Turnigy TGY-i10 Instruction Manual

Digital Proportional radio control system
Http://www.tur nigy.com
1 简介Introduction..................................................................................................
2 服务Services.......................................................................................................
3 特殊标志Special symbols.....................................................................................
4 安全指导Safety guide.......................................................................................
5 2.4G系统2.4GHz System Specifications.................................................................
6 系统特征项System Characteristics.........................................................................
7 电池充电注意事项Battery Charging Instructions....................... ..............................
8 系统简介System Overview....................................................................................
9 发射机参数Transmitter specifications..................................................................
10接收机参数Receiver specifications......................................................................
10.01TGY-APD01 磁感应速度采集模块RPM telemetry (magnetic) module..............
10.02TGY-APD02 光感应速度采集模块RPM telemetry (optical) module.................
10.03TGY-ATM01 温度采集模块Temperature acquisition module..........................
10.04TGY-AVT01 电压采集模块Voltage acquisition module..................................
10.05TGY-AEV01 i-BUS 串行总线接收机i-bus receiver.........................................
11,接收机与伺服器连接Receiver and servo connections.............................................
11.01飞机模型的安装Airplane model installation.................................................
11.02直升机模型的安装Helicopter model installation...........................................
12, 接收机操作说明Receiver Operational Instructions.................................................
12.01接口说明Port Setup.................................................................................
12.02对码Binding Setup...................................................................................
12.03TGY-AEV01 i-BUS串行总线接收机连接
i-bus Receiver Connection Setup..............................................................
12.04TGY-APD01 磁感应转速采集模块连接
RPM telemetry (magnetic) module Setup...................................................
12.05TGY-APD02 光感应转速采集模块连接
RPM telemetry (optical) module Setup......................................................
12.06TGY-ATM01 温度采集模块连接
Temperature telemetry module Setup.......................................................
12.07TGY-AVT01 电压采集模块连接
External voltage teleme try module Setup...................................................
13遥控器各部件说明Control Parts Descriptions........................................................
14摇杆模式调整Stick mode adjustment....................................................................
15开机Power On....................................................................................................
15.01 开机异常保护 Boot abnormal protection...................................................
16关机Power Off..................................................................................................
16.01 关机异常保护 Shutdown abnormal protection..........................................
17开机画面Logo/Information Screen.......................................................................
18主菜单Main menu .............................................................................................
19顶部状态栏System Status...................................................................................
20功能操作General Functions Description.......... ..............................................
21通用功能菜单 General Functions Menu................................................................
21.01正逆转Reverse .......................................................................................
21.02最大舵量End points ................................................................................
21.03记忆微调Subtrim ....................................................................................
21.04微调Trims ..............................................................................................
21.05比率及指数 Scaling Exponentials .............................................................
21.06副翼方向混控 Aileron to rudder .................................................................
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21.07方向副翼混控 Rudder to Aileron ..............................................................
21.08油门曲线Throttle Curve ...........................................................................
21.09油门延迟Throttle Delay ...........................................................................
21.10收油门 Throttle Down ..............................................................................
21.11辅助通道Auxillary Channels ....................................................................
21.12通道偏移Channels offset .........................................................................
21.13功能延迟 Function Delay .........................................................................
21.14通道延迟 Channels Delay ........................................................................
21.15线性混控Linear mixes ..............................................................................
21.16曲线混控Curve Mixes ..............................................................................
21.18, 状态延迟Conditions Delay....................................................................
21.19逻辑开关Logic switches .......................................................................
21.20飞机结构Airplane structure ......................................................................
21.22教练模式Trainer Mode ............................................................................
21.23显示舵机Display servos ...........................................................................
21.24模型Models ......................................................................................
21.25接收设置RX Setup ............................................................................
21.26系统System ......................................................................................
Airplane/Glider exclusive function menu..............................................................
22.01副翼功能Aileron function.........................................................................
22.02襟翼功能Flap function.............................................................................
22.03扰流板Spoiler function............................................................................
22.04升降襟翼 Elevator to Flap ........................................................................
22.05油针曲线Tharottle needle .......................................................................
22.06蝶形飞Butterfly ......................................................................................
22.07升降功能Elevator function.......................................................................
22.08方向功能Rudder function.........................................................................
22.10, 飞机结构 Airplane Structure ...................................................................
23直升机专有功能菜单Helicopter exclusive function menu........................................
23.01油门保持Throttle Hold .............................................................................
23.02油门混控Throttle Mix ..............................................................................
23.03螺距曲线Pitch Curve ..............................................................................
23.04倾斜盘混控Swashplate Mix .....................................................................
23.05结构 Structure ......................................................................................
23.06, 倾斜类型Swashplate type ........................................................................
23.07倾斜盘环Swashplate ring ........................................................................
23.08定速设定Governor ..................................................................................
23.09陀螺仪Gyroscop ....................................................................................
23.10. 直升机悬停微调Hover trim.......................................................................
24报警功能说明Warning funtion Overview...............................................................
25常见故障说明Troubleshooting guide....................................................................
26功能逻辑关系Function Trees..........................................................................
27, 包装内容Package Contents.................................................................................
28FCC声明FCC Statement of Compliance...............................................................
