Network Camera
* It is recommende d to install the sec uri ty cap for out doo r ins talla ti on .
* If the Po E sw it ch is used to p ow er th e ca me ra , DC12V p ow er supp ly i s no t
req ui red .
Quick Star t Guide
■ Please read thi s instruc tion ca refully b efore operatin g the unit
and keep it for fur ther refe rence .
■ All the example s and pictu res use d here are fo r referen ce only.
■ The contents of t his manua l are sub ject to cha nge witho ut
Warning and Caution
■ If the product do es not work p roper ly, please con tact your d ealer
or the nearest se rvice cen ter. Never a ttempt to disass emble the
camera yourse lf. (We shall not be r esponsible for a ny proble ms
caused by unaut horized r epair o r mainten ance.)
■ In the use of the pro duct, you m ust be st rict comp liance wi th the
electrical sa fety regu lations of the nat ion and reg ion. When the
prod uct is moun ted on wall o r ceili ng, the dev ice shall be firml y
■ Do not allow wate r or liquid i ntrusion into th e camera.
Do not use camera b eyond spe cified voltage r ange.
■ Do not drop the cam era or subj ect it to p hysical s hock.
■ Avoid touching t he camera l ens.
■ If cleaning is ne cessary, ple ase use clean clot h to wipe it ge ntly.
■ Do not aim the came ra at the sun o r extra bright pla ce.
■ Do not place the camera in extremely hot, cold (the operating
temperature shall be -30˚C~60˚C), dusty or damp locations, and do
not expose it to high electromagnetic radiation.
■ To avoid heat a ccumulation, g ood venti lation is requir ed for
operating env ironmen t.
Camer a
1 Fixed Ring
2 Mounting Base
Network connec to r*
Audio Input
Quick s ta rt g uide
Drill t em pl ate
4 tapping screws PA 4×2 5
1 machine screw PW M3 ×5
Rubbe r pl ug
5 Power connecto r*
6 Micro SD card slot
7 Reset
Plast ic p lu g × 4
► Connecting N etwork Cable
① Loosen the nut fr om the main e lement.
② Run the network c able (wit hout RJ 4 5 connect or) through the
both elements . Th en crimp th e cable wit h RJ 45 connector.
③ Connect the cab le to the her metic connecto r. Then tig hten the
nut and the main co ver.
Please make sur e that the wa ll or cei ling is str ong enough to
withstand 3 tim es the weig ht of the c amera. Please install the camera
under dry environment.
Drill the screw h oles and th e cable h ole on the wa ll accord ing to
the drill templ ate.
② Route and connect the cables .
③ Secure the mounting base with camera to the wall with the screws
Rubber plu g
④ Bracket adjustment. Before adjustment, preview the image of the
camera on a monitor and then loosen the fixed ring to adjust the view
angle of the camera .
Fixed Ring
360° Rotat io n
360° Pan
90° Tilt
Open the cover of t he camera a nd then insert a mic ro SD card.
After that, adj ust Zoom or F ocus to o btain an op timum image ( If
the camera is fix ed or motor ized lens, pleas e skip this s tep). B efore
adjustment, p review th e image of the camer a on a monito r.
Cov er
Ins ert a mic ro
SD ca rd
⑥ Inst all the cov er back to th e camera and fix it fi rmly with t he
screws. (Note t hat the cov er shou ld not be ins talled unevenl y.)
Network Connection
● Access the cam era through IP- Tool
Switc h
Net work Cabl e Net work Cabl e
Route r
① Make sure that the camera and the PC are well connected via LAN.
② Find the IP-Tool from the CD and th en instal l it in the computer.
After tha t, run the IP-Tool as shown below.
Dev ice Net work Se arch
Imm ediat e Refre sh
Devi ce Name Devi ce Type IP Addr ess Http P ort Data P ort
Total De vice: 3
Prod uct Mod el
unkn own
192. 168.2 26.20 1
unkn own
192. 168.1 .2
unkn own
192. 168.1 .3
Loca l IP Addre ss:19 2.168 .1.4
Subn et
Subn et Mask :255. 255.2 55.0 Gate way: 19 2.168 .1.1 DNS:21 0.21 .196. 6
Modi fy Netw ork Par amete r
255. 255.
Mac Add ress
255. 255.
IP Addr ess
Subn et Mask
255. 255.
Gate way
Tip: E nter th e admin istra tor pas sword, and
then m odify t he netw ork par amete rs.
Restore IPC Default Configuration
CE :98 : 23 :75 :3 5 :22
192 . 168 . 226 . 20 1
255 . 25 5 . 255 . 0
192 . 168 . 226 . 1
Compu te r
Abo ut
Modi fy
③ Modify the IP ad dress. The de fault IP addres s of this cam era is
192. 168.226 .201. Click the in formati on of the camera lis ted in the
above table to sh ow the netw ork inf ormatio n on the right hand.
Modi fy the IP ad dress and g atewa y of the came ra and make s ure its
network addre ss is in the same loca l network s egment as that of th e
computer. Please modify t he IP addr ess of yo ur device a ccordin g
to the practica l situati on.
Mod ify Net work Pa ramet er
Mac Ad dress
IP Add re ss
Sub net Mas k
Gat ew ay
CE :9 8 :23 :75 : 35 : 22
192 .16 8 . 1 . 20 1
255 . 255 . 2 55 . 0
192 .16 8 . 1 . 1
Mod ify
For ex ample, th e IP addre ss of you r compute r is . So the
IP address of the camera shall be changed to 192.168.1.X and the
gateway shall be changed to 192.16 8.1.1. After modification, please
enter the password of the administrator and click “Modify” button to
modify the sett ings.
The defaul t passw ord of the ad ministrator is “ 123 45 6” .
④ Double-click the camera listed in the IP-Tool or manually enter the
IP address in the address ba r of the web browser t o connect I P-CAM.
Then follo w direc tions to do wnload and insta ll the plug in.
⑤ Enter the usern ame and pas sword i n the login i nterface.
The defaul t usern ame is ad mi n; the defa ult pas sword is 12 345 6.
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