turck TBIL-S Series, TBIL-S3-8DIP, TBIL-S3-8DXP, TBIL-S4-8DIP, TBIL-S4-8DXP Instructions For Use Manual

Your Global Automation Partner
Compact IO Hubs with IO-Link
Instructions for Use
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
Table of Contents
1.1 Explanation of Symbols Used .................................................................................... 5
1.2 Additional Documents ................................................................................................5
2.1 Product Identification ................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Scope of Delivery.......................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Legal Requirements ..................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Manufacturer and Service........................................................................................... 6
3.1 Intended Use .................................................................................................................7
3.2 General Safety Instructions ........................................................................................7
4.1 Device Overview...........................................................................................................8
4.1.1 Display Elements...........................................................................................................................8
4.2 Properties and Features.............................................................................................. 9
4.3 Functions and Operating Modes...............................................................................9
5.1 Grounding the device................................................................................................ 10
6.1 Connecting the supply voltage and IO-Link .........................................................11
6.2 Connecting Digital Sensors and Actuators ...........................................................12
7.1 Parameters...................................................................................................................14
8.1 Process Input Data .....................................................................................................22
8.2 Process Output Data..................................................................................................25
8.3 LED Displays ................................................................................................................25
8.3.1 IO-Link............................................................................................................................................ 25
8.3.2 Channel-LEDs ..............................................................................................................................25
8.4 Evaluating Diagnostic Data......................................................................................26
8.5 IO-Link Events .............................................................................................................27
8.6 IO-Link Error Codes ....................................................................................................28
11.1 Returning Devices ......................................................................................................30
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13.1 General Technical Data .............................................................................................31
13.2 TBIL-S…-8DIP..............................................................................................................32
13.3 TBIL-S…-8DXP.............................................................................................................33
Table of Contents
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com

1 About These Instructions

These operating instructions describe the structure, functions and the use of the product and will help you to operate the product as intended. Read these instructions carefully before using the product. This is to avoid possible damage to persons, property or the device. Retain the in­structions for future use during the service life of the product. If the product is passed on, pass on these instructions as well.

1.1 Explanation of Symbols Used

The following symbols are used in these instructions:
DANGER indicates a dangerous situation with high risk of death or severe injury if not avoided.
WARNING indicates a dangerous situation with medium risk of death or severe in­jury if not avoided.
CAUTION indicates a dangerous situation of medium risk which may result in minor or moderate injury if not avoided.
NOTICE indicates a situation which may lead to property damage if not avoided.
NOTE indicates tips, recommendations and useful information on specific actions and facts. The notes simplify your work and help you to avoid additional work.
This symbol denotes actions that the user must carry out.
This symbol denotes relevant results of actions.

1.2 Additional Documents

The following additional documents are available online at www.turck.com:
n Data sheet n Declaration of Conformity n IO-Link devices commissioning manual
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Notes on the Product
Manufacturer and Service

2 Notes on the Product

2.1 Product Identification

These instructions are valid for the following devices:

2.2 Scope of Delivery

The scope of delivery includes:
n I/O hub n Dummy plugs for M8 or M12 connectors n Label clips

2.3 Legal Requirements

The device is subject to the following EC directives:
n 2014/30/EU (electromagnetic compatibility) n 2011/65/EU (RoHS II Directive)

2.4 Manufacturer and Service

Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG Witzlebenstraße 7 45472 Muelheim an der Ruhr Germany
Turck supports you with your projects, from initial analysis to the commissioning of your applic­ation. The Turck product database contains software tools for programming, configuration or commissioning, data sheets and CAD files in numerous export formats. You can access the product database at the following address: www.turck.de/products For further inquiries in Germany contact the Sales and Service Team on:
n Sales: +49 208 4952-380 n Technology: +49 208 4952-390
Outside Germany, please contact your local Turck representative.
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com

3 For Your Safety

The product is designed according to state-of-the-art technology. However, residual risks still exist. Observe the following warnings and safety notices to prevent damage to persons and property. Turck accepts no liability for damage caused by failure to observe these warning and safety notices.