27 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34
35 35-37 37-38 39-44
54 56-57
1. 简介 In t r oduction
2. 服务 Se r v ices
如果您使用时遇到任何问题,请参照此说明书。如果您的问题仍然未能解决,请直接联系当地经销商或者我们网站上的客 服人员。
Digital proportional radio control system
感谢您选择我公司出品的TG Y-i10十通道2. 4G第二代智能遥控系统(AFHDS2A),该系统可10个通道全面兼容直升机、固 定翼、滑翔机,用户按模型结构自行设定。如果这是您第一次使用智能遥控系统,这本使用手册将很快地带给您一个有趣又 高端的全新世界。因此,为了确保您安全使用本产品,请仔细地完整阅读这本使用手册。
Thank you for choosing the TGY-i10 ten channels 2.4 GHz AFHDS2A intelligent system, which is compatible with helicopter, fixed wing, glider and powered glide systems. System parameters can be set up based on the model owned by the user. If this is your first time to use an intelligent system, this user manual will provide you with the instructions you need to obtain full enjoyment from your new system. Before using your new system, please read all instructions carefully, to ensure your safety.
If you encounter any problems, while using this system, please refer to the appropriate section of this manual. After consulting this manual, you are unable to solve your problem, please contact your local dealer or connect to consult our service and support website for further assistance.
3. 特殊标志 Special s y m bols
4. 安全指导 Safety gu i d e
操控时,请先确认模型所有舵机的动作方向与操控方向一致。 如果不一致,请调整好正确的方向。
关闭时,请务必先关闭接收机电源,然后关闭发射机,如果关闭发射机电源时接收机仍然在工作, 将有可能导致遥控设备失控或者引擎继续工作而引发事故。
特别要注意,如果附近有汽车正在运行或飞机正在飞行,开机后2.4 GHz R C系统可能会影响到他们。
Not following these instructions may expose the user to serious injuries or death.
Not following these instructions may expose the user to serious injuries.
Not following these instructions may expose the user to minor injuries and even to serious injuries.
Please pay attention to the following symbols when they appear in the manual and read carefully.
Do not use at night or during a lightening storm, as bad weather will adversely affect the control of your system.
Make sure that the motors are all moving the same direction as the operating direction.
The shutdown sequence is as follows: 1. Disconnect the receiver battery 2. Switch off the transmitter Failure to follow this procedure may result in uncontrolled movement and damage to the system.
Please be aware, that the 2.4G R/C system may affect nearby planes or cars after you turn on the transmitter
总是在操作模型之前进行全面的检查。 无线电控制系统出现问题以及不正确安,都有可能导致模型失控, 简单的距离测试方法: 一个人把持模型另一个人持发射机走开,检查该伺服系统运转情况。 测试时要注意到若有异常出现,请不要操作模型。 也检查模型的记忆,以确保模型的匹配是适当的。
不要在户外雨天,有水的地方或当能见度有限的时候使用。 可能水分(水或雪)会进入到系统内部,不稳定的运行和失控可能发生。
不要操作在以下的地方: 基站附近或其他无线电活跃的地方, 人多的地方或道路附近, 有客船的水域, 高压电线或通信广播天线附近, 干扰可能导致失控, 安装不正确,无线电控制系统可能导致模型发生严重的伤害。
当你感到疲倦,饮酒或吸毒后,不舒服的影响下,不要操作这个R / C系统。 判断力下降,而且可能发生危险的情况下,对自己或他人可能造成严重的伤害。
当模型操作或使用后,请勿触摸发动机、电机、定速设定或任何可能发热的部分, 这些部分可能非常热,会造成严重的烧伤。
开机时,每次都要检查发射器的油门中位是否是最低。 当发射机作出调整时,可能模型的引擎没有运行或电机没有连接,可能会发生失控或意外事故的情况。
Digital proportional radio control system
Be sure to set the Fail Safe function.
Do not operate outdoors on rainy days, run through puddles of water or use when visibility is limited. Should any type of moisture (water or snow) enter any component of the system, erratic operation and loss of control may occur.
Do not operate in the following places: Near other sites where other radio control activity may occur, Near people or roads, On any pond when passenger boats are present, Near high voltage power lines or communication broadcasting antennas. Interference could cause loss of control, Improper installation of your Radio Control System in your model could result in serious injury.
Do not operate this R/C system when you are tired, not feeling well or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Your judgment is impaired and could result in a dangerous situation that may cause serious injury to yourself as well as others.
Do not touch the engine, motor, speed control or any part of the model that will generate heat while the model is operating or immediately after its use.These parts may be very hot and can cause serious burns.
Please have an overall check about the model before any operation. Any problem in radio control system or improper installation may cause out of control. Simple distance test methods: One hold the model, and the other one carry the transmitter to a proper place to check the servo system condition. Please stop operation if any exceptional case occurs. Please check the model memory to make sure the matching is right.
Turn on the power, please check if the throttle neutral position is in its lowest position while turning on the transmitter every time. When making adjustments to the model, do so with the engine not running or the motor disconnected, you may unexpectedly lose control and create a dangerous situation.
1. 不要把无线电系统或模型放在幼童伸手可及的地方。 幼童可能会不小心操作系统,这可能发生危险的情况,造成伤害。
2. 不要储存你的R / C系统在以下的地方: 极热或冷的地方, 直接暴露于强光下, 在高湿度环境, 振动频繁的地方, 灰尘多的地方, 在潮湿或者过于寒冷的地方, 存储你的R / C系统在不利条件下,可能会导致变形和许多操作问题。
防失控功能; 检查操作步骤如下:
(1) 打开发射机和接收机,启动发射机防失控功能,并设定在正确的位置。 (2) 至少等待30秒钟,然后关掉发射机电源开关。(发射机每5秒会自动发送防失控的数据到接收机)。 (3) 检查在无接收时,接收机会不会使伺服系统处于预定的位置。
这个功能是一个安全功能,接收失败时,预置伺服系统到预定位置,可以最大限度地减少伤害。 然而,如果设置为一个不当的位置,会有相反的效果,必须重置伺服系统操作的位置。(详情见失控保护功能设 定P37)
(1) 不要短路电池两极。 (2 )不要把电池放置在有强烈冲击和振动的地方。电池可能会发生短路或过热,电解液
注意: 请勿放置在燃料,电动机喷雾,废油或排气旁边。燃料,电动机喷雾,废油和排气将渗透和损害塑料。
Battery :
(1) Do not make the battery short circuit. (2) Do not drop the battery or expose it to strong shocks or vibrations. The battery may short circuit and overheat, electrolyte may leak out and cause burns or chemical damage.
