12.2.1 Ethernet-Cabling for TBEN-L in FSU Applications101
12.2.2 FSU in TBEN-L101
12.3MRP (Media Redundancy Protocol)102
12.4.1 TBEN-Lx-16DIP/TBEN-L4-16DIN – Diagnostic Data Mapping103
12.4.2 TBEN-Lx-16DOP/TBEN-L4-16DON – Diagnostic Data Mapping104
12.4.3 TBEN-Lx-8DIP-8DOP – Diagnostic Data Mapping105
12.4.4 TBEN-Lx-16DXP/TBEN-L4-16DXN – Diagnostic Data Mapping106
12.5.1 General Device Parameters (turck-tben)107
12.5.2 Parameters for I/O Channels 108
12.6Description of User Data for Acyclic Services109
12.6.1 Description of the Acyclic Device User Data109
12.6.2 Description of the Acyclic I/O-Channel User Data110
13The Web Server 111
13.1Safety in the Web Server111
13.1.1 Web Server Logout111
13.2IP Address111
13.3Start Page of the Web Server (Home)112
13.4Station Diagnostics113
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
13.5Ethernet Statistics114
13.6Event Log115
13.7EtherNet/IP™/Modbus TCP Memory Map116
13.9 Login/Password118
13.10 Change Admin Password119
13.11 Network Configuration120
13.11.1Change Network Parameters (Port Settings, IP Address, etc.)120
13.12 Station Configuration122
13.12.1Configuring the Ethernet Interface122
13.13 Parameters123
13.13.1Parameterization of the In-/ Outputs123
13.14 Using Mobile Devices124
13.15 Web Server Logout124
13.16 Deactivating the Web Server124
14Access via Turck DTMs in PACTware™ 125
14.1.1 Address Setting via DTM125
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
1About these Instructions
These operating instructions describe the structure, functions and the use of the product and will
help you to operate the product as intended. Read these instructions carefully before using the
product. This is to avoid possible damage to persons, property or the device. Retain the instructions
for future use during the service life of the product. If the product is passed on, pass on these instructions as well.
1.1Target Groups
These instructions are aimed at qualified personnel and must be carefully read by anyone mounting, commissioning, operating, maintaining, dismantling or disposing of the device.
1.2Explanation of Symbols
The following symbols are used in these instructions:
DANGER indicates an immediately dangerous situation, with high risk, the death or severe
injury, if not avoided.
WARNING indicates a potentially dangerous situation with medium risk, the death or
severe injury, if not avoided.
ATTENTION indicates a situation that may lead to property damage, if it is not avoided.
In NOTES you find tips, recommendations and important information. The notes facilitate
work, provide more information on specific actions and help to avoid overtime by not following the correct procedure.
This symbol identifies steps that the user has to perform.
This symbol identifies relevant results of steps
About these Instructions
1.3Additional Documents
The following additional documents are available online at www.turck.com:
Data sheet
Quick Start Guide
User manual TBEN-L1
1.4Feedback about these Instructions
We make every effort to ensure that these instructions are as informative and as clear as possible. If
you have any suggestions for improving the design or if some information is missing in the document, please send your suggestions to
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
2Notes on the Product
2.1Product Identification
These instructions apply to the compact multiprotocol I/O modules for Ethernet TBEN-L4 and
2.1.1Scope of Delivery
TBEN-L4 or respectively TBEN-L5 device
Closure caps for 7/8'' connectors
Closure caps for M12 female connectors
Quick Start Guide
2.1.2Legal Requirements
The device falls under the following EU directives:
2014/30/EU (electromagnetic compatibility)
2.1.3Manufacturer and Service
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG
Witzlebenstraße 7
45472 Muelheim an der Ruhr
Turck supports you with your projects, from initial analysis to the commissioning of your application. The Turck product database contains software tools for programming, configuration or commissioning, data sheets and CAD files in numerous export formats. You can access the product database at the following address:
Should you have any further questions, please contact the sales and service team in Germany under
the following telephone numbers:
Sales: +49 208 4952-380
Technology: +49 208 4952-390
Outside Germany, please contact your local Turck representative.
Notes on the Product
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
3For Your Safety
The product is designed according to state-of-the-art technology. However, residual risks still exist.
Observe the following warnings and safety notices to prevent damage to persons and property.
Turck accepts no liability for damage caused by failure to observe these warning and safety notices.
3.1Intended Use
The devices are only intended for use in industrial applications.
