Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
1About this manual
1.1Documentation concept
This document contains all information about the Turck IO-Link master module TBEN-Lx-8IOL of the
TBEN-L product series with 4 IO-Link ports Class A at connectors C0 to C3 and 4 IO-Link ports Class B.
The following chapters contain:
A general device description and its process data image in the different Ethernet protocols,
A short description of the communication interface IO-Link,
A description of the IO-Link master functionality,
A general description of the function block (FB) IOL_Call according to the IO-Link specification and
its in- and output variables,
An example for the IO-Link-Master's integration in TIA Portal V13 including a description of the Sie-
mens function block IOL_DEVICE in PROFINET,
Helpful information for the operation of IO-Link devices and a list of possible
failure causes
V01.0 | 2016/12
About this manual
1.2Explanation of symbols used
Action-related warnings are placed next to potentially dangerous work steps and are marked by
graphic symbols. Each warning is initiated by a warning sign and a signal word that expresses the
gravity of the danger. The warnings have absolutely to be observed:
DANGER indicates an immediately
injury, if not avoided.
WARNING indicates a potentially dangerous situation with medium
severe injury, if not avoided.
ATTENTION indicates a situation that may lead to property damage, if it is not avoided.
dangerous situation, with high risk, the death or severe
risk, the death or
In NOTES you find tips, recommendations and important information. The notes facilitate
work, provide more information on specific actions and help to avoid overtime by not following the correct procedure.
This symbol identifies steps that the user has to perform.
This symbol identifies relevant results of steps
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
1.3General notes
This manual includes all information necessary for the prescribed use of the modules of type TBENLx-8IOL. It has been specially conceived for personnel with the necessary qualifications.
1.3.1Prescribed use
The devices described in this manual must be used only in applications prescribed in this manual or
in the respective technical descriptions, and only with certified components and devices from third
party manufacturers.
Appropriate transport, storage, deployment and mounting as well as careful operating and thorough maintenance guarantee the trouble-free and safe operation of these devices.
1.3.2Notes concerning planning/installation of this product
All respective safety measures and accident protection guidelines must be considered carefully and
without exception.
V01.0 | 2016/12
About this manual
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
2Further documentation
2.1Product family TBEN-L
User manual, D301324 -
„TBEN-L/TBDP-L Compact I/O modules for Ethernet/PROFIBUS-DP“
The user manual for the TBEN-L product family contains comprehensive topics like for example:
General technical properties
– Mounting the TBEN-L-modules
– Connection options at module
– General information about Ethernet, the multiprotocol functionality and about the single pro-
– A description of the web server
– Information about the electrical installation
V01.0| 2016/04
D301368 - 0815 TBEN-S2-4IOL
Further documentation
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
3IO-Link – Basics
3.1IO-Link- interface – the fieldbus independent communication interface
IO-Link is a fieldbus-independent communication interface for sensors and actuators.
It is based on the IO-Link specification "IO-Link Interface and System Specification" version 1.1.2,
November 2012, and on the IEC 61131-9 (2013-09), ed. 1.0, „Programmable controllers - part 9: Single-drop digital communication interface for small sensors and actuators (SDCI)“.
IO-Link is a point-to-point connection between an IO-Link device (e.g. sensor, I/O hub, valve terminal) and the IO-Link master. Up to now, the binary connection was only designed for transferring
switching information, but IO-Link now allows 2 bytes to be transferred normally in a 2.3 ms cycle
via a combined switching status and data channel.
Other information can be exchanged in addition to the process values, such as parameters or diagnostic messages.
This enables communication with sensors and actuators down to the "last meter" to be established
for universal communication.
Further information: : www.io-link.com
Standard I/O-connection technologies in point-to-point connection, unshielded, 20 m wire
Cyclic process data transfer in typ. 2.3 ms
Parallel service data exchange without any impact on the process data
Communication via 24 V-pulse modulation, standard UART protocol
Communication between master and device in 3 different transmission speeds
4.800 Baud (COM 1)
– 38.400 Baud (COM 2)
– 230.400 Baud (COM 3)
3.1.2Data transmission
Basically 4 different types of data exist, which are transmitted either cyclically or acyclically.
Process data cyclic data exchange
Value status cyclic data exchange
Device data acyclic data exchange
Events acyclic data exchange
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Process data:
The devices' process data are transmitted cyclically, whereas the process data size is defined
through the device. The device process data can contain from 0 to 32 Byte (for both in- and output).