1. Do not leave the radio system or models within the reach of small children. A small child may accidentally operate the system. This could cause a dangerous situation and injuries.
2. Do not store your R/C system in the following places. Where it is extremely hot or cold, Where the system will be exposed to direct sunlight, Where the humidity is high, Where vibration is prevalent, Where dust is prevalent, Where the system would be exposed to steam and condensation, Storing your R/C system under adverse conditions could cause deformation and numerous problems with operation.
Notice: Do not expose plastic parts to fuel, motor spray, waste oil or exhaust. The fuel, motor spray, waste oil and exhaust will penetrate and damage the plastic.
Fail safe function:
Before running (cruis in g) , check the fail safe functio n: Check Method; Before st ar ti ng the engine, check the fail s af e function as follows: (1) Turn on the transmitte r an d re ceiver power switches. (2) Wai t at l east 30 seconds, then tur n off the transmitter. ( Th e tr ansmitter automatical ly t ra nsfers the fail safe data to the receiver e ve ry 5 s econds.) (3) Check if the fail safe fu nc ti on moves the servos to the pr es et p osition when reception fa il s. The fail safe f un ct ion is a safety feature that mi ni mi zes set damage by moving th e se rv os to a preset position when recepti on f ai ls. However, if set to a dangero us p os ition, it has the opposit e effect. When the reverse functi on w as u sed to change the operating d ir ec tion of a servo, the fail saf e fu nc tion must be reset.(for more i nf or mation about this funct io n pl ease reference page 37)
5. 2.4G系统 2. 4 G Hz System Speci f i c ations
频率范围: 2.4055-2.475GHz 波段宽度: 500KHz 波段个数: 140个 发射功率: 不高于20dBm100mW) 发射模式: AFHDS2A (第二代自动跳频率数字系统) 编码方式: GFSK 天线长度: 26mm ( 双天线) 接收机灵敏度: -1 05dBm
错误使用遥控设备将可能导致严重的伤害甚至死亡。 请在使用前完整阅读这本使用手册,并且在使用过程中 严格按照此手册的说明操作。
2.4G无线电波段完全不同于之前所使用的低频无 线电波段。使用时要保持您的模型产品飞行在您的视线 范围内,因为大的障碍物将会阻断无线电频率信号从而 导致遥控失控和危险。2 .4G无线电频率信号是沿直线传 播的,它不能绕过障碍物进行传播。在使用过程中,严 禁紧握发射机天线,否则将会大大减弱无线电传播信号 的质量和强度, 导致遥控设备失控和危险。
每次使用时,必须先打开发射机,然后再给接收机 通电。停止使用时,必须先断开接收机电源,然后再关 闭发射机。这样操作可以避免接收机接收到错误信号而 导致的伺服器无规律的抖动。这对于电动模型来说尤为 重要, 因为它有可能导致马达突然转动而致使人员伤亡。 20多人一起操作的时候 间距至少要 CM以上。
Digital proportional radio control system
Misuse of this radio system can lead to serious injuries or death. Please read completely this manual and only operate your radio system according to it.
RF specifications:
RF range: 2.4055-2.475GHz Channel bandwidth: 500KHz Number of channels: 140 RF power: less than 20dBm (100mW) RF mode: AFHDS 2A(Automatic Frequency Hopping Digital System2) Modulation type: GFSK Antenna length: 26mmx2 RX sensitivity: -105dBm
The 2.4 GHz radio band has a completely different behavior than previously used lower frequency bands. Always keep your model in sight as a large object can block the RF signal and lead to loss of control and create a dangerous situation. The 2.4 GHz RF signal propagates in a straight line and cannot circumvent objects in its path. Never grip the antenna during operation as it sig
-nificantly degrades the signal and may cause loss of control and damage to the system.
Always turn on the transmitter first then the receiver. When turning off the system, always turn off there ceiver first then the transmitter. This is to avoid having the receiver on itself as it may pick a wrong signal and lead to erratic servo movements. This is particularly important for electric powered models as it may unexpectedly turn on the motor and lead to injuries or death.
This system is developed by th e wo rd 's leading manufacturer and has be en t es ted for many years.
