Turck FDNL-L1600-T-0061 Data Sheet

InterlinkBT Bus System for Sensors and Actuators
This busstop® station takes in up to 16 discrete 3-wire inputs or eight discrete 4-wire input points per node. There are two inputs per connector - one on pin 4 and one on pin 2. Each input automatically detects a sourcing (PNP) or sinking (NPN) open-collector signal. Any combination of NPN and PNP devices may be used, but both inputs on a connector must be the same type.
Each con nec tor in put pro duces 4 bits of data - two in put state bits, and two status bits. The state bit is set when the dis crete in put de vice closes. The LED at each in put point in di cates its status.
Each in put pair is moni tored for short- circuits and open cir cuits. The in put LED turns red if the point cur rent draw ex ceeds 80 mA; the LED is am ber if the point cur rent draw is less than 1 mA. Open cir cuit de tec tion can be enabled for each in put pair us ing a soft ware con figu ra tion tool. The status bits auto mati cally re set when the fault is re moved.
The node ad dress and communication rate can be set by the rotary switches lo cated un der the de vice cover or through soft ware node com mis sion ing. The unit can automatically detect the network communication rate.
The FDNL-L 1600- T-0061 sup ports ex plicit mes sages, bit strobe, polled, change of state, and cyclic I/O mes sages.
Rec om mended Cord sets: Bus line: In ter linkBT part #: RSM RKM 579- 2M In puts: TURCK part #: VBRS 4.4- 2RK 4T-0.3/0.3/S818 or RK 4.4T-*-RS 4.4T, BS8141-0 (male field wire able)
l Advanced DeviceNet Station
8 x 2 discrete inputs
or 16 3-wire sensors through input splitters
l PNP/NPN short-circuit protected and
open-circuit monitored inputs Polyethelene housing with nickel
plated brass connectors Rotary switch or software settable
address and communication rate
l Automatic detection of network
communication rate
Wir ing Dia grams
187.0 [7.36]
197.0 [7.76]
42.0 [1.65]
60.0 [2.36]
57.8 [2.27]
27.0 [1.06]
40.3 [1.59]
Splitter and 2 Sensors
3 (-) BU 4 ( ) BK
1 (+) BN
2 ( ) WH
3 (-) BU
Pub li ca tion P/N 10240136 Rev. 1.5 12/01
Input A
Input B
Inputs Bus Line
1 = V+ 2 = Input B (odd numbers) 3 = V ­4 = Input A (even numbers)
Mechanical Contacts*
4 BK (A)
1 V+
2 WH (B)
* Disable open-circuit detection.
1 = Shield 2 = + Voltage 3 = - Voltage 4 = CAN_H 5 = CAN_L
In put Mod ule
8 x 2 In put DC
Part Num ber FDNL-L1600-T-0061 Item Num ber F0061
Sup ply Volt age
Bus power 11- 26 VDC In ter nal cur rent con sump tion 140 mA plus sum of sen sor cur rents (from bus power)
In put Cir cuits (16) PNP or NPN 3- wire sen sors or dry con tacts In put volt age 11- 26 VDC (from bus power) Open cir cuit cur rent <1 mA Sen sor cur rent <80 mA per in put, short- circuit pro tected Maxi mum switch ing fre quency 100 Hz LED In di ca tions Am ber: Open- circuit
Off: In put off Green: In put on Red: Short- circuit
Con nec tions
Bus line 5- pin mini fast® con nec tors In puts eu ro fast® con nec tors
Set tings
Ad dress 0-63 via node ad dress switches Comm rate Auto/125/250/500 kbps via data rate switch In ter nal Set tings Ad dress and comm rate from in ter nal EE PROM (ro tary switches in PGM po si tions)
De vice Net Iden tity At trib utes
Ven dor ID 256 (100 hex) Prod uct type / code 7 / 977 (3D1 hex)
I/O Data Map ping
I/O Mes sage types strobe, polled, change of state, or cyclic Pro duced Data Size 4 Bytes
Ab bre via tions:
I = In put Data (0 = OFF, 1 = ON) IS = In put Status
In put
Bit 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
Mean ing I-7 I-6 I-5 I-4 I-3 I-2 I-1 I-0
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08
Mean ing I-15 I-14 I-13 I-12 I-11 I-10 I-9 I-8
Bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Mean ing IS-7 IS-6 IS-5 IS-4 IS-3 IS-2 IS-1 IS-0
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Mean ing IS- 15 IS- 14 IS- 13 IS- 12 IS- 11 IS- 10 IS-9 IS-8
Hous ing (mil li me ters) 197 x 60 x 40 (H x W x D)
Ma te rial HDPE, nickel plated brass con nec tors Mount ing 4 through- holes, 4.5 mm di ame ter En clo sure NEMA 1, 3, 4, 12, 13 and IEC IP 67 Op er at ing tem pera ture -25° to +70°C (-13° to +158°F)
Pub li ca tion P/N 10240136 Rev. 1.5 12/01