Please re ad t he manual i n detail be fo re using th is produc t.
This prod uc t is made of pr ecision c om ponents , keep it awa y fr om moistu re.
Safety Precautions.......................................................................1
Main F ea tures.............. .. ................... .. .. ................... .. .. ...............2
Ac ce ssories ....... .. ............. .. ............. .. ............. .. ............. .. ..........3
Appearance and function introduction ..........................................4
Unit I ns tallation.......... .. .. ................. .. .. ................... .. .. .................5
Instruction for install and uninstall face pan el................................9
User introduction .......................................................................11
Wire co nn ec ti on .........................................................................11
Unit Rear Side Connection...........................................................12
Remote Control Operation...........................................................13
Basic operation..........................................................................14
Connect To Storage Accessories..................................................16
Touch Screen Menu And Operation ..............................................17
RADIO Function Interface ..........................................................18
Bluetooth function system...........................................................19
DVD Mode Menu Interface...........................................................20
CD Mo de Basic Operation............................................................20
USB/SD Operation......................................................................21
System Menu Setup....................................................................22
Common Menu Setup..................................................................23
AUDIO/VIDEO Menu Setup..........................................................23
DVD System Setup......................................................................25
Function Index Sign.....................................................................29
Warning... .. ........... ........... .. ........... .. ......... .. ........... .. ......... .. ........29
Disc Notes.................................................................................30
Simple Trouble-Shooting Guide...................................................31
This produc t without wat erproof fun ction. To avo id the risk of fi re breakout
or electric s hock, pleas e do not expose t his unit in the r ai n or moist en vi ronment. Do not op en the cabine t. Such opera tion will abs ol ve relati ve m aintenance guara ntee. Only th e legally aut ho rized pro fe ssional s ar e allowed t o
conduct suc h operation .
LASER: Th is unit ins ta lls a laser s ys tem. To ens ur e proper us e of t his product, please r ead this owne r's manual ca refully bef or e operati ng t his unit an d
keep it for fut ure referen ce. If the unit r equires mai ntenance, p le ase conta ct
an authoriz ed professi onal. Pleas e op erate acc or ding to cor re ct
process in or der not to hurt b y laser beam.
Please use th is unit at norm al temperat ure. Do not put t he u nit under - 10
degree or hig her than +60 de gree enviro nm ent. Othe rw ise it will d is tort the
plastic she ll, debase th e display qua li ty and prod uc ts qualit y.
Installat ion should be v ery tight and s ecured to pre ve nt the fall en u nit hurt
people and da mage the unit w hen moving on o r a su dden brak e.
Please inst all careful ly to avoid dam ag ing worki ng p latform . Pl ease clea n
the interna l working pla tform, and en sure suff icient spac e for install at ion.
Inner shell w ill be instal led on the work in g platfor m. Then ins tall the main fr ame, connec ting the powe r and video sig na ls jack, th en p ut mainfr am e into
the shell. Then asse mb le the shell wi th the mainfr ame device.
Please do not t ry to repair di splay devic e by yourself . It i s made up of ma ny
precision e lectronic e lements, an d an y dismant le ment or ref it w ill make it
damaged or br oken. If any pr oblem on the un it, please sw it ch off th e power
immediate ly, and co ns ult your ne ar est seller or d istributo r.
Please keep t he monitor aw ay from the pol lution of moi st ure, dust , wa ter
soot etc. Ple ase switch off the pow er i mmediatel y if any moistu re or other
objects pol lute , please c ontact the se ller or distr ib utor.
If you drive wi th the sound at a l evel preven ting you from h ea ring soun ds
outside the c ar please kee p the unit at an ap propriate s ou nd level, o th erwise
this may affect your d ri ving and ca us e an accident .
For your safe ty, plea se d o not watch o r op erate the mon itor when you a re
Thank you for y our support o f the company 's products a nd o ptions. This unit is
crystalli zation of the m odern high- tech.It is a cr os s-funct io nal playe r mo de and
adjustabl e true color LC D Automatic re tractable s cr een LCD tou ch s creen.
Allows you to b e arbitrary c hoice To appreciat e the program . Here, we wish y ou to
personall y experienc e this high-t ec h product s ca n be Perfec t fu n and enjoy me nt.
To ensure prope r use of this pro duct, pleas e read this own er 's manual c ar efully
before oper ating this un it and keep it fo r future refe re nce.
Note: The gra phics of this m anual are for y our referen ce o nly, ple ase in-kind
products pr evail,
1. 5”Wide screen TF T LCD monitor.
2.This unit is with tou ch i co n interface.
3. DVD/RADIO/AUX/ US B/SD/BLUE/CAR REVER SI NG function build in.
4. DVD/VCD/MP3/CD /M PEG compatible.
5. FM/AM digital synt he sizer tuner with 30 memor y pr es ets.
6. Intelligentize b lu et ooth function, for yo u to m ak e and answer the phone
7.Hi power 45Wx4, 4 RCA st er eo a udio output, can conn ec t to p ower amplifier.
8. Signal : 1 video outpu t, 1 v id eo input.
9. Under car reverse mo de , ca n auto switch to the reve rs in g mode, if connect
to the camera, can obse rv e the back side of car to ensur e th e safety.
10. Menu language: CH IN ES E/ ENGLISH display.
11. Menu funct io n: a ll function is operat ed b y OS D menu.
12. Display system: a ut o PAL/NTSC.
13. Video mod e: B ri ghtness/ Standard /S of t three preset video mo de .
14. Display panel adj us t: P anel angle can be adjus ta bl e.
15..Support SD card t o pl ay M P3/MP4/WMA/AVI/JPEG media format.
16. USB connector can s up po rt removable disc, an d wi th M P3/WMA audio
display and picture b ro ws e function.
17. Clock display: 12 /2 4 ho urs clock display
18. Remote control: f ul l fu nction remote contr ol o pe ration
19. Picture pixel: 80 0* 3( R.G.B)*480
20. Power: DV+12V/± 10 %
01 02
Appearance and function introductio n
1. /SRC: Power on / off , Un de r po wer on mode, press this button to
switch RADIO/DVD/TV/AUX mod e; P re ss f or long time to turn off.
2. MUTE/LOUD: For mute function , pr es s fo r long second to turn on/off
the LOUD.
3. VOL+: Control for the volume incre as e, a nd c an use for MENU
4. VOL–: Control for the volume reduc e, a nd c an u se for MENU
5. Remote Control window.
6. SEL: Sound function select, choo se “ VO L” “BAS”“TRE”“BAL”“FAD”
to adjust that you need.
7. SD card jack.
8. / ANGLE: Panel angle adjustment, pr es s fo r lo ng second to eject
the disc.
10. : Detachable panel button.
11.BAND: PAL/ NTSC/AUTO system sw it ch . Ra di o band selection.
On RADIO mode to select brand of radi o: F M1 /F M2 /FM3. AM1/AM2
On DVD-USB/SD-BT-AUX mode to selec t th e sy st em: NTSC/PAL/AUTO
12.DISP: Display Time on/off , press this button to display the time o n th e
left top of panel. Long press by scre en b la ck , lo ng press again or touch
the screen, screen br ig ht