7. 电池充电注意事项 Bat t e ry charging inst r u ctions
如果您的发射机或者接收机使用任何种类 的可充电电池,请在每次飞行前检查电池,确 保电池完好无损并且满电,否则有可能导致失 控或者人员伤亡。
6. 系统特征 System ch a r acteristics
此系统工作频率范围是2 .40552.475GHz。整个波段被分为140个独立频点。每套遥控系统使用16个 不同频点和160种不同的跳频算法。通过开机时间不同,跳频规律不同和使用不同的频点,遥控系统能避免 干扰传播信号。
此系统采用高质量的增益天线,覆盖整个波段带宽。配合高灵敏度接收机,系统能有效的避免远距离传 播信号的干扰。
每台发射机有一个唯一的ID码, 当和接收机对码之后, 接收机保存这个唯一的ID码并且只接受从这个ID码 发射机发出的信号。 这样可以避免接收到别的发射机信号,大大增强抗干扰能力和安全性。
此系统使用低功率电子元件和高灵敏度接收机芯片。无线电频率模块采用间歇性信号传播,因此大大降 低了发射功率。比较而言,此系统功耗仅为FM版本的十分之一。
此系统采用信息回传功能,此功能更好的掌握当前模型的工作状态。从而增添了操控乐趣以及更加安全 控制模型。
This radio system works in the frequency range of 2.4055 to 2.475GHz. This band has been divided into 1420independent channels. Each radio system uses 16 different channels and 160 different types of hopping algorithm. By using various switch-on times, hopping scheme and channel frequencies, the system can guarantee a jamming free radio transmission.
This radio system uses a high gain and high quality multi directional antenna. It covers the whole frequency band. Associated with a high sensitivity receiver, this radio system guarantees a jamming free long range radio transmission.
Each transmitter has a unique ID. When binding with a receiver, the receiver saves that unique ID and only accept data from that unique transmitter. This prevents obtaining the wrong signal from another transmitter and insures safety for your system..
This radio system uses low power electronic components and a very sensitive receiver chip. The RF modulation uses intermittent signal transmission thus reducing even more power consumption. Comparatively, this radio system uses only a tenth of the power of a standard FM system.
This system uses the two-way communication, which could control the working state of current model better and make the operation more enjoyable and safer than before.
If your transmitter or receiver uses any type of rechargeable batteries, please check them before each flight and make sure they are in good shape and fully charged other wise it may lead to loss of control, injuries and death.
符合可充电电池规格并且用适当的电流进行充电 否则将导致电池过热,失火甚至爆炸。充满电后, 请立即断开充电电源。如果长时间不用遥控设备, 请将电池从发射机和模型中取出保存,以免有损 遥控设备。
If you are using rechargeable batteries, make sure to use a suitable charger with the right charging current set otherwise it may lead to battery overheating, fire or explosion. Disconnect the battery from the charger as soon as it is fully charged. If you don’t planto use your radio system for a long periodof time, remove the batteries from thetransmitter and the model as it may damagethem.
Digital proportional radio control system
· 采用最新双向遥测系统,并可兼容TGY所有单双向接收机;
· 主页面可实时监控i 10电压,模型速度、温度、电压参数,已开启/关闭的功能,模型结构及计时器;
· 系统异常时,弧形动感L ED3D音效将及时提示;
· 3.55英寸WQVGA TFT 240*400像素触控彩屏可快速、方便的设定参数;
· 防止误操作电源开关设计,左右P OW ER键需同时按方可对i1 0进行开关机;
· 8个开关,5个旋钮在大多数应用中可以指定不同的功能,其中3个旋钮可按压隐藏;
· 高精度双轴承细腻摇杆,超薄轻盈时尚机身设计,给用户一种新的体验;
· 双天线结构让2 .4G频率调信号在各方向传播顺畅,信号安全性更强;
· 可存储20组模型,兼容SD卡并可与之交换数据;可寄存每组模型接收机的对码状态及模型参数.
· 免费软件在线升级,便捷又简单的方式更新系统。
8. 系统简介 System Ov e r view
· 通用功能 (General functions)
正逆转Reverse 、最大舵量End points、记忆微调Subtrim 、微调Trims 、指数Exponentials
副翼方向Aileron to rudder 、方向副翼 Rudder to aileron 、油门曲线Throttle curve 、油门延迟Throttle delay 、 收油门Throttle down 、辅助通道Auxiliary channels 、通道偏移Channels offset 、功能延迟Function delay 、 通道延迟Channels delay 、线性混控Linear mixes 、曲线混控Curve mixes 、状态Conditions 、 逻辑开关Logic switches 、飞机结构Airplane structure 、定时器Timers 、教练模式Trainer mode 、 显示舵机Display servos 、模型Models 、接收机设置RX setup 、系统System
· 固定翼/滑翔机 (A irplane/Glider)
默认结构(引擎+副翼+升降+方向)Default structure (Engine+Aileron+Elevator+Rudder)
专有程序Exclusive function menu: 副翼功能Aileron function 、襟翼功能Flap function 、扰流板Spoiler function 、升降襟翼Elevator to flap 、 油针曲线Throttle needle 、蝶形飞Butterfly 、升降功能Elevator function 、方向功能Rudder function V型尾翼V tail
· 直升机(Helicopter)
默认结构(固定螺距)Default structure (fixed pitch) 专有程序Exclusive function menu: 油门保持Throttle hold 、油门混控Throttle mix 、螺距曲线Pitch curve 、倾斜盘Swashplate mix 、 倾斜盘类型Swashplate type 、倾斜盘环Swashplate ring 、定速设定Governor 、陀螺仪Gyroscope
· 兼容直升机、固定翼、滑翔机,分为固定翼/滑翔机、直升机两种飞机类型,不同飞机结构匹配专有程序菜单、 用户按模型结构自行设定:
The transmitter i10
· Adopts the latest two-way communication systems to ensure that all of the TGY-brand receivers are compatible with this transmitter
· Home page menu can monitor i10 voltage, speed, temperature, voltage parameters, function conditions (on/off), model structure
and timers in real time.
· The flashing LED and 3D audio effect will alert the user when a system exception occurs.
· This parameter is easily set due to the 3.55 inch, 240 by 400 pixels (WQVGA) color TFT-LCD touch screen.