3.1 Intended Use

These devices are designed solely for use in industrial areas. The block modules of the TBIL-S… series are IO-Link devices and serve as I/O hub between field devices (sensors/actuators) and the IO-Link master. The hubs provide 8 digital I/O channels. Depending on the device type, the devices provide 8 digital inputs for connecting digital sensors or 8 digital DXP channels for connecting digital sensors and actuators. In the devices with DXP channels, each I/O channel can be used as digital in- or output without additional configuration. The device is designed in IP67/IP69K and can be mounted directly in the field. The devices may only be used as described in these instructions. Any other use is not in accord­ance with the intended use. Turck accepts no liability for any resulting damage.

3.2 General Safety Instructions

n The device may only be assembled, installed, operated, parameterized and maintained by
professionally-trained personnel.
n The device may only be used in accordance with applicable national and international regu-
lations, standards and laws.
n The device only meets the EMC requirements for industrial areas and is not suitable for use
in residential areas.
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Product Description
16 [0.63]
22.2 [0.87]
26.8 [1.06]
31.6 [1.24]
132 [5.20]6.1 [0.24]
144 [5.67]
M12 x 1
Ø 4.3 [0.17]
Ø 4.3 [0.17]
C3 C2
C7 C6
16 [0.63]
24.9 [0.98]
26.8 [1.06]
31.6 [1.24]
132 [5.20]6.1 [0.24]
144 [5.67]
M12 x 1
Ø 4.3 [0.17]
Ø 4.3 [0.17]
C2 C1 C0
Device Overview

4 Product Description

The I/O hubs of the TBIL-S… series connect up to 8 digital sensors or up to sensors or actuators with one IO-Link master port. 4 device types are available:
n TBIL-S3-8DIP: 8 digital input channels, 8 M8 connectors n TBIL-S3-8DXP: 8 digital I/O, 8 M8 connectors, each channel can be used as digital in- or
output without additional configuration
n TBIL-S4-8DIP: 8 digital input channels, 4 M12 connectors n TBIL-S4-8DXP: 8 digital I/O, 4 M12 connectors, each channel can be used as digital in- or
output without additional configuration
The devices are designed in a fully encapsulated housing with degree of protection IP67/IP69K.

4.1 Device Overview

Fig.1: Dimensions TBIL-S3-…
Fig.2: Dimensions TBIL-S4-…

4.1.1 Display Elements

The device has the following LED indicators:
n IO-Link communication n I/O status
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com

4.2 Properties and Features

n Fibre-glass reinforced housing n Shock and vibration tested n Fully potted module electronics n Protection class IP67/IP69K n IO-Link diagnostics for short-circuit and supply over- and undervoltage n TBIL-S3-…: 1 digital input channel or 1 universal digital channel per M8 connector
TBIL-S4-…: 2 digital input channels or 2 universal digital channels per M12 connector
n metal connectors

4.3 Functions and Operating Modes

The I/O hubs with IO-Link of the TBIL-S series connect up to 8 digital sensors or 8 digital sensors and actuators with one IO-Link master port. The device provides diagnostics for power supply and short circuit of the sensors and actuators on the IO-Link master.
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M4 (2 x) max. 1.3 Nm
Grounding the device

5 Mounting

The device is mounted via four M4 screws on a flat and pre-drilled mounting surface.
Attach the module to the mounting surface with two M4 screws. The maximum tighten-
ing torque for the screws is 1.3 Nm
Fig.3: Mounting the device to a mounting surface (example: TBIL-S3-…)

5.1 Grounding the device

When mounting on a mounting plate, fasten the device with an M4 metal screw. a The FE connection of the device is connected to the reference potential of the installation
via the M4 metal screw.
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com

6 Connecting

1 = 24 VDC 2 = n.c. 3 = GND 4 = C/Q (IO-Link) 5 = n.c.
Penetration of liquids or foreign objects through leaking connections
Danger to life due to malfunction
Fasten the M12 connectors with a tightening torque of 0.8 Nm.Always seal unused connectors with respective protection caps.

6.1 Connecting the supply voltage and IO-Link

Defective power supply unit
Danger to life due to dangerous voltages on touchable parts
Only use SELV or PELV power supplies in accordance with EN ISO 13849-2, which
allow a maximum of 60 VDC or 25 VAC in the event of a fault.
For the connection to IO-Link and the supply voltage, a 5-pole M12 connector is available.
Fig.4: M12 connector for the connection to IO-Link
Connect the device to the supply voltage and IO-Link according to the pin assignment.
Fig.5: Pin assignment IO-Link
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