USB3. 0
Network Video Recorder
Quick Start Guide
1. Notes
● Pl ease r ead t his i nst ruct ion c aref ully for c orre ct us e of th e prod uct a nd
pre serve i t for re fere nce pur poses .
● All t he exam ples a nd pic tures u sed her e are for r efer ence o nly.
● Th ere ma y be se vera l tech nica lly in corr ect pl aces o r pri ntin g err ors i n
thi s manua l. The up dates w ill be ad ded in to the n ew vers ion of th is manu al.
The c onten ts of th is man ual are s ubjec t to chan ge wit hout n otic e.
● This device shoul d be operate d only from the type of power source indic ated
on the ma rking lab el. The volta ge of the power mu st be verifi ed before u sing
the sam e.
Please check the devic e and the accessories after getting the devi ce. If there are
any dam ages, sh ortage s or defe cts, pl ease con tact you r dealer immed iatel y.
2. Packing Check
This serie s of th e produ ct supp orts 2 S ATA hard drive s. Please make sure that
the device is powered off before the instal lation. The pictures of the ins tallation
are only for refer ence, please take the real obj ect as the standard.
3. HDD Installation
The i nterf aces of t he rear p anel ar e for ref erenc e only.
4. Rear P anel In struc tion
5. Start up & Shutdown
7. Network Configuration
You must configure the wizard if you star t the NVR for the first time. You can
skip th e settings of w izard nex t time. The de fault usern ame is admi n and the
passw ord is set by you rself whe n you confi gure the wi zard for th e first tim e.
Click “ Start” and se lect “Log in”. This wi ll take you to se e a login box . Input
defau lt username a nd passwo rd you set an d you can see t he live ima ge.
►St artu p
① Con nect th e monit or and th e power.
② The d evice w ill boo t and the p ower in dicato r will di splay b lue.
③ A wizar d window w ill pop u p.
►Sh utdo wn
Go to “ Main Me nu” and t hen sel ect “Sh utdown ” icon. Th is will br ing up a
shu tdown w indow. Th e devic e will sh ut down by c licki ng “OK” b utton .
The n disco nnect t he powe r.
6. Login
Aft er you fi nish add ing IP cam eras, y ou can se e the live i mages t hroug h the
mon itor of t he NVR. Th e follo wing wil l mainl y intro duce ho w to add the I P
cam eras vi a LAN/WAN.
① Set the network of the NVR. Go to Start → Settings → Network →TCP/IPv4.
Input IP address, subnet mask, gateway, etc. If using DHCP, please enable DHCP
in both the NVR and the rout er.
② Go to Start → Set tings → Net work → Port . Input HTT P port (the de fault
value is 80), server por t (the default port is 6036).
③ Click “Apply” to save th e settings.
E-ma il
IP Addre ss Sett ings
Obtain a n IP addr ess aut omati cally
Ether net Port 1 ( O nline )
Obatin D NS serv er addr ess aut omati cally
IP Addres s
Prefer red DNS
192 . 168 . 1 . 2
0 . 0 . 0 . 0
192 . 168 . 1 . 1
192 . 168 . 1 . 1
0 . 0 . 0 . 0
Subnet M ask
Altern ate DNS
Gatewa y
UPnP Netw ork Sta tus
④ Go to Start → Settings → Camera → Add Camera. The NVR will automatically
refres h the cameras se arched. The IPC w hich support s the Onvif pro tocol may
be added m anually. If the IPC s earched is not i n the same local n etwork as the
NVR, you s hould select t he device and cl ick to modif y the IP address.
4.0.0 ta1
Versio n
192.1 68.1. 20
192.1 68.1. 38
255.2 55.25 5.0
255.2 55.25 5.0
IP Addre ss
Proto col Model
Subne t Mask
192.1 68.2. 45
255.2 55.25 5.0
Quic kly Add
Manu ally Ad d
Add Ca mera
Selec ted: 1/ 3
Defau lt Pass word
Remai n Bandw idth: 1 08 / 120 Mb
Cance l
Mac Addr ess
IP Addre ss
CE :98 :2 3 :75 :35 : 22
Edit I P Camer a
192 .16 8 . 1 . 45
255 . 255 . 2 55 . 0
192 .16 8 . 1 . 1
Subne t Mask
Usern ame
Gatew ay
Passw ord
OK Canc el
Edi t Camer a”
Che ckmar k the devi ce you wan t to add an d then cl ick “Ad d” butto n.The
NVR w ill aut omatic ally ref resh th e camer as and re turn to “
int erfac e.
User name
Pass word
admi n
Log in
Ente r Passw ord
Disp lay Pas sword Log In Au tomat icall y
Logi nEdit S ecuri ty Ques tion Canc el
① Loo sen the s crews t o open th e
cov er.
② Scr ew the s crews i nto the h oles of
HDD , but not t ighte n them.
③ Put t he HDDs o nto the b ottom
of th e devic e.
Con nect th e power a nd data
cab les.
⑤ Turn o ver the m achin e and sec ure
the H DD with t he scre ws.
⑥ Ins tall ba ck the co ver and s ecure
it wi th the sc rews.