· The power switch design prevents accidental power off or power on conditions. The transmitter can only be turned on/off by
pushing both the left and right power buttons at the same time.
· Eight switches and five knobs can be assigned to different functions in most applications. The three knobs can be hidden by pressing them.
· The high-precision double-bearing gimbal and fashionable ultra-thin transmitter ensure a great experience for the user.
· The double antenna structure ensures the 2.4G frequency module transmits in all directions for a safer and better signal.
· The transmitter can store 20 models, including every model binding conditions. It can also store model settings on a SD card.
· Free software and upgrades to the system are available online.
·It is compatible with helicopter fixed-wing, glider, and powered glider. Airplane has two type, fixed-wing and helicopter.
Different airplane structure is matching with different procedure. Users can set according to airplane structure.
9. 发射机参数 Tra n s mitter specifi c a tions
10. 接收机参数 Rec e i ver specificat i o ns
通道个数:10 适合机种: 直升机、固定翼、滑翔机 频率范围:2.4055-2.475GHz 波段宽度: 500KHz 波段个数: 140个 发射功率: 不高于20dBm
2.4G模式: 第二代增强版自动跳频数字系统 编码方式: GFSK 通道分辨率: 1 024级 低电压报警: 有(低于3.75伏时) 数据输出: 有(U SBHIDSD卡接口: 有 天线长度: 26mm(双天线) 机身重量: 653.5g(含电池) 输入电源: 3.7伏(800毫安时) 外形尺寸:278.59mm*189.35mm*95.87 mm 外观颜色: 银色 认证: CE0678FCC
通道个数: 10 适合机种: 直升机、固定翼、滑翔机 频率范围: 2.4055-2.475GHz 波段个数: 140个 发射功率: 不高于20dBm 接收灵敏度:-105DBm
2.4G: 第二代增强版自动跳频数字系统 编码方式: GFSK 天线长度: 26mm(双天线) 输入电源: 4.0-6.5V/DC 机身重量:19g 外形尺寸:47mm*33.5mm*15mm 外观颜色: 黑色 认证: CE0678FCC i-BUS 接口: 有 数据采集接口: 有
Channels: 10 Model type: helicopter/ airplane/ glider RF range: 2.4055-2.475GHz Bandwidth: 500KHz Band: 140 RF power: less than 20 dBm
2.4G system: AFHDS2A Code type: GFSK Sensitivity: 1024 Low voltage warning: yes (less than 3.75V) DSC port: yes(USB, HID) SD port: yes ANT length: 26mmx2 Weight: 653.5g (Include Battary) Power: 3.7V (800mAh) Size: 278.59mm*189.35mm*95.87mm Color: Silver Certificate: CE0678, FCC
Transmitter specifications:
Channels: 10 Model type: helicopter/ airplane/ glider RF range: 2.4055-2.475GHz Band: 140 RF power: less than 20 dBm Sensitivity: -105DBm
2.4G system: AFHDS2A Code type: GFSK ANT length: 26mmx2 Power: 4.0-6.5V/DC Weight: 19g Size: 47mm*33.5mm*15mm Color: Black Certificate: CE0678, FCC i-BUS Port: yes Date Acquisition port: yes
10. 0 1. 磁感应速度采集模块 RPM T ele metr y (ma g net ic) mo dul e
适合机种: i系列 采集速度范围: 0-16000转/分钟 机身重量: 3.9g 输入电源: 4.0-6.5V/DC 外形尺寸: 24.4*14*8毫米 外观颜色: 黑色
10. 0 3. 温度采集模块 Te mpe ratu re te l eme try mo dul e
适合机种: i系列 采集温度范围:-4 0-100摄氏度 机身重量: 3.9克 输入电源: 4.0-6.5V/DC 外形尺寸: 24.4*14*8毫米 外观颜色: 黑色
适合机种: i系列 电压采集范围: 4.0-30V/DC 机身重量: 3.9克 输入电源: 4.0-6.5V/DC 外形尺寸: 24.4*14*8毫米 外观颜色: 黑色
10. 0 4. 电压采集模块 Vol tage t ele metr y mod u le
通道个数:4 适合机种: i系列 机身重量: 6.7克 输入电源: 4.0-6.5V/DC 外形尺寸: 30*25.6*13毫米 外观颜色: 黑色 i-BUS 接口: 有
10. 0 5. i- BUS 串行总线接收机 i -bu s rece iver
适合机种: i系列 采集速度范围: 0-16000转/分钟 机身重量: 3.9g 输入电源: 4.0-6.5V/DC 外形尺寸: 24.4*14*8毫米 外观颜色: 黑色
10. 0 2. 光感应速度采集模块 RPM T ele metr y (op t ica l) mod ule
Digital proportional radio control system
Model type: helicopter/ airplane/ glider Monitor range of speed: 0-16000RPM Weight: 3.9g Power: 4.0-6.5V/DC Size: 24.4*14*8mm Color: Black
Model type: helicopter/ airplane/ glider Monitor range of speed: 0-16000RPM Weight: 3.9g Power: 4.0-6.5V/DC Size: 24.4*14*8mm Color: Black
Model type: helicopter/ airplane/ glider Monitor range of temperature: -40-100°C
Weight: 3.9g Power: 4.0-6.5V/DC Size: 24.4*14*8mm Color: Black
Model type: helicopter/ airplane/ glider Monitor range of Volatge: 4.0-30V/DC
Weight: 3.9g Power: 4.0-6.5V/DC Size: 24.4*14*8mm Color: Black
Channels: 4 Model type: helicopter/ airplane/ glider Weight: 6.7g Power: 4.0-6.5V/DC Size: 30*25.6*13mm Color: Black i-BUS Port: yes
11. 接收机与伺服器连接 R e ceiver and serv o c o nnections
1、尽量保证双天线笔直,否则将会减小控制范围; 2、双天线的夹角保持在9 0°(如图三种方式)这并不是精确的垂直角度,重要的是尽可能保持天线互相远离; 3、天线应该尽可能远离金属导体,至少要有l. 5c m左右的距离。轴电缆段不受此限制,但不要过度弯曲; 4、尽可能保持天线远离电动机、调速器,和其它的噪声源。
( Pic 11.1 )
( Pic 11.2 )
In order to make sure maximum distance between the transmitter and receive can be obtained please follow the directions below:
1. The two antennas must be kept as straight as possible. Otherwise, control range will be reduced.
2. The two antennas should be placed at a 90 degree angle to each other, as illustrated in the three pictures below.
3. The antennas must be kept away from conductive materials, such as metal and carbon. A distance of at least 15 cm is required for safe operation. Conductive materials will not affect the coaxial part of the antenna, but it is important that the coaxials are not bent to a severe radius.
4. Keep antennas away from the motor, speed controller and other noise souces as much as possible.
天线 Antenna
( Pic 11.3 )
Coaxial cable
Digital proportional radio control system
11. 02 直升机模型的安装 H eli c opt er mod el in stal lat i on
Pitch 螺距
Governor 定速设定
Needle 油针
Throttle servo
Rudder servo
Aileron servo
Elevator servo
接收机 Receive r
结构:可变螺距(120度)+油 门油针+陀螺仪+定速设 定
Ch1:副翼Aileron Ch2:升降Elevator Ch3:油门Throttle Ch4:方向Rudder Ch5:陀螺仪Gyroscope Ch6:螺距Pitch Ch7定速设定Governor Ch8:油针Needle CH9AUX1 CH10AUX2
Receiver and helicopter connections, for example: Structure: throttle needle+variable pitch(120 degrees)+ gyroscope+governor
11. 01 飞机模型的安装 Air pla ne mod el in stal lati on
Aileron 副翼
Flap 襟翼
Spoiler 扰流板
接收机 Receiver
Throttle servo
Rudder servo
Alieron servo
Elevator servo
开关 Switch
Ch1:副翼Aileron Ch2:升降Elevator Ch3:油门Throttle Ch4:方向Rudder Ch5AUX1 Ch6:副翼Aileron Ch7:襟翼Flap Ch8:扰流板Spoiler CH9AUX2 CH10AUX3
Connection method for the receiver and the fix wing, for example:
Structure: Two ailerons+flap+spoiler
12. 接收机操作说明 Receiver o p e ration instruc t i on
Bind cable
12. 02 对码 B ind ing Se tup
12. 01 接口说明 P ort S etup
所有的发射机和接收机,在出厂前都已对码,无需再次对码,若您需要与另一发射机进行对码和使用, 请按以下方法操作:
1. 发射机装上电池,打开电源;
2. 进入主界面,选择接收机设置功能。点触对码进入对码状态;
3. 用产品包装所配的对码线,插入接收机B /V CC通道;
4. 使用4.0-6.5VDC电源,按正确极性,插入CH1- CH10的任一通道,即可进入对码状态,此时LED灯闪烁;
5. 成功对码后,发射机会自动退出对码状态;
6. 拔掉对码线,重启接收机L ED常亮,此时即可插入舵机及其它数据采集模块,检测其工作是否正常;
7. 如果对码失败,可重复以上动作,重新对码。
(Pic 12.1)
(Pic 12.2)
CH1-CH10 表示接收机的相应通道; Bind,VCC 表示用于对码和输入电源的通道; OUT表示输出PPM数据的i-BUS接口,用于连接串行总线接收
CH1-CH10: represent relevant channel of transmitter. Bind,VCC: represent the channel used for matching and input
power respectively. OUT: Represent i-BUS port of outputting PPMS data and be used for connecting the serial bus receiver to expand channels. IN: Represent input ports of all kinds of sensor data, and data acquisition modules can be connected in serial optionally.
All receivers are bound to their respective transmitter at production time. If you want to bind it with another transmitter, please follow the steps below:
1. Install the battery in the transmitter, and turn on the power.
2. Open the main menu, and select "RX setup" function in the second page, then touch "Bind with a receiver" to enter bind mode.
3. Insert the standard bind cable into the power supply channel.
4. Connect the 6VDC power connector to any channel from CH1 to CH10 with correct polarity to enter bind mode, The receiver LED will flash at this time.
5. The transmitter will exit the bind mode automatically after having successfully bound with the transmitter.
6. Pull off the bind cable and restart the receiver. Please connect the servos and other telemetry modules to the receiver to check if everything operates normally.
7. If anything is wrong, please repeat the above steps to bind again.
注意:配对好的发射机与接收机,当发射机或接收机因误操作而进入对码状态后, 会出现不能遥控的现象, 一般情况下,关闭电源重开机即可恢复正常,倘若还是不行,则需要重新对码。
Notice: The bound transmitter and receiver will work abnormally if the transmitter or the receiver enters the binding state by mistake. In other words, the receiver cannot be controlled by the transmitter. If so, you need to restart the transmitter and the receiver.
