17、This appl ia nc e ca n be u sed by children aged from 8 years and above
if they have been gi ve n su pe rvision or instruction concerning use of
the applianc e in a s af e wa y an d if they understand the hazards invol ved. Cleanin g an d us er m ai ntenance shall not be made by children
unless they are ol de r th an 8 a nd supervised. Keep the appliance and
its cord out of reac h of c hi ld re n aged less than 8 years.
18、This appl ia nc e is i nt ended to be used in household and similar applic ations as:
- Staff kitchen areas in shops,offices and other working environments;
- Farm houses;
- By clients in ho te ls , mo t
- Breakfast ty pe e nv ir on ments.
19、WARNING:Do not remove the lid while the water is boiling.
20、CAUTION:P os it io n th e lid so that steam is directed away from the
21、CAUTION:I ns ur e th at t he appliance is switched off before re mo vi ng i t
from its stand.
22、CAUTION:B e ca re fu l an d avoid water spillage on connector.
23、Incorrect ly u se o f ap pliance may cause serious burns, therefore, att ention shall b e ta ke n.
24、Do not try to acc es s in to k et tle’s container, heating element surface
ins subjected to r es i
el s an d ot he r residential type environents;
dual h ea t af te r us e.