D301368 - 0815 TBEN-S2-4IOL
IO-Link – Basics
Value status:
The value status displays if process data are valid or not. It is transmitted cyclically with the process
Device data:
Device data are parameters, identification data and diagnostic information. The transmission is
done acyclically and only on demand of the IO-Link master.
Events are error messages or warnings/maintenance data. Error messages are transmitted from the
device to the PLC or similar via the IO-Link master. The IO-Link master itself can also transmit events
and status information. Those events can be for example an open circuit, communication loss or an
3.1.3Transmission media
IO-Link does not require any special wiring. The sensors and actuators can continue to be connected
using the proven, attractively priced and unshielded industrial cables.
The operating modes available for selection are the standard switch mode and the communication
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
3.1.4Fieldbus/Ethernet integration
Inclination Encoder, Linear PositionInductive CouplersProximityTemperature, Pressure, FlowLED IndicatorUltrasonic and Photoelectric Sensors
Usage of the standard-transport mechanisms of established fieldbusses/sensor/actuator busses
(DPV0, DPV1, Ethernet …)
Simple integration in engineering systems by means of configuration files (GSD, GSDML, …)
Comfortable usage of even complex product features by means of tool based engineering (FDT/
DTM, …)
Fig. 1: IO-Link overview
D301368 - 0815 TBEN-S2-4IOL
V01.0| 2016/04
IO-Link – Basics
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
4.1Product identification
The TBEN-Lx-8IOL is the 8-channel IO-Link-master module of the product family TBEN-L.
Like all modules of the TBEN-L-product family, the TBEN-Lx-8IOL is a device with Turck multiprotocol functionality, which means, it can be used in the three Ethernet protocols PROFINET, EtherNet/
IP™ and Modbus TCP. An integrated Ethernet-switch allows the building up of a line topology.
Besides the eight IO-Link channels (4 with IO-Link Class A and 4 with IO-Link Class B), the TBEN-Lx8IOL provides four universal digital DXP-channels (PNP).
The eight IO-Link channels can be parameterized independently and can optionally be operated in
IO-Link mode (IOL) or in standard I/O mode (DI mode).
Thanks to the "Simple IO-Link Device Integration (SIDI)“, Turck IO-Link devices can directly be
selected from the device GSDML in PROFINET.
The four universal digital channels are designed as DXP-channels and can therefore be parameterized as in- or output.
8-channel IO-Link master according to IO-Link specification V1.1
four IO-Link Class A-channels (C0 to C3)
– four IO-Link Class B-channels (C4 to C7)
4 universal digital channels, PNP, channel diagnostics, 0.5 A at the connectors C0 to C3
Connector for voltage supply:
TBEN-L4-8IOL: 7/8“ (4-pole)
– TBEN-L5-8IOL: 7/8“ (5-pole)
V01.0| 2016/12
IN Diag
OUT Diag
IO-Link Data
V1 DiagV2 Diag
IO-Link Diag
V1 +
IN Diag
IO-Link Diag
IO-Link Data
1 V
4 C/Q(V1)
OUT Diag
3 GND (V1)
In/OutputClass A
5 n.c.
V1 +
V2 +
IN Diag
IO-Link Diag
IO-Link Data
1 V
4 C/Q(V1)
OUT Diag
3 GND (V1)
5 GND (V2)
In/OutputClass B
V2 +
V1 +
2 V
4.2Block diagram
Fig. 2: Block diagram TBEN-Lx-8IOL
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4.3Technical data
Power supply
Supply voltages24 V DC from operating voltage
Permissible range18 … 30 V DC
Operating current< 120 mA
Sensor/actuator supply V
Sensor/actuator supply V
Potential isolation 500 V (V2 to Ethernet and V1)
Number of ports8
IO-Link specificationV1.0, V1.1 according to IEC 61 61131-9
IO-Link port typeClass A at C0 to C3
Frame typeSupports all specified frame types
Process data for IO-Link devices
– Input datamax. 32 Byte per channel
– Output datamax. 32 Byte per channel
Transmission rate 4,8 kbps (COM 1)
Transmission cable Length: max. 20 m
20,4 … 28,8 V DC (acc. to IO-Link standard)
Total current max. 9 A per module
Supply from V1
short-circuit proof, max. 4 A for C0 & C4,
short-circuit proof, 2 A per group C1 - C4, C5 - C8
Class B-supply from V2
short-circuit proof, 2 A per connector C0-C7
Class B at C3 to C7
38,4 kbps (COM 2)
230,4 kbps (COM 3)
standard cables,
3- or 4-wire (depending on the application),
V01.0| 2016/12
General data for the products of the TBEN-L-series can be found in D301324 - „TBEN-L/
TBDP-L Compact I/O modules for Ethernet/PROFIBUS-DP“.