Digital proportional radio control system
12. 03 TG Y-AE V0 1 i-B US 串行总线接收机连接说明 i- bus Re cei ver Co nne c tio n inst ruc tion S etu p
12. 04 TG Y-A PD0 1 磁感应转速采集模块 RPM t e lem etry ( mag neti c) mo d ule s etup
传感器 Sensor
speed module
串行总线接收机,最多可串联4个模块,共16个通 道;按键K1-K 4分别对应C1 -C4, 用于 对相应通道的设定; 操作说明:
1.TGY-AEV 01 i-BU S接收机的“I N”端口对应接收机的“OUT” 端口;
2. TGY-AE V01 i-B US接收机的 “OU T”端口,用 于串接后级的FS -SEV0 1接收机,以 串联的 方式使用。
3. 将此总线接收机插入接收 机,打开己配对 的发射机,接收 机电源,LE D点亮;
4. 操作发射机触控屏,选择 接收机设定的主 菜单,进入到舵 机设定界面;
5. 选择需要扩展的通道,此 时,总线接收机 的LED熄灭;
6. 用对码线上的胶针,按下 需要的,相应通 道的按键,LED自动点亮,表 示设定成功;
7. 插入舵机,检查设定是否 成功;
8. 重复以上操作即可完成总 线接收机4个通道的 设定;
9. 当需要更多的通道扩展时 ,只需要在第一 级总线接收机的 “OUT”端口 ,串接新的总线 接收机即可,设定的操作方法相同。
注意: 当总线接收机的负载过重,电流较大时,请将主接收机的电源分支出来并联接入,单独供电加大负载的能力, 否则可能会因电流过大,烧坏串联的线材。
1. 将所配的3 PIN插头, 一端插入速度采集模块的“OUT”位置,另一端插入接收机的“IN ”位置或 接另外的感应器的“IN”位 置,如图1 2.4所示;
2. 如图12.5所示,将传感器放在磁铁的旁边,磁铁固定在需要测试的轴向转动的地方 ,如直升机的 齿 轮上面,传感器与磁铁相 距两毫米以内,磁铁的南极或北极 与传感器保持平行。
3. 打开发射机,接收机电 源,在显示屏的接收机窗口内,会发现并显示“Motor speed 2:0RPM”, 试着转动,转速的值会发 生变化,则表示安装成功。
(Pic 12.3)
(Pic 12.4)
(Pic 12.5)
i-BUS receiver, can connect 4 modules with 16 channels in serial at most. Button K1 and K4 correspond to C1 and C4 respectively.
Operation instruction:
1.TGY-AEV01 i-BUS The “IN” port of TGY-AEV01 receiver corresponds to “OUT” port of receiver.
2. TGY-AEV01 i-BUS The “OUT” port of TGY-AEVO1 receiver is used to connect post level TGY-AEV01 receiver.
3. Insert the bus receiver to receiver, and then switch on the matched transmitter and receiver. The LED will be on.
4. Select main menu of receiver setup to enter the interface of servo setup.
5. Select channel which need to be expanded, meanwhile LED of bus receiver is off.
6. Push relevant channel button by plastic needle of matching line. The setup is successful if LED flashes automatically.
7. Insert servo to check.
8. Set up 4 channels of bus receiver as above steps.
9. Just connect a new bus receiver with “OUT” port of first stage bus receiver if more channel needed. Set up the new one as above steps.
Notice: When the load of serial bus receiver is excessive and electric current is higher than usual, please supply power directly to the serial bus receiver or it will break cables.
1. Insert one end of standard 3 PIN plug into “OUT” port of RPM telemetry (magnetic) module, and insert the other end into “IN” port of receiver or other sensor, as shown
in the picture 12.4.
2. As shown in the picture 12.5: Inside hub of the model, the distance between sensor and magnet is less than2mm. The North Pole or the south pole of the magnet has to be paralleled with sensor.
3. Switch on transmitter and receiver. “Motor speed 2:0RPM” will be shown in receiver window in display screen. Speed value changes as turning wheel, which means installation is successful.
功能说明: 此功能是为了应对某些模型 通道太多而做的 ,当通道不够时 可采用此配件,来增加通道输出。
功能说明: 此功能是为了检测到模型 的转速而设定的,用户可通过发射 机来观察监测模 型的转速,当用户需 要监测转速时可使用此配件。
After connecting one TGY-AEV01 i-bus receiver to TGY-iA10 receiver, It will allow user to add four more channels if the channels on the receiver is not sufficient.