Thanks to the Turck multiprotocol technology, the compact multiprotocol I/O modules for Ethernet
can be operated in the three Ethernet protocols PROFINET, EtherNet/IP™ and Modbus TCP. The
modules detect the bus protocol automatically during the start-up.
The TBEN-Lx devices provide eight M12 female connectors for the connection of up to 16 digital
sensors or actuators.
The devices may only be used as described in this manual. Any other usage shall be considered
improper and Turck shall not be held liable for any resulting damage.
3.2General Safety Instructions
The device may only be assembled, installed, operated and maintained by professionally trained
The device may only be used in accordance with applicable national and international regula-
tions, standards and laws.
The device only meets the EMC requirements for industrial areas and is not suitable for use in res-
idential areas.
For Your Safety
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
4Product Description
The devices are designed in a fully encapsulated housing with degree of protection IP65/IP67/
IP69K. For the connection of digital sensors and actuators, the devices provide eight or respectively
sixteen input or output channels or respectively sixteen freely configurable digital I/O channels
which can be used as in- or output. The terminals for the digital I/Os are M12 sockets. Two M12 sockets are provided for the Ethernet connection. The power supply connectors are designed as 4-pole
(TBEN-L4) or 5-pole (TBEN-L5) 7/8" connectors.
4.1Device Overview
Fig. 1: Size
The devices are provided with multi-color LEDs for displaying information:
Supply voltage
Group and bus errors
Product Description
4.2Properties and Features
Multiprotocol: EtherNet/IP™-Device, Modbus TCP-Slave, or PROFINET-Device
Channel-related short-circuit diagnosis of outputs
Slot-related short-circuit diagnosis of the sensor/actuator supply voltage
Voltage supply via 7/8'' connectors
TBEN-L5: 5-pole
– TBEN-L4: 4-pole
Two 4-pole M12-connectors for Ethernet
Integrated Ethernet-switch for building up a line-topology.
Transmission speed 10 Mbps/100 Mbps
Integrated web server
LED displays and diagnostics
Fibre-glass reinforced housing
Shock and vibration tested
Fully potted module electronics
Degree of protection IP65/IP67/IP69K
Programmable via ARGEE/FLC
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
Multi Protocol Functionality
The compact I/O-devices of the TBEN-L product line combine the three Ethernet-protocols
Modbus TCP (description page 49 ff.),
EtherNet/IP™ (description page 65) and
PROFINET (description page 99 ff.)
in one device.
A multi-protocol device can be operated without intervention of the user (which means, without
changes in the parameterization) in all of the three Ethernet protocols mentioned.
During the start-up, after a power-on, the module runs in "snooping" mode and detects the Ethernet protocol which requests a link connection by listening the traffic.
If a protocol is detected, the device is set automatically to the respective protocol. After this an
access to the device from other protocols is read-only.
4.3.1Explicit/Manual Protocol Selection
The protocol can also be determined manually. This skips the snooping-phase and the device is permanently set to the selected protocol. An access to the device from other protocols is read-only.
The explicit protocol selection allows thus an additional locking mechanism.
4.3.2Protocol Dependent Functions
Fast Start-UP (FSU), see FSU - Fast Start-Up (prioritized startup), page 101
Topology discovery
Address assignment via LLDP
MRP, see MRP (Media Redundancy Protocol), page 102
QuickConnect (QC), see QuickConnect in TBEN, page 68
DLR (Device Level Ring), see Device Level Ring (DLR), page 69
Product Description
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
This chapter describes the configuration of the Ethernet-connection.
Details concerning the necessary protocol-specific configurations (Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP™,
PROFINET) can be found in the respective sub-chapters
5.1Device Configuration Files
The actual device configuration files for the devices can be downloaded from the Turck home page
Information about the protocol-specific files can be found in the respective sub-chapters.
Setting the address mode is done through the 3 rotary coding-switches on the gateway.
Fig. 2: Decimal rotary coding-switches for address setting
Protective cover opened
Protection class IP65/IP67/IP69K not guaranteed
Screw the protective cover over the switches firmly
Check if seal of the protective cover is correctly placed
5.2.1Mode: Static Rotary
When using the rotary-mode, the last byte of the station’s IP address can be set via the rotary coding
Switch position 000: in TURCK devices used to reset the device to the default IP address (see
Resetting the IP Address, Switch Position "000", page 20).
Switch position 001: normally reserved for the default-gateway
Switch position 002…254: valid IP address range
Switch position 255: normally used for broadcast messages in the subnet.