Information about network connection and voltage supply can be found in the user manual D301324: „TBEN-L/TBDP-L Compact I/O modules for Ethernet/PROFIBUS-DP“
4.4.2IO-Link ports
Pin 1: VAUX1 switchable via process data
Pin 4: IO-Link or digital input
C0…C3: IO-Link Master Class A
Pin 2: digital in- or output (DXP)
C4…C7: IO-Link Master Class B
Pin2: switchable Class B supply (VAUX2)
Fig. 3: Pin assignment of M12 x 1-connectors, 5-pole
Wrong supply of IO-Link devices
Damage to the electronics
The IO-Link devices must only be supplied with the voltage provided at the supply ter-
minals of the TBEN.
Connection of Class A devices to Class B ports
Loss of the galvanic isolation
Only use Class A devices with signals on pin 1, pin 3 and pin 4 at Class B ports.
The connection of Class A devices with signals on pin 2 and pin 5 leads to the loss of the
galvanic isolation.
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
4.5Process data
4.5.1Process input data
ByteBit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0
IO-Link portsIO-Link process input data
Port 14 - 35
Port 236 - 67
Port 368 - 99
Port 4100 - 131
Port 5132 - 163
Port 6164 - 195
Port 7196 - 227
Port8228 - 259
VAUX1/VAUX2Diagnostics (see Diagnostic data, page 31)
IO-Link ports(see Diagnostic data, page 31)
Port 2266 + 267assignment similar to port 1
Port 3268 + 269assignment similar to port 1
Port 4270 + 271assignment similar to port 1
Port 5272 + 273assignment similar to port 1
Port 6274 + 275assignment similar to port 1
Port 7276 + 277assignment similar to port 1
Port 8278 + 279assignment similar to port 1
– Sensor supply is below the admissible range,
– IO-Link port is parameterized as simple digital input,
– No device connected to the masters,
– No input data received from the connected device (only valid for devices with an
input data length > 0),
– No reaction from the connected device to the sending of output data (only valid
for devices with an output data length > 0),
– The connected device sends an error "process input data invalid.
1 The IO-Link data are valid.
IO-Link process input data
Process input data of the connected device
The order of the IO-Link process input data can be changed via the parameter "Process input data mapping"
page 22).
(see Diagnostic data, page 31)
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
4.5.2Process output data
IO-Link portsIO-Link process output data
Port 1
Port 234 - 65
Port 366 - 97
Port 498 - 129
Port 5130 - 161
Port 6162 - 193
Port 7194 - 225
Port 8226 - 257
2 - 33
Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0
structure depends on the channel parameterization
(0 - 32 byte per channel)
VAUX1 Pin1
C7 (Ch14)
VAUX2 Pin2
C7 (Ch15)
DXPxDXP output
IO-Link process output data
Process output data of the connected device
The order of the IO-Link process output data can be changed via the parameter "Process output data mapping" (page 22).
VAUX1 pin 1 Cx (Chy/
VAUX2 Pin 2 Cx (Chy) 0The Class B supply at Pin2 of the connector is switched off.
VAUX1 Pin1
C6 (Ch12)
VAUX2 Pin2
C6 (Ch13)
0Output inactive
1Output active, max. output current 2 A
0The 24 VDC sensor/actuator supply at Pin1 of the connector is
1The 24 VDC sensor/actuator supply at Pin1 of the connector is
1The Class B supply at Pin2 of the connector is switched on.
VAUX1 Pin1
C5 (Ch10)
VAUX2 Pin2
C5 (Ch11)
switched off.
switched on.
VAUX1 Pin1
C4 (Ch8)
VAUX2 Pin2
C4 (Ch9)
VAUX1 Pin1
C3 (Ch6/7)
VAUX1 Pin1
C2 (Ch4/5)
VAUX1 Pin1
C1 (Ch2/3)
VAUX1 Pin1
C0 (Ch0/1)
V01.0| 2016/12
The module provides 4 byte of module parameters and 16 byte of IO-Link port-parameters for each
IO-Link port.