This function allows th e us er t o monitor turning speed via t he t ra nsmitter. This i s a very useful function wh en d et ermination of turning spe ed i s re quired
Function Details
Function Details
1. 将所配的3PIN插头,一端插入速度采集模块的“OUT”位置,另一端插入接收 机的 “IN”位置或 接另外的感应器的“IN”位 置,如图1 2.6所示;
2. 如图12.7所示,将 传感器与反射贴纸固定在测试的轴 向转动,如安装在飞机的螺旋桨上,保持贴纸 平整,并与传感器垂直, 传感器和贴纸距离要保持适中。
3. 打开发射机,接收机电 源,在显示屏的接收机窗口内,会发现并显示“Motor sp eed 20RPM”, 试着转动,转速的值会发 生变化,则表示安装成功。
1. 将所配的3 PIN连接线 ,一端插入温度采集模块的“OUT”位置,另一端插入接收机的“I N”位置或接另外的感应器的“IN”位置, 如图12.8所示;
2. 将温度的传感器本体, 使用海棉双面贴粘在适当的位置(如:马达,电池本体上),并与被测试物表面紧贴;
3. 打开发射机,接收机电 源,在显示屏的接收机窗口内,会发现并显示“Temperat ure 125.0”,表示安装成功,
25.0 即为采集到的温度数据。
螺旋桨 Propeller
速度采集模块 Optical rotation speed telemetry module
12. 06 TG Y-AT M01 温度采集模块连接 Temp era t ure t elem etr y modu le co n nec tion s etu p
12. 05 TG Y-AP D0 2 光感应转速采集模块 RPM Te lem e try ( opti cal ) modu le se t up
反射区 Magnet
传感器 Sensor
12. 07 TG Y-AVT 01 电压采集模块连接 Ext erna l vol t age t elem etr y modu le co n nec tion s etu p
操作使用说 明:
1. 将所配的3 P IN连接线, 一端插入电压采集模块的“O UT”位置, 另一端插入 接收机的“IN”位置或接另外 的感应器 的“I N”位置,如图12 .9所示;
2. 打开发射 机,接收机电源,在显示屏的接收机窗 口内,会发 现并显示“Ext .vo ltage 4:0V”,表示安装成 功;
3. 将用于检 测的红黑线插针分别插入电池的插头内 ,红色线为 正极,黑色线为负极,如图1 2.9所示: 在显示屏的 接收机窗口内,显示“Ext .volt age 4:
12.40 V",表示己检测到外部 的电池电压 为:1 2.4 0V
注意:用于 检测的红黑线, 不能接反, 否则会损坏接收机。
注意: 请不要将采集 模块的"IN"和“O UT”接反, 否则发射机将无法识别到该模块及相连的后面的模块 的编号。
(Pic 12.6)
(Pic 12.7)
(Pic 12.8 )
(Pic 12.9)
1. Insert one end of standard 3 PIN plug into “OUT” port of temperature module, and insert the other end into “IN” port of receiver or other sensor, as shown in the picture 12.8 .
2. Adhere temperature sensor to proper place (such as motor and battery) tightly by sponge double stick.
3. Switch on transmitter and receiver. “Temperature 1:25.0” will be shown in receiver window in display screen, which means installation is successful, and 25.0 is the temperature collected.
1. Insert one end of standard 3 PIN plug into “OUT” port of external voltage module, and insert the other end into “IN” port of receiver or other sensor, as shown in the picture 12.9.
2. Switch on transmitter and receiver. “Ext.voltage4:12.40V” will be shown in receiver window in display screen, which means the installation is successful.
3. Insert red and black contact pin into battery port respectively. The red one is positive pole and the black one is negative pole.as shown in the picture 12.9“Ext.voltage4:12.40V” is shown in the receive widow in display screen, which means the tested voltage is 12.40V.
Notice: The polarity of red and black line can not be reversed, or the receiver will be damaged. Notice: Be sure the IN and OUT ports are connected correctly. Improper connections will cause the transmitter to be unable to distinguish between telemetry modules.
1. Connect one end of the standard 3 PIN plug to the "out" port of the speed telemetry module and the other end to the "in" port of the receiver or the previous sensors “in” port as shown in the picture 12.6.
2. As shown in the picture 12.7: Affix the sensor and the reflection decals on the flat surface of the side of any rotating part. Keep decals flat and perpendicular to the sensor. Maintain sufficient safety distance between the sensor and the decals to avoid any damage.
3. Switch on the transmitter and the receiver. “Motor speed 2: 0RPM” will be displayed in the main screen. The speed displayed will follow the speed of the rotating part monitored by the rotation speed sensor, indicating a successful installation.
功能说明 此功能是为了能检测到模型 的转速而做的, 用户可通过遥控 器来观察和监测模型的转速,当用户需要监 测转速时,可使 用此配件。
此功能是为了监测模型重要 部件(马达,电 池,调速器)温 度而做的,用户可通过遥控 器来观察和监测 重要部件的温度 ,必要时可设定报警。
当用户需要检测重要部件温度时可使用此配 件。
功能说明: 此功能是为了监测模型电池 电压的,用户可 通过遥控器来观察和检测电 池的电压情况, 必要时可进行设定报警。用 户需要观察和监 测电池电
This function allows th e us er t o monitor turning speed via t he t ra nsmitter. This i s a ve ry useful function when de te rm ination of turning speed is r eq ui red
This function a ll ow s the user to monitor the tem pe ra ture of important operati ng p ar ts of the system. This will ensure that the u se r ca n be aware of any severe temper at ur e changes which would adver se ly a ffect system operation. The system will automati ca ll y set an alarm if the temperatu re i s ou tside of safe operating n or ms
This function a ll ow s the user to monitor the bat te ry v oltage of the system. This will ensure that the user c an b ea ware of any severe voltage chan ge s wh ich would adversely affect battery operation . The system will autom at -i cally set an alarm if the voltage is outside of s af e op erating norms
Function Details
Operation instr uction
Function Details
Operation instruction
Function Details
Operation instruction
Digital proportional radio control system
13. 遥控器各部件说明 Cont r o l Parts Descript i o ns
旋钮 VrA
两档开关 SwD
两档开关 SwC
两档开关 SwB
旋钮 VrD
电源开关 Power button
旋钮 VrC
两档复位开关 SwG
旋钮 VrE
三档开关 SwF
旋钮 VrB
升降微调杆 Elevator trim
油门微调杆 Thro trim
USB 接口 USB port
教练接口 Trainer port
Battery Box
提手 Handle
天线 Antenna
三档开关 SwA
方向微调杆 Rudder Trim
两档开关 SwH
副翼微调杆 Aileron trim
副翼 Aileron
液晶显示屏 LCD
升降 Elevator/油门 Thro
方向 Rudder
两档开关 SwE
Battery Cover
SD Card slot
电源开关 Power button
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