We therefore recommend addresses in the range of
After every change of the address-mode, a voltage reset must be done.
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
5.2.2Mode: BootP (300)
Switch position: 300
Address setting is carried out by a BootP-server in the network after the start-up of the gateway.
Please assure, that in PROFINET-applications, the address assigned via a BootP-server corresponds
to the address, which is assigned in the configuration tool.
5.2.3Mode: DHCP (400)
Switch position: 400
Address setting is carried out by a DHCP-server in the network after the start-up of the device.
The IP address, as well as the default subnet mask assigned to the station by the BootPserver, are stored permanently in the station’s EEPROM.
If the station is switched from BootP-mode to rotary- or PGM-mode, the settings carried
out in BootP-mode (IP address, subnet mask, etc) will be read from the device’s EEPROM.
The IP address, as well as the default subnet mask assigned to the station by the DHCPserver, are stored permanently in the station’s EEPROM.
If the station is switched from DHCP-mode to rotary- or PGM-mode, the settings carried
out in DHCP-mode (IP address, subnet mask, etc) will be read from the device’s EEPROM.
DHCP supports three mechanisms for IP address allocation:
In "automatic allocation", the DHCP-server assigns a permanent IP address to a client.
In "dynamic allocation", DHCP assigns an IP address to a client for a limited period of time. After
this time, or until the client explicitly relinquishes the address, the address can be re-assigned.
In "manual allocation", a client's IP address is assigned by the network administrator. DHCP is
used simply to convey the assigned address to the client.
Please assure, that in PROFINET-applications, the address assigned via a BootP-server corresponds
to the address, which is assigned in the configuration tool.
5.2.4Mode: PGM (500)
Switch position: 500
The PGM-mode enables access of the Turck DTMs to the device’s network settings.
In the PGM-mode, all network settings (IP address, subnet mask, etc.) are send to the
device’s internal EEPROM and stored permanently.
5.2.5Mode: PGM-DHCP (600)
Switch position: 600
The device sends DHCP-requests until a IP address is assigned (DHCP-server, PROFINET-controller).
The assigned IP-address is stored to the device and the DHCP-client is stopped.
Even after a restart of the device, the device sends no further DHCP-requests.
This mode assures a PROFINET-compliant operation of the modules.
If a DHCP-server is used within the network, problems may occur during IP-assignment.
In this case, both, the DHCP-server as well as the PROFINET-controller (via DCP), try an IPaddress-assignment.
5.2.6Resetting the IP Address, Switch Position "000"
With this setting the DIP-switches to "000" followed by a voltage reset, the device is set to the
address for IP-based services (see Default Setting of the Device, page 21).
Setting "000" is no operation mode! After having reset the IP address to the default values,
the device has to be set to another mode.
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
Default Setting of the Device
The default-settings are as follows:
IP address192.168.1.254
Subnet mask255.255.255.0
Default gateway
The devices can be reset by the user to these default settings at any time.
To reset the module, set the three coding-switches on the gateway to "000" followed by a
voltage reset.
Protective cover opened
Protection class IP65/IP67/IP69K not guaranteed
Screw the protective cover over the switches firmly
Check if seal of the protective cover is correctly placed
5.2.7Factory Reset (F_Reset), Switch Position "900"
F_Reset (Reset to factory setting)
Switch position: 900
This mode sets all device-settings back to the default values and deletes all data in the device's internal flash.
Setting 900 is no operation mode! Please set the device to another mode after having
reset the IP address to the default values.
Protective cover opened
Protection class IP65/IP67/IP69K not guaranteed
Screw the protective cover over the switches firmly
Check if seal of the protective cover is correctly placed
5.2.8Functional Difference: Switch Position "000" and "900"
Reset of...
IP address, subnet mask, gateway
PROFINET device name–
Switch position
x 100
5.2.9Address Setting via DTM
In a respective frame application e.g. PACTware™, the Turck DTMs allow direct access to Ethernet.
The IP address, as well as the subnet mask of the Ethernet devices, can be changed according to the
application by using the Busaddress Management function of the BL Service Ethernet interface
(TCP/IP) in the DTM.
Further information about using the DTMs can be found in chapter 14, Access via Turck DTMs in
PACTware™, page 125.
5.2.10Address Setting via Web Server
The device's network settings can be changed under "Network Configuration" only by users having
administrator rights.
Further information concerning the web server of the TBEN-L devices and it's use can be found
under chapter 13, The Web Server, page 111
5.3SET Button
The Set-button is placed left to the rotary coding switches under the cover at the device.