ByteBit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1 Bit 0
Port 14
Port 220 - 35
Port 336 - 51
Port 452 - 67
Port 568 - 83
Port 694 - 99
Port 7100 - 115
Port 8116 - 131
5Cycle time
6Process output data
7 - 11reserved
12 Vendor ID (LSB)
13Vendor ID (MSB)
14Device ID (LSB)
15Device ID
16Device ID
17Device ID (MSB)
132VAUX1 Pin1 C0 (Ch0/1)
133VAUX1 Pin1 C1 (Ch2/3)
134VAUX1 Pin1 C2 (Ch4/5)
135VAUX1 Pin1 C3 (Ch6/7)
136VAUX1 Pin1 C4 (Ch8)
137VAUX1 Pin1 C5 (Ch10)
138VAUX1 Pin1 C6 (Ch12)
139VAUX1 Pin1 C7 (Ch14)
140 - 143reserved
144VAUX2 Pin2 C4 (Ch9)
145VAUX2 Pin2 C5 (Ch11)
146VAUX2 Pin2 C6 (Ch13)
147VAUX2 Pin2 C7 (Ch15)
data storage modeMode
Process input data map-
Assignment similar to port 1 (byte 4 - 19 )
deactivate web server
Process input
data invalid
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
ValueA = default
SROManual output reset after overcurrent
00 = no AThe output switches on automatically after an overload.
11 = yesThe output is manually switched-off after an overload until a new
set-command is given (rise and fall).
EN DOActivate output
00 = no AThe output at pin 2 is deactivated.
11 = yesThe output at pin 2 is activated.
0000IO-Link without
validation A
Pin 4 is operated in IO-Link mode.
The master does not check if the connected device matches the
configured one.
0001IO-Link with family
compatible device
4 is operated in IO-Link mode.
The master checks if the Vendor ID and the MSB of the Device ID
(this byte defines the product family) of the connected device
match those of the configured one.
If the master detects a mismatch, the IO-Link communication is
established, but there is no process data exchange. The device
remains in the safe state (Pre-Operate). Parameters and diagnostic information can be read and respectively written.
0010IO-Link with compati-
ble device
4 is operated in IO-Link mode.
The master checks if the Vendor ID and the Device ID of the connected device match those of the configured one.
If the Vendor ID matches, but the Device ID not, then the master
tries to write the Device ID to the device.
If the writing is successful, then the device is a compatible one,
process data exchange is possible.
If writing the Device ID is not successful, then process data
exchange is not possible. The device remains in the safe state (PreOperate). Parameters and diagnostic information can be read and
respectively written.
0011IO-Link with
identical device
4 is operated in IO-Link mode.
The master checks if the device type (Vendor ID and Device ID)
and the serial number of the connected device match the data of
the configured one.
If the master detects a mismatch, the IO-Link communication is
established, but there is no process data exchange. The device
remains in the safe state (Pre-Operate). Parameters and diagnostic information can be read and respectively written.
0100DI (with parameter
Pin 4 is generally operated as simple digital input.
However, an acyclic parameter access from the PLC or the DTM is
The IO-Link master starts the port in IO-link mode, parameterizes
the device and sets the port back into DI-mode. The port remains
in DI mode until a new IO-Link request is sent from the higherlevel control.
Data storage is not supported.
Connected devices have to support the SIO-mode (DI-mode).
DIPin 4 is operated as simple digital input.
Data storage is not supported.
V01.0| 2016/12
ValueA = default
Parameter Mode", "DI (with parameter access)“:
In case of a parameter access, the IO-Link communication at the port is started.
Switching signals are interrupted.
Data storage mode
Synchronization of parameter data of IO-Link devices (storing the parameter
If the synchronization is not possible, a diagnostic message is displayed (DS
). In this case select option "11 = deactivated, clear" in order to clear the data buffer of the device.
Information about data storage, see
00activated Synchronization of parameter data activated. The actual data
01overwriteSynchronization of parameter data activated, the data in the mas-
10read inSynchronization of parameter data activated. The data in the con-
11deactivated, clear ASynchronization of parameter data deactivated. The data set in
IO-Link data storage, page 36
(master or device) serve as the reference data.
ter serve as reference data.
nected IO-Link device serve as reference data.
the master is deleted.
of the connected device in the
, see Diagnostic data, page
IO-Link devices in accordance with IO-Link specification V1.0 do not support data storage. In this
case the data storage has to be deactivated (data storage mode: 11 = deactivated, clear).
Activate Quick Start-Up
For fast applications (e.g. tool changing applications) th
The start-up time defined in the IO-Link specification (TSD = Device Detection Time) is reduced.
