad dress o f IP-CA M
and c onfir m. The IE b rowser wi ll downlo ad Active X co ntr ol
aut omati cally. Aft er down loadi ng Active X c ont rol, t he lo gin di alog bo x will
pop u p. Inp ut the de fault u serna me and pa sswor d and the n enter t o view.
450 04300 0480 A0
The d efault us ername is a dmi n; the d efa ult pa sswor d is 1234 56.
The installation is complete as shown below.
base to the ceiling or wall with screws.
then secure the mounting Route the cables and connect the cables. And
Adjust the camera to obtain an optimum angle. Then secure the camera
to the mounting base.
Ceiling or Wall