Pushing the Set-button causes a device-restart
Fig. 3: SET button
Protective cover opened
Protection class IP65/IP67/IP69K not guaranteed
Screw the protective cover over the switches firmly
Check if seal of the protective cover is correctly placed
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
218 [5.58]
M6 (2x)
max. 1.5 Nm
The devices must be attached to a level, pre-drilled and grounded mounting surface.
Attach the module to the mounting surface with two M6 screws. The maximum tightening
torque for the screws is 1.5 Nm.
Fig. 4: Attaching the device to the mounting plate
6.1Grounding the Device
6.1.1Grounding and Shielding Concept
The grounding and shielding concept of the TBEN-L modules allows the fieldbus and I/O parts to be
grounded separately.
The grounding clip (1) at the M12 connectors for the fieldbus connection (P1, P2) connects the
shield of the fieldbus lines.
The grounding ring (2) is attached below the grounding clip and connects the functional ground of
the 7/8" connector (pin 3) for the power supply with the functional ground of the M12 connector
(pin 5) for connecting the sensors and actuators.
The grounding screw (3) connects the device with the system's reference potential.
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
6.1.2Grounding the Device (FE)
The grounding clip and the metal ring are connected to each other. A mounting screw through the
bottom mounting hole in the module connects the shielding of the fieldbus lines to the functional
ground of the power supply and the connected devices and to the reference potential of the system.
If a common reference potential is not required, remove the grounding clip to disconnect the fieldbus shield or attach the module with a plastic screw.
Removing the Grounding Clip
Use a flat standard screwdriver to lever the grounding clip upwards and remove it.
Fig. 7: Removing the grounding clip
Mounting the Grounding Clip
Insert the grounding clip between the fieldbus connectors (using a screwdriver if necessary) so
that it makes contact with the metal housing of the connector.
The shield of the fieldbus lines lies flush to the grounding clip.
Fig. 8: Mounting the grounding clip
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
P1, P2
1 = TX +
2 = RX +
3 = TX –
4 = RX –
ange = FE
7.1Connecting the Devices to Ethernet
For the connection to Ethernet, the device has an integrated autocrossing switch with two 4-pin
M12 Ethernet sockets. The maximum tightening torque is 0.6 Nm.
Fig. 9: M12 Ethernet sockets
Connect the device to the field bus according to the pin assignment shown below.
Fig. 10: Pin assignment Ethernet connectors
7.1.1Ethernet-Connection for QC/FSU Applications
Please observe the following for QuickConnect (QC)- and Fast Start-Up (FSU)-applications
with TBEN-L:
do not use a crossover-cable
– ETH1 = connector for incoming Ethernet-line
– ETH2 = connector for outgoing Ethernet-line
Further information concerning QuickConnect and FSU can be found here:
QC - QuickConnect, page 67
FSU - Fast Start-Up (prioritized startup), page 101
1 BK = V2 (–)
2 BU = V1 (–)
4 BN = V1 (+)
5 WH = V2 (+)
For the connection to the power supply and the feeding through of the power, the device has two
5-pin 7/8" connectors.
The power supply connectors are designed as 4-pole (TBEN-L4) or 5-pole (TBEN-L5) 7/8" connectors.
V1 and V2 are galvanically isolated. The maximum tightening torque is 0.8 Nm.
Connect the device to the power supply according to the pin assignment shown below.
Supply voltage 7/8", 5-pole
Pin assignment
X1= voltage IN
X2 = voltage OUT for supplying the next node
Supply voltage 7/8", 4-pole
Pin assignment
V1 and V2 are fed and monitored separately. In case of an undercut of the admissible voltage, the connectors are switched-off according to the module's supply concept (see Supply concept (see Supply Concept, page 29).
In case of an undervoltage at V2, the "POWER" LED changes from green to red. In case of
an undervoltage at V1, the "POWER" LED is turned off.
The behavior of the LED POWER can be configured via the parameter "LED-behavior (PWR)
at V2 undervoltage)".
V1 = supply voltage 1 (incl. supply of electronics)
V2 = supply voltage 2
X1= voltage IN
X2 = voltage OUT for supplying the next node
V1 = supply voltage 1 (incl. supply of electronics)
V2 = supply voltage 2
Hans Turck GmbH & Co. KG | T +49 208 4952-0 | F +49 208 4952-264 | more@turck.com | www.turck.com
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