00no AThe start-up time is within the specified range (0.5 s). All IO-Link
devices in accordance with the specification can be operated.
01 yesThe start-up time is reduced to approx. 100 ms. It is not supported
by every IO-Link device.
It can thus be necessary to check if the used IO-Link device starts
in this mode.
e start-up time of IO-Link devices can be shortened.
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
ValueA = default
Device parameterization via GSD
0inactive AThe port is generic or is not parameterized.
1activeIn PROFINET the port is parameterized with a specific device type
from the GSDML-file.
Cycle time
00automatic AThe Master reads the minimum cycle time from the connected
0×01 -
0.8 to 132.8 msSettable in steps of 0.8 or 1.6 ms.
(see page 27)
00automatic AThe Master defines the IO-Link-revision automatically.
01V1.0 IO-Link-Revision V 1.0 is used.
Process input data invalid
00diagnostics generated
Diagnosis A
01no diagnostics gener-
If the process data are invalid, a respective diagnostic message is
Invalid process data do not cause a diagnostic message.
Deactivate diagnostics
Influences the sending of IO-Link-Events from the master to the fieldbus. Depending on the parameterization, the master transmits Events based on their priority to the fieldbus or not.
00noThe master transmits all IO-Link Events to the fieldbus.
01notifications The master transmits all IO-Link Events to the fieldbus except for
IO-Link notifications.
10Notifications and warn-
ings A
The master transmits all IO-Link Events to the fieldbus except for
IO-Link notifications and warnings.
11yesThe master doesn't transmit any IO-Link Event to the fieldbus.
Process input data mapping
Optimization of the process data mapping for the used fieldbus:
The I/O-Link-data can be swapped depending on the used fieldbus in order to achieve an optimized data
mapping on the fieldbus side.
00direct AThe process data are not swapped.
(0×0123 4567 89AB CDEF)
01swap 16 bitThe bytes are swapped per word.
(0×2301 6745 AB89 EFCD)
10swap 32 bitThe bytes are swapped per double word.
(0× 6745 2301 EFCD AB89)
11swap allAll bytes are swapped.
(0×EFCD AB89 6745 2301)
Process output data mapping
see: Process input data mapping
V01.0| 2016/12
ValueA = default
Vendor ID
0x0000 - 0xFFFFEnter the IDs for the port configuration check.
Device ID
0x0000 - 0xFFFF
VAUX1 Pin 1 Cx (Chy/Chz)
0024 VDC AThe 24 VDC sensor/actuator supply at Pin1 of the connector is
switched on.
01switchableThe 24 VDC sensor/actuator supply at Pin1 of the respective con-
nector is switchable via the process data, see also
put data, page 21
10OutThe 24 VDC sensor/actuator supply at Pin1 of the connector is
switched off.
VAUX2 Pin 2 Cx (Chy)
0024 VDC AThe Class B supply at Pin2 of the respective connector is switched
01switchableThe Class B supply at Pin2 of the respective connector is switch-
able via the process data, see also
10OutThe Class B supply at Pin2 of the respective connector is switched
Process output data, page
Process out-
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
automatic: The lowest cycle time supported by the device is taken from the table.
V01.0| 2016/12
4.6.1Adaptation of the process data mapping
The mapping of process data can be adapted application-specifically via the IO-Link-master's
Depending on the used fieldbus, it can be necessary to swap process data word-wise, double wordwise or completely in order to align them to the data structure in the PLC.
The process data mapping is determined channel by channel through the parameters "process
input data mapping" and "process output data mapping"" (see Parameters, page 22).
Example mapping for field buses with Little Endian-format:
Maping from master
fieldbus PLC
Byte (A)Byte (A)
StatusByte 0
Byte 1Control
Byte 2temperatureLow byte2 byte process
Byte 3High byteLow byte
Byte 4positionLow byte2 byte process
Byte 5High byteLow byte
Byte 6 Digital signal 0... 7 2 byte process
Byte 7Digital signal8 ...15Digital signal8 ...15
Byte 8Diagnosis4 byte process
Byte 9Counter/
Byte 10High byteLow byte
Byte 11MSByteDiagnosis
position value
Low byteHigh byte
Devices at channel Parametrization
of the channel
swap 16 bit)
swap 16 bit)
swap all)
data (
Process output data mapping
IO-Link device
temperatureHigh byte
positionHigh byte
Digital signal 0... 7
position value
A Low byte, the lowest byte Low-Byte
High byte High-Byte
MSByte: Most Significant Byte
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
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